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. Prof., Dept. of Mgt. Studies, Asst. Prof & Research Head, A.V.C. College of Engineering. Raja Sarfoji College, Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai Thanjavur ABSTRACT In this study on Stress Management with reference to TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES a study has been conducted on the levels, causes and consequences of stress in relation to age, experience, perception, and environment. Both internal and external factors causing stress is studied upon and their relationship with work are established with the use of statistical tool such as Weighted Average Method besides Graphical and Percentage Analysis. It is found from the study that the employees are prone to low stress and this serve as eye opener for management to make timely discussion to prevent its transformation to higher levels of stress. Further this study was keen in gathering information expected by the employees to cope with stress, as this project will serve as a source of information to management in taking decision related to stress. Introduction The present study has been carried out to find out the potentials and consequences of stress among the executives working in TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES. In this changing environment, participation, interaction, transaction, planning and regulation become key issues, each with its own frustrations attracted. People feel stress, as they no longer have complete control over what happens in life. There is no escape from stress in modern life. In todays context, stress is a costly business expense that affects both employee health and company profits, thus its becomes very important to understand the causes of stress, its impact and adopting strategies or minimizing its impact. Stress is a part of day-to-day 1ife. The present study concentrates on to study potentials and

consequences of stress among the EXECUTIVES of TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES BB&T Floor, Ambattur. It is believed that carrying out such a study can be of great use to the organization in understanding their employees and also becoming aware of facts that the organization is unaware of. This study can also pinpoints on what area it requires improvement. Further the study can pave way for further research. Existence of Stress High demand for performance Health Job Insecurity Technology Workplace Culture Personal or Family Problems Objectives of the Study To study the nature and direction of stress perceived and experienced by the Executives of Tata Consultancy Services in BB&T Floor. To find out how much does the employees feel their life to be stressful. To find out how environmental, organizational and individual factors affects potentials for stress and consequences of stress with regard to age, income, educational qualification and personal life. To analyze the interrelationship between the work life and personal life that contributes to stress. To study whether employees want the organization to take up measures to reduce stress or can they handle by themselves. To find out the effectiveness of stress management practices in the organization, and to put forth suggestion to cope with stress. LITERATURE SURVERY According to Richard S Lazarus, Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.

According to Bernik, Brazilian psychiatrist, 1997, "Stress designates the aggression itself, leading to discomfort, or the consequences of it. It is our organisms response to a challenge, be it right or wrong. According to Sauter and Murphy, 1999, Occupational stress can be defined as the "harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or need of the worker". According to T. Cox (1998) and Basingstoke Macmillan, Stress, it is argued, can only be sensibly defined as a perceptual phenomenon arising from a comparison between the demand on the person and his or her ability to cope. An imbalance in this mechanism, when coping is important, gives rise to the experience of stress, and to the stress response. According to S. Palmer (1989), Stress is the psychological, physiological and behavioral response by an individual when they perceive a lack of equilibrium between the demands placed upon them and their ability to meet those demands, which, over a period of time, leads to ill-health According to Macmillan Education, Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. One recurrent disagreement among researchers concerns the definition of stress in humans. According to Psychology, Stress can be defined as a cause: mental, physical, or social, force or pressure that puts real or perceived demands on the body, emotions, mind, or spirit, and which, when it exceeds the stress-handling capacity of the individual lead to a breakdown. As an effect: physiological effect produced in an organism in its attempts to cope called adaptive response with the demands created by a stressor. According to Engineering, Load (force) per unit area that tends to deform the body on which it acts. Compressive stress tends to squeeze a body, tensile stress to stretch (extend) it, and shear stress to cut it. Human issues in call-center industry

Stress: For many employed in the call center sector, "the daily experience is of repetitive, intensive and stressful work, based upon Taylorist principles, which frequently results in employee "burnout". Brown, more vividly, characterizes the work as "repetitive brain strain". These descriptions are hardly surprising, in a way, given that call centers are established by organizations to "create an environment in which work can be standardized to create relatively uniform and repetitious activities so as to achieve economies of scale and consistent quality of customer service". This means, in other words, that workplaces are organized in ways that weaken employee autonomy and enhance the potential for management control, and "a loss of control is generally understood to be an important indicator of work-related stress". There is almost universal consensus that call center work is stressful. Even in studies that report the observation that some staff actually enjoys their work, mention of stress is still the norm, and a significant portion of the call center literature is devoted to detailing the sources of stress in call center work. Some other Human Issues, in Call-Centers, which need Immediate Attention, are: Sleeping Disorders Digestive System Related Disorders Depression Severe Stomach Related Problems Eyesight Problems Ear Problems Remedial Measures for Stress Management Understanding that the "Stress" is a major concern for all Call-Center Employees, it is a duty of HR-heads of CallCenters to address it properly. Some of the common signs and symptoms of stress Although we all experience stress in different ways, there are certain signs that are most frequently reported. These signs fall into two major categories; physical/behavioral signs and emotional signs. If we become aware of our own stress symptoms, we will be more effective in dealing with them sooner rather than later. What follows is a list of some of the most

experienced symptoms of stress. The physical/behavioral symptoms include; muscular tension, muscle spasms and tics, rapid heart beat, shortness of breath and high blood pressure, cold hands and feet, backaches, headaches and neck aches, stomach problems, indigestion, irritable bowel and ulcers, feeling fatigued, irritable, decreased ability to concentrate, insomnia and changes in eating behavior. Since these physical symptoms may be related to physical problems, you should consult with your medical doctor before you assume that your symptoms are purely stressrelated. The emotional symptoms include; anxiety in a variety of situations not limited to the stressful situation, depression, hopelessness and a strong urge to cry without specific incident, withdrawal from social interactions and avoidance of previously enjoyed activities, powerlessness and decreased self esteem, hostility, anger and resentment, fears, phobias and unwanted thoughts. Learning to become more aware of your own stress symptoms is the first major step in the stress management and healing process. It is often helpful to monitor your daily symptoms in a stress diary where you match the stressful events with the symptom experienced. For example; you made find that if you are stuck in early morning traffic you may experience irritability and headaches. In this case it will be important to use these symptoms as a cue that you have to begin managing that stress more effectively when it happens. Research Methodology The nature of the study was Descriptive type; the research focuses mainly on defining a problem, discovering new ideas and providing insights into the problem. Sampling is a process of gaining information about an entire population by examining only part of it. For the study, the researcher will be using census sampling method, The researcher using questionnaire method to collect the primary method and Secondary data are collected from various books and existing data in the company. Secondary data are normally collected during the initial stages of investigation to see whether the problem can be partly or wholly solved without collecting costly

primary data. The Sampling method used was census method ,The Sample size take for the study is 200. Sampling Unit of the study is Employees of TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES BB&T FLOOR, Ambattur, Chennai. The research instrument used for this study is Questionnaire Method. Statistical tools o Weighted Average Method o Percentage Method o Graphical Method TABLE SHOWING AGE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS: Inference: From the above table it could be inferred that the 45.5% of respondents belong to the age group of 21 25, 40% of respondents belong to the age group of 26 30, 12% of respondents belong tot eh age group of 31 35, 2.5 % of respondents belong to the age group of 36 40. S. No. Age Group Respondents % 1. 21 25 91 45.5% 2. 26 30 80 40 % 3. 31 35 24 12 % 4. 36 40 5 2.5 % 5. Total 200 100 % EDUCATIONAL CLASSIFICATION: Inference: Out of 200 respondents majority of 64.5% are graduate, while considerable amount of 23% of the respondents are Post Graduate, 9.5% of the respondents are Diploma holders and 3% of the respondents are other specification. OPINION TOWARDS OCCUPATION & INCENTIVE SATISFACTION The weight of opinion about the occupation and incentive satisfaction in the organization lies moderate W No .of Respondents Wx Strongly agree 5 6 30 Agree 4 58 232

Neither / Nor 3 114 342 Disagree 2 22 44 Strongly disagree 1 0 0 Total 200 648 S. No. Educational Qualification No. of Respondents Percentage (%) 1. Post Graduate 46 23 % 2. Graduate 129 64.5 % 3. Diploma 19 9.5 % 4. Others 6 3 % 5. Total 200 100 % Option W No. of Respondents Wx Highly Satisfied 5 17 85 Satisfied 4 109 436 Moderate 3 30 90 Dissatisfied 2 24 48 Highly Dissatisfied 1 20 20 Total 200 679 Wx = 648 = 3.24 N 200 Wx = 67 9 =3.39 N 20 0 The weight of opinion about the working hours in the organization lies moderate. (Neither / Nor) INTRADEPARTMENTAL CO-OPERATION 27% 51% 22% Very High High Neither / Nor Low Very Low

Inference: The majority (51%) of the respondents feel that their intradepartmental cooperation is high and 22% of the respondents feel that their intradepartmental co-operation is moderate. INTERDEPARTMENTAL CO-OPERATION Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%) Very High 54 27 % High 102 51 % Neither / Nor 44 22 % Low 0 0 Very Low 0 0 Total 200 100 % W No. of Respondents Wx Highly CoOperative 5 48 240 Co-Operative 4 142 568 Neither / Nor 3 10 30 Non Co-Operative 2 0 0 Highly Nor CoOperative 100 Total 200 838 Inference: The majority (71%) of the respondents say that is intradepartmental cooperation. LEVEL OF JOB STRESS W No. of Respondents Wx Mild 4 84 336 Moderate 3 110 330 Severe 2 6 12 Extreme 1 0 0 Total 200 678 The weight of opinion about the level of job stress in the organization lies between moderate. Percentage (%)

45% 55% 3%0% Mild Moderate Severe Extreme Causes of Stress Wx = 838 = 4.1 N Wx200= 67 9 8 = 3.3 9 N 20 0 Option No .of Respondents (%) When promoted with responsibility 10 5 % When promoted without responsibility 10 5 % When transferred 20 10 % When suspended 40 20 % Fear of job security 120 60 % Others 0 0 % Total 200 100 % The majority (55%) of the respondents said that they have moderate level of stress in their job, 45% of them felt mild level of stress during their job, and only 3% of them felt severe level of stress. 5% 5% 10% 20% 60% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Percentage (%) When promoted with responsibility When promoted without responsibility When transferred When suspended

Fear of job security Others Findings: 1. Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the incentive system of TCS. They are also satisfied with their job. 2. The study shows there is high level of inter and intra departmental co-operation in TCS 3. The study finds out, the fear of job security is the major reason for stress, followed by Suspension and then transfer. Suggestions: 1. As majority of TCS employees are below the age of 30, they showed adopt techniques to handle their passion. 2. The organization should take effective steps to increase job security and also should reduce suspension and transfer. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 1. Stress In Life and Work Rita Agarwal (2001 Edition) 2. K. Albrecht, Stress and the Manager, Prentice Hall of India, 1979 3. Stress: Can we Cope? Deccan Chronicle Article 2008 4. Comprehensive Stress Management Jernold S Grenberg 5.

The study of human resource management is one of themajor criteria in the corporate sector. Human resource is the heart of the organization. By this research project we will be able to know toreduce the stress level of the employees working in the bank. By thisway the productivity of the employee increases.Now a day the corporate sector is booming in a high speedthat the people have to work for prolonged hours to maintain thestandard of living and achieve their basic needs. So is the condition inthe hospitals, colleges, BPOs and lots of other places. In spit of having the modern technologies and facilities, people are feelingthemselves to be work loaded and stressed. Stress arises because of many reasons which are discussed in the following project. Theproject report also contain techniques how to reduce the stress andovercome such problems.To identify the level of stress among the people who work Ihave tried to survey the people working in hospitals, BPOs and other industries as well as institutes. Stress arises because of unfulfilledwants, lack of job satisfaction etc. before starting the topic of stress;lets first understand the importance of human resource.

Introduction :A lot of research has been conducted into stress over the last hundred years. Some of the theories behind it are now settled and accepted; others are still being researched and debated. During this time, there seems to have been something approaching open warfare between competing theories and definitions: Views have been passionately held and aggressively defended

hat complicates this is that intuitively we all feel that we know whatstress is, as it is something we have all experienced. A definition should thereforebe obviousexcept that it is not. Definition: Hans Selye was one of the founding fathers of stress research. Hisview in 1956 was that stress is not necessarily something bad it all dependson how you take it. The stress of exhilarating, creative successful work isbeneficial, while that of failure, humiliation or infection is detrimental. Selyebelieved that the biochemical effects of stress would be experienced irrespectiveof whether the situation was positive or negative.Since then, a great deal of further research has been conducted, andideas have moved on. Stress is now viewed as a "bad thing", with a range of harmful biochemical and long-term effects. These effects have rarely beenobserved in positive situations.The most commonly accepted definition of stress (mainly attributed toRichard S Lazarus) is that stress is a condition or feeling experienced whena person perceives that demands exceed the personal and socialresources the individual is able to mobilize.

2.3) what is Stress? Stress refers to the strain from the conflict between our external environment andus, leading to emotional and physical pressure. In our fast paced world, it isimpossible to live without stress, whether you are a student or a working adult.There is both positive and negative stress, depending on each individuals uniqueperception of the tension between the two forces. Not all stress is bad. For 13

example, positive stress, also known as eustress, can help an individual tofunction at optimal effectiveness and efficiency.Hence, it is evident that some form of positive stress can add more color andvibrancy to our lives. The presence of a deadline, for example, can push us tomake the most of our time and produce greater efficiency. It is important to keepthis in mind, as stress management refers to using stress to our advantage, andnot on eradicating the presence of stress in our lives.On the other hand,

negative stress can result in mental and physical strain. Theindividual will experience symptoms such as tensions, headaches, irritability andin extreme cases, heart palpitations. Hence, whilst some stress may be seen asa motivating force, it is important to manage stress levels so that it does not havean adverse impact on your health and relationships.Part of managing your stress levels include learning about how stress can affectyou emotionally and physically, as well as how to identify if you are performing atyour optimal stress level (OSL) or if you are experiencing negative stress. Thisknowledge will help you to identify when you need to take a break, or perhapsseek professional help. It is also your first step towards developing techniques tomanaging your stress levels.Modern day stresses can take the form of monetary needs, or emotional frictions.Competition at work and an increased workload can also cause greater levels of stress. How do you identify if you are suffering from excessive stress?Psychological symptoms commonly experienced include insomnia, headachesand an inability to focus. Physical symptoms take the form of heart palpitations,breathlessness, excessive sweating and stomachaches.What causes stress? There are many different causes of stress, and that whichcauses stress is also known as a stressor. Common lifestyle stressors includeperformance, threat, and bereavement stressors, to name a few. Performancestressors are triggered when an individual is placed in a situation where he feels 14 a need to excel. This could be during performance appraisals, lunch with theboss, or giving a speech. Threat stressors are usually when the current situationposes a dangerous threat, such as an economic downturn, or from an accident.Lastly, bereavement stressors occur when there is a sense of loss such as thedeath of a loved one, or a prized possession.Thus, there are various stressors, and even more varied methods andtechniques of dealing with stress and turning it to our advantages. In order to doso, we must learn to tell when we have crossed the line from positive to negativestress

.2.5) Stress Management Stress management is the need of the hour. However hard we try to gobeyond a stress situation, life seems to find new ways of stressing us out andplaguing us with anxiety attacks. Moreover, be it our anxiety, mind-bodyexhaustion or our erring attitudes, we tend to overlook causes of stress and theconditions triggered by those. In such unsettling moments we often forget thatstressors, if not escapable, are fairly manageable and treatable. 19

Stress, either quick or constant, can induce risky body-mind disorders.Immediate disorders such as dizzy spells, anxiety attacks, tension,sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all result in chronic healthproblems. They may also affect our immune, cardiovascular and nervoussystems and lead individuals to habitual addictions, which are inter-linked withstress.Like "stress reactions", "relaxation responses" and stress managementtechniques are some of the body's important built-in response systems. As arelaxation response the body tries to get back balance in its homeostasis. Somehormones released during the 'fight or flight' situation prompt the body to replacethe lost carbohydrates and fats, and restore the energy level. The knottednerves, tightened muscles and an exhausted mind crave for looseness.Unfortunately, today, we don't get relaxing and soothing situations withoutasking. To be relaxed we have to strive to create such situations. Recognizing a stressor: It is important to recognize whether you are under stress or out of it. Many times,even if we are under the influence of a stressful condition and our body reacts toit internally as well as externally, we fail to realize that we are reacting under stress. This also happens when the causes of stress are there long enough for us to get habituated to them. The body constantly tries to tell us throughsymptoms such as rapid palpitation, dizzy spells, tight muscles or various bodyaches that something is wrong. It is important to remain attentive to suchsymptoms and to learn to cope with the situations. 20

We cope better with stressful situation, when we encounter them voluntarily. Incases of relocation, promotion or layoff, adventurous sports or having a baby, wetend to respond positively under stress. But, when we are compelled into suchsituations against our will or knowledge, more often than not, we wilt at the faceof unknown and imagined threats. For instance, stress may mount when one iscoerced into undertaking some work against one's will. Laughter : Adopting a humorous view towards life's situations can take the edge off everyday stressors. Not being too serious or in a constant alert mode helpsmaintain the equanimity of mind and promote clear thinking. Being able to laughstress away is the smartest way to ward off its effects.A sense of humor also allows us to perceive and appreciate the incongruities of life and provides moments of delight. The emotions we experience directly affectour immune system. The positive emotions can create neurochemical changesthat buffer the immunosuppressive effects of stress.During stress, the adrenal gland releases corticosteroids, which are converted tocortical in the blood stream. These have an immunosuppressive effect. Dr. LeeBerk and fellow researcher Dr. Stanley Tan at Loma Linda University School of Medicine have produced carefully controlled studies showing that the experienceof laughter lowers serum cortical levels, increases the amount and activity of Tlymphocytesthe natural killer cells. Laughter also increases the number of Tcells that have suppresser receptors

company profile:-

Who We Are: Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, business solutions and outsourcing organization that delivers real results to global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty that no other firm can match. What We Offer: TCS offers a consulting-led integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model (GNDM), recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. Lineage: TCS is part of the Tata group, one of Indias largest industrial conglomerates and most respected brands. History: TCS was established in 1968 as a division of Tata Sons Limited. TCS Ltd. got incorporated as a separate entity on January 19, 1995. Mission: To help customers achieve their business objectives by providing innovative, best-in-class consulting, IT solutions and services. To make it a joy for all stakeholders to work with us. Values: Leading change, Integrity, Respect for the individual, Excellence, Learning and sharing. Workforce: TCS has over 238,583 of the worlds best-trained IT consultants in 42 countries. Full Services Portfolio: Application Development and Maintenance, Business Intelligence,Enterprise Solutions, Assurance Services, Engineering and Industrial Services, IT Infrastructure Services, Business Process Outsourcing, Consulting and Asset Leveraged Solutions. Newer services include Mobility, Connected Marketing, Social Computing, Big Data and Cloud. Industries Serviced: Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods, Telecom, Media and Information Services, High Tech, Manufacturing, Life Sciences and Healthcare, Energy, Resources and Utilities, and Travel, Transportation and Hospitality. Financial Information: Revenue of $10.17 billion, up 24.2% over prior year; operating margin of 27.6% and net income margin of 21.8% (fiscal year ending March 31, 2012). For detailed financial information quarterly statements, annual reports and operating metrics, visit the Financial Information page. Stock Symbols

NSE (National Stock Exchange of India): TCS

BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange of India): 532540 Quality Framework: We are the worlds first organization to achieve an enterprise-wide Maturity Level 5 on CMMI and P-CMM based on SCAMPISM, the most rigorous assessment methodology.

TCS Integrated Quality Management System (iQMS) integrates processes, people and technology maturity through various established frameworks and practices, including IEEE, ISO 9001: 2000, CMMi, SW-CMM, P-CMM and Six-Sigma. Board of Directors: TCS has 11 non-executive and two executive board members. Leadership Team:

N Chandrasekaran, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director S Mahalingam, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director The TCS Advantage: Features like TCS GNDM, Customer-centric Engagement Model, Full Services Portfolio, and Innovation Labs and Co-innovation Network (COIN) set us apart. Read more about the TCS advantage here. Alliances: TCS has a strong network of strategic and solution partners with a joint objective of helping its customers become high-performance businesses by maximizing the value of their technology investments. Visit TCS Global Alliances. Tata Consultancy Services started in 1968. Mr.F.C Kohli who is presently the Deputy Chairman was entrusted with the job of steering TCS. The early days marked TCS responsibility in managing the punch card operations of Tisco. The company, which was into management consultancy from day one, soon felt the need to provide solutions to its clients as well.TCS was the first Indian company to make forays into the US market with clients ranging from IBM, American Express, Sega etc. TCS is presently the top software services firm in Asia. During the Y2K buildup, TCS had setup a Y2Kfactory in Chennai as a short-term strategy. Now, with E-business being the buzzword, the factory is developing solutions for the dotcom industries. Today, about 90 percent of TCS' revenue comes from consulting, while the rest from products. TCS has great training facilities. In addition to training around 5 percent of the revenue is spent upon its R&D centres like the Tata Research Design and Development Centre at Pune, along with a host of other centres at Mumbai and Hyderabad. It benchmarked its quality standing, invested heavily in software engineering practices and built intellectual property-in terms of patents,code and branded products. At the same time, it expanded its relationships with technology partners and organisations, increased linkages with academic institutions and incubated technologies and ideas of people within TCS and outside. TCS has already patented 12 E-Commerce solution product packages and has filed six more applications for patent licences. Over $25 million were spent on enhancing hardware and software infrastructure. The company now has 72 offices worldwide. As many as seven centres were assessed at SEI CMM Level 5 last year(3.4 mistakes in a million oppurtunities).These include Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Calcutta, Hyderabad and Lucknow.Several business and R&D relationship with global firms

like IBM, General Electric, Unigraphics Solutions have been made. The present CEO of the company is Mr.S.Ramadorai. The companies strength is about 14,000.

STRENGTHS: L e a d e r s h i p i n s o p h i s t i c a t e d s o l u t i o n s t h a t e n a b l e c l i e n t s t o optimiz e the efficiency of their business. Proven Global delivery model Commitment to superior quality and process execution Strong Brand and Long-Standing Client Relationships Ability to scale Innovation and leadership. WEAKNESSES: Excessive dependence on US for revenues, 67% of revenues fromUSA. Weak player in domestic market. Only 1% of revenues from India-low as compared to peers. L o w R & D s p e n d i n g a s c o m p a r e d t o g l o b a l I T c o m p a n i e s o n l y 1.3% of total revenues. Low expertise in high end services like Consultancy and KPO. OPPORTUNITIES: Domestic market set to grow by 20%.Expanding into new geographies Europe, Middle East etc.TCS is cash rich (Around US $ 1 Billion).Acquiring companies to increase expertise in Consultancy, KPO andpackage implementation capabilities O p e n i n g o f f i c e s a n d d e v e l o p m e n t c e n t e r s i n c o s t a d v a n t a g e countries such as those in Latin America and Eastern Europe. THREATS: Global economic slowdown may continue for several years hencelow IT spending globally.US Govt. against outsourcing. S h r i n k i n g m a r g i n s d u e t o r i s i n g w a g e i n f l a t i o n , R u p e e d o l l a r movement affects revenue and hence margins

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me during the writing ofmy.My deepest thanks to Lecturer,[LECTURER NAME] the Guide of the project for guiding and correcting various documents of mine with attention andcare. He has taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction asand when needed.

This project would not have been a success without the guidance and motivation of all my mentors. I am thankful to all the persons behind this project. I would like to express my gratefulness to (professors name), who acted as a mentor throughout my project for providing me valuable information and guidance.

Secondly, I would like to thank the managers (you may mention the names) of this company (mention the name of the company where you are doing your project) who have been very helpful in getting the required information related to this project. Last but not the least; I would like to thank my parents for motivating me all the time throughout this project.

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