Planner Propsteam

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Integrated Project Multimedia

COMA N301 Course Planner 8 week schedule Week 1 Main Tasks Introduction about the project Choosing the roles Each student chose a role and did a presentation about it. We got to know each member of our group. We had a meeting with supervisor and the preproduction group presents the idea. We had another meeting with the whole RkwMediaProject team to know pitch. We had a team meeting to discuss so the location manager and the set designer choose the location and the costume designer with the makeup artiste discussed about the final look. We get the approval from the student service for the location and the footage The set designer started the preparation for the location design All of our group members took an extra work of social media (twitter, face book and Instagram) We had a meeting Be available at the location and be responsible Be available at the location and be responsible Be available at the location and be responsible Assessment Deadlines 14-Feb-2013 the deadline of the presentation. Individual webpages Comments As props team, each member had an idea about their roles and start to plan for the next weeks.

Individual webpages

Everyone on the idea so we started work on it.

Individual webpages

4 5 6

Individual webpages Individual webpages

Be ready for any changes in the plan Keep in contact with other teams Be ready to present the project

Week 7 is scheduled to be the HCT 25th anniversary celebratio provide all document for the final presentations



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