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Flat File Syntax

Flat files contain the following sections, which can be arranged in any order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dimensions Dimension Associations Members Hierarchies Property Array

Exclamation points ( ! ) indicate the beginning of sections. Exclamation points must be followed by valid section names (for example, Dimensions or DimensionAssociations). Lines that start with apostrophes ( ' ) define the columns for each section. True and false values are represented as Y for true and N for false. Semicolons ( ; ), commas ( , ), pipes ( | ), spaces, and tabs are valid field/column delimiters. Note: You can use only one delimiter at once for per file. For example, you cannot delimit a file with both pipes (|) and semicolons ( ;).

Underscores (_) can be used in front of a line break to escape the line break and allow a record to span multiple lines in the flat file.

Dimensions Section The Dimensions section defines the dimensions to be imported. Dimensions defined in this section that do not already exist in the Shared Library or target application are created during import execution. Syntax !Section=Dimensions 'Name;DimensionClass;Dimension_Property1;... ;Dimension_PropertyN Parameter Description

Name Note:

A dimension name, for example, Currency. This parameter is required. Dimension names cannot begin with an exclamation point (!).

DimensionClass The dimension type. For example, Generic. This parameter is required for new dimensions. Dimension_PropertyX Dimension level property name.

Example !Section=Dimensions 'Name;DimensionClass;DimensionAlias MyCurrency;Currency;Currencies MyScenario;Scenario;Scenarios MyEntity;Entity;Entities MyAccount;Account;Accounts Dimension Associations Section

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