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Objectives: CC.8.R.L.

3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. CC.8.R.L.4 Craft and Structure: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. Procedure: Step One: Review First Half of Chapter 3 of Night (5 min) 1. Ask students to get out books, pens, and highlighters. Remind them that we will be finishing the rest of chapter 3 today. 2. Briefly summarize what has happened so far a. Did we meet any new characters? b. Have we seen any characters change? c. What has Elie and his father experienced at the camp? What have they seen? 3. Write on the board the different elements the students should be looking for: a. Behavior of adults and children b. Fire c. Choices Step Two: Finish chapter 3 (40 min) 4. Finish reading chapter 3 to the class (starting on page 37). Stop periodically at important thematic examples, literary elements, characterizations, etc. 5. Ask questions to students about what is being read in the text. For Instance: a. What do you imagine when you read we were withered trees in the heart of the desert? b. What theme does the SS officer display here? (38-39) c. What literary element do we see here? (It was spring. The sun was shining (40).) 6. Remind students that the chapter 3 notes are due tomorrow. Step Three: Stems Review 7. Give instructions for the activity (35 min)

a. Students will grab an individual white board, dry erase marker, and tissue. b. I will stand at the front of the room with the stems binder and flip to a page. The students will then have to write the stem or the definition that matches the word shown. c. I will correct each person if the wrong answer is provided. Step Four: Start Notes (Remaining Time) 8. If there is extra time, students will start working on their chapter 3 notes that are due tomorrow. Assessment/Evaluation: CC.8.R.L.3 Throughout the chapter, we will, as a class, identify important quotes and analyze how these instances affect the understanding of plot and characters. CC.8.R.L.4 Students will be analyzing particular word choices in the chapter convey meaning and tone. I will be able to assess the students by our class discussion.

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