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November 1999

Curriculum Vitae


1943 1949 1953 1955

Graduate, Wheatland Public High School 8.A., Biology major, Chemistry minor, Cornell College M.S,, Physiology major, School of Medicine, University of Iowa Ph.D., Physiology rrajor, School of Medicine, University of lowa






Assistant Associate Emeritus





Dental College, University of lowa, 1952-54 Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of lowa, 1954-55 Departnent of Occupational Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, 1955-59 Deparunent of Biology, The University of New Mexico, 1959-64 Department of Biology, The University of New Mexico, 1965-71 Department of Biology, The University of New Mexico, 1971-95 De,parunent of Biology, The University of New Mexico, 1995 to present

TEACHING EXPERIENCE (scmester courses) University of

' Iowa I-ecturer Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant College kcturer

Teaching Fellowship Histology for Dental Students, 1952-53 Mammalian Physiology, 1954-55 Physiology for Nurses, 1955 Physiology for Pharmacy Students, 1955 Assistant Instnrctor


Anatomy and Physiology, 1955

University of Pittsburgh Research Associate Laboratory Assistant Physiology for Medical Students, 1957'58 I*chrrer Analytical method in Industrial Hygiene, 1955-59 Teaching Assistant Man and His Environrnent, 1958 University of New Mexico


2 2 8 43 4 4 8 3

Assistant, Associate, and Professor Human Auatomy and Physiology

Cytology and Histology Physiology of Exercise Vertebrate Physiology Comparative Physiology Endocrinology Radiation Biology Human Physiology for Pharmacy Surdents

TEACHING EXPERIENCE (cont.) University of New Mexico (cont.) Cellular PhYsiologY Semesters 7 Environmental PhYsiologY 10 Seminar, Animal SPecial Senses 1 Seminar, Mamrnalian Hibernation 5 Biological AdaPtations 4 Seminar, Thermal Environment I Biology for Health-Related Sciences 1 Radiation BiologY 7 3 Space Physiology PREVIOUS OFF.CAMPUS RESEARCH SUPPORT
Departrnent of Physiology, Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, "Physiological Responses in Dogsio Combined Hypothermia and Hypoxia." Research Associate. Utrich C. Luft, Principal Investigator. Summer 1960. NSF Grant Gl4y'igs. $14,700. "Hydration as a Factor in Mammalian Hibernation and Aestivation."

Principal Investigator . 1960'62.

NSF Grant G20000. $3,000, with matching funds from UNM. "Laboratory Furniture for Physiology Research Laboratories. " Directot. 196l-62. NSF Grant G8216. $28,300. 'Evaluation of Physiological Strain during Hibernation and Aestivation."

Principal Investigator . 1962-65.

NSF Grant GM322- $2.S00. "Evaluation of Physiological Strain during Hibernation and Aestivation." 1965-66. NSF Grant $12,000, with marching funds from UNM. "Physiology Teaching l,aboratory Equipment." L.D. Potter, M.L.Riedesel, C.S. Crawford. 1966.

AEC BM 8-L-67. "Teaching Laboratory Equipment Grant." $12,000. L.D. Potter, M.L. Riedesel, G.V' Johnson. 1966-67 . AEC Contract AT-29-2-1629. $15,885. "Effecg of Temperature on Biological Distribution of Radioisotopes." Director. 1964.

AEC Contr act AT-29-Z-L6ZI. $58,000. "Effects of Temperature on Biological Distribution of Radioisotopes. " Director. 1965-68.
NSF Grant GBi339. $23,000. "Heat Exchange Constants for Small Mammals." Principal Investigator'

National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Senior Resident Research Associateship in the Environmental Research Laboratory, NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, $15,625' Apr. l-Aug. 16, L974 and Summet 1975.

NASA NCAR-510-402. $1,416. "Control Mechanism of MeAbolism during Poikilothermia." Principal Investigator. Jul. 1974-Jan. 1975. .,control Mechanisrn of Metabolism during Poikilothermia.' Principal NASA NCA2-OR510-502. $1,900. Investigator. 1975.



Hibernation." Principal NA5A NcA2-oR5l0-601. $3;000. "Melatonin as a Regulator in Marnmalian lnvestigator. Jun. l97GIs/laY L977. .Respiration during llibernation & Hypothermia.' Principal Investigator' NIH-MBRS. $10,000.
1980-83. 1982' U.S. Air Force. $10,000. "Glycerol Megbolism in l-aboratory Animals'" rffarfare Protection u.s. Air Force. scEE. $17,450. "oral Glycerol as an Antidote to chemical

Garments.' Principal Investigaor' 1984 Medical School' $1,300 to UNM Faculty Research Allocations Committee and Clinical Research Center,
10,000/Year, PrinciPal. 1984-87'


l'988' U.S. Olympic Committee, $8,925. "Overhydration of longdistance runners"' July 1988-Feb' 1989' U.S. Army, Research Offrce, $20,000. "Extended Hyperhydration'" Hyperhydration." oct. 1989-sept' NASA Grant No. NAG 9-401, Basic, $30,000/year. "Glycerol-induced

NASA Grant No. NAG g4s3,Basic, $?5,000/year. "Glycerol solution Intolerance during Bedrest." Jul' 1, 1990-Jun' 30, 1993'

as a countenneasure to


f.'"*'d )

budget): Joint NSF Grang and AEC Contracts (approx. $40,000 per sulnmer

Biology Laboratory Radiation Biology Sumrner Institute for High School Teachers: Radiation Instnrctor. 1960-61.
Radiation Biology Radiation Biology Summer tnstinrte for High School and College Teachers:

Instruetor. L962-66. Biology Instructor and Director' Radiation Biology Summer Instirute for College Teachers: Radiation 1967-68.
Teachers in Biology: Director' NSF' Research participation program in Radiation Biology for College CY 4080, and AEC, AT(29-2)2566' $8,000' 1968' Systems in semi-arid Environments." Director' 1967'

NSF Grant G716ffi.$g,425, seminar, 'physiological

Post-Doctorate FellowNIH 2F2IID -23, 97442. Approx. $16,000. child Health and Human Developurent to study Radioisotope Techship awarded professoi6ordon H. Brfan, Montana State University





Effects of glycerol-lnduced hyperhydration on lower-body negative pressure respooses:. A combined cerebral and cardiovascular study.

$78'700lyr L992

NASA Physiol-ogical Responses to Tllt-bed Post-bedrest $L3l-J598 5 years 1993


with and without



pending, Cerebral Autoregulation Plastieity in Space Flight. $3001000 /yr. R. Bondarr P.I.r M.L' Riedesel co-P.I. Sept. L994-98
UNM Hospital. Vaseular Responses to Variabiltty in Orthostatitc Testing. Cornpleted. Supported ln part by Canadian

ClinicaL Research Ctr,

Space Ageney, NIII and NASA}. 1995



Participant Participant Participant Organizer Organizer Reviewer Reviewer Consultant Member Participant I-ecturer Lecturer Recipient Member Member Attended

First, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth and Seventh International Hibernation Symposia (IHS): Boston, MA, 1959; Helsinki, Finland, 1962; Toronto, Canada, 1966; Aspen, CQ,1970; Lake Louise, Canada 1'977;Fallen traf Lake, CA, 1985.
Ray Hock Memorial Symposium, Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada,

NV, June 28,1971.

Temperature Acclimation Symposium, Leiden, The Netherlands, September



Seminar, Physiological Systems in semiarid Environmens, 196'1. (NSF Grant GZ66AO) Symposium, SW

& RM fuL{S CODAZR Health Arizona State University, AZ, t971.

mann Foundation; 1-4lyr.

Related Problems in

Arid Lands,

Research Grant Proposals for NSF,

NIH Research Corporation, and Max C. Fleisch-

Manuscripts for publication in Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, symposia Medicine and Science in Spotts, American Journal of Plrysiology,
Ec olo gy, SW


Phy siolo gic al Taology

Biological Sciences Communications Project, OfFrce of Technology Utilization, Life Sciences, NASA, 1963-69.
Committee on Desert and Arid Zones Research (CODAZR), SW AAAS 1968 to present; Sec. 1968-75; Chrm. 1975-78.

& RM Division

International Symposium on Altitude and Cold, Aspen, CO, September 2-6, 1968.

Invited 30-min. lecture, Hibernation Session, American Physiological Society Meetings, April 1973. Invited 30-min. lecture, American Physiological Society. "Protein and Fat Me&abolism during Mammalian Hypophagia and Hibernation.'n Symposium. Fed. Proc.39:29592963. t980
National Research Council Senior Resident Researeh Associateship, 1974-75, Environmental Physiology Research Laboratory, NASA-Ames Research Center. Educational Materials Review Board of the Education Committee of the American Physiological Society (September), 1975-80.

AAAS Office of International Science Advisory Committee to United Nations of Desertification (AAAS/UNCOD) 1976-78.
Environmental Stress: Individual Adaptation International Symposium at Institute of Environmental Stress, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, August 3l-September 3,197'1,'arranged by Dr. J.A. Wagner.

Visiting Scientist Universities Space Research Association, Cardiovascular Laboratory, fohnson Space Center, Houston, TX, Feb. l-May 1, 1990.


Hoff, C. Clayton and Marvin L. Riedesel, eds. 1969. Physiological Systems in Seni-arid Environments' The University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM, 293 pp. Loeppky, J.A. and M.L. Riedesel, eds. 1982. Oxygen'Transport to Hwrwn Tissues. NY: Elsevlier North
Holland, Inc.

Folk, J.Edgar, Marvin L. Riedesel and Diana L. Thrift. L998. Principles of lruegralive Environmental Pttysiology. Bethesda, MD: Austin and Winfield Publistrers; Baltimore MD: Rowman & Littlefield
Publications Group.

Riedesel, M.L. 1953. Nitrogen Content of Tooth Pulp. Master of Science Thesis, Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of lowa. Chairman: Dr. A.K. Fisher. Riedesel,

A.K. Fisher. 1954. Nitrogen contnt of dental pulp. "/. Dent. Res.33:632-636' Riedesel, M.L. 1955. Serum magnesium levels in heterothermic animals exposed to cold. Doctor of M.L.

Philosophy Dissertation, Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, t24 p. Chairman: G. Edgar Folk, Jr., Ph.D. Riedesel,


and G.E. Folk,

Jr. 1956. Serum magnesium changes in hibernation. Nature 177:668.

Farrand, R.L., G. Edgar Folk, Jr., and Acad. of Sci. 63:724-728.

M.L. Riedesel.

1956. Types of mammalian hibernation. Iowa

Riedesel, M.L. 1957. Serum magnesium levels in mammalian hibernation. Trans. Kansas Acad. of Sct, 60:99-141. Riedesel,

M.L. and G. Edgar Folk, Jr. 1958. Serum electrolyte levels in hibernating Nwurelist 92(86) :3O7 -3 12.

mammals. Amer.

Riedesel, Marvin

1960. The internal environment during hibernation. Pp. 421435 in Marnrnalian Hibernntion, Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College LU ' C 'P . Lyman and A.R. Dawe, eds. Harvard University Press. 547 pp,Invited paper.


Riedesel, Marvin


1960. Physiological indices of strain. Pp. 61-68 in USAEC Div. Technical Information

TID 7616 Chenistry.

Belding, Harwood S., Bruce A. Hertig and Marvin L. Riedesel. 1960. Laboratory simulation of a hot industrial job to find effective heat stress and resulting physiologic strain. Amer. Industrial llygiene r Assoc. J.2l:25-3L Belding, H.S-, T.F. Hatch, B.A. Hertig and M.L. Riedesel. 1960. Recent developments in understanding of iffecrs of exposure to heat. h. S39-S45 n 13th International Congress on Occupatiorwl Health, New York.

Hertig, Bruce A., Marvin L. Riedesel and Harwood S. Belding. 1961. Sweating in hot baths. J- App. Physiol. 16:&7-651.

Riedesel, M. L. and T. F. Hatch. 1958. Phyelologlcal aepects of heat stress. 3199, I"rdS" F,aLt Caqdiac Seminar: 2L-22 Held AgrLculatural Experlment Stattonn Purdue Unlverslty' LaFayette, IN. 10-11 Septenber 1958
Rledesel, M. L. 1960. Effects of alcohol on the hr:man body. Pp. 23-30 - Ic Tle S-eqond+qy $ghool to thg PreYelLtlon oF Al-goholteq l,{orksfrop. Feb. 29, I'lat. L, 2, Student UnLon, UnivereLty of New MexLeo

Bintz, G, L.,

Crowl"eyl T. J' and M. L. Riedesel. Early 1950ts CeLl PhyqtoLogv I.ab- Manual 429 001 Dept' Blology'

Universlty of

Nev Mexico


PUBLICATIONS (cont.) Herting, 8.d,., M.L. Riedesel and H.S. Belding. l9O. Tilrae cours of sweating in warm baths. Pp. 213228 nAdvances In Biol.ogy of Ekin I[ William Montagna, Richard A. Ellis and Alene F. Silver, eds. Macmillan Co.
Riedesel, M.L., I-awrence R. Klinestiver and Nancy R. Benally. 1964. Tolerance of Citellus lateralis and C. spilosona for water deprivation. Pp. 377-388 in Finnish Academy af Science. Annales Academiae Scientiamm Fennicae, Series An fV, Biological Tl,Paavo Suomalainen, ed. 453 p. Invited paper. Riedesel, M.L. and J.T. Yelverton. 1966. Waterbath sildies of marnmals from several ecological areas. Pp. 89G899 n Biomcteorology II,Part 2, S.W. Tromp and W.H. Weihe, eds. Pergamon Press, New

York. It44 pp.lnvited paper.

Bintz, G.L. and M.L. Riedesel. 1967. Water content of ground squirrel and laboratory rat tissues. Contp. Biochem. Pky siol. 22;1 5-8O.

M.L., Yu-Chong Lin; J.J. Young and G.H. Bryan. 196?. Cesium-l37 metabolism in active and hibernating Citellas laterahs. Pp. 219.?;34 n ManaruIian Hibemation III,K.C. Fisher, A.R. Dawe, C.P. Lyman E. Schonbaum and F.E. South, Jr., eds. Oliver and Boyd Ltd., Edinburgh. 535 pp. Invited.

Young, J.J. and M,L. Riedesel. 1967. Water bath studies on field and captive Citellus lateralis. Pltysiol.

7nol. 4O:189-193.
Chuang, Tsin Fu, Morris B. Snipes, Clifford S. Crawford and Marvin L. Riedesel. 1968. nBlana orientalis at various temperatures. hntp. Biochem. Physiol.24:997-ftA2 Riedesel, 1968. Challenges in environmental physiology. New Me*ico Invited paper.






Hoff, C. Clayton and Marvin L. Riedesel, eds. 1969. Plrysiological Syxems in Semi-arid. Environms*s. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.293 pp. 13ts metabolism J. Nwr. Snipes, Morris B. and Marvin L. Riedesel. 1969. Studies of diet as a factor in
Riedesel, M.L., J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson and J. Anne Cloudsley-Thompson. 1971. Evaporative thermoregulation in turtles. Pltysiol. 7aoL 44:28-32.

Bintz, Gary L., Lorelei B. Binu and Marvin L. Riedesel. 197L. Reqpiratory quotient as an index of selective tissue catabolism by waterdeprived laboratory rats and Sperruophilus lateralis. Cornp. Biochem. Plrysiol. 384:l2L-lTI .
Riedesel, pp. Riedesel,

M.L., ed. 1971. Heahh

Related Problems in Arid. Lands. Arizona State Univ. Pre$s, Tempe, 71

M.L. and G.L. Rigler. L972. Bioenergetics of marnnalian hibernation. h. 3-13 n Studies tn Environme*al Physiology, G. Edgar Folk and B.D. Dill, eds. Desert Research Institute Publication, Boulder City, Nevada . 52 pp.Invited paper.

McNamara, M. Colleen, andM.L. Riedesel. 1973. MemoryandhibernationnCitelluslateralis. Science 179:92-94, 181:86-87.



1973. Hibernation, Spring 1973. The Physiolngist 16:565-579. Invited paper.

Bintzn Gary L. Lg6g. Soditm-22 retent,iolr as a function of waLer iniake Ly 9,1q9lLup.lateralLs. M. L. RledeseL laboratory. Pp. 45:5?.


rn Bhverb@.p1:.ar44

F-nJ*ronngnfs' - j- .cLayton Hoft UnLverstty of New Presst


49-I5L In Physiologlcal, Svs.tems tn S-enL-arid Envirjments. C. Clayton ttoff and Marvin t. Rfedesel' Eitors. Untversfty of New l'Iexico Press, Albuquerque' &iedesel, M. t., editor. !97L, Heellh Related ProbLems la Arld Lands'
contrlbutlon No. L4 of tt* coffi Agntli197L,Mounrain Div
(coDAzR), synposfim'held at Arlzona state university,
Tempe, 2L-24 Mtg Southwestern-& Rocky ilaperback 71 p. l47th Annual of Amer. Assoc. Advaccement of science (AAAS) I

An in-progress fepott on the effects of, temperature on the uptake and distrlbution of cesLlrg-l-37 in cnemid-oph.orus ngoqe.JrLcanqs (New Mexlco whiptail lizard). M' L.

E. 1969.


Riedesel. M.L. 1974 Book Review. Htbernation and Hypothermia: Perspectives and Challenges, F 'F. South, J.P. Hannon, J.S. Willis, E. Pengelley, and N.R. Alpert, eds., 1972, Elsevier, New York, 743 pp. American Scientist 62:144. Sturbaum,



M.L. Riedesel. 1974. Temperature regulation


of ornate box turtles, Terra'

pene ornata, to heat. Contp. Biochem. Plrysiol.48A:527-538.

Palmer, Dennis L. and M.L. Riedesel. 1976. Responses of whole-animal and isolated hearts of ground squirrel, Citellas lateralis, to melatonin . Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 53C:69-72. Riedesel, M.L. and Bill A. Williams. 1976. Continuous Z4-hour oxygen consumptionby Myotis velifer. Comp. Biochem Phy siol. 54A :95-99. Sturbaum, B.A. and M.L. Riedesel. 1977. Dissipation of stored body heatby the ornate box turtle, Terrapene ornata. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.5SA:93-97 Riedesel, 1977. Bloodphysiology. Chapter4.Pp. 485-517 inBiology of Bats, Vol. Wimsatt, ed. Academic Press, New York. 651 pp.


III, William

Glass, Mogens

W. Hicks and Marvin L. Riedesel . 1979. Respiratory responses to long-term temperature exposure in the box turtle, Terrapene ornata. J. Comp. Physiol. 131:353-359.



Steffen, J.M., G.L. Rigler, A.K. Moore and M.L. Riedesel. 1980. Urea recycling in active golden-mantled ground squirrel (Spermophilus lateralis).Am. J. Physiot.239 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 8:R168-R173). Riedesel,



J.M. Steffen. 1980. Protein metabolism and urea recycling in rodent hibernators.


Proc. 38:2959-2963. Invited paper.

Steffen, J.M. and M.L. Riedesel. 1982. Pulmonary ventilation and cardiac activity in hibernating and arousing golden-mantled ground squirels (Spernnphilus lateralis). Cryobiology l9:83-91.

Loeppky, J.A. and M.L. Riedesel, eds. Oxygen Transport to Humnn Tissues. Elsevier North Holland, Inc.,



Hicks, J.W., M.L. Riedesel. 1983. Diurnal ventilatory patterns in the garter snake, Thanmophis elegans. J. Comp. Physiol. 149:503-5 10. Carlberg, Karen A., Maire T. Buckman, Glenn T. Peake and Marvin L. Riedesel. 1983. Body composition of oligolamenorrheic athletes. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 15:215-217. Carlberg, K,A., M.T. Buckman, G.T. Peake and M,L. Riedesel. 1983. A survey of menstrual function in athletes. Eur. J. of Appl. Physiol.5I:211-222
patterns in hibernating Spermophilus Interulis. Pp. 461-468 in Living tn the Cold, H. Craig Heller, X.J. Musacchia and Lawrence C.H.

M.L., J.E. Griego and D.C. Espinosa, 1986. Respiratory

Wang, eds. Elsevier, NY.


M.L., D.Y. Allen, G.T.

Peake and

K. Alqattan. 1987. Hyper-hydration with glycerol solutions.

J. App. Physiol. 63:2262-2268.

Lyons, T.P, M.L. Riedesel, L.E. Meuli and T.W. Chick. 1990. Effects of glycerol-induced hyperhydration prior to exercise in the heat on sweating and core temperature. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.22:477483.

Rledesel, M. L. 1978 Book RevLew. Man-Ho! anF Co14 by Otto G. Edholm, L978: The Instltutb of Blologyts StudLes in Biology oro. 97, Edward ArnoLd Ltd., London. Paperback 50 p.

!'ro#Ar, eaTt# Riedesel, M. t-. 1993 Book Review of @ lF qhe Eunan Body Critlcal Conceqts agl Cl:Lnlgal. pplLcatLons by N. Kastinge, Oxford Unlv. Press. for The Aner Physlol Soc, The Phyelologjlst RiedeseJ., M. L. 1993. Blzaare and Bea,ut1lul Eyeg by Ken Luboff.
John Muir Publicatlone

Riedesel, M. L. 1992 Textbook Review. for Amer. Phyeiologlcal Soc-: Errvlronmerntal & Metatolfc {q{gg! Physjolo$y, 4th 91! bV B. Ladd


Lyons, T.P. and M,L. Riedesel. 1993. Glycerol-induced hlperhydration: Its effects on fluid comparfrnents in the rat. Life Sciences 53:1779-L787.
Bondar, R.L. M.S. Kassam, F. Stein, P.T. Dunphy and M.L. Riedesel. 1994. Simultaneous transcranial Doppler and arterial blood pressure response to lower body negative pressure. J. Clinical Pharmacology 34(6):584-589. Bondar, R.L., M.S. I(assam, F. Stein, P.T. Dunphy, S. Forhey md M.L. Riedesel. 1995. Simultaneous cerebrovascular and cardiovascular responses during presyncope. Strolu 26:t794-18N. Koenigsberg, P.S., K.K. Martin, H.R. Hlave and glycerol ingestion. Life Sciences 57:645-653. Riedesel,

M.L. Riedesel. 1995. Sustained hyperhydration with

M.L. and G.E. Folk, Jr. 1996. Estivation. Pp.279-2U, Vol. 1 n Handbook of Physielogy, 4: Environnrental Physiology, M.I. Fregly and C.M. Blatteis, eds.

Montner, P., D.M. Stark, M.L. Riedesel, G. Murata, R. Robergs, M. Timms and T.W. Chick.1996. Preexercise glycerol hydration improves cycling endurance ttlmre. Int. l. Spons Med. 17:27-33.


Riedesel, M.L. and G.E. Folk, iol, 179:665. Riedesel,


1954 Abssact. Senrm magnesium changes in hibemation.

An J. Pbys-


and G.E. Folk,

Jr. 1956 Abstract. Senrm magnesium and hibernation. Fed. Proc. 15:151.

Riedesel, M.L. and G.E. Folk, Jr. 1957 Note. Serum nagnesium changes in cold exposed mammals. Marrun. 38:42342z*. Riedesel, Riedesel, Riedesel,

M.L., H.S. Belding and D.M. Ross. 1957 Abstract. Tolerance of and recovery of exposure from severe heat. Fed, Proc. 16:106.
Belding and D.M. Ross. 1957 Abstact. Effects of conditions of rest in responses to work in \eat. The Plrysiologist t:71.

M.L., H.S.

and H.S. Belding. 1959 paper read. Recovery of men from short-term exposures to severe

heat stress. New

Maico Acad. of flr;i., Octobrut 22.

Hertig, 8.A., M"L. Riedesel and H.S. Belding. 1959 Abstract. Suppression of sweating in a water bath. The Plrysiologist 2:58.
Walsh, John T. and M.L. Rjedesel. 1960 Abstact. Maze faining for hibernating mamnuls. The Ptrysiolngist 3:172.
Riedesel, M.L. 1961 Panel report. H;pothermia as an adjunct !o spac travel. Man in Space Colloquium. New Muico Acad. of sr;i. Bull.2:t7. Jordan, Jeanne M. (intr. by M.L. Riedesel) 1961. Response of three qpecies of Br$o to antidiuretic hormone. Paper read, Div. Com. Endocrin, South Cenral Am. Soc. Zool. Jordan, Jeanne Marie and M.L. Riedesel. 1961 Abstract. Response ta Bufo mairuts, B. valliceps, and B. woodhousei o antidiuretic horrnone. The Physiologi* 4:55.


Benally, Nancy Rose and Marvin L. Riedesel. t96l Abstract. Metabolic rat and body weight of Dipodo- ' mys deprived of water. Anter. Taologist L:437 . Yelverfon, John T. and M.L. Riedesel. 1963 Abstact. Heat loss by small mammals swimming in neuual and cold water. Amer, Tnologist l:477.


1963 Note. Proceedings of the international symposium on temperature acclimation. Fed.

Pwc.22:703, 905.
Warren, James W. and M.L. Riedesel. 1963 Abstract. Snrdies of the retention and distribution of cesium137 in Citellus Weralis. The Physiologist 6:294. ' Young, James J. (intr. by M.L. Riedesel). 1965 Abstact. Thermal responses of field and captive Citellus Iaeralis to immersion in cold water. Amer. Tnol. 5:230. Bintz, Gary and M.L. Riedesel. 1965 Abstract. Tolerance of npo mammalian hibernators to water deprivatton. The Plrysiologist 8:1.12.
Riedesel, M.L. and J.T, Yelverton. 1965 Absfiact. Thennal stress as a factor in energy requirements small mammals. Bult. af Ecol. Soc. of Arner.46:132 Riedesel,



1966 Paper read.

A quantiative approach to thermal stess and comparative temperature

regulation. Fourth lnternational biometeorological Congress, August 27-September 3, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.


1967 Abstract. Comparative studies

3 1 :540-541 .



metabolism at low body temperatures. Radia-

tion Research

Crowley, T.J. and M.L. Riedesel. 1968 Abstract. Thermal conductivity and heat loss of Citellus lnteralis, C. spilosoma, and Rattus rwrvegicus.44ttr Ann. Mtg. SW & RM Div. AAAS, Abstract, p. 28.
Riedesel, Marvin L. and Richard R. Tokarz. 1968 Abstract. Effect of cesium-l.33 on cesium-l37 uptake by rat tissues. ln Proc. Inem. Union Physiological $r,i., Vol. Vtr, )Oru( Int'l Congr. Washington, D.C. Abstracts of Volunteer Papers and Films. p. 367. Coestr, W.K. and M.L. Riedesel. 1969 Abstract. Retention of traiued visual discrimation behavior by several ground squirrels. 45th Ann. Mtg. SW & RM Div. AAAS Abstracts. pp. 57-58.

Crowley, T.J. and M.L. Riedesel. 1969 Abstract. Heat exchange characteristics of laboratory-acclimatd and field ground squirrels, Cirellus lateralis and C. spilosonn. The Physiologist 12:203.
Spaulding, L.8., G.H. Bryan, A.K. Moore and M.L. Riedesel. 1970 Abstract. Removal of cesium-l37 from rat by peritoneal dialysis. Rd. Res.43(l):248. Riedesel,

M.L., G.L. Rigler

aud G.L. Bintz. 1970 Abstract. Meabolic responses by Spertrcphilus hteralis

to limited water intake. Fed.


Rigler, G.L. and M.L. Riedesel. 1971 Abstract. Urine volume and urinary nitrogen of dehydrated ground squirrels and rag. Cryobiology 8:310.
Rigler, G.L, and M.L. Riedesel. 1971 Abstract. Short-term nitrogen balance studies of water- and fooddeprived ground squirrels. Fed. Proc.30:483.
Riedesel, M.L. 1971 Notes. Freface and discussion of physiology paper?Pp. v, 19-20 in Heahh Related Problems in ArM Lands, M.L. Riedesel, ed. Arizona Sate University Press, Tempe, AZ. 7L pp.

Damon, Edward G., Donald R. Rlehnond and Clayton S, I{hite (Lntr. by !I. L. Rfedesel-) . L964 Abstract. fhe relationehlp between amblent

preaaure and the tolerance

The Phystolo$tgt


of mlce to alr blast.


Riedesel, Marvln

EdLtors, Unl.verslty of



Prefaee. pp..v-vi In Phygtolggtcal Svgtens ItsIlEggggsllr C, Clayton Hoff and l'farvl.n L. Rl'edeeelt




Mexlco Prese, Albuquerque.

Blntz, .Gary L., and ![. L. RLedesel. 1969 Note. ilesue catabolLam by laboratory rats and SEqmophllue l,ateral{a durlng acute negatlve water balance. J. I'tiryalogv 5.O g): 355-6



AND NOTES (cont.)

McNarnara, Colleen and

M.L. Riedesel.

1g72 Abstract. Hibernation and consolidation of learned behavioi

in Sperrnphiha lateralis, Fed. Proc. Sl;376.

(Terrqenc ornata'1' Sturbaum, B.A. and M.L. Riedfyj\. l9z}Abstract. Thermoregulation in box turtles Co. 4gth Ann. Mtg. SW & RM Div. AAAS Absrracs p.3g,Colorado sate University, Fort Collins,
regulation in snrrbaum, B.A. and M.L. Riede'sd. Lgl2Absfiact. Bbhavioral and physiological teryerature box turtles (Te*apene orncrtn). The Plrysiologist 15:278' M.L. and M. colleen McNamara. Lg73 Technical comment. Hibernation: Effects on memory or
Riede$el, perforrnanc e? Science


86-87 ; (17


palmer, Dennis L, and M.L. Riedesel. 19?4 Abstract. Melatonin injections and hibemation of ground WY. Program: squirrels. 50tfi Ann. Mtg. SW & RM Div. AAAS, University of Wyoming, Irramie, page 36. tt-urea in relation to starvation, Moore, A. Kenneth and M.L. Riedesel. 1974 Abstract. Metabolism of Amer' water deprivation and hibernation in the rat and golden-mantled ground squirrel. Ecol. Soc.

lt-urea induced by antibiotic Moore, A. Kenneth and M.L. Riedesel. 19?4 Absract. Metabolic changes in tberapy and limited food and water intake of ra$ and ground squinels. Am. 7aol. t4:129O. palmer, Dennis L. and M.L. Riedesel. 1975 Abstact. Response of wbole enimal and isolated hearts of 1139 . eA. Proc. ?4:4?5. Fect Ffoe ground squirrels t" poikilothermia Riedesel, M.L. and B.A. Williams . lg75 Abstract. Regulation of oxygen conzumption and in It{yotis velifer. Nqvv Msico Acad Sci. Bttll- l5Q):4. 'nMyotis velifer. Nav snider, Brian.T. and M.L. Riedesel. 1g?5 Absaact. Hibernation and maze training Msico Aca.d. Sci. BurI.l5p\:tr6prairie dogs' New Thomas, Trent H. and M.L. Riedesel. 1975 Absfiact. Hypoeuthermia in btackailed Msico Acad. Sci. Ball.l5Q\:46 7.

@uA.) 55(2):16.



*' ,''t7

prairie dog' Thonas, T.H. and M.L. Riedesel. 1g75 AbsFact. Evidence of hibernation in the black-tailed Cywmls lttdwkianw. Cryofiology t2:559. 2'4-hours Riedesel, M.L. and B.A. William$. lg75 Absract. oxygen consumption by srnall bats during
intervals at 5 to 35oC. The Plrysiologisr 18:366.
balancs during Riedesel. M.L., G.L. Rigler and A.K. Moore. 1976 Absftact. Urea catabolism and energy periods of food deprivation in a hibernaor. Fed. Proc' 35:401'

of body heat Shrrbaum, Barbara A. and M.L. Riedesel. l976Abstract. Role of evaporation in dissipation by the ornate box ftrtle. Ecol. Soc. Atner- BuIl. 57:37 ' of hypothermic Clark, B.B. and M.L. Riedesel. 1978 Absuact. Hemoglobin 2,3dipbospo-glycerate values ground squirrels, Citeltus latemlis- J. Thennal BioI' 3:N' Steffen, J.M. atrd

M.L. Riedesel. 1978 Abstract. Urea catabolism afbcted by fasting and drug tre-aunent in c, tateralis.Number 301, p. 137 in Abstract of Papers,l44th Nat'l Mtg. AAAS, February, wash-

ington, DC.



AND NOTES (cont.)

Carlberg, Karen A. and Marvin L. Riedesel . lilBAbstraet. Responses to rowing exercise during water immersion. New Mexico Acitd. Sci. Bttll.18(1):a0a1. Carlberg, K,A. and M.L. Riedesel. 1978 Abstract. Effects of water immersion on submaximal exercise. Med. Sci. Spons 10(1):61.
Steffen, J.M. and

M.L. Riedesel.

1978 Abstract. Evideirce of urea recycling in active Spermophihts

lateralis. The Phy siologist 21(4):L15.

Glass, M.L., J.W. Hicks and M.L. Riedesel. 1978 Abstract. Effecs of low tempera$re on breathing in the box turtle, Terrapene ornola. Aner. 7nol. 18:656. Steffen, J.M. and M.L. Riedeset. 19?9 Abstact. Reqpiratory tidal volume, expired gas analyses and EKG . during hibernation and arousal of golden mantled ground squirrels (Spennophilus laeralis). Fed. Proc.

38:1226. Hicks, J.W., M.L. Glass and M.L. Riedesel. 1979 Abstract. Assessment of alveolar ventilation in garter snakes, Tlwnrnophis elegans. Fed. Proc. 38:l?-46. Hicks, James W., M.L. Riedesel and Mogens L. Glass. 1979 Absfact. Ventilative and gas exchange in T?wmaphis elegaru after acute and chronic exposure to various thermal environments, J. Colorado' l*loming Aca. Sci. I 1(1):99-100
Steffen, J.M. and M.L. Riedesel. 1979 Absnact. Breathing patterns and heart rate in hibernating and Calorado-llioming Acad. Sci, 11(1):99. arousing Spermophilus lateralis.


Carlberg, K.A. and M.L. Riedesel. 1979 Abstract. Athletic training and body composition as factors in secondary aurnorrea. The Plrysinlogist 22(4):17 .
Steffen, J.M. and M.L. Riedesel. 1979 Abstract. Ventilatory and cardiac changes during early sages arousal in S. lateralis. The Plrysiologist 22(4):119. Riedesel,


M.L. and J.M. Steffen, 1980 Abstract. Potential metabolic lands. J. of Artzoru-Nanda Aea. Sei l5:7 .

adjuserrents by mammals in arid

Hicks, J.W. (Sponsor M.L. Riedese$ 1980 Abstract. Changes in air convection requirement of garter snakes during day and wght. Fed, Proc.39:106rO. Resulting from research program. Luna, Michael J. ard M.L. Riedesel. 1981 Abstract. Exposure of golden-mantled ground squirrel (SperrCIphilus lnteralis) to reduced O, and elevated CO, during arousal from hibernation. Abstracts of confibu-ted papers and posters preserted at Ninth ann. tvtinority Biomed. Support Symposium:378. Carlberg, K.A., G.T. Peake, M.T. Buckman, L.S. Srivastava and M.L. Riedesel. 1981 Absnact. Pituitaryovarian axis in oligo-arnenorrheic attrletes. Fed. Proc.40:396. Carlberg, K.A., M.T. Buckman, G.T. Peake and M.L. Riedesel. 1981 Absract. Iow khy weight increases susceptibility to athletic oligo-arnenorrhea. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.13:105.

Myhre, L.G., M.L. Riedesel and D.M. Ttrcker. 1981 Abstract. Thermoregulatory stress-A corsequetrce of wearing the firefighter protective ensemble during exercise. Aerospace Med. Assoc., May 1981.
Agnew, Iane E. and M.L. Riedesel. 1981 Abstact. Overhydration of laboratory rat with glycerol solutions. Paper presented, New Mexico Academy of Science, October, 1982.



AND NOTES (cont.)

Griego, Janet E. and M.L. Riedesel. 1983. Respiratory Responses of Hibernating Spenrcphihu lfteralis to 100% nitrogenand4% COz. FASEB 42:ll?3.

C., M.L. Riedesel and Janet Griego. 1984. Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division, Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, 28-31 March, Abstract n Nant Mqico I. of Science, 7A:4g Resoonses of hibernating & induced hyoothermic Spermophilus lat"eralis' i'o'lbOfl nitrogen and 47" Co2. '11L26 Riedesel, M.L, J.E. Grrego and D.C. Expinosa.1985. Respiratory patterns in hibernating Spentwphilus Iateralis. ln Living in the Cold, an international symposium held Oct. 6-1 I , 1985. Rls. H.Craig Heller, Lawrence C.H. Wang and X.I. Mussachia, N.Y.: Elsevier.
Eqpinosa, Daniel

Allen, Dana Y. and M.L. Riedesel.1985. Abstract. Overhydration following ingestion of glycerol solution . Fed. Proc.44:1046.
Lyons, T.P., M.L. Riedesel and L.E. Meuli. 1987. Physiological costs of exercise following hyperhydration with glycerol. Fed. Proc. +A:#nil3 Lyons, T.P., M.L. Riedesel and L. E. Meuli. 1987. Eight-hour hlperhydration with a glycerol solution. Med. and Sci. in Sports a.nd Exerc. 19:556.

Meuli, L.E. T.P. Lyons and M.L. Riedesel.l988. Plaslma ADH aud aldosterone levels following glycerol induced hypethydration.The FASEB J. 2:A52t, Abstract #L314,
Wood, M., L.G. Dussack, M.L. Riedesel, and S. Fortney. 1990. Orttrosatic reE)onses during lower body negative pressure with and without saddle support. Aerospace Medical Association Meetings.
Shaw, D.M., T.P. Lyons and M.L. Riedesel. 1990. Extended glycerol-induced hyperhydration. Proceedings of the Southwestern and Rocky Mountrain Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, May 16-19, 1990, Abstract#58, p. 18.

Forhey, S., M. Wod, L.G. Dussack and M. Riedesel. 191. Orthostatic Reqponses during lower body negative pressure with and wi&out saddle support. Avidion, Space and Envirownental Medicine
62(5):472. Koenigsberg, P., T. Lyons, R. Nagy and M. Riedesel. 1991. Forty-hour glycerol-induced hyperhydration.
FASEB 5(4):A758.

Montner, P., T. Chick, M. Riedesel, M. Timms, D. Stark and G. Murata. 19!12. Glycerol hyryerhydration and endurance exercise. Medieine and Science in Sports and Exercise,24(5):5L57.
Bondar, R.L, M.S. Kassam, F. Sbin., P.T. Dunphy and M.L. Riedesel.l99. Simultaneous Eanscranial Doppler and arterial blood pressure response to lower body negative pressure. Abstract No- 11. In Pharmacology Beyond Earth's Boundaries Symposium, NASA/Johnson Space Center, May 6-8. Bondar, R.L., M.S. Kassam, P.T, Dunphy, F. Stein and M. Riedesel- 1993. Dynamics of Cerebral autoregulation with loss of orthostatic tolerance. Neurology a?$):Afu|3. Bondar, R.L., R. Aaslid, M.S. IGssam, F. Stein, P.T. Dunphy, M.L. Riedesel. 199{. Cerebral Autoregulation Dynamics. The Eighth International Syrnposium on Cerebral Hemodynamics. Institute of Applied Physiology and Medicine, San Diego, CA, February.ltl

Blaber, A.P., R.L. Bondar, P.T. Dunphy, P. Moradshahi, F. Sein and M. Riedesel. 1997. Supine crossqpectal gain between blood pressure and cerebral blood flow velocity is correlated with drop in blood flow velocity and time to presyncope during 90" head-up tilt. FASEB J. ll:A483.

Rledeselr M. T..g T,, .P. Lyons and L. E. Meull. 1988 Poster #5. Glycerol efhanced hyperhydration In MlLestonps in Envlronmental Physlotrogv, Intrl Syupos{un in honor of David Bruce DlLl, AprLl 29-},Iay L at Desett Biology Research Ctr, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Sponsors Corrr. Environ. PhysLol. UIPS, Amer. PhysioLogLcal Soc., Inst. Environ. Stresa


UC Santa Barbara

Montner, P., D. Starhn G. Mutataa, Robert Robergrand M. RLedesel. L993 Abstract. Pre-exercise gJ"ycerol hydratloo combLned with standard lntraexercise oral repLacement soLution lmproves endurance performance. !{ed. So,i. Ep,g!g. gTerc,. 2-5-i 53

Blaber, Andrew P. n Roberta L. Bondar, Paul T. Dunphy, Peynan MoradshahL, Flo Stein, Marvin L. RiedeseL. L997 Abetract submttted 8 Aug L996. Cross-spectral analyels: a new method of asseseLng cerebral autoregglation. $troke (Jan) l22nd, IntrL Joint Conf., Stroke and Cerebral ClrcuLatlon, 6-8 Feb. 1997, Anahelm, CAJ

Folk, G. Edgar, llarvin L. Riedesel and Dlaoa L. Thrl.ft. 1998. Pftnc.iple_s_ of .Inte$ratlv? Env*ronnental Phys_ioLogy. Austln & I{lafleJ-d, Bethesda, MD: Publlsher and UnLverslty Prees of Amerlca' Betheeda, MD PubLisher. 501 pp.


M.S. DECREES DIRECTED AT UNM Walsh, John T. 1960. The effec$ of hypothermia on maze retention in Citellw spilosoma and Mesocricerus auratus.48 pp. Dohner, Virden A. 1961. Hemodynamic changes in anaesthetized dogs subjected chairman, U.C. Luft. 58 pp. of Bufo. 47 pp. Benally, Nancy R. 1961. Metabolic rate and body weight nrcasuremena of Dipodontys ordi ard D. meniarni under various stresses of dehydration. 55 pp. Klinestiver, Iawrence R. 1962. A study of body water in active and hibernating ground squirrels, Citellus Iaeralis lateralis and Citellus spilonna marginatus.TL pp. Hyduke, Soqja. 1963. Respiration studies of. Rattus rafius and Citellus lnteralis brain tissue slices. 39 pp.

hypoxia and cold. Co-

Jordan, Jeanne Marie. 1961. A conrparative snrdy of the antidiuretic hormone bio-assay using three species

Lin, Yu*Chong. 196/. Studies of Csr37 metabolism in several rnammals dwing cold exposure tion. 62 pp.

and hiberna-

Yelverton, John. 1964. The water bath as a tool for meazuring vasomotor. responses of srnall manrmals. 77 pp.

Flory, Margaret. 1965. Cesium-l37 and sodium-22 metabolism in Oemidophorous perplcxus,53 pp.
Young, James J. 1966. Thermal responses of field and captive Citellus laterolis to immersion in cold water.

Chunng, Tsin Fu. 1966. Studies of cesium-l37 meabolism by Blatta orientalis in various thermal environments. 77 pp.

Bintz, Gary


1966. Tolerance of several mammalian hibernators to lvater deprivation. 120 pp.

Savignac, Noel. 1967. Heat exposure and l37-cesium distribution in tiszues of rteilus spilosonn. TS pp.

Howard, Rex H. 1967. Studies of sodium-22 in active and hibernating Citellus lateralis.6g pp. Danforth, David N., Jr, 1967. Studies of sodium-22 distribution during hypothermia in Rattu.s rattas. l3O pp. Denpsey, Glenn M. 1968. Effecs of hypothermia and saline i4iection on cesium-1l7 and sodium-22 metabolism on white rae. 98 pp. Tokarz, Richard R. 1968. Effects of non-radioactive cesium chloride on cesium metabolism in rats. 57 W.
Snipes, Morris

B. 1968. Diet

and cesium metabolism in rats. 107 pp.

Morgan, Barbara N. 1969. The effects of solubility on the deposition and elimination of three cesium cornpounds in mice following exposure by inhalation. Co-chairman, R.G. Thomas" 110 pp.
Coester, Wanea

K. 1969. Discrimination reversal learning as an index of memory in Sperrnphiltts tridecemlineann. 105 pp.

Spaulding, Lyman B. 1969. Aortic cannulation as an experimenal tool in r3Tcesium metabolic studies. 91 pp.



Hewitt, Charles H., Jr. 1971. Canine blood lymphwyte as a radiation dosimeter. Co-chairman, A.L. Brooks. 81 pp. Orndorff, Mable H. 197L. A compensatory mechanism in the rat during carbon tetrachloride exposure. 45

McNamara, M. Colleen

1972. The effect of hibernation on memory in Spermophilus lateralis. 106 pp.

Walker, Sharon A. 1972. Studies on the metabolism of inhaled 'tosb in dogs and Syrian hamsters. Cochairman R.G. Thomas. 127 pp.
Palmer, Dennis Snider, Brian


1975. Role of melatonin in hibernation and isolated heart activity, 106 pp.


1976. The effects of hibernation on memory in Myotis vetifer. T3 pp.

Silbaugh, Steven Thomas, Trent


A. 197 6 . Cardiorespiratory function during two methods of lung lavage and during unilateral hypoxia. Co-chairman R.O. McClellan. 63 pp.
H. 1976. Radiotelemetry of body temperature of prairie dogs, Cynonrys ladovicianus, and of isolated perfused hearts to temperature.

Carlberg, Karen


1976. Cardiorespiratory responses to submaximal exercise in water. 58 pp.

Venters, Michael D. I976. Effects of acute dehydration, heat acclimatization and physical condition of fluid shifts induced by lower body negative pressure. Co-chairman U.C. Luft. 91 pp. Velasquez, David J. 1977 . A study of bronchial clearance in the Syrian hamster using tantalum bronchography. Co-chairman, R.O. McClellan. 39 pp.

Runkle, Gene E. 1978. Dose patterns for 106RuOo inhaled by Fisher-344 rax. Co-chairrnan R.O. McClellan. 127 pp. Dudley, Robert E. 1978. Nasal absorption of DTPA in rats and beagle dogs. Co-chairman R.O, McClellan. 121 pp.
Sheridan, Crystal Joy.1979. Cytotoxic effects of vanadium on pulmonary alveolar macrophages. Cochairman R.O. McClellan. 51 pp.

Harris, Dorothy Victoria Leyva. 1979. The effectof corticosteroid therapy on lung irnmuniry following localized deposition of antigen in lungs of beagle dogs. Co-chairman R.O. McClellan. 45 pp. Hicks, James Whitney. 1979. Respiratory patterns and oxygen uptake in the garter snake, Thamnophis elegans.63 pp.

Allen, Dana Yvonne. 1985. Water retention following ingestion of glycerol solutions. 82 pp.
Lyons, Tirnothy Patrick. 1987. Glycerol hyperhydration and its effect on exercising subjects. 86 pp.


Damon, Edward G. 1965. The effects of ambient pressure on the biological response of mice to air blast. 63 pp.

Bintz, Gary L. 1968. Uptake and retention of tritiated water by tissues of laboratory rats and Citellus lnteralis. 120 pp.


Ph.D. DEGREES DIRECTED AT UNM (cont.) Rigler, Gerald


1972. Urea and nitrogen balance studies in Spennophilus lateralis. 116 pp.

Spaulding, Lyman B. L972. Cesium Metabolism Following Multiple Treaffnents. 141 pp. Sturbaum, Barbara Coester, Waneta


1972. Thermoregulation in the ornate box turtle, Terrapene ornate.82 pp.

1972. The electrocardiogram during rapid transient in electrolytes and acid-base balance during and following exhaustive exercise. Co-chairman U.C. Luft. 102 pp.


I*oppky, Jack A. 1973. Cardiac output from single-breath analysis and cardiorespiratory responsss at rest with changes in posture and progressive-exercise. Co*'hairman U.C. Luft 180 pp.
Moore, A. Kenneth . 1974. Meabolism of Urea-laC during starvation and water deprivation in the ground squirrel and rat. 151 pp.
Venters, Michael D. 1979. The efilects of acute diuresis with lasix on the volume and composition of body fluids and tbe responses to lower-body negative pressure. Co+hairman U.C. Luft. 101 pp.

Burkstaller, Michele A. 1980. The metabolic fate of inhaled selenious acid and elemental selenium aerosols. Co-chairman R.O. McClellan. 195 pp.
Silbaugh, Steve

A. 1980. Effects of nitrogen dioxide and sulfuric acid on pulmonary function and airway responsiveness of the guinea pig. Co-chairman R.O. Mcclellan. 71 pp.

Steffen, Joseph M. 1980. Physiological studies of the grouad squirtel, Spermophilw lateraVs: Urea metabolism, respiration and heart rate. 150 pp.

Carlberg, Karen Ann. 1981. Amenorrhea in athletes.272pp. Feliceui, Sharon Walker. 1981. Histological alterations and lung cell proliferation in a model of granulomatous pneumonia in rats. 194 pp. Lyons, Timothy P. 1991. Glycerol-induced hyperhydration in the rat: Glycerol and fluid disuibution, fluid comparunents and hemodynamics.

NIH 2F2HD43374-02. Child Health and Human Development Post-Doctorate Fellowship awarded Professor Gordon H. Bryan, Montana State University to study Radioisotope Techniques. Approx. $16,000. 19&-65.
Glass, Mogens


1978. Ph.D. University of Aarhus, Post-doctoral support from Denmark.

Meuli, Lyndall E. 1986-88. Ph.D. University of California at Davis.


American Physiological Society (Member, Education Commiuee I 975-present) American lnstitute of Biological Sciences (New Mexico Representative 1979-84) American Society of Zoologists Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, SW SuMivision


American Society of Mammalogists American College of Sports Medicine Ecological Society of America
Physiological Ecology Section of Ecological Society of America, 1975-81' American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow Commiuee Desert-Arid Zone Research (CODAZR), SW

& RM Div. 1968-79, Secretary 1968-75'

Chairman, 1975-78 New Mexico Academy of Science, Fellow

Society for Cryobiology, t973-1984 lnternational Society of Biometeorology, I970-L98y'Sigma

Xi, Certificate of Recognition, UNM Chapter Vice President, 1980-81', President, 1981-82 American Society of University of Professors, UNM Chapter President, 1967-68


National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Senior Resident Research Associateship,

NASA-Ames Research Center, t974'75.

for the The H.S. Belding Award given to Joseph M. Steffen by the American Physiological Society 1978-79' outstanding papcr in Environmental Physiology given by a graduate student during
University of New Mexico Presidential Recognition Award, 1979-80, 1980-81

Xi, Certificate of Recognition, May


Air Force Offrce of Scientific Research,

Summer Research Fellow, 1980

Meuli and T'w' Publication included in 1991 Mosby-Year Book, Inc. Lyons,T.P, M.L. Riedesel, L-E. sweating Chick. 1990. Effects of glycerol-induced hyperhydration prior to exercise in the heat on and core temperahre . Medical Science Spotts attd Exercise 22:477483.


Graduate Commifiee, 1963-65 Research, Patents, and Contracts, 1964-69 Research Policy Committee, 1969-70; t97 6-79; 1983-85 t976-'17 Subcommittee Chairman, Interdisciplinary Research and Research Foundation,



Subcommittee Chairman, Research Foundation, 1977 -78 Subcommittee Member, Interdisciplinary Research, t97 7 -7

8; I 983-84

Subcommittee Member, Overhead and Research Budget Review, 1978-79;1984-85



Subcommittee Member, Annual Research Lecrureship, Academic Freedom and Tenure, Elected 1975-76 Humane Care of Laboratory Animals,


l97I-74; 1976-86

Radiological Control, 1966-J0 Vice president Travelstead's Ad Hoc Committee on Biology and Chemistry Core Curriculum, Chairman

Drug Use and Evaluation, 1970*71 Biology and Biology of Man in Task Forces for Healtlt Sciences, 1970-71 Committee for Selection of New Dean College of Arts and Sciences, 1968-69 Committee for Review of ROTC at University of New Mexico, 1968-69 Mobile University Committee, 1968*69 Space-Oriented Research, 1966-67

NASA Fellowship Selection, 1964-65; l99l-94

Research Human Subjects, 1967-7O

Natural Sciences

& Mathematics Promotion & Advisory, 1971-73, 1976-78

Health Sciences Advisory Committee, 1977-79 Chairman, 1978-79 Main Campus Laboratory Animal Care & Use, 1986-90



Long-range Planning and Space Committee, 1976*77 Seminar Committee,



Space Allocation Committee, Chairman 1974-75

Animal Resource Facility Coordinator

Graduate Program, Chairman 197 l-72 Graduate Assistant and Fellowship Selection Comrnittee

Department of Biology Faculty Evaluation Committee Faculty Advisor for Biology Majors Sponsor, Pre-Med Club (MSBS) coordinaror, Dept.-of-Biology-proposal unit of uNM for Minority schools Biomedical Support Program, Ig74*7g, iubmitted to NIH February, I974,5AYa approval september 1974'

Laboratory Animal Care & Use Committee, Chairman, 1984-93


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