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Can we be environmental person and to save the world? Can you save the planet? Start here
yes Did you know there is renewable energy no Do you select any waste at home? yes no Do you want to walk in nature? do you turn off the light when you Leave the room? yes no



no Do you shut down your PC when you Leave the room yes
Do you know that the button stand wastes energy?

Did you know that the Sun is the largest source of energy? yes no Are you a member of an no Ecological Society? yes 10-24 points eco detective Time to save our planet Earth! Develop environmental awareness among friends

Yes= 5 points no =2 points

35-40 points eco hero You're an eco hero in your society and the environment! Well connected with nature! 25-34 points eco child Time to learn to select waste! Remind your friends that a little action does great things!

Grade 4 and teacher Lila Arsova OOU Rajko Zinzifov Veles Macedonia

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