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Jody Marie Pirtle

Curriculum Vitae
__________________________________________________________________________ Academic Background Ph.D., Disability and Psychoeducational Studies University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Major: Special Education; Minor: Family Studies and Human Development Master of Arts, Special Education, Severe and Multiple Disabilities University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona December 2012

December 2006

Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education August 2004 University of Arizona South, Sierra Vista, Arizona __________________________________________________________________________ Research My research interests are two-pronged: (a) the health and educational benefits of family, community, medical, and school collaboration in the lives of young children with special health care needs and low incidence disabilities, including autism and (b) the most effective ways to create inclusive educational settings for children with varying support needs. My dissertation, Collaboration Between Families, Educators, and Medical Professionals to Create a Rural Medical Home for Children with Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities, was a series of three studies I completed in conjunction with the creation of a rural medical home in my community. Young children with special health care needs and low incidence disabilities and their families were central to all three studies. All three manuscripts will be submitted for publication. Pirtle, J. M. (2012). Families perspectives of the organization and delivery of care in a rural medical home. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, University of Arizona. Pirtle, J. M. (2012). Perceived needs of families of children with special health care needs who reside in a rural southwestern border community. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, University of Arizona. Pirtle, J. M. (2012). Going home: A familial, medical, and educational exploratory investigation. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, University of Arizona. _________________________________________________________________________

Professional Experience

2 Instructor Spring 2013 University of Arizona SERP 202 Introduction to Learners with Low Incidence Disabilities Lead instructor for inaugural undergraduate course offering and will collaborate with four faculty members to design and present innovative hybrid module design Will instruct undergraduate students in introductory course related to learners with low incidence disabilitiesDeaf/Hard of Hearing, Visual Impairments and Blindness, Severe and Multiple Disabilities, and Deaf blindness Co- Instructor Spring 2013 University of Arizona CPH 582Leadership and Interdisciplinary Management of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders Will use online platform to co-instruct and co-grade graduate students in College of Public Health introductory leadership course in the interdisciplinary management of neurodevelopmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders (NDD-ASD) AUCD Board Trainee/ECP Representative Summer 2012-present Association of University Centers on Disabilities First Trainee/Early Career Professional on the AUCD Board of Directors Attend all face-to-face meetings as well as participate in monthly conference calls Establish goals, objectives, and priorities for position AUCD Virtual Trainee Fall 2011-Summer 2012 Association of University Centers on Disabilities Built and enhanced a network among AUCD trainees using Facebook, Twitter, listserves, websites, webinars, email, and newsletters Attended Mid-West Regional LEND Seminar and presented overview of AUCD Attended Making Lifelong Connections Meeting in Orlando, FL Co-organized formal and informal trainee activities at AUCD fall conference and the spring Disability Policy Seminar Collaborated with AUCD directors, council members, staff, and Trainee Liaisons Participated in creation of Life Course MCH Training Resources Surveyed AUCD Trainees at the start, mid-point, and end of year to capture perspectives and created posters with visual images of responses Co-Instructor Spring 2012 University of Arizona SERP 464/564Introduction to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Used online platform to instruct undergraduate and graduate level students in introductory course related to prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, policy considerations, and evidence-based instructional strategies for students with ASD Designed course and syllabus; graded all assignments, discussion board postings, projects, and examinations Co-Instructor University of Washington Spring 2012

3 EDSPE 435Introduction to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Used online platform to instruct undergraduate level students in introductory course related to prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, policy considerations, and evidence-based instructional strategies for students with ASD Designed course and syllabus; monitored discussion board postings LEND Trainee Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Leadership in Education of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, University of Arizona Completed 300 hours of advanced clinical and interdisciplinary leadership training including didactic seminars, mentored clinical experiences, research, and hands-on instruction to administration and public policy makers Instructor Spring 2011 University of Arizona SERP 595aAssessing and Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Used online platform to instruct graduate level students in evidence-based assessment and instructional strategies for students with autism spectrum disorders Created syllabus and graded all assignments, discussion board postings, and examinations Co-Instructor Spring 2011 University of Arizona SERP 513Assessing and Educating Students with Cognitive Impairments and Multiple Disabilities and SERP 518Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Learners with Severe and Multiple Disabilities Used in-person platform to co-instruct graduate level students in (a) evidence-based assessment and instructional strategies for students with cognitive impairments and multiple disabilities and (b) augmentative and alternative communication strategies for learners with severe and multiple disabilities including autism and deaf-blindness Co-created syllabus and co-graded assignments and examinations Graduate Associate, Zona de Promesa University of Arizona, Family Studies and Human Development Coordinated school-wide art project Supervised undergraduate students at school site Attended weekly research team meetings Spring 2011

Arizona LEND Planning Grant Trainee Spring 2011 University of Arizona, Department of Pediatrics Completed Leadership and Interdisciplinary Management of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorders course Attended monthly didactic and clinical seminars Sonoran UCEDD Trainee University of Arizona Attended monthly disability seminars Completed disability-specific project Fall 2010-Spring 2011

4 Received AUCD Trainee Scholarship to attend 2010 AUCD fall conference

Graduate Assistant Spring 2010 University of Arizona, Disability and Psychoeducational Studies SERP 518Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Learners with Severe and Multiple Disabilities Assisted in developing syllabus and visual aids Maintained course website Co-evaluated and graded examinations, assignments, and projects Provided instructors with assistance in the use of audiovisual equipment Conducted observations of student teachers First Things First External Evaluation Team Member Fall 2009 University of Arizona Assessed kindergarten students throughout Cochise County using standardized instruments (Battelle Developmental Inventory, 2nd Edition, Preschool Language Scale, 4th Edition) Pre-K, Elementary, and Secondary Special Education Teacher April 2004 May 2009 Douglas Unified School District, Collaborated with parents, administrators, specialists, social workers, and medical professionals to develop students individual educational plans Modified the general education curriculum for students based on a variety of instructional techniques and technologies Administered standardized ability and achievement tests, and interpreted results to determine students' strengths and areas of need Attended professional meetings, educational conferences, and teacher training workshops to maintain and improve professional competence Inclusion Facilitator/Assistive Technology Coordinator August 2006 May 2009 Douglas Unified School District Collaborated with other teachers and administrators across the district in the development, evaluation, and revision of preschool, elementary, and secondary inclusive special education programs Monitored teachers and teacher assistants to ensure they adhered to inclusive special education program requirements Provided students with assistive devices and supportive technology to supplement general education lessons Coordinated with vision and hearing specialists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech therapists to provide students appropriate programming Child Find Coordinator August 2004 May 2009 Douglas Unified School District Chaired Child Find Screening team comprised of parents, medical professionals, school psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, and school nurses Screened 2-5 year olds throughout the school district using Developmental Indicators

5 for the Assessment of Learning 3rd Edition (DIAL-3) Prepared and presented comprehensive evaluation results to team Created brochures and letters and disseminated to relevant local agencies Placed newspaper and radio announcement for Child Find purposes Collaborated with Head Start and Arizona Early Intervention professionals to ensure smooth special education service delivery

General Education Teacher Summer 2004 and Summer 2005 Douglas Unified School District Fourth Grade Teacher and First Grade Teacher (practicum) Planned, prepared and delivered instructional activities to facilitate active learning experiences Identified and selected different instructional resources and methods to meet students' varying needs Assigned and graded class work, homework, tests, and assignments Communicated necessary information regularly to students, colleagues, and parents about students progress and needs Division of Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Provider August 2002 June 2004 Douglas, Arizona Designed, implemented, and monitored individualized habilitation plans in the following areas (a) self-care, (b) communication, (c) socialization, (d) safety, (e) perceptual motor skills, (f) functional academics, (g) behavioral management, (h) vocational skills, and (i) community experiences Served as a member of an interdisciplinary treatment team Prepared and delivered written reports on client progress __________________________________________________________________________ Publications and Scholarly Work West, E. A. & Pirtle, J. M. (in press). Mothers and Fathers Perspectives on Quality Special Educators in Northwestern United States: Attributes that Influence Inclusive Practice. In Jones, P. (ed.) Infusing Insider Perspectives into Inclusive Teacher Learning: Potentials and Challenges. London: Routledge. West, E. A. & Pirtle, J. M. (in press). Quality special educators and effective teaching practices: Mothers and fathers perspectives. Accepted for publication by Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, November 2012. Pirtle, J. M. & Maker, C. J. (2012, June). A Qualitative Analysis of Kindergarteners Openended Drawing and Storytelling Opportunities. Journal of the Institute for Educational Research, 43 (1). Pirtle, J. M. & MacFarland, S. Z. M. (2011, February) Preschoolers, parents, and partnerships: An interdisciplinary investigation. R03 grant submitted to the National Institute of Health (NIH).

6 Pirtle, J. M. (2011, February). Trainee experiences at AUCDs annual conference. Developments Newsletter. Retrieved from Pirtle, J. M. (2010, Fall). U of A Doctoral student collaborates with CCHCI in language skills project. Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc. Newsletter, 2(1), 7. __________________________________________________________________________ Conference Presentations Pirtle, J. M. (2012, September). Educational Implications for Students with TBI, invited speaker, Grunewald-Blitz Conference for Children with Communication Disorders, University of Arizona Pirtle, J. M., Armstrong, H. K., & West, E. A. (2012, July). Sense of Community in Two Online University Courses. Poster presented at the Office of Special Education Projects (OSEP) Project Directors Conference, Washington, D.C. Pirtle, J. M., MacFarland, S. Z. C., Brodsky, P., & Perino, D. (2012, July). Project FOCUS: Exploring Multiple Perspectives of the Post-Secondary Journey of a Young Woman with an Intellectual Disability. Poster presented at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSID) Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Pirtle, J. M. (2011, November). Going Home: A Familial, Medical, and Educational Exploratory Investigation. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Fall Conference, Crystal City, VA. Pirtle, J. M. (2011, July). Rural Medical Home: Past, Present, and Future. The 15th Street Pediatric Center of Excellence. Poster presented at the Office of Special Education Projects (OSEP) Project Directors Conference, Washington, D.C. MacFarland, S. Z. C. & Pirtle, J. M. (2011, April). Linking IEP Goals to the General Education Curriculum. One-day workshop presented at the Arizona Wins with Inclusive Schools (AzWINS) Conference, Deer Valley, AZ.

Arizaga-Gomez, M. P., Pirtle, J. M., Huang, K. (2010, June). The rosetta stone: What does the content of young childrens narratives tell us? Paper presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) National Institute, Phoenix, AZ. Pirtle, J. M. (2010, June). Inclusion in rural communities: Yes, it is possible! Poster session presented at the Arizona TASH Summer Conference, Phoenix, AZ. __________________________________________________________________________ Professional Service Member:

7 Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Co-Chair, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Division of Early Childhood (DEC) Research Special Interest Group (SIG) American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) Autism Society of America (ASA) TASH (formerly The Association for the Severely Handicapped) American Educational Research Association (AERA) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Reviewer: Journal of Research in Childhood Education Division for Early Childhood (DEC) (Conference Proposals) Infusing Insider Perspectives into Inclusive Teacher Learning: Potentials and Challenges (Book Chapters) __________________________________________________________________________ Professional/Academic Honors and Awards Graduate Speaker, UA College of Education Convocation, December 2012 Recipient, Anne Rudigier Award, AUCD, December 2012 Recipient, Alice H. Hayden Emerging Leader Award (TASH), November 2012 Recipient, AUCD Multicultural Council Award for Leadership in Diversity, 2012 Nominee, Graduate Assistant of the Year, 2010 Recipient, AUCD Trainee Scholarship, 2010-2011 Recipient, 2010 Graduate Erasmus Circle Scholar Recipient, Professoriate Fellowship, 2009-2013 Recipient, 2008 Arizona TASH Legacy Award, nominated in 2007 Nominee, Teacher of the Year, Douglas Unified School District, 2007-2008 Recipient, National Association of Special Educators Award, Spring 2007 Recipient, Whos Who Among American Teachers, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 Undergraduate Speaker, UA South Commencement Ceremony __________________________________________________________________________ Certifications Board Certified Behavior Analyst, (BCBA-D), in process Arizona Standard Elementary Education, K-8 Arizona Standard Cross Categorical Special Education, K-12 Arizona Standard Severely/Profoundly Disabled, K-12 Certificate in Application of Assistive Technology Arizona Full Structured English Immersion Endorsement, K-12 Arizona Early Childhood Special Education, in process __________________________________________________________________________

8 Technical and Specialized Skills Proficient in academic and developmental assessment administration (BDI-2, WJ-III Test of Achievement, Brigance Inventory of Developmental Skills, DIAL-3, PLS-4, PALS, REMA) Fluent in American Sign Language

__________________________________________________________________________ References Dr. C. June Maker Professor, Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, University of Arizona 1430 E. Second Street P.O. Box 210069 Tucson, Arizona 85721 Email: Phone: (520) 360-0314 Dr. Shirin Antia Professor, Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, University of Arizona 1430 E. Second Street P.O. Box 210069 Tucson, Arizona 85721 Email: Phone: (520) 331-4692 Dr. Stephanie MacFarland Assistant Professor of Practice, Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, University of Arizona 1430 E. Second Street P.O. Box 210069 Tucson, Arizona 85721 Email: Phone: (520) 906-8720 Dr. Angela Taylor Associate Professor and Acting Director, Norton School Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona 650 N. Park Ave Tucson, Arizona 85721-0078 Email: Phone: (520) 621-7129 Dr. Eileen McGrath Training Director, AzLEND, University of Arizona, Department of Pediatrics 1501 N. Campbell Avenue, P.O. Box 245073 Tucson, Arizona 85724 Email: Phone: (520) 626-6548

9 Dr. Sidney Rice Program Director, AzLEND, University of Arizona, Department of Pediatrics 1501 N. Campbell Avenue, P.O. Box 245073 Tucson, Arizona 85724 Email: Phone: (520) 626-6615 Dr. Jonathan Lee-Melk Director of Community Pediatrics, Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc. 815 15th Street Douglas, AZ 85607 Email: Phone: (520) 227-9167 Gail Zamar County Consultant; Former Superintendent, Douglas Unified School District Email: Phone: (520) 227-6626

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