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This is the table that you need to complete and submit to blog. All information to help you is below.

Computer Design assessment level Inquiry and analysis Level: 8 Product Design assessment level Level: 7 Describe your strengths Describes your weaknesses

I think I am pretty good at finding the right information. I am good at pulling out the important information from different sources and I am able to cite the sites I used. I think I am also okay at stating the information needed to develop my solution.

I think I need to work on my critical thinking: I have to work on being able to describe something in detail. I also need to work on sharing my opinion clearly of what can be helpful to me and what wont be. : states and prioritizes the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem with minimal guidance

Developing ideas

Level: 8

Level: 7

I think I am good a finding out what my final product should be like in order to be successful, creating a success criterion. I like to think things through which makes it easier for me. I think I can present my idea quite clearly. Although

I have to work on figuring out which information is important so I can cut out the other information. Although, I still have to make sure I outline my plan clearly. I also have to work on making sure others can

sometimes I have to work on which points I Must present and which points I dont have to. So this could also be a weakness.

understand my plan because at the start, I usually just make it so only I can understand which means I have to edit it a lot later. So I should work on making it clear from the start.

Creating the solution

Level: 8

Level: 8

Like I said before, I like thinking things through, which makes it easier to plan out everything I have to do. I try my best to think about all the things I need to do and how I will accomplish them. I think I am also good at explaining the changes I made to the plan, because although I think things through, something always goes wrong. The changes I make arent usually too big making it easier for me to explain. I would like to think that my final product is the way I wanted to be, but sometimes things change so this could also be a weakness.

Although I think I am good at thinking things through, this is when I am working individually. I have to work on equalling out the plan so everyone has work to do but also making my plan clear for my peers to understand. I think I need to work on demonstrating the skills I use. Sometimes I rush things so I dont do the best I can, so I have to work on using my time but also getting things done.


Level: 8

Level: 7

I think I am good at thinking of different criterion that will help me judge the success of my final product. I think I am also pretty good at judging my final product based on the criterion. Since I have good expectations, it makes it easier for me to judge it.

I have to work on stating how to improve my final product. Sometimes I overlook small mistakes because I dont focus enough on the final product.

IB learner profile

No level

No level

I think I am pretty good at being a communicator. I like sharing my ideas with others. I also try to communicate my ideas clearly so others can understand. I think I am also sometimes openminded to new ideas. I listen to other peoples ideas and try to compromise. This could also be a weakness because I have to learn to give others a chance.

I think I need to be more of a risk taker. I like staying in my comfort zone and knowing that I can do it. Sometimes I dont want to take risks because I am scared embarrassing myself because of the mistakes I will make. I should try to be more balanced in my life. I should try to get things done at home straight away instead of leaving it for last minute. I have to try and balance out who I work with and try to collaborate with new people. I should try to improve my organization skills. Like I said before, I should try to finish homework earlier instead of doing

ATL skills

No level

No level

I think I am pretty good at my interacting skills. As I said before, I try to communicate my ideas in a clear way so others can understand. I think

I may have a bad habit of always needing to share my opinion.

it last minute. I also would have to make sure I buy the ingredients needed so I wont disappoint my group members. Evaluate

Food design How can I achieve this level?

Inquiry and analysis Target Level:8 While doing my work, I should slow down and focus. I should try to really read the information I have so I can process it into my own words clearly.

Developing ideas

Creating the solution

Target Level:8 I should try to think about what information is needed. This is so when I am reading, I know what I am looking for so I only write down the things necessary.

Target Level:8 I should try new things and step out of my comfort zone. I shouldnt be scared of what others will think because it wont affect them, but it will only help my learning.

Target Level:8 It might be easier for me to do the homework the day I get it. I should do it before I get on social networks so I am not distracted while doing my homework. The second I get on the social network , I will procrastinate.

The rubrics are below for each criterion

Design assessment criteria:
Achievement Level

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing

Level Descriptor

0 1-2

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below states the need for a solution to a problem for themselves states the main findings from a few sources


outlines the need for a solution to a problem for themselves states some points of research needed to develop a solution with some guidance states the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem outlines the main findings from a range of sources, cited incompletely explains the need for a solution to a problem for themselves states and prioritizes the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem with some guidance outlines the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem outlines the main findings from a range of sources, cited appropriately explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem for themselves states and prioritizes the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem with minimal guidance describes the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem presents the main findings from a range of sources, cited appropriately



Design assessment criteria:

Achievement Level

Criterion B: Developing ideas

Level Descriptor

0 1-2


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below states one basic success criteria for a solution presents one design idea which can be interpreted by others creates an incomplete planning drawing/diagram states a few success criteria for the solution presents more than one design idea using an appropriate medium(s) or labels key features which can be interpreted by others states the key features of the chosen solution creates a planning drawing/diagram or lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution

5-6 7-8

states a few success criteria for the solution presents a few feasible design ideas using an appropriate medium(s) and labels key features which can be interpreted by others presents the chosen design stating the key features creates a planning drawing/diagram and lists the main details for the creation of the chosen solution develops a list of success criteria for the solution presents feasible design ideas using an appropriate medium(s) and outlines the key features, and which can be correctly interpreted by others presents the chosen design describing the key features creates a planning drawing/diagram which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution

Design assessment criteria:

Achievement Level

Criterion C: Creating the solution

Level Descriptor

0 1-2



The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below demonstrates minimal technical skills when making the solution makes the solution which functions poorly and is presented in an incomplete form lists the main steps in a plan that contains some details, resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan to create the solution demonstrates satisfactory technical skills when making the solution makes the solution which partially functions and is adequately presented states one change made to the final design or plan when making the solution lists the steps in a plan, which considers time and resources, resulting in peers being able to follow the plan to create the solution demonstrates competent technical skills when making the solution makes the solution which functions as intended and is presented appropriately states one change made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution


outlines a plan, which considers the use of resources and time, sufficient for peers to be able to follow the plan to create the solution demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution follows the plan to make the solution which functions as intended and is presented appropriately lists the changes made to the chosen design and the plan when making the solution

Design assessment criteria:

Achievement Level

Criterion D: Evaluating
Level Descriptor

0 1-2



The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below defines a testing method, which is used to measure the success of the solution states the success of the solution defines a relevant testing method, which generates data, to measure the success of the solution states the success of the solution against the requirements of the design specification based on the results of one relevant test states one way in which the solution could be improved states one way in which the solution can impact the client/target market. defines relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution states the success of the solution against the requirements of the design specification based on relevant product testing outlines one way in which the solution could be improved outlines the impact of the solution on the client/target market, with guidance outlines simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution outlines the success of the solution against the requirements of the design specification based on authentic product testing outlines how the solution could be improved (defines relevant tests)-performs a test - analyses outlines the impact of the solution on the client/target market




inquirers knowledgeable thinkers communicators principled open-minded caring risk-takers balanced reflective.

Thinking Skills

Critical Thinking Creativity and Innovation Reflection

The skill of analysing text, ideas and issues The skills of exercising initiative to consider challenges and ideas in new and adapted ways The skill of considering and reconsidering what is learned and experienced in order to support personal development through metacognition The skill of learning by making connections and applying skills, knowledge and understanding to new situations The skill of working cooperatively with others The skill of effectively exchanging thoughts, messages and information The skill of reading, writing and using language to communicate information appropriately, and write in a range of contexts The skill of effectively using time, resources and information

Transfer Social Skills Communication Skills Collaborating Interacting Literacy



management skills Research

Affective Skills Information and media literacy

The skills of managing our emotions through cultivating a focussed mind The skill of interpreting and making informed judgements as users of information and media, as well as being a skilful creator and producer of information and media messages The skill of evaluating, questioning and challenging the attitudes, values and beliefs in written, visual and spoken and multimedia tasks

Critical literacy

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