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Gardner Intelligence

Abstract This essay identifies the theory of many intelligences developed by Howard Gardner. These various intelligences areas follows, linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, naturalist, spatial, bodily-kinestetic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. This essay will closely examine three of these intelligences and how each has an effect on my personal success.

Gardner Intelligence

Dr. Howard Gardner is currently a Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dr. Gardner developed his theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. Dr. Gardner developed this theory due to his belief that the classical view of intelligence, which was based solely on a persons Intelligence Quotient (IQ), was extremely limited. Dr. Gardner believes that humans have numerous different techniques of learning and that each of these techniques are independent from one another. Although Dr. Gardners theory of multiple intelligences was primarily developed in the field of psychology, it is regarded by some as a major contribution to the field of education.

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences

The theory of multiple intelligences identifies eight intelligences: musical, bodily/kinesthetic (Such as the control over the body and movement that distinguishes great athletes and dancers), spatial (the use of mental maps), linguistic or verbal, logical/mathematical, naturalist, intrapersonal (self-understanding), and interpersonal (social skills) (Kowalski & Weston, 2009, p.279).

Examination of Garners Multiple Intelligence Theories When examining Gardners theories of multiple intelligences, one must take a more rapid look at these theories. The 8 theories of Gardeners Multiple Intelligence are as follows:

Musical Intelligence-

An individual retaining musical intelligence is reflected on to be music smart. Musical intelligence is well-defined as having the following criteria: sensitivity to melody, rhythm, tone, and pitch. This individual is also known for his or her skill to express and discern musical forms, and frequently possess a rich understanding of musical rhythm, structure, and notes. There is a solid connection amongst musical intelligence and linguistic intelligence.

Bodily/Kinesthetic IntelligenceAn individual possessing bodily/kinesthetic intelligence is considered to be body smart. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence is well-defined as strong the following criteria: highly developed balance, dexterity flexibility, speed and, strength. Dr. Gardner views physical and mental activities as related.

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