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LigoWave Link Analysis Report

Date Generated: 1/31/2013 10:19 PM EST

Site Information

Tx Site Name Radio Type Latitude Longitude Tx Power Ant. Gain Ant. Height

Tx Site Name

Custom 19 57' 49.8838 N (19.963857) 99 31' 54.122 O (99.531701) 22 dBm 23 dBi 14 meters 5800 MHz Vertical 0 dBm 119.01 dBm -51.01 dBm 45 dBm

Rx Site Name Radio Type Latitude Longitude RX Threshold Ant. Gain Ant. Height Climate Measurement Rain Rate Total Fade Margin Distance between sites Link availability due to rain

Rx Site Name

Custom 19 56' 35.9882 N (19.94333) 99 33' 38.4835 O (99.56069) -96 dBm 23 dBi 13 meters Continental Temperate Metric System 0 mm/hr 44.99 dBm 3.79 km N/A

Frequency Ant. Polarization Misc. Loss


Total Path Loss RX Signal Level EIRP


DISCLAIMER: These results are provided with no guarantee or warranty.

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