AP Maximum Stress Example

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MENG 5333 Composite Materials Example Problem: Maximum Stress Criteria Problem Statement: A fiberglass/epoxy composite has the

following experimentally determined strength characteristics: F1t F1c F2t F2c F6 1140 620 39 128 89 Mpa MPa MPa MPa MPa

For 1 = -300 MPa and 2 = -20 Mpa, determine if the composite will fail. Solution: The figure below shows the maximum stress criteria envelope for this material and the state of stress.

Maximum Stress Criteria Envelope

60 40 20 0 -20 2 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -1000


0 1




Failure Envelope

State of Stress

|1| > F1t is false |1| > F1c is false

|2| > F2t is false |2| > F2c is false

|12| > F6 is false

Therefore, Failure is NOT Predicted Note: the plotted state of stress lies WITHIN the failure envelope, visually indicating that the design is safe under the given state stress.

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