Shot List Based On Script and Storyboard: Shot # Scene # Location Type of Shot Length One Line Description

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Shot list based on script and storyboard

Bedroo m

Medium Close Up

12 Seconds

Kayleigh in her bedroom whilst mum is shouting from outside the room.

Title Director Producer Production company

Shot # Scene # Location Type of shot Length One Line Description

1 2 3 4

Kitchen Staircase Staircase Staircase

Mid Shot Over The Shoulder Two Shot Extreme Close Up/ Two Shot Over The Shoulder Cut In Close Up Medium Close Up Mid Shot Medium Close Up

22 Seconds 5 Seconds 2 Seconds 5 Seconds

Shot establishing alocoholic mother. Tracey asking Kayleigh where she was the night before. Kayleigh asking her mother what is has to do with her. The argument getting more heated between the mother and daughter. The argument getting further more heated and Tracey pushing Kayleigh into the wall. Kayleigh running up the stairs Kayleigh shouting at her mother. Kayleigh sitting in her bedroom whilst the audience can hear her mother shouting from outside. Kayleigh entering her bedroom angry and frustrated. Kayleigh on the phone to her nan explaining that she cannot take her mothers behavior anymore.


4 Seconds

6 7 8

Staircase Staircase Bedroom

4 Seconds 7 Seconds 12 Seconds

9 10

Bedroom Bedroom

26 Seconds 15 Seconds

Shot list based on script and storyboard

Shot # Scene # Location Type of shot Length One Line Description



Mid Shot

14 Seconds

Kayleigh speaking into the camera telling how she cannot take it anymore. View of the empty bedroom but the audience can hear an argument between Kayleigh and Tracey happening outside. Kayleigh lighting a cigarette. Kayleigh smoking the cigarette. Kayleigh is still smoking the cigarette. Kayleigh staring into the camera and not speaking however the audience can see that she has a black eye. Kayleigh speaking into the camera telling how she cannot take it anymore still with a black eye. Kayleigh further talking into the camera explaning how she cannot take it anymore. A view of the empty bedroom. Kayleigh sitting alone in school.



Establishing Shot

6 Seconds

13 14 15 16

Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom

Extreme Close Up Medium Close Up Extreme Close Up Medium Close Up

7 Seconds 7 Seconds 8 Seconds 10 Seconds



Medium Close Up

36 Seconds



Medium Close Up Medium Close Up Medium Close Up

22 Seconds

19 20

Bedroom School

21 Seconds 24 Seconds

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