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Oracle APPS Important Tables

ONT- Order Management Table Name Description OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL stores header information for orders in Order Management. OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL stores information for all order lines in Oracle Order Management. OE_ORDER_SOURCES Feeder System Names that create orders in Order Management tables. OE_ORDER_HOLDS_ALL This table stores information of all the orders and lines that are on hold and the link to hold sources and hold releases. OE_SALES_CREDITS This table stores information about sales credits. OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_ALL This table stores information about the order and line transaction types WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS Delivery Assignments WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS Delivery Details WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES Deliveries WSH_TRIPS Trips WSH_TRIP_STOPS Trip Stops PO - Purchasing Table Name Description PO_ACTION_HISTORY Document approval and control action history table PO_AGENTS Buyers table PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Purchase order distributions PO_HEADERS_ALL Document headers (for purchase orders, purchase agreements, quotations, RFQs) PO_LINES_ALL Purchase document lines (for purchase orders, purchase agreements, quotations, RFQs) PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL Document shipment schedules (for purchase orders, purchase agreements, quotations, RFQs) PO_RELEASES_ALL Purchase order releases PO_LINES_ARCHIVE_ALL Archived purchase order lines PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_ALL Archived purchase order shipments PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE_ALL Archived purchase orders PO_LINE_TYPES_B Line types

PO_RELEASES_ARCHIVE_ALL Archived releases PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL Requisition headers PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL Requisition lines PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Requisition distributions RCV_TRANSACTIONS Receiving transactions RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS Shipment and receipt header information RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES Receiving shipment line information INV Inventory Table Name Description MTL_CATEGORIES_B Code combinations table for Item Category MTL_CATEGORY_SETS_B Category Sets MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEMS Customer item Information MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEM_XREFS Relationships between customer items and inventory items MTL_DEMAND Sales order demand and reservations MTL_DEMAND_HISTORIES Sales order demand and reservations MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS Definitions for stock locators MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B Item revisions MTL_ITEM_TEMPLATES_B Item template definitions MTL_ITEM_TEMPL_ATTRIBUTES Item attributes and attribute values for a template MTL_LOT_NUMBERS Lot number definitions MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS Material transaction table MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP Temporary table for processing material transactions MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES_DETAIL FIFO quantities by control level and receipt MTL_PARAMETERS Inventory control options and defaults MTL_RESERVATIONS Reservations MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES Subinventory definitions MTL_SECONDARY_LOCATORS Item-subinventory-locator assignments MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS Serial number definitions MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Inventory item definitions MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS Material transaction distributions MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES Inventory Transaction Types Table MTL_TXN_REQUEST_HEADERS Move Order headers table MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINES Move order lines table MTL_UNIT_TRANSACTIONS Serial number transactions

GL- General Ledger Table Name Description GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS Stores valid account combinations GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS Stores information about the sets of books GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES Stores individual transactions from subledgers GL_DAILY_RATES Stores the daily conversion rates for foreign currency Transactions GL_PERIODS Stores information about the accounting periods GL_JE_HEADERS Stores journal entries GL_JE_LINES Stores the journal entry lines that you enter in the Enter Journals form GL_JE_BATCHES Stores journal entry batches GL_BALANCES Stores actual, budget, and encumbrance balances for detail and summary accounts GL_BUDGETS Stores Budget definitions GL_INTERFACE Import journal entry batches GL_BUDGET_INTERFACE Upload budget data from external sources GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE Import daily conversion rates AR- Accounts Receivables Table Name Description RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL Transaction type for invoices, commitments and credit memos RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL Header-level information about invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, commitments and credit memos RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL Invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo and commitment lines RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL Accounting records for revenue, unearned revenue and unbilled receivables RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_SALESREPS_ALL Sales credit assignments for transactions AR_ADJUSTMENTS_ALL Pending and approved invoice adjustments RA_BATCHES_ALL AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL Detailed receipt information AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL History of actions and status changes in the life cycle of a receipt

AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL All transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous cash receipts AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL Accounting information for cash and credit memo applications AR_TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ALL Life cycle of a transaction HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS Stores information about customer accounts. HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES Credit information for customer accounts and customer account sites HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL Stores all customer account sites across all operating units HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ALL Relationships between customer accounts HZ_CUST_CONTACT_POINTS This table is no longer used HZ_CUST_PROF_CLASS_AMTS Customer profile class amount limits for each currency HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL Stores business purposes assigned to customer account sites. HZ_LOCATIONS Physical addresses HZ_ORG_CONTACTS People as contacts for parties HZ_ORG_CONTACT_ROLES Roles played by organization contacts HZ_PARTIES Information about parties such as organizations, people, and groups HZ_PARTY_SITES Links party to physical locations HZ_PARTY_SITE_USES The way that a party uses a particular site or address HZ_RELATIONSHIPS Relationships between entities HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES Relationship types CE- Cash Management Table Name Description CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS This table contains bank account information. Each bank account must be affiliated with one bank branch. CE_BANK_ACCT_BALANCES This table stores the internal bank account balances CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_ALL This table stores information about your bank account uses. CE_STATEMENT_HEADERS Bank statements CE_STATEMENT_LINES Bank statement lines CE_STATEMENT_HEADERS_INT Open interface for bank statements

CE_STATEMENT_LINES_INTERFACE Open interface for bank statement lines CE_TRANSACTION_CODES Bank transaction codes AP- Accounts Payables Table Name Description AP_ACCOUNTING_EVENTS_ALL Accounting events table AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL Accounting entry headers table AP_AE_LINES_ALL Accounting entry lines table AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL Bank Account Details AP_BANK_ACCOUNT_USES_ALL Bank Account Uses Information AP_BANK_BRANCHES Bank Branches AP_BATCHES_ALL Summary invoice batch information AP_CHECKS_ALL Supplier payment data AP_HOLDS_ALL Invoice hold information AP_INVOICES_ALL Detailed invoice records AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL contains records for invoice lines entered manually, generated automatically or imported from the Open Interface. AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Invoice distribution line information AP.AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL Invoice payment records AP_PAYMENT_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Payment distribution information AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL Maturity and reconciliation history for Payments AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL Scheduled payment information on invoices AP_INTERFACE_REJECTIONS Information about data that could not be loaded by Payables Open Interface Import AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE Information used to create an invoice using Payables Open Interface Import AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE Information used to create one or more invoice distributions AP_SUPPLIERS AP_SUPPLIERS stores information about your supplier level attributes. AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL stores information about your supplier site level attributes. AP_SUPPLIER_CONTACTS Stores Supplier Contacts FA Fixed Assets Table Name Description

FA_ADDITIONS_B Descriptive information about assets FA_ADJUSTMENTS Information used by the posting program to generate journal entry lines in the general ledger FA_ASSET_HISTORY Historical information about asset reclassifications and unit adjustments FA_ASSET_INVOICES Accounts payable and purchasing information for each asset FA_BOOKS Financial information of each asset FA_BOOK_CONTROLS Control information that affects all assets in a depreciation book FA_CALENDAR_PERIODS Detailed calendar information FA_CALENDAR_TYPES General calendar information FA_CATEGORIES_B Default financial information for asset categories FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS Default financial information for an asset category and depreciation book combination FA_DEPRN_DETAIL Depreciation amounts charged to the depreciation expense account in each distribution line FA_DEPRN_PERIODS Information about each depreciation period FA_DEPRN_EVENTS Information about depreciation accounting events. FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY Depreciation information at the asset level FA_DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNTS Table to store account ccids for all distributions for a book FA_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULTS Distribution set information FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY Employee, location, and Accounting Flexfield values assigned to each asset FA_DISTRIBUTION_SETS Header information for distribution sets FA_FORMULAS Depreciation rates for formula-based methods FA_LOCATIONS Location flexfield segment value combinations FA_MASS_ADDITIONS Information about assets that you want to automatically add to Oracle Assets from another system FA_METHODS Depreciation method information FA_RETIREMENTS Information about asset retirements and reinstatements HRMS- Human Resource Management System Table Name Description HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Organization unit definitions. HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F Position definition information. HR_LOCATIONS_ALL Work location definitions. PER_ADDRESSES Address information for people

PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F DateTracked table holding personal information for employees, applicants and other people. PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F Allocated Tasks PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA Flexfield combination table for the personal analysis key flexfield. PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO Extra information for an assignment. PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES Predefined and user defined assignment status types. PER_CONTRACTS_F The details of a persons contract of employment PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS Contacts and relationship details for dependents, beneficiaries, emergency contacts, parents etc. PER_GRADES Grade definitions for a business group. PER_JOBS Jobs defined for a Business Group PER_PAY_BASES Definitions of specific salary bases PER_PAY_PROPOSALS Salary proposals and performance review information for employee assignments PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO Extra information for a person PER_PERIODS_OF_PLACEMENT Periods of placement details for a non-payrolled worker PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE Period of service details for an employee. PER_PERSON_ANALYSES Special information types for a person PER_PERSON_TYPES Person types visible to specific Business Groups. PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F Identifies the types a person may be. PER_PHONES PER_PHONES holds phone numbers for current and ex-employees, current and ex-applicants and employee contacts. PER_SECURITY_PROFILES Security profile definitions to restrict user access to specific HRMS records PAY- Payroll Table Name Description PAY_ACTION_INFORMATION Archived data stored by legislation PAY_ALL_PAYROLLS_F Payroll group definitions. PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS Action or process results, showing which assignments have been processed by a specific payroll action, or process. PAY_ELEMENT_CLASSIFICATIONS Element classifications for legislation and information needs.

PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F Element entry list for each assignment. PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F Actual input values for specific element entries. PAY_ELEMENT_LINKS_F Eligibility rules for an element type. PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F Element definitions. PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_USAGES_F Used to store elements included or excluded from a defined run type. PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F Payment methods used by a Business Group. PAY_PAYMENT_TYPES Types of payment that can be processed by the system. PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS Holds information about a payroll process. PAY_PEOPLE_GROUPS People group flexfield information. PAY_PERSONAL_PAYMENT_METHODS_F Personal payment method details for an employee. PAY_RUN_RESULTS Result of processing a single element entry. PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES Result values from processing a single element entry. PAY_SECURITY_PAYROLLS List of payrolls and security profile access rules. PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F Input value definitions for specific elements. BOM Bills Of Material Table Name Description BOM_DEPARTMENTS Departments BOM_DEPARTMENT_CLASSES Department classes BOM_DEPARTMENT_RESOURCES Resources associated with departments BOM_OPERATIONAL_ROUTINGS Routings BOM_OPERATION_NETWORKS Routing operation networks BOM_OPERATION_RESOURCES Resources on operations BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES Routing operations BOM_OPERATION_SKILLS BOM_RESOURCES Resources, overheads, material cost codes, and material overheads BOM_STANDARD_OPERATIONS Standard operations BOM_ALTERNATE_DESIGNATORS Alternate designators BOM_COMPONENTS_B Bill of material components BOM_STRUCTURES_B Bills of material

BOM_STRUCTURE_TYPES_B Structure Type master table WIP Work in Process Table Name Description WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS Discrete jobs WIP_ENTITIES Information common to jobs and schedules WIP_LINES Production lines WIP_MOVE_TRANSACTIONS Shop floor move transactions WIP_MOVE_TXN_ALLOCATIONS Move transaction allocations for repetitive schedules WIP_OPERATIONS Operations necessary for jobs and schedules WIP_OPERATION_NETWORKS Operation dependency WIP_OPERATION_OVERHEADS Overheads for operations in an average costing organization WIP_OPERATION_RESOURCES Resources necessary for operations WIP_OPERATION_YIELDS This table keeps all costing information for operation yield costing. WIP_TRANSACTIONS WIP resource transactions WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS Debits and credits due to resource transactions FND Appication Object Library Table Name Description FND_APPLICATION Applications registered with Oracle Application Object Library FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS Concurrent programs FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS Concurrent requests information FND_CURRENCIES Currencies enabled for use at your site FND_DATA_GROUPS Data groups registered with Oracle Application Object Library FND_FLEX_VALUES Valid values for flexfield segments FND_FLEX_VALUE_HIERARCHIES Child value ranges for key flexfield segment values FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS Value sets used by both key and descriptive flexfields FND_FORM Application forms registered with Oracle Application Object Library FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS Functionality groupings FND_ID_FLEXS Registration information about key flexfields FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS Key flexfield segments setup information and correspondences between table columns and key

flexfield segments FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES Key flexfield structure information FND_LOOKUP_TYPES Oracle Application Object Library QuickCodes FND_LOOKUP_VALUES QuickCode values FND_MENUS New menu tabl for Release 10SC FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS User profile options FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES Values of user profile options defined at different profile levels FND_REQUEST_SETS Reports sets FND_REQUEST_SET_PROGRAMS Reports within report sets FND_REQUEST_SET_STAGES Stores request set stages FND_RESPONSIBILITY Responsibilities FND_RESP_FUNCTIONS Function Security FND_USER Application users JA - Asia/Pacific Localizations Table Name Description JAI_CMN_BOE_HDRS Stores BOE header info when a BOE Invoice is created through IL JAI_CMN_BOE_DTLS Detail table for BOE Invoices JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL Master table for Localization Taxes JAI_CMN_TAX_CTGS_ALL Stores tax categories and their link to excise ITEM classes. JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES Stores the tax lines for defined tax categories JAI_CMN_VENDOR_SITES Stores excise account related information about vendors. JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS Stores regime information. JAI_RGM_TAXES This table stores tax details for transactions having TCS tax type. JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_I_TRXS Stores Information of RG23A/C records and known as Quantity Register. JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_II_TRXS Stores Information of RG23A/C Part II Details. Also known as Amount Register JAI_CMN_RG_23D_TRXS Quantity register for Trading Organizations JAI_CMN_RG_BALANCES Store the current balances of RG23A, RG23C and PLA Registers JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_TRXS Stores the Transaction Information of PLA Register. JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_HDRS Stores PLA header Infomation when a PLA

invoice is created in AP module JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_DTLS Stores PLA Detail Information when a PLA Invoice is created in AP Module QP Advanced Pricing Table Name Description QP_LIST_HEADERS_B QP_LIST_HEADERS_B stores the header information for all lists. List types can be, for example, Price Lists, Discount Lists or Promotions. QP_LIST_LINES QP_LIST_LINES stores all list lines for lists in QP_LIST_HEADERS_B. QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_B QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_B stores the pricing formula header information. QP_PRICE_FORMULA_LINES QP_PRICE_FORMULA_LINES stores each component that makes up the formula. QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES stores product information and pricing attributes. QP_QUALIFIERS QP_QUALIFIERS stores qualifier attribute information. XLA - Subledger Accounting Table Name Description XLA_EVENTS The XLA_EVENTS table record all information related to a specific event. This table is created as a type XLA_ARRAY_EVENT_TYPE. XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES The table XLA_ENTITIES contains information about sub-ledger document or transactions. XLA_AE_HEADERS The XLA_AE_HEADERS table stores subledger journal entries. There is a one-to-many relationship between accounting events and journal entry headers. XLA_AE_LINES The XLA_AE_LINES table stores the subledger journal entry lines. There is a one-to-many relationship between subledger journal entry headers and subledger journal entry lines. XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS The XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS table stores the link between transactions and subledger journal entry lines. XLA_ACCOUNTING_ERRORS The XLA_ACCOUNTING_ERRORS table stores the errors encountered during execution of the Accounting Program. XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_B The XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_B table stores Subledger Accounting Methods (SLAM) across products.

SLAMs provided by development are not chart of accounts specific. Enabled SLAMs are assigned to ledgers. XLA_EVENT_TYPES_B The XLA_EVENT_TYPES_B table stores all event types that belong to an event class. XLA_GL_LEDGERS This table contains ledger information used by subledger accounting.
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