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Design of an 8 Bit Barrel Shifter


Abstract Introduction
Why Simple Theory Back Ground information (Lit Review)

Timing Analysis Conclusions

Summarize the logic, clock frequency, and power specs of your final design. Number of clock cycles used Number of Shifts it can do.

The barrel shifter is a very important part of a combinational logic block. It was incorporated the 386 processor and is also used in microcontrollers. Intel has since moved on to software implemented barrel shifters in their Pentium 4s but AMD still uses it to this day. The designed circuit should shift a data word by any number of bits in a single operation. An N-bit shifter would require log2N number of levels to implement. For an 8 bit barrel shifter, it would require 3 logic levels.

8 Bit Barrel Shifter Logic Diagram

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Operation of Barrel Shifter

Firstly the barrel shifter main concept is that it can shift any number of bits at a time. Here we are going to use three stage 2*1 mux. We can divide our operation in to 5 stages. First stage consists of flip flops which acts as input buffers In second, third and fourth stages we are going to use muxs. Input and output combinations are given to mux as required.

Here we have three selection lines for three stages. As we have 8 bits we will use 3 bits for 1 to 8 bit shifter. For 000 111 we go for no shift to 7 bit shift.

The main advantage of the barrel shifter is that with in one clock cycle we can shift all the data at a time . Another thing is we can reduce the power supply We can speed up the multiplication and division operations, by speeding up the shifting computations.

Barrel shifters have the ability to shift data words in a single operation over standard shift left or shift right registers that utilize more than one clock cycle. Barrel shifters will continue to be used in smaller devices because it has a speed advantage over software implemented ones.

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