Modals of Probability 1 Put in 'Must + Infinitive' or 'Must + Have + Past Participle'

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Modals of Probability 1 Put in 'must + infinitive' or 'must + have + past participle': 1) Keiko always does really well on exams.

She_______________________ (study) a lot. . 2) That woman drives a very expensive car. She_______________________ (have) a lot of money. . 3) You ________________________(practise) a lot before you gave your speech. It was really good. . 4) When Lizzie got home yesterday there were flowers on the table. Her husband________ (buy) them. . 5) Where is my purse? I saw it earlier, so it____________________________ (be) in this room. . 6) Sarah couldn't find her glasses. She thought she_________________ (leave) them at her office. . 7) It______________________ (be) cold outside. That man in the street is wearing a coat. . 8) All my plants ___________________(be) dead! I forgot to water them before I went on holiday. . 9) Susie is so late! She______________________________________ (miss) the train!. . 10) There's rubbish all over my garden! A fox _______________________(be) in the bin. . 11) Anna has a huge library in her house. She________________________________ (love) books. . 12) Oh no, I don't have my keys! I_________________________________ (leave) them in the taxi. . 13) When Lucy got home, she found the ice cream had melted. It____________ (be) too hot in the car. . 14) If you haven't eaten all day, you_______________________________

(be) hungry. . 15) Jimmy and Louisa____________________________ (be) very tired. They have a new baby. . 16) It_______________________________ (rain) a lot in the night. There are puddles everywhere. . 17) David_____________________________ (be) happy. His girlfriend just agreed to marry him. . 18) What an amazing kitchen you've got! You________________________________ (like) cooking. . 19) John_____________________________________ (eat) all the biscuits! There are none left. . 20) When I got up this morning, the kitchen was spotless. Lily_________________ (tidy) it before she went to bed last night. .

1. Study these vocabulary words for the midterm Exam 2. Write a sentence with each word Ageless, definite, evidence, form, theoritically, unmanned, devoid, discrete, distinct, fumbled, immersed, lack, piece, place, quiet, silent, silence, chattered, debunk, expounded, indicated, questions, verified

Read the article and answer the questions. Working Time Around the World Nearly a century after the adoption of the first international standard on working time, a new study estimate that one in five workers around the world or over 600 million persons- are still working more than 48 hours a week, often merely to make ends meet. At the same time a considerable number of short-hours workers in developing and transition countries may be underemployed, and thus more likely to fall into poverty. In the informal economy which ;provides at least half of total employment in all regions of the developing world, with about three-fifths of it self-employment, some 30 per cent or more of all self-employed workers work more than 49 hours a week. If you thought you worked long hours, consider 39-year-old Lee from South Korea. A civil servant at the ministry of agriculture and fisheries, Lee gets up at 5:30 every day, gets dressed and make a two-hour commute into Seoul to start work at 8:30am. He typically gets out of the door at 9pm, or even later, and by the time he gets home, its just a matter of jumping in the shower and collapsing into the bed, before starting the whole routine all over again, about for hours later. This happens six days a week, and throughout almost all of the year, as Lee gets just three days of vacation. I get to see my kids for 10 minute a week, and then just on the weekend, he says, before adding that, on weekends, he usually gets interrupted to go to the office. Lees schedule is completely normal in South Korea, where the average employee works 2,357 hours per year thats six-anda-half hours for every single day of their life. Leaving at the official time of 6pm could mean not getting a promotion or raise. Its very bad form to leave the office before the boss does, so people will hang around doing nothing, says Lee. But we are changing. At the beginning of the last century, the tractor and assembly line revolutionized the American economy. The eight-hour workday and the forty-hour week soon prevailed as a natural consequence of these innovations. The computer and other minor miracles have since opened glorious opportunities for a further reduction of our drudgery, yet nothing of the kind has happened. Modern life remains a headlong rush into long commutes, two-income families, late nights at work, and exhausting recreation. How could this be? What is it about our collective personality that drives us into this endless rat race? Two per cent of Americans now grow all of our food and then some. Another thirty million or so do all the mining, manufacturing, and construction. If this minority can produce our

modern cornucopia, then the four-hour day within easy reach. 1. What is the estimate of people working more than 48 hours?____________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________ 2. How many hours does an average employee works in South Korea?______________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________ 3. How is the work force in South Korea changing?___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________ 4. Which farming tool revolutionized the American economy?___________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________ 5. Which percentage of Americans does mining, manufacturing, and construction? ____________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________

Form an appropriate compound noun using the word in brackets I had terrible __________________ before I gave that talk in Venice. (flies) The world ______________________ will be held in Scotland next year. (ship) This___________________ provides you with some of the most entrancing views. (side) If the antenna is unbalanced, a radial system or __________________ is necessary for operation.(counter) playground _______________ come under the Department of Health and Safety. (lines) She treated us with the friendly professionalism that has become her __________________ . (mark) When riding a bicycle, you should wear the proper _______________ . (head) He felt that moving out from his parents' home was a real____________ _____ in his life. (stone) A crowd of curious ________________ soon gathered to see what was happening. (on) The stables and other ___________________ were sold together with the main house. (buildings) It's too early to predict the ___________________ of the meeting. (out) The disk has built-in__________________________ to prevent certain errors. (guards) Paula went to the Royal College of Music on a ____________________ . (ship) The company secretary has written to all the ______________ to apologise for the mistake. (share) I thought her speech had slightly sinister ________________ .(under)

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