Criteria Computation Score Justification

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Problem 9: Poor Personal Hygiene CRITERIA Nature of the Problem COMPUTATION 2/3 X 1 SCORE 0.

67 JUSTIFICATION The problem is considered as a health threat because poor hygiene can increase the familys risk in acquiring disease and infections. In addition, these diseases acquired from microorganisms may lead to further development of health problems.

Modifiability of the Problem Resources of the community Resources of the family Resources of the student nurses Current knowledge and interventions x

1/2 x 2

The problem is partially modifiable because theres a slight chance in solving it. Poor personal hygiene can be eliminated through proper execution of actions of good hygiene such as regular bathing, oral care, and trimming of nails.

Resources of the Community:

> The community offers Mothers Class where the family could learn about good personal hygiene.

Resources of the Family:

>All are capable of taking care of themselves. Moreover, the family has physical resources specifically cleaning articles such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush and the like.

Resources of the student nurses:

> The student nurses knowledge will enable them to provide the family with Health teachings regarding personal hygiene such as washing their hands before and after eating, taking a bath everyday and brushing their teeth three times a day.

Current knowledge and interventions:

>The family does not have any knowledge that they have a poor personal hygiene as evidenced by the

observations of the student nurses wherein they have observed that Mommy Momoka does not care even her children has a dirty clothing. Preventive Potential Gravity/severity Duration 1/3 x 1 0.33

After the Student nurses have observed the criteria on determining the Preventive Potential of the problem, it suggests that the problem has a low preventive potential.

Current Management Exposure to any high risk group a. Gravity/Severity

>The problem is considered severe since they have acquired disease such as colds due to poor personal hygiene.

b. Duration

>The mother said that ever since, their usual hour for bath or tooth brushing depends upon their mood.

c. Current Management

>The family does not have any current management on the problem as observed by the student nurses that mother Momoka just let her children be dirty.

d. Exposure to any high risk group

>All are exposed to this problem. Salience 0/2 x 1 0 Prior to the student nurses do their interventions; the family does not see their poor personal hygiene as a problem at all.


Problem 14: Presence of Accidental Hazards: Fire Hazards

CRITERIA Nature of the Problem



JUSTIFICATION Accident hazard is really a threat to the health of a family more specifically when it comes to the children. One of the common problems in the community that accompanies an accident has something to do with the fire. This is because most of the people living in a community dont have enough financial resources to buy a stove thats why they settle for woods and charcoal as a source of fire for their cooking. Fire hazard is considered a health threat because it can put any family member in danger. They can acquire a lot of problem if it is not given attention. They could acquire a burn which varies from first to third degree. Also their house is at risk of getting burn especially if it is made of wood and if the house has a lot of hanging clothes beside the cooking area. Since the keroro family is using a charcoal as a means of cooking and is placed outside their house, near their door, and other wood materials, it poses a high risk on the familys safety against fire.

Modifiability of the Problem

1/2 x 2

It is moderately modifiable.

Resources of the Community: Resources of the community Resources of the family Resources of the student nurses Current knowledge and interventions > The community can provide them some tips and x advice on how to properly utilize and handle their provided materials. They can give some teachings on how to prevent the occurrence of fire and how to prevent acquiring an injury. x X Resources of the Family:

> The family cannot do anything about it, since their financial resources cannot suffice the expenses needed to solve the problem because they are already experiencing a shortage when it comes to their daily needs. So they have no choice but to use woods and charcoal. Resources of the student nurses:

>The student nurses can give the family health

teachings concerning the problem. They can show the family, the proper way of organizing their materials wherein they should not leave hanging clothes beside the cooking area. Also, to prevent injury or accidents the student nurses could emphasize that they should keep the flammable objects in a safe place where the children couldnt reach.

Current knowledge and interventions: >The family is unaware of the problem because as we have observed their cooking area is not safe and there are flammable objects which are scattered carelessly around their house. Also, they dont have time to pay attention to this kind of problem.

Preventive Potential Gravity/severity

1/3 x 1


The problem has low preventive potential.

a. Gravity/Severity Duration Current Management Exposure to any high risk group > The problem is severe because the family has not done anything to avoid such consequences. The accidents that each of the family member is at risk of is not being given any attention because they said they cannot do anything due to insufficient resources and time. The problem can be alleviated or lessen if due managements are to be done such as proper arrangement of things inside and outside the house.

b. Duration

>The problem has a prolonged duration as evidenced by their usage of the wood and charcoal since the time they lived in Cutcut, Nepo. And due to lack of resources they dont have any choice but to use it and get used to it. c. Current Management

>The family members dont pay attention with the present problem due to lack of awareness.

d. Exposure to any high risk group

> All the family members are at risk and prone to acquire injuries and accidents if they do not pay attention to the identified problems.


0/2 x 1

The family doesnt recognize it as a problem anymore because the family is already used to it and there have been no reports of the family members acquiring such accident or injuries



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