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Who would the audience be for your media product?

The gender of my target audience is not one or the other as Ive tried not to make it gender biased but the majority will be males

The main target age group of my magazine is 16-25 but can span from 13-30

The social class of my target audience ranges from E to B, but the main target is from E to C1

The Target Audience Of UKRS

The ethnicity of my target audience is not disclosed to any. It is not biased to any ethnicity as even though rap is commonly associated with African Americans or Africans the culture has moved that it is not associated with any one ethnicity

My target audience usually are out on the streets as the majority of the UK rap followers are from the inner city so there is usually a reputation of crime that comes with the rap culture. The clothes that followers of UK rap are often brand names such as Addidas and very urban

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