Business Ethics

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Business ethics- William Shaw

Ethics 1. individual character, including what it means to be a good person 2. social rules that govern our conduct. 3. rules concerning right and wrong called MORALITY. Business ethics is the study of what constitutes right and wrong, good or bad, human conduct in a business context.

1. Religion and morality Nishkaam karma hinduism Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,do ye even so to them.- christianity. Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.buddhism. No one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.- islam National defence and abortion ?

Law and morality Morality means being on the right side of law. An action can be illegal but morally right. Eg kejriwal. Dandi march. An action can be legal but morally wrong. Eg no help given to Nirbhaya on site. Kingfisher. Law and etiquette please thank you Etiquette can camouflage moral issues

Morality and conscience is a creation of society and tradition.

Requirements for moral judgements

1 moral judgements should be logical 2 moral judgements should be based on facts 3 moral judgements should be based on acceptable moral principles.

Success Shiv Khera

The uncommon man seeks opportunity whereas the common man seeks security. We need to keep our minds on what we want and not on what we dont want. Adopt the common qualities of successful people and avoid the common qualities of failures. Success is subjective. wealth, recognition, good health, family, peace of mind. Happiness is wanting what you want and success is getting what you want.

Do more than exist live Do more than touch feel Do more than look observe Do more than read absorb Do more than hear listen Do more than listen understand

To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived I This is to have succeeded

I struggle
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem A.V.Buren A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. Everything is difficult before it becomes easy.

Obstacles to success Ego Fear of failure Lack of goals Procrastination Financial security Lack of focus\commitment Lack of training Lack of persistence Lack of priorities Doing too much alone

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