Progress Measure

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PLANNING CYCLE The following chart illustrates the general project cycle. Progress measurement is after the baseline (master programme) is established and approved by the Client. The project progress is then to be measured based on the baseline.

Plan Baseline

Control Action

Measures By time By resource By quantity By $ spent By weigtage

WAYS OF MEASUREMENT There are many ways to measure the progress from different perspectives; each has its merits and shortcomings. Agreement among all parties, especially the Client, must seek before measurement starts. The list below is just a few often-used methods: By time lapse (linear with time) By quantity to be produced (no. of piles, penetration of sheet pile, concrete volume, etc) By resource usage (manhour used Vs. time lapse) By money spent (progress claim or certified payment Vs. time lapse) By weightage (agreed weightage Vs. time lapse)

WEIGHTAGE A COMPREHENSIVE INDEX FOR PROGRESS MEASUREMENT The preferred way is the weightage the artificial figure assigned to activities (under P3 resource), for which we can determine the overall balance of different aspects of a project. In other words, activities taking more time to complete, or requiring more manhour, or huge sum of money incurred to achieve the event, shall be assigned more weightages. In actual work, the original duration can be initially used as the weightage and then adjusted later on.



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43% 40%

28% 29%

0% NA

0% NA

NA 0%

NA 0%

0% 0%

0% 0%

0% 0%

0% 0%


27.8% 28.6% 74.9%

(Ave. Total)

25.8% 24.3% 73.3%

(Ave. Total)

1.95% 4.32% 1.55%

2.36% 2.33% 1.52%

(Ave. M'ment)

Example 1: The major area of work is assigned the weightage (total weightage shall be 100%). Completion percent times the weightage is the earned weightage. Total earned weightage is the measurement of the project progress.

Example 2: Major trades of work is assigned the weightage (the figure is immaterial. The importance is the proportion among all trades). The weightage of a trade over time period is determined by the programme. The distribution may consider some standard distribution pattern.
PLANNED EARLY TARGET WTG 65 65 40 90 140 190 250 180 110 140 70 30 1370 0 1 2 3 WTG % 3/04 4/04 5/04 6/04 5% 21.67 21.667 21.67 5% 32.5 32.5 3% 20 20 7% 22.5 10% 14% 18% 13% 8% 10% 5% 2% 100% 4 7/04 5 8/04 6 7 8 9 10 9/04 10/04 11/04 12/04 1/05 11 2/05 12 3/05 13 4/05 14 5/05 15 6/05

Temporary Design Permanent Design Mobilisation & Instrumentation Piling Works Excavation and Strutting Basement 1 and Substation RC Works Arch. Works M&E Works External Works: Substation & MRT Area External Works: Other Areas Inspection Total Early WTG Cumulative WTG Cumulative WTG (%) PLANNED LATE TARGET

45 28

22.5 42 28.5

42 38

28 47.5 25

47.5 37.5

28.5 62.5

62.5 18

37.5 36 27.5

25 72 27.5

36 27.5

18 27.5

23.33 23.33 23.33 23.33 23.33 23.33 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 30 21.67 41.667 74.17 55 73 93 80 100.5 85 114.3 103.8 141.8 165.3 104.3 86.33 30 21.67 63.333 137.5 192.5 265.5 358.5 438.5 539 624 738.3 842.2 984 1149 1254 1340 1370 2% 5% 10% 14% 19% 26% 32% 39% 46% 54% 61% 72% 84% 92% 98% 100%

Temporary Design Permanent Design Mobilisation & Instrumentation Piling Works Excavation and Strutting Basement 1 and Substation RC Works Arch. Works M&E Works External Works: Substation & MRT Area External Works: Other Areas Inspection Total Late WTG Cumulative WTG Cumulative WTG (%) WTG EARNED

WTG 65 65 40 90 140 190 250 180 110 140 70 30 1370

0 WTG % 3/04 5% 16.25 5% 3% 7% 10% 14% 18% 13% 8% 10% 5% 2% 100%

1 4/04 16.25

2 3 4 5/04 6/04 7/04 16.25 16.25 32.5 32.5 20 20 10 30

5 8/04

6 7 8 9 10 9/04 10/04 11/04 12/04 1/05

11 2/05

12 3/05

13 4/05

14 5/05

15 6/05

40 28

10 42 28.5

42 38

28 47.5 37.5

47.5 50

28.5 75

50 18

37.5 36 27.5 28

72 27.5

44 37.5

10 17.5

16.25 16.25 1%

16.25 32.5 2%

36.25 78.75 62.5 68.75 147.5 210 5% 11% 15%

28 28 28 23.33 23.33 23.33 30 68 80.5 80 113 97.5 103.5 96 129 150.8 132.8 108.8 278 358.5 438.5 551.5 649 752.5 848.5 977.5 1128 1261 1370 20% 26% 32% 40% 47% 55% 62% 71% 82% 92% 100%


Temporary Design Permanent Design Mobilisation & Instrumentation Piling Works Excavation and Strutting Basement 1 and Substation RC Works Arch. Works M&E Works External Works: Substation & MRT Area External Works: Other Areas Inspection Total WTG Earned Cumulative WTG Cumulative WTG (%)

WTG 65 65 40 90 140 190 250 180 110 140 70 30 1370

PCT 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 30% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

0 3/04 16.25

1 4/04 16.25 15.44 20

2 3 4 5 5/04 6/04 7/04 8/04 16.25 16.25 15.44 15.44 15.44 3.24 20 10 53 27 21

6 7 8 9 10 9/04 10/04 11/04 12/04 1/05

11 2/05

12 3/05

13 4/05

14 5/05

15 6/05

50.4 13.3

47.6 53.2

18.2 41.8 37.5

2.8 34.2 37.5

16.25 16.25 1%

51.69 67.94 5%

51.69 41.69 68.44 51.24 63.7 100.8 97.5 74.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 119.6 161.3 229.8 281 344.7 445.5 543 617.5 617.5 617.5 617.5 617.5 617.5 617.5 9% 12% 17% 21% 25% 33% 40% 45%

EARNED VALUE Earned Value=Completion percent as of report date x Original value. Value can be: Duration Quantity Efforts made (man-hour) Payment (money) Weightage




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S curve is just the graphic representative of the cumulative earned value against the time lapsed. The earned value curve, for a typical project, shall travel between the early and late planned curve, indicating the progress is on the track From the S curve, one can technically measure how much the progress is ahead or delay.



? %



17% 20%


12% 15% 11%

5% 5% 2%

9% 5%


1% 1%





? days


PROGRESS LINKING PAYMENT Traditionally, the payment is based on itemized BQ. The shortcoming of this way is that BQ does not reflect the site progress directly. BQ and site sequence of work do not align the same way. To solve the problem, cost can be input into P3 baseline. If the cost is assigned to an activity (under data>cost), the programme becomes the so-called cost loaded bar chart. Though each activity is not one-to-one pointing to the BQ item, the Level 4 heading under P3 can be rolled up (sum of earned value) and mapped to BQ item. The other way is using the costing coding (customized item under P3) to link the activity to BQ. See an example below (CTS is the customized coding system for linking the activity to BQ).

SYS Code

ITEM 4 a b c d e f

DESCRIPTION BUKIT BATOK STATION - INTERNAL LIFT (1 No) RC Structure Work Reinforced Concrete Formwork Reinforcement Waterproofing Make good and reinstate all works disturbed Others



CTS Code

Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum

2,715.00 1,474.00 1,218.00 2,719.00 -

D.BBT.4.05 D.BBT.4.05 D.BBT.4.05 D.BBT.4.05 D.BBT.4.05 D.BBT.4.05


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