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Transcontinental Love

Our Epistolary Romance


Transcontinental Love
Our Epistolary Romance
Letters written the summer of 2009 from Kelsey Matheson and Jacob Webb


Copyright 2011 by Kelsey Webb All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed Attention: Permissions Coordinator, at the address below. Brigham Young University Press 275 University Press Building Provo, Utah 84602 Printed in the United States of America


Our Letters
Kelseys Letter May 8, 2009 Jacobs Letter May 26, 2009 Kelseys Letter May 29, 2009 Jacobs Letter June 1, 2009 Jacobs Letter June 3, 2009 Kelseys Letter June 25, 2009 Jacobs Letter July 6, 2009 Kelseys Letter July 15, 2009 8 9 11 13 16 18 20 24

Our Epistolary Romance


Our Epistolary Romance

To my loving husband. So much has happened and changed as weve developed our relationship. Its been an incredible journey and Im glad I spent it with you. Its been two fantastic years of marriage. Heres to the rest of eternity together. Love you baby!

Our Epistolary Romance

Kelseys Letter May 8, 2009

My Dearest Jacob, the love of my life,
I know this letter has been a long time coming; I just wanted to make sure that it would convey to you how much I love and miss you while Im here in Florida. I tried to soak up all the time with you that I could before I felt, but I still died driving away from you. In those last moments I tried to impress on you four months of love, but I just felt like it could never be enough. It was the hardest thing Ive ever done to stop clinging to you. Okay, enough dwelling on ripping my soul apart, it was hard enough to go through that once. . . I just want you to know how happy you make me and how grateful I am to have you in my life. You always tease me that I look like Im glowing, and baby

the way I feel around you, Im not surprised. I feel more complete with you beside me and I am amazed every time I realize how happy I am around you, and the way you make my life sparkle. I tell you all the time that youre different than the other boys, and I wonder if you really know how true that is. With any other boy Ive been interested in, I always made sure to have an escape route. Something like that he was going on a mission, or that the semester was ending soon, etc. Some sort of an ending point that would seem natural and provide me with an escape from the relationship for when I was done, but didnt have the guts to break up with them. But with you, Ive done everything in my power to gloss over those possible ending points. Ive

Our Epistolary Romance been trying so hard to make sure nothing stands in our way. I love you so much my Jacob and I dont ever want to stop. Youre the best thing that has ever happened to me, baby. You love me like no one else could, and I love to sit back and wonder at how good you are to me. You make me so happy until sometimes I think Im going to burst. Here I am in the Happiest place on earth, where dreams come true, and all I can think about is you. I want you to be here with me, and I cant wait for you to come down here with me. Any nightmares Ive had lately involved you not being able to come, or something else going wrong, because Im looking forward to your visit so much. I worry about it a lot. Really the only thing that makes me anxious about us getting married is that Ill get my hopes up, and then youll change your mind. Anyway, enough about my fears. Jacob I love you so much, I really do. And I love being with you, holding your hand, or lying next to you. Im sure its not hard to see how much I adore kissing you, it lights me up like nothing else can. You are a dream come true, and I know that you are my prince charming. I love to just sit and watch you. I know this probably creeps you out a bit, so I try to keep it to a minimum. But just something about you and the way you look back and smile at me, it bills me with the warmest, most comfortable feelings. Lots of times Ill just sit and smile until you look at me, just so I can get that little thrill. Lots of other times I just stare at you in wonder, how it is that you love me and how incredible it its that I love you more every time I see you. It just takes my breath away how much I love you, and when you smile at me, I just cant keep in inside. The morning I was reading my scriptures and waiting for you to sign online, and I just felt so lonely and how much I really do miss you. Then you signed on, and reading your emails and your blog for about the 50th time, and talking to you, and I just love the warm comfortable feeling Im getting. Gosh I love you. I dont know how to managed to swing it, but I really could, and plan on marrying you. It would just be stupid for me not to, Id be saying no to a lifetime of happiness. Theres nothing I want than for that to work out without a hitch. I have a physical ache for you when Im not around you, and I want to stay by your side forever. You and me Jacob Dean. I love that I stayed up all night talking to you. We havent done that since that first time, and I just couldnt bring myself to say goodbye. I cant wait until that time I can spend all night by your side, whether we sleep or not *wink wink.* Honestly now that Ive started to love you this much and open myself up to the idea, I know that January is going to take forever to get here. Until them Im just going to fill your head with dirty romantic notions until I can fulfill them. Im going to do everything in my power to completely stun you and amazing you, because Im determined to make you feel the way that I do when you touch me. Love you is like a deep molten fire deep below my surface, while a fierce wildfire rages across my skin. Ive been trying to think of a good analogy all morning, and thats the best I can come up with. Just when I thought I knew all about magic and my dreams coming true from my many years of experience with Disney. But then I heard you say my name. Nothing could possibly be more magical than that. But then you told me you

Our Epistolary Romance love me. Wow. Blows me out of the water every time. I never could really see myself as being very pretty, but when Im around you and I see the way you look at me, my heart just stops. I feel incredible around you, and I dont know how but you love me even when Im not all done up. Its secretly one of my favorite things to look in the mirror and feel like total crap, but then you look at me like you cant take your eyes off of me and you hold me close like you want me. I hope you always want me. I cant wait to come home from this summer and run to your arms. I have intention of ever leaving them again. I cant wait to see you in June. Im going to give you the biggest birthday kiss like you cant even imagine. I love you Jacob and I will forever. Im going to hold you close long into the eternities. Dont forget it. I adore you with my whole soul. I love you, I cant seem to say it enough. I love you! I love you so much!


The future Mrs. Kelsey Webb

Our Epistolary Romance

Jacobs Letter May 26, 2009

Dear beloved Kelsey,
So, this letter was supposed to be finished forever ago. I wanted it to be the first you received but I failed. I love you and I miss you. Part of me wishes I hadnt let you go to Florida, but I know our relationship wouldnt have progressed like it did. So I am glad you left because we are on the road to the temple and being eternally happy. I try every time I talk to you to impress how much I love you. I need you to be close to me. I never thought I would love someone like I love you. Kelsey, you amaze me, You make me a better man. I love to watch your face light up when you hear me say that I LOVE YOU. You glow so much it scares me sometimes, because you seem like an angel. You are so beautiful. You are everything I could have asked for. You make me so happy, I look at you like you are my everything because that is how I feel. I LOVE YOU!!! I am glad to hear that I make you happy, complete and content. So our relationship does have a destination or ending point. For both of us we want our destination to be the temple and the ending point to the eternities. Babe I never want what we have to end. I struggle daily over my inadequacies. I fear that those will lead to the eventual break-up. I DO NOT Want to lose you ever. So I love a girl with whom I can sit and hold for hours and not say a word. Kelsey when we cuddle we dont speak I am so comfortable with you. I never fear being rejected by you. The most complete feeling is when our hands are intertwined. It scares me how much I feel when you hold my hand. I love you and always will. The fact that we opened our souls to one another, We shared the most intimate details, I feel closer to you, than ever. I never want to feel emotionally distant from you, there is 2,000 miles between us but I feel as close as ever. I just dont want to feel like there is two thousand miles between us when we are in the same room. I am really excited to spend a couple of days with you. Being close to you again will be the best part of my summer. I love to think about you. I love everything about you, yes, even your cute butt. I find you extremely attractive which will be good for our marriage and our sex life. I think we have what it takes to make it. We have love. We have a plan to have a budget, and most important a rule for open communication. I want this so much for us to be happy together. The eternities sounded like a long time with the same person, but with you it almost doesnt seem long enough. All of my life I always thought I would be missing something only having sex with one woman. Marriage always seemed so confining. The thought of marry you gives me a weird feeling of freedom. Loving you gives me new life. I love you, if I dont say it enough. Kelsey, Since getting my new phone I have felt so much closer to you. Being close to you now is helping me to be more sure. I was afraid that our falling apart was a sign for us not to be together. But I have a feeling of contentment with our new closeness. It makes me happy. The thought of kneeling across the alter and holding your hand as I stare deeply into your beautiful eyes. That moment will be amazing for me baby. I

Our Epistolary Romance never Imagined myself being married for eternity, even more to a woman who I am madly and passionately in love with. Babe, I know this is selfish but I dont want/couldnt stand you being with another guy. I want you to be mind forever! I have never felt like a luckier man. Everything we do together makes me happy, I enjoy every moment I spend with you. I love you Kelsey. I just dont know what more to say. I feel I know a lot about you. Never had I felt closer to anyone (except being attracted at cord to my mom). And never had someone love me like you love me. You make me happy Kelsey, you changed me and I never wanted a girl to change me, but the way you have changed me, makes me happy. I am a better man, your better man. I have never ached for someone as I do for you. Baby, never I felt like I want someone so bad but never have I cared so much. I wouldnt have thought I would tell my future wife I would wait for sex. I love you! I am really sorry that this letter is so short. I wish I had so much to say. Baby we talk so much that I know almost all I need to know about you. I am comfortable marrying you because you are perfect for me. We go together like steak and potatoes, perfectly complimentary. I know we are going to be amazing together. And you send my head spinning. I never expected to fall so in love with you. I never expected to enjoy kissing a girl, never thought I would want to only kiss you for eternity. I never let a girl have this much control over me. And I think I dont want another girl in my arms minus my daughters. You are the girl of my dreams, and only in my dreams would I end up with such a person to fulfill my deepest desires and dreams. But it surprises me how much I need you on my life. I cant wait to make you Mrs. Kelsey Webb, that name sounds amazing. I promise to work my butt off to make you happy. I promise to make it my personal goal to do everything that is possible to fulfill your fantasies and goals in life. You are my soul mate and you have my heart dont do anything to break it please!


P.S. I have included my heart.

Our Epistolary Romance

Kelseys Letter May 29, 2009

My Darling Jake
So imagine my dismay when I received your letter and realized the startling information that you have far better handwriting than I do. How embarrassing! So Im going to make a conscious effort to try and write less like a monkey in this letter. I love you. So your letter was the most incredible thing I have ever received. Far more than I could have even dreamed for. So sometimes I worry that we got together for the reasons we did, but thinking about twilight lately, they got together because she thought he was a Greek god, and he wanted to suck her blood. So were far better off than them, and theyre like the most loved and iconic couple of our generation. The important thing is the reasons we stay together, which go far deeper than the physical things. A physical attraction and good chemistry is extremely vital, dont get me wrong, but Im glad we run deeper. I love you for more than your killer body, as incredible as it is. You are an incredible man, Jake you really are. You are generous and so willing to give; you see no reason to hold any part of you back. You are also funny and intelligent and so easy to talk to. I love it when we talk about important things, but I also find our lighter conversations meaningful. I love that I can just tell you all my little thoughts and whims and I hope they make you love me that much more. I worry that you might think me childish, with all my quirks, but I know you love me for who I am. I hope you do anyway. I love the way you look at me when I kiss you by surprise. You just look so shocked and amazed I realize that you really find it incredible to be with me. You make me the luckiest woman in the world with the amount of love and attention you pour into our relationship. Sometimes I am amazed at your level of devotion and I almost dont believe that I deserve it because Im not as good to you as I could be. I feel so indebted to you and I hope that I could be able to show you the same amount of love you shower on me every day. I hope you know that I love you, even when some days I dont feel like it. Im amazed that you fall in love with me more every day, for just being me. Ive always felt like I had to put on a show for a guy to like me, but with you I never had to try to make myself fit. Its like you spied on me all those years of me growing up and you knew just what I need and what I want to hear. All I ever really wanted my husband to say about me is that I made him a better man, and a better priesthood holder. I knew that if he honestly said that about me that it would be the highest honor ever to be given to a wife. And then you tell me that Ive changed you and made you better and I just cant believe that you seem to know everything I ever hoped for. Being more serious, I think you are very good for me. I do worry bout money, but it will be good for me to learn the importance of money and how to live without. I often think that I am probably too prideful and caught up in riches, so I think Heavenly Father sent you to me to help my eternal salvation. You have also helped me to learn how to be a more patient person. I hope I can give our children all the love and attention they need, because I want to be the best mother possible to your children.

Our Epistolary Romance Lets see, I think Ill share with you some secret ambitions and desire/whims I have. I want to be more graceful and be able to ice skate and dance and such. I think spending my long hours inside with a book made it difficult for me to improve my balance and hand-eye coordination. When I would go outside I spent the time in a pool where everything is fluid, so that didnt really help. I think Id like to learn how to play tennis. It seems like something I could do, and it would probably greatly improve my hand eye coordination. At times Im a decent bowler, and I secretly want to get really good and enter contests and stuff. I want to write a novel. And I want it to be about eh girl that always gets left behind in love, because I think that it probably happens a lot and I want to give girls out there, like me, some hope. I would love to have a best seller or something, but it would hardly ever happen. So its a very vain desire, but Ive thought about it a lot and even jotted down some plot scenes on random papers and such. Ive also always wanted to be a famous singer/song writer. Ive written a few songs in the past, but as far as I know they are all crap, so I never even bothered to set them to music. So mostly theyre just useless poems. Occasionally Ive had melody strains stuck in my head that I thought about setting my words to, but Ive never actually gotten around to doing it. Ive fantasized about trying out for American Idol. I wouldnt plan on winning, I would just want to pass that first audition and go to Hollywood and feel like, justified that maybe Im not a totally crappy singer. I want to be an artist. When I was in Jr. High my art teacher told me that I had promise and put me in the advanced art class and I never really got that out of my head. Im not much of a drawer, but I think I could maybe sculpt. I wasnt half bad at ceramics in high school. Really what I want to learn to do is ice sculpt. I think that would be coolest thing ever! I think it might stem from the movie Groundhog Day. You ever see that one? Its a family favorite and since youre going to be family youre going to have to learn to love it too. So babe, what about you? What are some of the things you want to do? Your bucket list I guess? Travel to Europe? Climb Everest? Play basketball with Shaq? I want to know your wildest dreams. I also want to know your little dreams too, learn how to use a pogo stick? Make the perfect crme rule? Tell me everything youve ever wanted. Also would you like to serve a couples mission after we retire? Would you like to have family scripture study? I think its a good thing to do, but I think our family often neglected to get around to it. Hmm what if we combined it with our dinner time goal of eating together? Eat dinner and then put the pots/pans in the sink to soak and the other dishes in the dishwasher while we read? Let me know what you think about that idea. What do you want from me as a wife and mother? What do you want our future home to be like? Feel free to take your time with these, write them in a letter and let me know. I want to fill all our expectations. Tell me about how you want our future family to be. Also I think we should make a list of some traditions we want to start. And maybe lets make a list of things we want to do when we get together again in August. I love you my darling and I cant wait to see you soon. Much love from my heart to yours and remember how much I want & need you in my life.

hugs and kisses,


Our Epistolary Romance

Jacobs Letter June 1, 2009

My sweet Kelsey,
I love you. I didnt remember we were competing in hand writing. So I realize that we shouldnt try to change each other. But it makes me happy to see your willingness to improve. I smile to think that you are willing to improve in an area of relative in consequence. It means the world to be Kels. Yeah because our reasons for getting together werent the greatest and I regret that. But baby I want us to stay together. And you are right that our physical relationship is more important than why we started to be together. And for our children we will be an iconic and beloved couple. I want them to look at us and learn how to be at life. Together we can show our children the right way. You are an amazing beautiful woman, Kelsey. I know I am all the things you said but baby you make it easier on me. You are my perfect woman. I would give up anything and everything for you. I cant hold anything back from you, I feel as it is your right to share everything of mine. I told you that first night that you were easy to talk to and silence with you isnt awkward. I feel sometimes like we are communicating spiritually and emotionally without saying a word. Song to go with this: When you say nothing at all. All I can do is smile because I know you love me so much. I love as well that we can talk about anything, that makes me happy. I realize we dont have all the skills that are important for our success YETT!!! But it gives me hope to see that we can talk about everything even if we cant express our feelings perfectly. Ill admit at times I get frustrated with your childish quirks, but I still love you and always will. And at times I love your quirks they are cute, but just not all the time. I love you Kelsey. I love looking at you like you are a goddess. I only do that because you are perfect for me. You are amazingly beautiful and I am amazed and shocked at me being lucky enough to be with you. Sometimes when I look into your eyes I see our forever, you are the only girl I want to be with. You are the only woman in my world. You deserve me baby, you scare me of losing you. You want to know

Our Epistolary Romance the reason I pour so much love and devotion into our relationship? Because I dont feel like I deserve you and I guess I am trying to make up for it. We are not having a competition to see who can love the other more. I will love you, and if you put forth your best effort in loving me, I will be happy and I will try my best to please you. Song: Everything I do, I do for you. I am glad Kels that you can be yourself around me because it is that which I fell in love with, no show you could put on would make me love you more. Baby you are everything for me and the only you have to be is mine. I want you


forever and ever baby. You can be yourself as long as you are with me. You only have to try to fit the shape of my body that is all I ask (aka cuddling). Baby I can promise you I didnt spy on you when you were growing. I wouldnt have loved you like this baby, you are the woman I love because of the trials you had. I love you now and I want to continue to grow with you to our perfection. And I will throw in a random quote from Sunday: Everyone needs someone to love them irrationally. Your parents did that for you growing up, they loved you no matter what you did. Now you have me. You love me for reason that dont make sense to me, and I am pretty sure you feel the same way about the way I love you. But the important thing is that I love you and you love me. Well you are everything I couldve wanted. I love you. And you are my spiritual better half. You make me want to be better so I can be worth to marry you and spend eternity with you. I am excited because you meet all of the things I wanted in my sexy wife. Now comes the fun part baby I will be completely honest. Okay I am worried about money, but I look forward to learning and growing with you towards out

Our Epistolary Romance goal of stability. And when I fight with you about money now, its not so much about money. I realize I wont be rich. But it is more about my insecurities about you being more stable and happy with someone else. Someone who can provide for you more fully. I want you to be happy but I dont see you being happy poor. I know you dont need money to be happy with me. I dont fully believe that. But I promise to keep a roof over your head, food on the table and clothes to be thrown on the floor. Hehe and plenty of that too. Our kids will be lucky to have a mother as loving and devoted as you are. Baby I know that you will be an amazing mother. All I ask is that you love me and my children as much as you can. Random question: Who comes first god or family? Like who gets more attention? I believe to a point God but I am also not going to neglect my family for God sorry. I am only human and I can feel and touch you. So I would be more prone to do stuff for you. Not that I dont believe or something but sometimes the thought crosses my mind. It is impossible for one man to do the things Jesus did. I do believe but some days are harder. So you want to be more graceful? Well Kelsey I made the promise that we would learn to dance and so, I will make good on that. There will be plenty of time for all those things. I will get you out more and by the time our kids are old enough their mother will be able to do all those things. You will be able to teach our daughter how to ice skate and together we will prepare out children for that first big dance. And I will love you more than ever. We will go out and do things. I am really sorry that we were a couch couple for so long. Your novel I will support you 100% but will not be able to help you sorry. I will help you in any way I can in your ambitions and will support you one hundred and twenty percent. I want you to feel accomplished and satisfied with your life. I realize that sometimes being a mother and wife isnt enough. But if that is all you ever were I would love. You. MY ambitions and goals sound stupid when put next to yours. I first of all want to be a loving husband. I will use my priesthood to bless your life. I want to be an amazing father. I want my sons at least to respect their mother like the goddess that she is. I dont have any like yours because I am athletic so I can already to all the sports and stuff. I wouldnt mind learning tennis with you. I want to own a home and be debt-free. I want to be able to provide for my family. I would love to travel with you, Europe, South America, all of the continents would be interesting. I would love to play basketball with almost any NBA player. Growing up I had thought about being a carpenter, I want to be the man of the house fix anything that is broken. Sorry I have very low standards for myself. I have achieved everything I wanted to. I wanted really badly to get a six-pack, so you could run your hands up and down it. I am thinking about what I like to do and I think it would be cool to do landscaping and remodels on a house like the extreme home makeover! This section will probably be the hardest. A couples mission sounds cool, but I would rather have it be a service mission and not as much proselyting I dont like talking to people. But it would be something I would like to do. I would love to have family scripture study and pray. Dinner time sounds wonderful but I am sure we would need to adjust it later. Well how about we eat dinner, do the dishes (by hand) and then read together. Would you want a separate couple study? Kelsey, I want you to raise our children and for you to love me. I think that


Our Epistolary Romance one of us should be home with the kids. I dont want to leave them with a babysitter. The other option could be to have them spend lots of time with your parents. Our home, I want to be a temple of security. Baby, I dont want cable. I dont mind a tv with movies but cable wastes so much time. Lots of books and games, sports and other stuff. Dinner together without distractions wherever it is. Cuddle time, for us at night to just be close and talk (blushes). Sex weekly at least. Backyard to play in. Weekly family councils. FHE weekly, church as a family, me holding your hand. Affection in front of the kids, I want them to find it normal (not too risque). But kissing and non sexual stuff. I want a place to make memories with you and my children. I want it to be a place of safety and security. I want our children to know their grandparents, the will know yours extremely well at first, but I would also like my mom to spend time with them. I want our parents to play a role in raising our kids. I am going to go weird but please bare with me please. You parents are good people. They have good intentions even when they do weird things. They have a lot of love that they freely give. They are extremely generous with everything. I wouldnt be horribly upset if our kids grew up to be like them, just more normal. My mother is the same she throws money at good causes, such as me and she spends a lot of time picking out gifts so they have meaning, and continues to do so even if not shown proper gratitude. Crap, I feel bad I never showed my mom enough gratitude. Kelsey, we were lucky, I wouldnt mind our family being a mix of what our parents have. Minus the unfaithful husbands (mostly mine and your biological father.) I want to continue to build and fulfill fantasies with you babe. I want to continue to recharge the spark between us. I want to get away for our anniversaries even if it is just to Salt Lake for the weekend. I want the simple things to be special, I love the thought of doing them with you. Bathing our children, cleaning, painting, vacuuming, dishes and home repairs. I hope you dont mind I am going personal. You complete me on so many levels. It scares me how perfect you really are for me! I want us to be happy in whatever we do, I want us to look at each other 50 years from now and say dang you are sexy, and then have the hottest old people sex of our lives. I love you and I hoped you enjoyed this letter as I hoped. I love you Kels and you are my everything you are the love of my life and I wont want to live without you beside me and in my bed.

Love you always and forever,

Jacob Webb


Our Epistolary Romance

Jacobs Letter June 3, 2009

Querida Kelsey,
Estoy escribiendo esta carta a ti para decir que tea mo. Esperio que tu puedes leer esta cart y enenderlo. Te Amo much y estoy en la reunin Sacramental y estoy pensando en ti. Kelsey, estoy pensando much en la opourtunidad de casarme contigo. Eso paso en mi vida, va hacerme muy content. Nunca he pensado que voy a tener la opportunidad de estar tan feliz. Mija tee res mi angel. Estoy feliz a tener la chanca a tomar tu mano en el templo santo por todo eternidad. No quiero esperar una minuo mas que yo necesito para casarte. Pero, tambien estoy listo para esperar hasta que to eres lista para tomar esto pase en vida. Esto es una sentiment different para me. Nunca penso que pudo esperar por nada. Pero my Corazon es fijado en ti. Tu realamente son la hija de Dios que quiero tener por todo eternidad. Tue res una mujer bien preciosa. Tue res me unica rosa en el mundo de flores. You s que tu vas hacer una madre buenisma y no puedo esperar hasta que tu puedes tener mi hijos, hermana Webb you quiero que tomas mi mano y nunca dejas. No puedo Imagines me vida sin tu. Te amo.


Our Epistolary Romance Translation: Beloved Kelsey, I am writing you this letter to say I love you. I hope you can read and understand this letter. I love you a lot. I am in Sacrament meeting and I am thinking about you. I am thinking about the opportunity to marry you. This step in my life is going to make me very content. Never have I thought that I would have the chance to be so happy. Kels, you are my little angel. I am really happy to have the chance to take your hand in the temple for all eternity. I dont want to wait one more minute more than I need to marry you. But I am also ready to wait until you are ready to take this step in your life. This is a different feeling for me. I never thought I could wait for anything. My heart is set on you. You really are the daughter of God that I want to have for eternity. You are a really precious woman; you are the only rose in my world of flowers. (This doesnt make sense in English. LOL) I know you are going to make an amazing mother and I cant wait for you to make an amazing mother and I cant wait for you to have my kids. Mrs. Webb I want you to take my hand and never let go. I cant imagine my life without you I love you. So even though I just wrote a page in Spanish I hope you understood it. If not, ask me. So last night you brought up the issues of money. That is one of the huge causes of divorce. I dont want that to be us. I really love you. And I would love to fully discuss this issue before we get married. I want us to be ready to face everyting together. I really want us to succeed in our life. I am working and willing to work as hard as I can for us to be okay. And I expect the same from you. If we both work hard to this end I promise we will be okay. But we should realize that this will be a topic we will fight over this plenty in our marriage. Kels, I love you. There is plenty of stuff we need to, and will talk about before marriage. But I dont think it is right to wait until we are 100% sure. There are so many things which can destroy our relationship. If we are both willing to work through our Individual or mutual problems, I want us to grow together, I want us to work together to overcome our imperfection. Babe, we can be so amazing if we are willing to work together for the greater good of each other. I know that if we are faithful to the covenant of tithing everything will be provided for us. So, if we are faithful to all of our covenants we will be fine. I love you. Te Amo Te jame. Baby, you mean the world to me and so I guess the next couple of days I


Our Epistolary Romance get to spend it with your parents. I asked your father about what I need to do to be worthy to marry you. I Love you Kelsey and I mean spending time with your family is something I have to get used to, because they will be mine for all of eternity. They are crazy but they just want you to be happy. I know they love you. The just dont realize yet how much I really do love you. I am excited to be your husband and the thought of you meeting my family is nerve racking but exciting. I want you to like them, they are not the most normal. Baby I cant wait to start our family together. Im excited! Were going to be amazing. So if you have questions you can ask. I love you Kels, and I am really excited for you to be my wife.

Love you,

Jacob your Love


Our Epistolary Romance

Kelseys Letter June 25, 2009

My Dearest Jacob,
I really dont know how to express how much your letter means to me. That is no short letter by any means and the fact that I got to read it while lying in your arms was incredible. Im glad you find it so easy to talk to me. You are a quiet one sometimes so the fact that Im easier to talk to reassures me that Im the right one for you. Im not really sure about how to match my feelings for you with my words. And when you tell me that Im beautiful and sexy, I wish I knew what to say to you to convey the same feelings. You are very handsome sweetheart, even if youre not that tan. I loved having you here sweetheart. It was pure bliss. BTW youre a-dork-able . I guess Im glad you like me. Thats something I was worried would never happen to me. It means a lot to me when you tell me that Ill make a great mother. I dont have a whole lot of experience with kids so I worry about knowing what to do once I have my own. Im better since Ive been around my nieces and nephews, but Im still a little unsure of myself. So I guess thats something well have to work out together. Im very excited about learning how to dance with you. Its going to take a lot of patience, but I think itll be a ton of fun. Im also really excited about our LDS marriage and family class. I think itll be really good for us as a couple. I have a lot of random things I want to do, and Im glad to know that youll support me in anything, every step of the way. You treat me so well, I really do feel like your princess. Your goals are very practical. So I think we should focus on yours, and less on some of mine, at least at first. You wanted to be a carpenter? Wow, my Grandpa really wouldve liked you. I wish you couldve met them. I guess you will someday. I cant wait to put together furniture with you. Its cheaper and more fun, perfect! BTW I love Ikea. Lets go when I get back. So it sounds like you really want to do construction or something. I love you so much sweetheart, you know that right? But I really would like you to pick a major before we get married, I think wed both feel better if you did. I love hearing you talk about our future family. I cant wait to share my life with you, and being in charge of your household sounds incredible. I would love to stay home with our kids and shower them with love. I think children need more attention from their parents than anyone else. I dont want to leave the task of raising my children to anyone else. And I want our kids to know that we love each other, we love them, and we love the gospel. I dont think I would even want to leave our kids with my parents because its important to me that they know we love them and were going to take care of them. Having a home with you sounds incredible, better than anything Id imagined before. I cant wait to start a family with you, and work everything out and just be with you as we live our lives. Whew lets see whats next. Our sex life? Lol, I guess thats where Im at in your letter. I know its still weird that I actually might be looking forward to sex


Our Epistolary Romance with you. And hot old people sex with you sounds like fun. I know that sometimes things are hard for you, and its rough being so far away from each other, but my affection for you isnt decreasing like I originally thought it would. Before I left, I really didnt want to break up with you, but I knew that loosing you from 2000 miles away would have been more than I could handle. I didnt want to fall out of love with you and realize one day that the distance tore us apart. I guess after my fiasco with Dallin, I didnt think I was worth any distance (and we were only 40 miles apart). So leaving you had me so worried because if I couldnt keep up a relationship over 40 miles, there was no way I was going to be good enough to keep up on over 2000. And though times I feel

the distance and it tears me apart, the face that were pulling through this tells me that were going to pull through any other issue we come to in our marriage. Im right/good for you Jacob. I know I am. I want to inspire you to be the best man you can, but not force you to change. I dont want to fix you. You dont need fixing and I dont think you ever will. Just upgrades along the way to keep us and our relationship in a position where we feel good about our progress and where were headed. I love you Jacob, and Im very proud and excited about how far weve come and spending our futures together. No other man in the course of my life has made me feel like you do. You light up my life, you make me feel brand new. I feel like your relationship has matured and Ive gone deeper into our love, and yet I still get butterflies sometimes when I see you. And I tingle inside when you touch me. I wish I could convey to you how much you mean to me and how incredible you make me feel just by the sound of your voice. You are my reason to do the best that I can I things, even when I dont feel like I really want to do anything. Thank you for being my inspiration. I love you Jacob, and I want to marry you. There were times during your trip


Our Epistolary Romance when I would be watching you, as you were just thinking, and then you would feel me watching you and turn to me and flash me the most brilliant smile. It took my breath away and made my heart skip a beat. It amazed me how one look from you could completely floor me. I forgot how incredible it feels to be hear you. Its a thrill every time you look at me or touch me, and I dont ever want to be away from you again. My very soul aches for you when youre not here with me, and when one of us is feeling lonely, it seems like the other one is missing them something fierce as well. I want to thank you again for my birthday present. I wear it every day (along with my engagement ring) and whenever I miss you I just hold it and think about how much you love me and how soon Ill be home. And thank you for spending your birthday with me. Your trip was short and it was hard to say goodbye, but it was just the sort of thing I needed to get me through the rest of the summer. Were going to make it babe, and in a short amount of time, Im going to be your fiance and then your wife, and make you happy and keep you satisfied until the end of time. I love you Jake with all my soul and I cant wait to see you again. Im mailing you your birthday ticket in case you wanted to keep it or put it with our picture or something. I love you. Remember that no matter what happens I always will.

With all my heart,



Our Epistolary Romance

Jacobs Letter July 6, 2009

Dear Sweet, Sexy Kelsey,
Well I am really glad you enjoyed my letter. Each letter I write to you I try to put meaning behind my words. You mean the world to me Kels, you really do. I am not really good at verbal communication. I find it a lot easier to express myself in text (i.e. computers and test message). So I am sorry if I dont convey the right idea. I love you Kelsey, so much. The ease with which I talk with you is what got me first attracted to you in the first place, that first night is where you won the game of chess for my heart. You are so easy to talk to that it scares me. I find myself opening up, all of my defenses go down and I get lost in conversation with you. Sometimes, I worry that we will run out of things to talk about, and then the marriage will be over. But even when we say nothing you communicate millions of feelings tat words couldnt explain. So I am not too worried about our relationship. You are beautiful and sexy. I would never have imagined my future wife being so attractive. I love your hair curly or straight. I love the way you look when you just woke up. I love staring into your big, beautiful eyes. I love touching your soft lips. They are two never ending wells of passion and excitement. I love holding your hand. It feels so right I hold the world. I am terrified if I let go you will escape and I will lose the best thing to happen to me. I love your body. Its not the ideal body, but it is really sexy. You are so beautiful and I am left pondering on how I ever got a girl like you. You really are my dream girl. I love you. These are just the physical attributes I love about you. If I was to go into the emotional, mental, sentiments, spiritual and sexual, we would be reading hundreds of pages. I dont fully understand how or why we love each other but I see our love deepening everyday. And I am surprised even more. When I tell you that you are going to be a great mother, I speak the truth. Just watching you interact with your niece and nephews, I am sold on the idea you will be an amazing mother of my children. Baby, dont worry about experience, you have the natural ability and you will learn quick enough. And you will have a loving husband to support you through sore nipples and sleepless nights. The dancing is going to be a lot of fun. I know you dont believe you can, but you can sing, so you can dance. Its moving to rhythm. It will be a good chance


Our Epistolary Romance to learn and grow together. It will give us a common interest and hobby. It will also give us some exercise together, which wouldnt hurt either of us. Our class is going to be interesting. I guess looking back agreeing to take the class with you was me realizing I wanted to be with you. I just didnt realize then, that would consist of me marrying you. I know the class will help us as a couple a lot. Since we are taking the class together, we can study together. Plus it will give us the view of marriage, I think both of ours is skewed by Divorce. I will support you in anything reasonable and in our budget. Sorry, no starting a catering business from our house. I will be beside you 100% of the time hand in hand giving you the encouragement to fulfill your dreams. You are my princess and I cant wait to build a castle with you. All of the house thing sound wonderful with you. I remembered another thing to add to the registry. Just for you. A MOP. I was rereading your blog today and I read about the night you explode at the mop. Lol. Well I mean yes my goals are more practical but I think we should choose a goal from each of our lists and work on them together. I dont want you to fell unfulfilled years down the road. Your goals are just as important as mine. Our longterm goal is buy a home and start a family (not in that order). Yeah, I really love working with my hands. I learned the basics of most trades. I can frame, electric, plumbing, sheet rock, tile floor, carpet, roof, siding, farming, foundation and cook. So, yeah it is exciting to meet the. ( I know in eternity). I love that Idea too, it will be fun. BTW I love you and I think we should window shop for what we want to register for when you get back. Ikea sounds like a great idea and so much fun. I am working really hard to figure out my major and I am planning on deciding that before we get married. I would be more comfortable knowing how I was going to support you and my future family. I want us to be proud of our home, I want to be able to invite people over and enjoy it. I completely agree that we need to show them that I love you and you love me. They need to know we love them irrationally. Baby, I would love to have you stay at home and show them love. But my idea of leaving them with your parents was only if we both (NEED!) to work. I would be okay with your parents babysitting for a couple of hours. Building OUR home together sounds wonderful, I would want no one to be running my house. You are amazing and for that you get a pretty ring and a stud. But I cant wait to figure thing out together to


Our Epistolary Romance draw closer to each other and God through thoughtful and sincere prayer. Our sex life, well its a good thing to look forward to. I am extremely grateful that you no longer find it yucky because it will be a vital part of our marriage, and one of the easiest ways to connect. I realize it will take time for you to be fully comfortable with the idea. I am ready to work with you and take it slow until you are ready. I know it is worth the wait. I am really excited about Hot old people sex too. Baby this is really hard. Being away from you was something I imagined as ruining us. But as you said, I also thought that our affection would decrease. Now look at us thinking about children and you being comfortable enough to have sex with me. Well, I never wanted to distance thing, I am sorry. I love too much and get hurt too much. I never wouldve imagined waiting 4 months, but you have me and I am going to marry you in January. Okay I love you but do we

need to bring up Dallin every time? I am nothing like him. I love you and I am Hot and well 2000 miles still doesnt put out the fire we have. So shut up and kiss me baby, I am your future husband. Nothing buy maybe you stopping loving me will come between us ever. I have come a really far way with you. You have loved and supported me through my tough and potentially disastrous times. You showed me, that I deserve to be loved, a feeling I wasnt sure I was worthy of. I am glad this all working out so quickly. I mean the day we met was the last time we will spend Valentines day alone. I will be having sex on the 1st V-day that I am not single. I am super excited about that, I love you and I am willing to upgrade if you are willing. We can upgrade together, makes it easier to be compatible. We will pull through this time of apartness, stronger for the better. I


Our Epistolary Romance also thing you are the key to the locket that is my heart, you are the spice to my sugar and you the peanut butter with my Oreo. You complete me in ways only dreamed about in fairy tales. Our relationship will need to continue to be nurtured and to grow. But I feel good about how far we have come so far. Still have hundreds of miles to go to perfection, but we are long distance runners and have all eternity to finish. I am more man that any other man in your life (excepting your father). I look at you and I dont see a scared little girl that you think you are. But a full-grown mature woman, who fills every hole in my life. I would wait forever with you. I see the love in your eyes when I touch you or say I love you. You glow like a brilliant star. I light up when I hear your voice, I get a stupid grin when I see you (picture or real), talk about you, hear your name, or smell something that reminds me of you (pine needles). The past three hours that I have been writing this have been glorious: you have been on my mind. The whole time I couldnt imagine a better way to spend an afternoon than thinking and dreaming about you. I love you. I also feel our relationship has matured a lot. The very fact that we started out dating for the pure reason for a hot make out session. But we matured and fell in love and stayed together for more than a make-out session, because I dont think a make out buddy is worth 3 months and 2000 miles of distance. I think you are worth any amount of miles. It is Dallins loss, he would have been luck to have a sexy girlfriend like you. He gave you up way too easy. I love you Kelsey. When I turned around at the airport and I saw that beautiful girl standing there my heart skipped a beat and butterflies were everywhere. My hand and lips were tingling all the way to the apartment. Baby, last night when you called me about your bad dream. I would never cheat on you. I know it was real but it is unfounded. I dont believe I have given you any reason to doubt my faithfulness. I promise I have not been kissed or kissed any girls since youve been gone. I am more than willing to listen if you ever have a problem. My ears are always open, even late at night. If you really need me call me and I am ready to listen. It is really amazing to me to be able to make you giggle with school girl excitement. I am really glad you find me attractive and that my smile can do that to you. I am glad you enjoyed your present. It wasnt expensive, but I wanted it to mean something. I love you and I will put a better one on you when I have the money. And the engagement ring is something to say you are mine. I cant wait to put a ring on that hand for real. You will be my beautiful fiance. It was great to be able to spend my birthday with you. I couldnt imagine a better way and place to spend my birthday. I tried really hard to make you happy. I fail a lot but I wish I could make you see how much I really do love you. You gave me the things I needed, a chance and hope. You may never realize how much that meant to me. I love you so much. I am slowly counting down the weeks until you arrive safely back at the airport to pick you up and hold you in my arms. How is your Book of Mormon reading going? I have a large fear that I wont be able to lead and guide our family spiritually. I dont feel like I am in tune with the spirits prompting. I am a little scared that I will fail as a husband in that way. I want you to be happy and I want to help you continue to progress. I miss you Kelsey. I dont go an hour without thinking about you. It would be impossible for me to survive a say without you. I want to marry you as soon as possible. I want


Our Epistolary Romance to have you fall asleep in my arms. I cant wait for you to be mind and for you to have me forever. I want to be your faithful priesthood holder. I want to put my hands on your head and pour out the blessings of God upon you. I am excited to go on temple dates with you. Just to sit in the Celestial room holding your hands, thinking about our problems and trials and how we can overcome, together. I am excited to share spiritual things with you. I am excited about being sealed to you and our children, forever. We are talking about section 84 and 121 of D&C about magnifying priesthood authority. I want to be your priesthood holder. I love you Kelsey. So I was thinking about our future home. I want it to be perfect. I know I struggle with my knowledge of my ability to provide for you and my family. I want to be this amazing husband that fulfills your every need. So what are we going to do about couches for the living room? Do you really want to be my wife? You are going to spend the rest of eternity with the same guy. Are you really ready for that to be me? Do you really believe I am the one? How are we going to work out school? Who is going to finish first? So, our first child, what would you like a boy or a girl? Why? Is there anything I should know about you that I dont already? What is your favorite meal (type and exact dish)? If you couldnt tell I am asking lots of questions. You amaze me Kelsey, I struggle with you being so far away. It is really hard right now because I know I love you. But just sometimes I second guess myself and I mean I am not ready to dump you or anything like that, I just want to feel closer and that is hard when you are 2000 miles away and you working so much. I guess I havent talked to you enough lately and I want to. I know that this isnt your fault but its not mine either. We just need to try harder. I want to be so close to you. And I am feeling horrible that I cannot. I am sorry I even brought this up. So new subject. Happier subject. So your parents really love you. That is why its hard to let you jump in like this. I love you and I am pretty sure you feel


Our Epistolary Romance similarly. So I mean marriage is a big step for us. They just want to make sure it is right. So six days after you get home, Chris moves our, so you might have a house guest for a little while. You will be home as a family again. Kels, I wish you really know how much you mean to me. I have lots of trouble showing it properly and to the right extent. I miss you Kelsey, I get depressed when I think of losing you. Nothing could happen worse in my life. When I think about raising children, I am excited to do that with you. Raise kids that is. Creating them doesnt sound too bad either. I dont understand why you have this affect on me. I am reading, not even just fiction books. You have me reading how to marriage books and serious planning out the design of my future home. I am supposed to be this macho guy, who is super buff, but with you. . . I cant I am a big baby. I am scared of what my daughters will do to me when they hit any age. They are going to be huge Daddys girls. What did you have to make me fall so hard for you. Why does it not matter what, I would do anything to see you smile and make you happy. My boys, I am not worried about them. With them you only have to worry about one boy. With my daughters it is a new one every week. I know it is probably unfair but I think I will be more strict on our daughters. So I was thinking about our future finances. So how do we plan on that? I have a few ideas which do you think it best of us. One of us could write the checks. Well, we meet together each week. We also need to sit down soon after Marriage. We need to decide what we want or need to buy. It is a possibility that we can trade off each month so that we both get better at money. It will be a huge factor in our marriage. We can decide to be happy and not fight about our money, even if we are poor, rich or in between. Sow hat do you want to do about our budget. We could each receive a weekly allowance for personal spending. I love you Kelsey. I am really excited to study the scriptures and pray together. Everything sounds like so much more fun with you. Kelsey, will you marry me December 31st in the temple of the Lord? I need you in my life. I never imagined I would find eternity with you. But I have to have you now. I cant and dont want to live without you by my side. I struggle every day that you are forever far away. I want to be with you but I know I cannot right now. I am counting the days until I can hold you in my arms. Holding you and your hand. I know this might sound corny and clich but when my hand is holding yours, I hold the world. I dont want to let you go. But as of lately I have been thinking about my future and it changes a lot where I am and what I am doing. There is a constant factor in this. You are my future, I cant imagine my future without you. So, I am looking forward to creating our family together. I will enjoy every moment we spend together. So I am looking forward to cooking, cleaning, and eating as a couple and later as a family. I want to cook a candlelight dinner in our humble home. Baby I dont understand why you even care about me. But you do and I love you for that. I dont see what you see in me, it must be something amazing to love me like you do. You see something that I can be in a future time. You love me like no one ever has and I am fairly certain no one ever will. You amaze me baby and you are so beautiful. We are going to have lots of fun and all this wait will be worth it. I love you so much Kels, I love you so much and I am not sure


Our Epistolary Romance I will ever truly understand why or how you love me, but I am glad you do. It means so much to me to be loved unconditionally. I am uber excited to marry you forever. Remember I love you. I give you my whole heart.

Love always,

Jacob future lover


Our Epistolary Romance

Kelseys Letter July 15, 2009

My One and Only
Goodness, when you told me 12 pages I dont think I fully comprehended that much. I dont know if I told you, but Im really glad you indulged me with this letter writing thing. It means a lot to me, the time and dedication a letter requires. I guess sometimes I am just old fashioned like this. So you really were first attracted to me because it was easy to talk to me? And I was attracted to you because of the work ethic you showed by cleaning my kitchen. So maybe we actually got together for deeper reasons than I thought. Kind of a nice surprise. I really did admire your willingness to give service, even when it wasnt for me. Im glad youre not worried about us running out of things to talk about. Eternity is a long time to keep up conversation skills. So wow. Sitting here reading all the reasons you are attracted it to me, it really is incredible. Im glad you like my eyes. Theyre my favorite feature. As far as loving me when I just wake up, I think youre crazy but I guess thats okay because e thats what youre going to wake up to for the rest of your life. Yikes, sounds like a death sentence for your senses to me. Anyway Im glad you like my body and find me sexually appealing. I am striving to see myself the way you see me. I know Im too hard on myself, but I just feel like I could be so much prettier if I just put in the effort and lost some weight. So Im going to try and work on that before we get married. Im just scared that Im going to fail and thats been a major hit on my esteem before. I wish I knew how to make it more effective so that I could stick with it. Im going to need help baby, to turn my life around physically. I know sometimes the idea scares me, but I really do want to have kids of my own. So that makes it more important than ever that I get myself healthy. Gotta find a way to make it interesting enough to hold my attention. Baby I think youre going to be a great father. You have so much potential and all the love and gentleness you need to be able to rear our children. You will be able to be a leader to them and well teach by example. Our children will grow up in a loving home that will be a heaven for them as we try to guide them through this life. I know its been hard for us to be apart. I suppose in a way Im resentful about


Our Epistolary Romance you having this much power over me, to make me miss you this much. But the love Ive given you has not even been enough. You deserve so much more, so Im going to try to keep pouring love out on you. Im glad I had the courage to love you. You just seemed so out of my league that I was afraid to try. It was so easy to fall for you; I was worried that falling for you would bring more pain when you didnt care about me too. Thankfully my fears were unfounded. I never wouldve imagined that I would actually be marring you. Not even in my happiest dreams. Baby, my life was a dark place before you came to me. Your love is like a brilliant sun rising on a new day. I was so afraid of being alone. Being the last to be married and finally convincing some out of desperation. But Im not marrying you because Im out of options, Im marrying you because you are the happiest option. When you say you love me, its like handing me another star to put in my once dark and cold sky. Now it sparkles with my joy. Any time Im feeling sad or upset I just need to look up at that sky and remember its your love thats shining back at me. I love to see you smile. Especially if I know I put that smile on your face. On the way back from the airport, when you kept sticking your hands through the seat to touch me, or hold my hand, I was just trying to hold still. My heart was leaping out of my chest and my whole body ached to be in your arms. To know that you felt the same way, and you were doing anything you could do to touch me. It was incredible to remember how much you loved me, and how complete I feel from your touch. I know it may be inappropriate, but to hear you saying you want to be the worthy priesthood holder in my house, and being a worthy and loving husband and father, it makes me hot for you. The idea of being youre wife, and sharing the most sacred parts of life with you, sounds incredible. I really do want to by your wife, and share my life with you. Well work together and make our lives better because of what we share. Let see, ideally? My first child a boy or a girl Id almost like to have a girl first just because I know how to raise a girl better. I love the idea of my first being a boy so that he can be a big brother to the rest of them. Having a big brother was something I wouldnt want to trade. Bryant really stepped up to the plate with my mom being alone, and became the man of the house. Okay back to my letter now that Im home. Man baby it feels good to be back with you again. To put your arms around me, or pull myself into your lap, pretty much whenever I feel like it. Okay you had more questions for me to answer. Favorite meal. My mom used to make this Sunday Dinner in the crock pot with roast beef and cooked carrots and mashed potatoes with hot rolls. It was so delicious. But I also love a good lasagna. Its just a hearty meal and I enjoy its warmth and filling-ness. Im not sure if theres anything else about me that you should know You should probably know that I dont go into anything emotionally half-heartedly. When it comes to my feelings or matters of the heart, I dont hold anything back. Thats probably when youve seen me cry so much. I feel things very strongly. I love that I have the ability to turn you into a puddle of mush. For a girl that never had a boy care about her before, to have you love me so deeply that youre going other things like planning our lives together. You mean so much to me Jacob, you life has


Our Epistolary Romance become intertwined with mine and I wouldnt want it any other way. You are still my big macho man, but the tenderness you use when you hold me, it makes me feel so loved. It shows me how much you care about me and how you want to protect me and make me happy. I cant believe the level of devotion you feel for me. How much it means that you want to see my happy. Ive been whiney lately and I apologize for that, I dont understand how you can put up with my sometimes. But not only do you put up with it, but you love me in spite of it and just ease my problem and try to make me happy again. Youve changed my perceptions about life. Through the way you love me, and how deeply my emotions run for you, my view of the world and what I want has changed drastically. I used to look forward to things that now dont mean anything. Like who cares about being and EFY counselor when I could be by your side, building our home together. Why do I care about living with Micah when I could keep house for you and make our little apartment into a home that well fill with love. Im giving up dreams for you, and its because you are the man of my dreams. Anything else that I had planned pales in comparison to a life with you. And its so much deeper than just a physical attraction, although when I look at you I cant believe Im marrying a Greek god. You are more than I ever hoped for in every aspect. And those places that you are imperfect, I look forward to growing with you until we reach that Eternal Exaltation that we have been promised. You are my everything, and Im so happy to be yours. To have your ring on m finger and feel you love shining beside me fills me with indescribable joy and I know that I made the right decision to marry you. When I chose you, I chose happiness. I chose my eternity. My future is bright beside you because you are the light of my life. I know that sounds cheesy, but it is also so true. I will never leave your side because it would kill me to do so. I love you Jacob. I love you until the end of time. You are my strength and I will do everything in my power to be a good wife for you and make you happy all the days of my life and clear on through eternity.

Forever yours my sweetheart,

Kelsey Webb


Our Epistolary Romance


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