Sa 2 English Comm Qp2

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Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections :

Section A :


20 Marks

Section B :


20 Marks

Section C :


20 Marks

Section D :


20 Marks

General Instructions :


All questions are compulsory.


You may attempt any section at a time.


All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the given passage carefully : Spiders are not insects as many people believe. They belong to a class of animals called arachnids. Spiders have eight eyes, four pairs of segmented legs, and can grow a new leg if they lose one. They do not have antenna or wings. A spiders body can be divided into two sections. The sections are the abdomen and the legs, eyes, and mouthparts section. Most spiders have poison glands and fangs in their jaws, which they use to inject poison into insects. This venom can paralyze an insect allowing the spider to eat the insect as food. Spiders can live almost anywhere in the world. Some like very humid or hot temperatures and some like places that are very dry. Some spiders prefer to live under ground and others live in trees. We have all seen spiders that prefer to live in our houses. These amazing animals usually have six fingerlike silk glands located beneath their abdomen. The silk comes from inside the spiders body as a liquid that is thicker than water. A spider uses this silk to make a web by squeezing the silk out of two small holes at the back of its body. At the time the silk hits the air, the silk dries into a line that looks like a long string of hair. Spiders use this silk as draglines to hang onto as the wind blows it through the air. The spider can crawl up or down on this dragline if the wind takes it somewhere it doesnt want to be. Young spiders and adult male spiders like ballooning and can release long silken threads that float or ride in the wind to new areas. There are about 30,000 different types of spiders known to scientists. Most of them are very tiny animals that help us by eating insects. The next time you are out in the yard and see a spider, take a few minutes to watch this most interesting animal. Answer the following questions about the passage by ticking the correct options : (a) The true statement is __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Glands are used by the spider to see things. Spiders belong to a class of animals called arachnids. The silk spiders make is thinner than water Spiders have antenna and wings. to paralyze insects for ballooning as a dragline to digest its food The legs, eyes, and mouthparts of the spider are located in the abdomen section. Spiders have eight eyes and four pairs of segmented legs. Spiders can live almost anywhere in the world. Most spiders have fangs and poison glands located in their jaws. 2 5

Venom is used by the spider __________.

The statement which is false is __________.



The spiders help us by __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) by making webs and draglines by growing new legs by eating insects by giving us silk


The word used in the passage that means divided into separate portions is __________ . (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) arachnids beneath segmented venom 5


Read the given passage carefully : Although a majority of households include a pet, it is only recently that we have begun to explore the relationship between people and their pets and the possible physical and emotional benefits of that relationship. Studies have revealed that most pet owners view their pets as both raising the quality of family life by minimizing tension between family members and increasing their owners love for living things. With proofs of the strong human-companion animal bond came studies of how pet ownership may affect physical and mental health. In 1980 one of the first such studies, found that both male and female pet owners had significantly lower blood pressure, and cholesterol levels than those who did not own pets. It was also revealed that females had lowered stress levels when their dogs were present compared with the presence of a human best friend. Pets may contribute to the development of a childs basic sense of trust through the pets, security, love and affection. They inculcate a sense of independence and initiative through the pets serving as an active playmate and promoting exploration of the environment, and encouraging patience and self-control. Children with pets are seen to develop a sense of industry through the pets response to the child basic commands and a sense of identity through the pets serving as a companion, and providing social and emotional support. Some researchers have found that children with pets score higher on measures of fellow feeling and self respect than those who do not (286) Based on your reading of the above, passage complete the following statements with the help of given options. (a) Keeping a pet benefits the owner emotionally as pets __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) help reduce tension between family members divert their owners attention towards themselves increase physical workload of the owner reduce sympathy for all living beings increase stress among male pet owners increase systolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels lower systolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels reduce stress among both male and female pet owners 3

The statement that pets __________ is true.



The children with pets are more stable emotionally than those who do not have a pet as __________. (i) pets trust the owner (ii) pets provide company and good environment (iii) pets lead to increased dependence and provide initiative (iv) pets encourage patience and self-control The children with pets have a better sense of identity as __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) pets pets pets pets serve as companions and confidants need social and emotional support explore the environment are dependant and need companionship



The word in the passage that means `reducing is __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) promoting providing minimizing confidant 5


Read the passage given below carefully. Modern life is full of time pressure and frustration. Racing against deadlines, sitting in traffic, arguing- all these make your body react as if you were facing a physical threat. When you feel threatened, your pituitary gland releases more of a particular hormone, which signals other glands to produce additional hormones. These are like an alarm system that makes your adrenal glands, situated atop your kidneys, to release a flood of stress hormones into your bloodstream. These hormones focus your concentration, speed your reaction time, and increase your strength and agility. After youve escaped your stressful situation, the levels of these hormones in your bloodstream decline. As a result, your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal and your digestion resume a regular pace. But if stressful situations pile up one after another, your body has no chance to recover. This long-term activation of the stressresponse system can disrupt almost all your bodys processes, increasing your risk of obesity, insomnia, digestive complaints, heart disease and depression. Stress worsens many skin conditions and can be a starter for asthma attacks. Your reaction to a specific stress is different from anyone elses. Some people are naturally care free about almost everything, while others react strongly at the slightest hint of stress- and most fall somewhere between those extremes. Life experiences may increase your sensitivity to stress as well. Strong stress reactions sometimes can be traced to childhood factors. People who were exposed to extreme stress as children tend to be particularly weak against stress as adults. Complete the following statements based on your reading of the above passage : (a) Modern life is stressful as a result of ................................................... ................................................................................................................. (b) Alarm system of stress harmones affects the body by ................... your blood stream. (c) Long term stress response results in ........................... and leads to depression. (d) The two factors that make some people more susceptible to stess are ......................................................................... (e) The word in the passage that means disappointment is .................................... 4



Read the given poem carefully : BEFORE AN EXAMINATION The little letters dance across the page, Flaunt and retire, and trick the tired eyes ; Sick of the strain, the glaring light, I rise Yawning and stretching, full of empty rage At the dull meanderings of a long dead sage, Fling up the windows, fling aside his lies ; Choosing to breathe, not stifle and be wise, And let the air pour in upon my cage. The breeze blows cool and there are stars and stars Beyond the dark, soft masses of the elms That whisper things in windy tones and light. They seem to wheel for dim, celestial wars ; And I--I hear the clash of silver helms Ring icy-clear from the far deeps of night. Stephen Vincent Bennet Complete the following sentences with information from the above poem. Write the answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank number : (a) The poet felt that the words on the page of his book were __________. (b) He rose from his chair because he was __________. (c) The poet opens the windows to __________. (d) Outside the windows there are __________. (e) The word in the poem which means `display is __________.

SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Given below is a brief profile of Mangte Chungneijang Merykom (aka Mary Kom or MC Merykom), the World Boxing Champion in Womens Boxing. Read the information given and write a brief paragraph (in about 80 words) about Mary Kom for the school magazine. Name-- Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom (M.C. Mary Kom) Birth -- March 1, 1983; Manipur Family status : Parents - farm workers; poor; suffered hardship and inconveniences School -- Studied till class VI in Loktak Christian Mission School, Moirang and class VII-VIII in St. Xavier School, Moirang; Came to Imphal. Interest in Boxing - good in sports; wanted to become an athlete; inspired by Dingko Singh and the women boxers at the 5th National Games (Manipur) inspired her; joined Sports Authority of India, Khuman Lampak and underwent an intensive training from coach and mentor, Shri. Ibomcha Singh. Championships: National Boxing Champion since 2001 five times World Boxing Champion, successively since - 2001 Awards Arjuna Award (Boxing) 2004 Padma Shree (Sports) 2006 Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna 29.8.2009, New Delhi (27.7.2009) Qualities -- determination and strong will 5 4



No other country has so much to offer to a tourist than India. Yet, more tourists go each year to small city-states and commercial centres like Hong-Kong and Singapore than to India. Petty crime, like picking pockets, bag snatching etc are widespread in India. Look at the visual below to see the two sides of tourism. Based on the information in the Unit, Travel and Tourism and your own ideas. Write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a national daily giving your suggesions for developing Indian tourism.


Last night you heard a noise in your room. You opened your eyes and this is what you saw in your room. Write a story in about 150 words about what happened then.

SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct words x8=4 from the given options to complete the passage meaningfully. Perspiration is one of the ways (a) __________ keeping our body `furnace (b)__________ a nice normal temperature. Actually, (c)__________ body temperature is controlled by a centre in the brain (d) ................. as the thermostat. It (e)__________ of three parts: a control centre, a heating centre, and a cooling centre. Suppose (f)__________ temperature of the blood drops for (g)__________ reason, the heating centre goes to work and certain things (h)__________ to happen. (a) (i) to (ii) with (iii) of (iv) for (b) (i) at (ii) in (iii) on (iv) with (c) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) our (d) (i) known (ii) knew (iii) knowing (iv) is known (e) (i) consist (ii) consists (iii) is consisting (iv) consisted (f) (i) the (ii) an (iii) a (iv) any some (ii) no (iii) a (iv) what (g) (i) (h) (i) began (ii) beginning (iii) is beginning (iv) begin 6



Read the notes given below to complete the accompanying bio-sketch of 1x4=4 R.K. Narayan by filling in the gaps by choosing the correct options. R.K Nararyan Birth Occupation Father Brother Married Died : : : : : : October 10, 1906, Chennai novelist, short-story writer Headmaster famous cartoonist, R.K Laxman Rajam in 1939 Swami and Friends May 13, 2001 (aged 94)

Notable work(s) :

The famous novelist and short-story writer, R.K Narayan (a)__________ His father (b)__________ and brother (c)__________, R.K Laxman. In 1939 he married Rajam. One of (d)__________ Swami and Friends. He died on May 13, 2001 at the ripe old age of ninety-four. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 10. was born in Chennai on October 10, 1906 born at Chennai on October 10, 1906 were born in Chennai on October 10, 1906 was born at Chennai in October 10, 1906 was a Headmaster was Headmaster was the Headmaster is a Headmaster is a famous cartoonist is the famous cartoonist was the famous cartoonist was famous cartoonist his notable work is his notable works are his notable works is his notable work is

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. 8x=4 Write the incorrect word and the correction as given below. The El Nino weather effect has had a damaged impact in marine life throughout Asia. In some Asian waters which have play host to large numbers of sea horses the fact of red tides have killed off huge quantities of fish and another marine life by depriving them of oxygen The red tides are so called because they are compose of vast amount of dead algae which float to the surface and wiped out the local market of fish on weeks. e.g damaged___damaging (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (h)

forming a reddish hue. Recent red tides off Hong Kong virtually (g)

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________



Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences as shown e.g streets/during/can see/slogans/elections/supporters/political parties/the/ shouting/of/in/we. During elections, we can see supporters of political parties shouting slogans in the streets. (1) on foot/greeting/the candidates/walk/even/the people. (2) the opportunity/of/shaking hands/ every one / they catch/with (3) their problems/the people/assure/of solving/ their supporters (4) to/vote/they /candidates/urge/them/in favour of their


Complete the news stories accompanying the following headlines by filling in the 1x4=4 blanks. (i) Govt orders construction halt at Vedanta refinery Vedanta refinery __________ to halt its construction of its aluminium refinery in Orissa, as the company had not got the required environmental clearances. (ii) Dengue Claims Hundreds of Lives 600 lives in Delhi alone __________ by Dengue. (iii) 4 nabbed for chain snatching Four men who were about to fly to Mumbai __________ by the Delhi Police for chain snatching. Now, earth-friendly plastic from plants IBM researchers have said that earth friendly plastic from plants __________. SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)




Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct options. With sloping masts and dipping prow, As who pursued with yell and blow Still treads the shadow of his foe, And forward bends his head, The ship drove fast, loud roared the blast, The southward aye we fled. (a) The storm is described as __________. (i) a powerful enemy (ii) a large bird (iii) a ship (iv) a weak man (b) The storm pushed them __________. (i) towards the North Pole (ii) towards the equator (iii) towards the South pole (iv) towards the slimy sea 8


poetic device used in lines 2 - 4 is __________. alliteration personification metaphor onomatopoeia OR Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness. In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman Rises toward her day after day like a terrible fish. (a) Over the years she __________. (i) has changed from a young girl to an old woman. (ii) has changed from a woman to a fish (iii) has become more fond of the lake (iv) does not like the mirror (b) The fish in the last line symbolise __________. (i) the anger of the woman (ii) the ageing process (iii) the woman admiring herself in the lake (iv) the liars who lie to the woman (c) The poetic device used in the above lines is __________. (i) metaphor (ii) personification (iii) simile (iv) onomatopoeia (B) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. After spending but a single night in suspense, anxiously waiting for news of his daughter, his heart was brimming with sympathy for the poor old man who had spent his nights in the same suspense for the last five years. (a) `his in the above lines refers to __________. (b) he is waiting for news of his daughter as __________. (c) He feels __________ regarding the way he has behaved with the old man earlier ? 14.


The (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : 2x4=8 (a) How were the narrators grandparents in The Ultimate Safari entirely different from each other in their character? (b) How does the frog show his cunning while dealing with the nightingale ? (c) Why does the woman in the poem, Mirror look at her reflection with tears ? (d) How do Brutus and Cassius respond to Antonys request when he expresses a desire to speak at Caesars funeral ? (e) How did the mariners suffer after the killing of the albatross ? Bring out the theme of crime and punishment in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ? OR Compare and contrast the characters of Brutus and Cassius ? -o0o6



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A ( Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below. Cherry Tree Eight years have passed Since I placed my cherry seed in the grass, `Must have a tree of my own, I saidAnd watered it once and went to bed And forgot, but cherries have a way of growing Though no ones caring very much or knowing And suddenly that summer, near the end of May I found a tree had come to stay It was very small, a five months child, Lost in tall grass running wild. Goats ate leaves, grass cutters scythe Split it apart, and a monsoon blight Shrivelled the slender stem.... Even so, Next spring I watched three new shoots grow, The young tree struggle, upward thrust Its arms in a fresh fierce lust For light and air and sun ---- Ruskin Bond Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete the summary of the poem. The poet planted a cherry tree because he wanted to have (a)__________. He (b)__________ and forgot about it. But when May had almost come to an end, he was (c)__________ Several disasters befell it. A goat ate its leaves, a grass cutters scythe (d)__________because of a plant disease. Nevertheless, in the next spring (e)__________. 5


Read the passage given below. Artificial Intelligence Intense research on how the human mind functions is essential before one asks whether its electronic equivalent can be constructed. Though one may not be able to describe the mind in terms of a set of rules and frames, yet there is a possibility that the current research on parallel processing and neural networks might lead Artificial Intelligence scientists to simulate the fabric and process of the mind. Expert systems, the best known manifestations of Artificial Intelligence, have today gained immense credibility and acceptance in many professional fields. Several complex programmes are commercially available to help analyze data fed into the machine, diagnose diseases and perform various tasks which have so far required a high level of human expertise. Further attempts are also being made to widen the scope of each such system to cover wider domains.


Artificial Intelligence is rapidly making an impact on our lives. New machines taking advantage of Artificial Intelligence have become irreplaceable in commerce, industry and research. What was science fiction a decade ago is fast turning into reality. Nonetheless, man-made machines are yet not capable of mimicking in entirety the sophistication and subtlety of the human mind. So far all the knowledge base and data which are fed into the machines have been carefully planned in advance and various exigencies taken into account. In a sharp contrast, a human being is born into the world with an ability to learn. Notwithstanding the inherent limitations, it is certain that Artificial Intelligence would bring a sea-change in information and knowledge processing the world over in the coming decades. (Artificial Intelligence by K. D. Pavate) (a) On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the statements given below by choosing the correct options. Artificial Intelligence is __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) adequate research in the working of the human mind electronic equivalent of the human mind the fabric and process of the mind intelligence that has been stimulated by study. analyze data fed into a machine diagnose diseases perform tasks requiring a high level of human expertise. conduct adequate research in the working of the human mind they lack sophistication and subtlety they lack the ability to continue learning they do not have any inherent limitations. they do not have a knowledge-base and data.

Artificial Intelligence is not being used today to __________.

Machines can not totally copy the human mind because __________.

The word in the passage which means indications of the existence, reality, or presence of something is __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) manifestations expertise programmes domains credibility exigencies subtlety limitations 5


The word in the above passage which means crisis situation is __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


Read the given passage carefully : After sunset on our last day at the farm I walked out into the desert. It was the first pleasant moment for a walk after long hot hours. I thought I was the only thing out of doors. Abruptly, I stopped short. Before me a rattle snake lay rigid, its head not yet 3


drawn back to strike, but merely turned a little to watch what I would do. Many snakes will flee at the sight of a man but the rattlesnake felt no necessity to get out of anyones way. He held his ground in calm watchfulness waiting for me to show my intentions. My first instinct was to ignore him. I had never killed an animal I wasnt obliged to kill. But I remembered that there were children, dogs and horses at the farm as well as men and women lightly shod; my duty, plainly, was to kill the snake. I went back to the farm and returned with a stick. The rattlesnake had not moved; he lay like a live wire but when he saw the stick his tail twitched and he drew back his head. I raised my weapon but more quickly than I could strike he shot into the dense bush and set up his rattling, warning me by this that I had made an unprovoked attack and attempted to take his life and that if I persisted he would have no choice but to take mine if he could. For a moment I listened to this ominous sound and then I struck into the bush with my sick and, hacking about, dragged him out of it with his back broken. He struck passionately once more at the stick but a moment later his neck was broken and he was soon dead although when I picked him up by the tail his jaws gaped and snapped once more proving that a dead snake may still bite. There was blood in his mouth and poison was dripping from his fangs; it was a nasty sight, but a pitiful one. I dropped the body into the green bush and, as I did so, I saw him in imagination, gliding over the twilight sands as he might have done had I let him go. On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following statements. (1) At first the writer wished to ignore the snake because................................. ........................................................................................................................... (2) The writer decided to kill the rattlesnake because ......................... ........................................................................................................................... (3) As the writer raised the stick to hit the snake it made a rattling sound to warn the writer that..................................................................................... (4) The writer calls the sight of the dead snake a `nasty sight because .......................................................................................................................... (5) The phrase that means wearing shoes that were weak and would not offer much protection against the snakes attack is ................................................... 4. Read the passage given below. Recent studies show that tiny couch potatoes are slow learners. Too much TV watching can harm childrens ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, three new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of TV on kids. Critics faulted the research for not adequately considering the content of the TV watched, but experts said it bolsters advice that children shouldnt have TVs in their rooms. The separate findings were published on Monday in the July issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. One of the studies involved nearly 400 northern California third-graders. Those with TVs in their bedrooms scored about eight points lower in maths and language arts tests than children without bedroom TVs. A second study, looking at nearly 1,000 adults in New Zealand, found lower education levels among 26-year-olds who had watched lots of TV during childhood. A third study, based on data from nearly 1,800 US children, found that those who watched over three hours of TV daily before age 3 scored slightly worse on academic and intelligence tests at ages 6 and 7 than those who watched less TV. The effect was only modest but still worrisome, said co-author Frederick Zimmerman, a researcher at the University of Washington. 4 5


Complete the following statements by choosing the correct options. (a) The term (couch potatoes) refers to people __________ (i) who eat a lot of potatoes and potato chips while sitting on a couch (ii) who spend much time sitting or lying down, usually watching television (iii) who grow the potato crop (iv) who make and package potato chips (b) The most harmful effect of excessive TV watching is that _________ . (i) it turns children into slow learners (ii) it increases the childs ability to learn (iii) it improves their chances of getting a college degree (iv) children become addicted to potatoes (c) Experts suggest that parents, children tend to watch more TV if __________ (i) they have a college degree (ii) do not get a college degree (iii) have a TV set in their rooms (iv) they are given potato chips and a couch (d) The studies were conducted in __________ (i) California and New Zealand (ii) California, United States of America and New Zealand (iii) California and United States of America (iv) United States of America and New Zealand (e) The word in the passage that means the same as strengthens is _________ (i) faulted (ii) bolsters (iii) modest (iv) worrisome SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Rishabh/Raveena wants to pursue a career in journalism. He/she talks to his/her father about his/her choice and the reasons that helped him/her make up his/her mind. Write a dialogue between Rishabh/Raveena and his/her father in about 80 words. Imagine that you are the only Indian selected as a part of a group of five astronauts from around the world to make a voyage to the Mars in a highly advanced spacecraft. Write an e-mail in about 120 words to your mother in your hometown, from Houston from where you will take off, describing your hopes and fears and all that you wish to achieve. You may use the notes, given below. proud to represent your country excited to see the earth from the Mars put to use your knowledge of science fear of any mishap joy of being one of the first on the planet curious to gain knowledge of the Mars 5 4




Suhas/Smita Kulkarni has gone to the United States for a year as part of the Students Exchange Programme there. On the occasion of World Tourism Day, he/she delivers a speech about India as a Tourist Destination. Write the speech based on the visual given below, your own ideas and ideas from the Unit, Travel and Tourism in your Main Course Book in about 150 words.

SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. Complete the following passage choosing the correct options given : x8=4

According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong, the Aliens (a)__________ a base on the Moon and they (b)__________ the American astronauts in no uncertain terms to (c)__________ and stay away from the Moon. According to (d)__________ unconfirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that historic (e)__________ on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. Observers in the control room say that they remember (f)__________ one of the astronauts refer to a light in or on a crater (g)__________ the television transmission. The mission control (h)__________ for more details . (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (iii) (i) (i) are having are telling get off a are landing hearing having heard in is asked (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) have tell getting off an is landing (ii) (iv) during are asked 6 (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) has told got off no were landing (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) is having are saying going off some landing

listen have listened (iii) (iii) for asked (iv) (iv) at was asked



Given below are some tips on how to improve your memory. Read the given hints and then write out the instructions filling in the gaps by choosing the appropriate words from the given options. 1x4=4 How to Improve Your Memory Exercise your brain Reduce stress create vivid, memorable images Repeat things, you need to learn Group things you need to remember Try meditation There are some simple steps that can help you to improve your memory. The first step (a)__________ with things like crossword puzzles chess etc. The second step (b)__________ lives because stress can cause us to forget things. The next step (c)__________ which will help us to remember things. Another method (d)__________ and to try and group things together so that we do not forget them easily. Finally, the most important method is to try meditation. (a) (i) being to exercise your brain (ii) is to exercise ones brain (iii) is to exercise your brain (iv) being exercising the brain (b) (i) is to reduce stress in your (ii) reducing stress in ones (iii) reduction of stress in ones (iv) to reduce stress in yours (c) (i) is creating vivid and memorable images (ii) is to creating vivid and memorable images (iii) creating vivid and memorable images (iv) creation of vivid and memorable images (d) (i) was repeating things (ii) is the repetition of things (iii) is to repeating things (iv) is repetition of things one needs to learn


Look at the newspaper items given below. Then use the information in the headlines 1x4=4 to complete the paragraphs. (1) Vagrant killed on Metro tracks A 32 year old beggar ____________________ between the Inderlok and Shastri Nagar stations in New Delhi. (2) US, Polish troops damage Babylon The British Museum says Babylon ____________________. (3) Missing boy found in West Bengal hamlet A five year old boy ____________________ by a childless couple in October 2009 missing from _______________________ the Machara village of West Bengal. (4) Power crisis hits Delhi Large parts of Central, East and South Delhi ____________________ for several hours on Tuesday due to low frequency in the Northern Grid. 7



The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below. x8=4 The idiot box is increasing pushing the bookshelf e.g increasing..increasingly out of the homes even in regions where have a hig (a) __________ literacy rate and a long tradition on libraries. According (b) __________ to the findings of a sample survey a average Keralite now (c) __________ spent 90 minutes on cable television and 80minutes on reading (d) __________ books. However, TV is not an only culprit. The survey (e) __________ (f) __________ conduct by the Kerala Library Council to mark the 50th anniversary of the library movement in a state indicates (g) __________ that lack of interest and high price of books was equally (h) __________ responsible for people running away from serious reading.


Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet as shown. alarming/is assuming /pollution/proportions/noise Noise pollution is assuming alarming proportions. speeding car/it/could be/of the brakes/the screech/of a pollutes/as much as/noise/ smoke,/our environment cause/noise/mental/and/illness/can/deafness a person/ the body/even while/sleeps/to noise,/reacts SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)



Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct options. CAESAR : And you are come in very happy time, To bear my greeting to the senators And tell them that I will not come to-day : (a) The person who has come is __________. (i) Mark Antony (ii) Decius Brutus (iii) Marcus Brutus (iv) Cassius (b) Caesar does not wish to go to the Senate that day because __________. (i) his wife fears for his safety and wants him to stay at home. (ii) he is not feeling well. (iii) he has learnt of the conspiracy. (iv) he is afraid of going out because of the ill omens. (c) The attitude Caesar exhibits towards the senators is that of __________. (i) fear (ii) affection (iii) contempt (iv) respect OR 8


To get there we had to go through the Kruger Park. We knew about the Kruger Park. A kind of whole country of animals - elephants, lions, jackals, hyenas, hippos, crocodiles, all kinds of animals. (a) We were going to __________. (i) Mozambique (ii) Kruger Park (iii) their grandparents house (iv) South Africa (b) They were going there __________. (i) to look for their parents (ii) to look for their grandfather (iii) to escape the bandits (iv) to get good schooling (c) The problems they did not face on the way was that __________. (i) there were many wild animals and some of them fell prey to the animals (ii) they had to eat wild fruit that made their stomach run (iii) they had to walk in the grass and not on paths or roads (iv) they could not light a fire to cook their food (B) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Oh! the nightingale confessed. Greatly flattered and impressed That a critic of such note Had discussed her art and throat : (a) Who was the noted critic ? (b) What were his comments on the nightingales singing ? (c) How did the nightingale respond to the criticism ? 14.

Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each. 2x4=8 (a) What were the qualities that made Ali a good shikari ? (b) Whom did the mariners hold responsible for their misery ? Was it correct to do so ? (c) Why was the woman in the poem, Mirror not happy ? (d) How was Decius Brutus successful in persuading Caesar to go to the senate house ? (e) The haughty temper of the official had quite left him in his sorrow and anxiety and had laid bare his human heart. In the lesson, `The Letter, who is the official referred to ? Give an example of his haughty behaviour ? Imagine you are Laxmi Das and have returned home after placing Miriams letter on Alis grave. You are confused and troubled by the postmasters remarks. You also feel ashamed of having accepted 5 guineas from Ali to deliver Alis letter to his grave. Make a dairy entry expressing your feelings. (100 to 125 words) OR How did the Frog break the nightingales spirit and destroy her ? (100 to 125 words) -o0o6



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below : On Killing a Tree (By Gieve Patel) It takes much time to kill a tree, Not a simple jab of the knife Will do it. It has grown Slowly consuming the earth, Rising out of it, feeding Upon its crust, absorbing Years of sunlight, air, water, And out of its leprous hide Sprouting leaves. So hack and chop But this alone wont do it. Not so much pain will do it. The bleeding bark will heal And from close to the ground Will rise curled green twigs, Miniature boughs Which if unchecked will expand again To former size. No, The root is to be pulled outOut of the anchoring earth; It is to be roped, tied, And pulled out-snapped out Or pulled out entirely, Out from the earth-cave, And the strength of the tree exposed The source, white and wet, The most sensitive, hidden For years inside the earth. Then the matter Of scorching and choking In sun and air, Browning, hardening, Twisting, withering, And then it is done. 101/X/SA2/02/B1 2 1x5=5

Based on your understanding of the poem, complete the following statements : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. The poet says that the tree cannot be killed by just one stroke of the knife as it has __________ and __________. One has to make a consistent effort to destroy the tree as it can __________. The tree can be damaged only if __________. Find the expression in the poem which means discoloured bark __________. Find the word in the poem which means smaller than normal __________. 1x5=5

Read the passage given below. Heart Surgeon Admits Huge Mistake! By Dr. Dwight Lundell MD

We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact. I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labeled opinion makers.Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted that heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol. The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractices. It Is Not Working ! These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The discovery, a few years ago, that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is slowly leading to a complete shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated. Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped. Based on your reading, complete the following statements with the most appropriate options. (a) Traditionally heart doctors believed that heart diseases were due to ............. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) obesity and overeating high level of cholesterol sedentary lifestyle consuming fats

The expression, `These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible means they are no longer __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) fashionable profitable applicable relevant 3





As per the new scientific findings the real cause of heart disease is __________. (i) swelling of the arteries (ii) collapsing of the arteries (iii) reducing of the arteries (iv) burning of the arteries The term, opinion maker means one who __________. (i) gives the opinion about anything (ii) changes existing opinion (iii) brings forth new thought (iv) informs about new discoveries The word, heresy means __________. (i) dissenting belief (ii) harassment (iii) diplomatic (iv) hearsay


Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : 1x5=5 It is all clear now It all started at the beginning of fifth grade. At first, Neha wasnt really sure what was happening. In class, she had to squint to see the blackboard clearly. She had to do the same thing when she read street signs, or when she watched a movie. As the fuzziness got worse, she became more and more worried. It was important for her to see the notes and homework assignments the teacher put on the board. It wasnt long before Neha found herself squinting all the time, but she didnt want anyone to know that she was having a problem seeing. In class, she asked for a desk that was closer to the blackboard. One day, her teacher said, Neha, are you all right? Ive noticed you squinting a lot. Are you having trouble seeing the board? Neha shook her head. Im fine, Maam, she said, but she knew she couldnt pretend much longer. At home, she had to sit closer and closer to the television in order to see the picture. Her mother noticed her squinting as she watched her favourite shows, and she began to get suspicious. Tomorrow Im calling the eye doctor to set up an appointment for you, she said firmly. Neha protested, but her mothers mind was made up. Three days later, Neha had new glasses and instructions from her doctor to wear them all the time. She frowned in the car the whole way home. (a) Neha realised she had a problem with her eyes when she had to _____________. (b) She became worried because she had to ___________________. (c) Very soon she realised that _____________ the time. (d) Her mother also realised that Neha had a problem when Neha ___________. (e) The eye doctor decided that Neha __________________. Read the passage given below : 1x5=5


I was born in Jerusalem in 1939 to a poor family that shared a rented four room apartment with two additional families and their children. My memories from my childhood are centered on my fathers medical condition alongside my constant desire to understand the principles of the nature around me. The hard conditions didnt dampen my enormous curiosity. Already at five, I was actively investigating the world. 101/X/SA2/02/B1 4

In one of my experiments I tried to measure the height of our tiny balcony using the furniture from inside the apartment. I put a table on another table, and then a chair and a stool on top, but did not reach the ceiling. Hence, I climbed up on my construct, fell down to the back yard on the ground floor and broke my arm.... Incidentally the results of this experiment are still unknown , since the current tenants in the apartment have remodeled the ceiling. My parents were raised in religious families, being educated mainly in Judaism (my father) and women household skills (my mother). All of the schools in my immediate neighborhood were based on the same principles as those of my parents. However, despite the poverty of my parents and the lack of formal education, they went out of their way so that I could obtain a proper education in a very prestigious secular grammar school, called Beit Hakerem. My father was frequently hospitalized and operated on, and when I was 11 years old he died. My mother barely coped, and I started to help her at that age. I had all types of jobs, cleaning, babysitting and providing private tuition to younger children. But both of us could not earn enough to support our little family, and consequently a year later my mother decided to move to another city, Tel Aviv, in order to be closer to her sisters. There I completed my high school education, and my mother, despite her tough life, supported my desire to keep on learning. (Ada Yonath) Based on your reading of the above passage, complete the following statements with the most appropriate options. (a) Ada Yonaths memories of her early life revolve around her __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) sick father and their poverty fathers illness and her interest in nature family and her education mother and the house she lived in

Her scientific temperament was apparent in her childhood also as she __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) was naturally curious tried to find remedy for her fathers illness experimented to find a solution had a lab at home


Adas parents were a great influence on her life as they sent her to a secular school in spite of being _____________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) uneducated religious backward a girl describe doubt degrade diminish 5


The word `dampen in the passage means ________________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)



We went to Tel Aviv __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) so that we could enjoy life. as my aunts were there. so that I could study. as we could earn more money there. SECTION - B (Writing 20 Marks)


You are Rohan/Rajni. Recently you participated in a swimming competition organized by your state. You won one silver and two bronze medals in the 200 m. breast stroke, 200 m butterfly and 400 m. relay respectively. Your team was adjudged second in the state. Describe your experience about this 4day event in about 80 words.


You are Arti/Anay. You attended a health fair in which you heard a speech on We have become slaves of our own inventions. You decide to write a letter to the editor of a popular newspaper highlighting how excessive use of gadgets is harmful for our health. Taking ideas from the MCB unit, Science together with your own ideas, write this letter in about 120 words. India is a rich storehouse of treasures of exceptional value of which 23 have been included on the World Heritage List of UNESCO. The heritage of a nation belongs to all and it is the responsibility of each and every person to preserve and protect this heritage for posterity. Taking ideas from MCB unit, Travel and Tourism together with your own ideas, write a speech in about 150 words on the topic, Protection and Preservation of our rich Heritage to be given in the morning assembly. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)



Complete the following passage choosing the correct options :


One day a man planted a rose and watered it (a) ____________. Before it blossomed, he (b)_____________________examined it. He observed the bud that would soon blossom and (c)____________ thorns upon the stem. He thought, How can any beautiful flower come from a plant that is burdened (d)_____________so many sharp thorns? Saddened (e)____________ this thought, he (f) _______________ not to water the rose. Just (g)___________ it was ready to bloom..... it died. So is it with many people (h) ______________ every soul there is a rose. The God-like qualities planted in us at birth, grow amidst the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns. 101/X/SA2/02/B1 6

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

(i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii)

unnecessarily completely carefully carelessly see noticed on from by since do decided which while on upon

(ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv)

regularly excessively completely simply put drew in with from upon forgot plan when from from in


1x4=4 Read the conversation given below between two friends. On the basis of your reading, complete the passage that follows. Smita : I want to tell you something about my holiday in Malaysia. Preeti : When did you go ? Smita : I went there in July. Preeti : For how many weeks did you stay there? Smita : We spent just one week there. Smita told her friend Preeti that (a) ___________. Preeti asked her when she had gone. Smita replied that (b) ______________ Preeti further enquired that (c)___________ Smita answered that (d)_______________.


Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done 1x4=4 for you . in the/any free/world/hardly/There are/left/creatures There are hardly any free creatures left in the world. (a) the last/on earth/the birds are/free creatures (b) and lions/tigers/the/tamed/safari parks/put/have been/in/and (c) live in/like match boxes/men and women/houses that are (d) can fly/they like/only the birds/away/whenever The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank x8=4 number. Underline the corrected word. has India is very fortunate that it have many (a) have rivers. Their famous rivers are Sutlej, (b) ----------- ------------Ganga, Yamuna and Narmada. Few of (c) ----------- ------------7



the rivers like Ganga, who originated from the Himalayas, flow throughout the year. They provides water to both drinking and irrigational purposes. Some river in India are considered sacred and were worshipped by people. 12.

(d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)



Complete the following news reports with the given headlines. (a) Traffic Jams in city Commuters in some parts __________ due to the ongoing repair work on the NH8. (b) Dead fish flood Beas Canal in Punjab. Beas canal in Punjab __________ dead fish. (c) Delhi rushes to CNG Outlets as IOC Union calls for strike on Friday Delhi people __________ as the IOC union called for a strike on Friday causing traffic jams on all the busy roads. (d) Indias tallest chocolate pyramid created Contestants of a TV Show __________ at a Mall in the capital SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)



Read the passages given below and complete the statements that follow by 1x3=3 choosing the correct options. By your pardon ; I will myself into the pulpit first, And show the reason of our Caesars death : What Antony shall speak, I will protest He speaks by leave and by permission. (a) __________ is saying these lines to __________. (i) Cassius, Antony. (ii) Brutus, Antony (iii) Antony, himself (iv) Brutus, Cassius (b) The speaker wants to speak first because he __________. (i) wants to be taken seriously (ii) wants to justify Caesers death (iii) wants to take the blame on himself (iv) wants to distract Antony (c) The speaker is not successful in his attempt because __________. (i) he is not respected by the people (ii) Antonys speech moves the people (iii) he makes the people angry (iv) people think he is an honourable man OR 8


We were waiting for her that night. She never came back, (a) We and her in these lines are __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 13. villagers and the grand mother bandits and the narrator children and their mother refugees and the Doctor had planned to go to Kruger Park may have not got the oil to cook food might have gone to her parents could have been killed by the bandits in the forest reserve in their burnt out house at their grandparents place at the refugee camp 1x3=3

She never came back because she __________.

They waited for her __________.

Read the lines given below and complete the statements that follow : (B)

But when the evening of his life was drawing in, he left his old ways and suddenly took a new turn. (a) (b) (c) __________ is described here and the meaning of the term `Evening of life is __________. The old ways that he had left were __________. After leaving the old ways he __________. 2x4=8


Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What did the grandmother do when her daughter did not come back ? Why did the postmaster want to deliver the letter personally to Ali ? What is the meaning of she has drowned a young girl ? Why did Caesar say, `Et tu Brute, when Brutus stabbed him ?

Inspite of the frogs singing the whole night, why did the creatures in the Bingle Bog hate him ? 6


The poem, Mirror shows the problems of an ageing woman. Elaborate in 100 - 125 words. OR The postmaster feels guilty when he finds that Ali is no longer alive. He writes a letter to Miriam explaining to her about Alis wait for her letter and his death. Write the letter in 100-125 words. -oOo-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A ( Reading - 20 Marls) 1.

Read the passage given below.

The Importance of Sports


of our planet. In one way or the other, everyone is involved in sports, whether theyre playing or watching or just know someone who does. There are many types of sports. Golf is an individual sport. Even though golfers play on the same course, they are really competing against one another only with their scores. Unlike tennis, in which one player must beat the other to finish a match, golf features each player against every other player, with the one who takes the fewest strokes to sink the ball into 18 holes is declared the winner. Baseball, basketball, and soccer are team sports where teams of five, seven, nine or eleven play against each other, with team members helping each other to win as a team. Sports are played for fun or for money or sometimes both. Just about every sport has both professionals (those who compete for money) and amateurs (those who do not compete for money). Many amateurs who are really good at their sport become professionals. Sports bring people together and also set people apart. A team, whether professional or college or amateur, can inspire many fans to cheer for that team. Each team has its own fans. So, when two teams or two individual athletes compete against each other, the fan base is divided in two. Such classic rivalries as Yankees-Red Sox in baseball and Liverpool v Everton in football can last for years and years, with fan traditions being passed on from father to son. Based on your understanding of the passage choose the most appropriate options to complete the following statements. (a) Sports are enjoyed by people who _________________ (i) do not get a chance to see it (ii) participate in it (iii) dont appreciate cultural activities (iv) let others enjoy it (b) Sports as an activity cannot be played with _________________ (i) two people (ii) a team (iii) competitors (iv) oneself (c) Sports are played for _________________ (i) competing with others (ii) enjoyment (iii) money (iv) All of the above (d) Yankee-Red Sox is an example of_____________ (i) team work (ii) fans loyalty (iii) a rough game (iv) sports uniform (e) The word, `rivalry means ______________ (i) opposition (ii) oppression (iii) obsession (iv) attraction 101/X/SA2/02/C1 2

Sports are an important part of just about every society, every country, and every part


Read the poem given below : ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE Students of physics are frequently told Of experiments performed by great physicists of old Like Boyles and Charles -- but greatest of these Was the Principle discovered by Archimedes. The Sicilian King, Archimedes was told, Ordered a crown from a large lump of gold, And though the weight of the gold was completely correct, The goldsmiths eye made the King suspect That hed made up the weight with some cheaper metal And stolen some gold, that his debts he might settle. His problem was then of outstanding immensity As he had no idea, whatsoever, of density Climbing into a bath he receieved a surprise When he noticed the water beginning to rise. He suddenly snapped, and let out a scream, As he realised, with joy, his long-wished-for-dream He found the upthrust, produced on a bodys base, To be equal in weight to the water displaced, And soon volumes and weights would make it quite plain What various metals the crown could contain, And so he could easily show to his Royalty The absolute proof of the goldsmiths disloyalty. Leaping out of the bath at remarkable rate, He made for the palace by doorway and gate-But the men in the street were completely confounded To see a naked man shout Eureka! Ive found it!


Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary. Use only one word for each blank. The poem is about a famous scientist, Archimedes who lived in (a)__________. The king of the country summoned Archimedes when he became (b)______________ about the honesty of the goldsmith who was given the (c)_____________ of making a crown for him. The king thought that the goldsmith had (d) ____________ some cheaper metal for gold. Archimedes could not find a solution to the problem so he started (e)___________over the problem in the bath. He by chance (f)_____________ that water in the bathtub rose when he sat in it. All of a (g) ____________ he hit upon the idea that this (h) _______________ could be used to find the (i) ______________ quantity of gold used by the goldsmith. He was so (j)__________ by this discovery that he jumped out of the bath and shouting `Eureka ran naked towards the palace 101/X/SA2/02/C1 3


Read the passage given below : 1x5=5 The Mayan Indians lived in Mexico for thousands of years before the Spanish arrived in the 1500s. The Mayan were intelligent, culturally rich people whose achievements were many. They had farms, beautiful palaces, and cities with many buildings. The Mayan people knew a lot about nature and the world around them. This knowledge helped them to live a better life than most people of that time, because they could use it to make their lives more comfortable and rewarding. Knowledge about tools and farming, for instance, made their work easier and more productive. In ancient Mexico there were many small clearings in the forest. In each clearing was a village with fields of corn, beans, and other crops around it. To clear the land for farms, the Mayan cut down trees with stone axes. They planted seeds by digging holes in the ground with pointed sticks. A farmer was able to grow crops that produced food for several people. But not every Mayan had to be a farmer. Some were cloth makers, builders, or priests. The Mayan believed in many gods, including rain gods, sun gods, and corn gods. On the basis of your understanding of the passage complete the following sentences. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The Mayans culture is reflected in __________. With the help of their knowledge of nature they made their lives __________. They developed land for thier villages by __________. They used sticks to __________. The Mayans followed different professions like __________. 1x5=5


Read the passage given below :

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As the Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young mans name embossed in gold. Angry, he raised his voice to his father and said With all your money, you give me a Bible? and stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible. Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family. Though he was still angry with his father he realized that his father was very old, and thought perhaps he sholud go to meet him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and had willed all his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things. When he arrived at his fathers house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his fathers important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. And as he did, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealers name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words PAID IN FULL. He then realized his mistake but it was too late. 101/X/SA2/02/C1 4

Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below : (a) The secret desire of the young man was to ___________________. (i) be able to study well (ii) be able to possess a bike (iii) possess a sports car (iv) be a rich man The word embossed means ______________. (i) embroidered (ii) raised design (iii) covered (iv) painted He left his house in anger as he________________. (i) wanted some other book (ii) wanted the money (iii) wanted a leather bound Bible (iv) expected the sports car After having settled in life one day ________________. (i) he decided to go to his college (ii) he thought of visiting his father (iii) he wanted to distribute gifts (iv) he wanted to buy a car He opened the Bible with tears as ________________ (i) he found the car keys in it (ii) it was the Bible he had left long back (iii) his father was angry with him (iv) it was too late SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Given below are some details of the life and career of actor, Naseeruddin Shah. Based on the information given below write a bio sketch of Naseeruddin Shah in about 80 words (Born in Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India July 20, 1950, educated at Aligarh Muslim University and National School of drama. Wife actor Ratna Pathak Shah and three children. Acted in art movies such as Nishant, Aakrosh, Mirch Masala, as well as mainstream cinema as Karma, A Wednesday, Iqbal and Hollywood films like The League of extraordinary Gentlemen. A versatile actor, has won 20 awards, including 5 national awards for best actor. Has also directed a few movies.) Your friend Ivan in Moscow is coming to India for a student exchange programme. He has heard stories about Indian magicians and snake charmers. Write an email to him telling him how India has progressed and is now one of the advanced countries of the world. Write the email in about 120 words . You are Amit/Amita. 5 4








You have recently come across a report that professional thieves recruit children to beg as they get more money. You realize that it is not only creating a law and order problem but also spoiling innocent lives. Write an article for the local newspaper suggesting ways to stop this criminal activity. You are Ishan/Ishita. Write the article in about 150 words.

SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. x8=4 Complete the following passage choosing the correct options. The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with (a) _______ fresh warmth of a full-summer day. The flowers (b) ____________ blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square (c) _________ the post office and the bank at (d) ____________ ten oclock. In some towns there were so (e) ________ people that the lottery took two days and had (f)__________ started on June 25th. But in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could (g)__________ at ten oclock in the morning and still was over in time to allow the villagers to get home (h) ___________ lunch. (a) (i) a (ii) the (iii) an (iv) some (b) (i) are (ii) was (iii) have (iv) were (c) (i) between (ii) near (iii) on (iv) about (d) (i) about (ii) near (iii) on (iv) this (e) (i) much (ii) less (iii) few (iv) many (f) (i) to be (ii) to have (iii) to do (iv) been (g) (i) stand (ii) begin (iii) have (iv) be (h) (i) to (ii) for (iii) of (iv) in In the following passage one word is missing in each line. Write the omitted word alongwith the preceding and succeeding word in your answer sheets. The first x8=4 one has been solved as an example. Bees are flying insects related to insects (a) closely related wasps and ants, and known for their role (a) __________ in pollination for producing honey and beeswax (b) __________ There are nearly 20,000 known species bees. (c) __________ They are found every planet/continent (d) __________ which insect-pollinated flowering plants. (e) __________ Bees adapted for feeding on nectar and pollen, (f) __________ the former primarily as energy source (g) __________ and the latter primarily protein and other nutrients. (h) __________ 6




Read the following conversation. On the basis of your reading, complete the passage 1x4=4 given below. Raghav : Mama : Raghav : Mama : Raghav : Mama : Raghav : Mama I got full marks in my essay. Thats nice. What was the topic of the essay? The topic of the essay was ` My Father But I thought you had prepared some other topics Yes, I had learnt the topic, `The Washer Man. Then how did you get such good marks ? Well I did not know the spelling of archaeologist so I wrote that my father was a washer man.

Raghav told his mother that (a) __________________. His mother asked him (b)________________ Raghav replied that it was an essay on `My father. His mother (c)_______________. Raghav said that he had learnt the topic `The Washer Man. His mother (d) ____________________. Raghav said that as he did not know the spelling of Archaeologist so he wrote that his father was a washerman.


Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example at Chandigarh / Creation of /Garden is / love for /labour of / Nekchand/the Rock Creation of the Rock Garden at Chandigarh is labour of love for Nekchand. (a) (b) (c) (d) or fame/thing/art/was the last/on his mind transport stones/the nearby hills/he would/from/on his bicycle created the/out of/ Nek Chand/world famous Rock Garden/urban waste a long list/the wonderful/fantasy figures/of international awards/brought him


Complete the following news reports with the given headlines by filling in the blanks. 1x4=4 (a) 25 Monkeys Perish in heat in Ambala More than 25 monkeys___________________ the summer heat. (b) Nationwide Bandh, Chemists down Shutters Several medical shops in the city ____________ nationwide Bandh. (c) Terrorists Damage Tourist Spot in Kashmir A popular tourist spot _______________ in the Kashmir Valley. (d) Indian physicist Awarded by MIT An Indian born research scientist _______________ for his outstanding contribution in Physicis.


SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing 1x3=3 the correct options. Tortured by doubt and remorse, he sat down in the glow of the charcoal sigri to wait. (a) The man who sat by the charcoal sigri was __________ (i) the postmaster (ii) Lakshmi Das (iii) Ali (iv) the Postman (b) He felt tortured because __________ (i) he had been polite to Ali (ii) he had been unkind to the visitors (iii) he had been cruel and sensitive to Ali (iv) he had been insensitive and cruel to Ali (c) He was waiting for __________. (i) Miriams letter (ii) news of Ali (iii) his daughters news (iv) the postmaster OR Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard. It seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come. (a) Caesar speaks these lines when __________ (i) he goes to the Senate (ii) he is stopped by Calpurnia (iii) Cimber pleads to Caesar (iv) the conspirators stab him (b) Cowards die many times before their deaths because __________. (i) they are bold (ii) they are ready for anything (iii) they constantly fear death (iv) they are great warriors (c) It is most strange for Caesar__________. (i) that people are brave (ii) that people are afraid of death (iii) that people are afraid of him (iv) that people face death just once 8




Read the lines given below and complete the satements that follow : And the ticket office gross crashed, and she grew more morose. (a) The ticket office gross crashed because __________. (b) The bird grew morose because __________. (c) This crash affected the frog because __________.



2x4=8 Answer any four questions out of the following in 30 - 40 words each : (a) Why does the narrator in the story, `The Ultimate Safari want to go back to Mozambique ? (b) How did the nightingale in the poem, The Frog in the Nightingale meet her end? (c) How did the ancient Mariner manage to hold back the wedding guest ? (d) What is the role of the mob in the play, Julius Caesar ? (e) What do you think the woman in the poem, Mirror is trying to search for in the depths of the water ? Answer the following in 100 - 125 words : Children are the future of the family and need to be protected and nurtured. The grand mother in the story, The Ultimate Safari believed in this and took all possible care of her grandchildren. Justify. OR He dropped it as though it had given him an electric shock. Why did the postmaster react in this way ? -o0o6



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading 20 Marks) 1. Read the given poem carefully : Crow Shadow on the shiny snow. Feathers sleek, Darting eye searching. Call echoing across 5 Desolate corn fields. A ghost figure In leafless trees, He shifts his head, Deciphering the breeze. 10 He shifts his eyes To look my way. I sympathize. He flies away. On the basis of your reading of the above poem, answer the following questions by choosing the correct options from those given below : (1) The `Shadow on the shiny snow Here the shadow is that of the ........ (a) the crow (b) the corn plants (c) the poet (d) the tree (2) The `figure in line 6 refers to ........................ (a) the crow (b) the corn plants (c) the poet (d) the tree (3) The attitude of the poet towards the crow is that of ..................... (a) dislike (b) callousness (c) understanding (d) love (4) The word `deciphering means ...................... (a) enjoying (b) hating (c) interpreting (d) waiting (5) The imagery in this poem creates a mood of .......................... (a) playfulness (b) loneliness (c) danger (d) dreaminess 2 5



Read the given passage carefully. Dogon The Dogon are a cliff-dwelling people who live in Southeastern Mali and Burkina Faso. They are unique in that they have kept and continued to develop their own culture even in the midst of invasions which have conquered many of the current people groups. Until the 1930s the Dogon were very insulated from the outside world and resisted any foreign influence. Through oral tradition it is said that they originated from the west bank of the Niger River, around 1490 A.D. Fleeing from the Mossi people they entered the Bandiagara cliffs region, where they have lived ever since. Because of their refuge in the cliffs they were able to resist all invaders who have attempted to conquer them. The Dogon are divided into family groups which are responsible for different spheres of Dogon life. The Awa society is responsible for much of the spiritual functions of Dogon culture concerning death and mourning periods. They are said to able to communicate with the spirits of their ancestors. In their artwork they are well-known for their masks which are used in various ceremonies and rituals. The masks are known as inima, they are thought to contain the life force which is known as nyama. There are over 65 different kinds of masks used for ceremonies. Their woodwork is amazing and is known for the different, primitive look, which surrounds the country. Dogon artwork is all intricately hand carved and much of it has much cultural significance. (250 words) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing the correct options from those given below : (1) The fact that makes Dogons unique is that ............................ (a) they live in cliffs (b) their history is ancient (c) they have retained their identity (d) they are very adaptable (2) Settling in the Bandiagara cliffs proved to be a blessing because ............. (a) the weather was better suited to their needs (b) they could do their jobs better (c) it was easier to rear animals there (d) cliffs were a defence against all attackers (3) The division of Dogon into family groups is on the basis of the ............... (a) religion they follow (b) functions they perform (c) history of their origin (d) invaders they resisted (4) The Dogon masks underline their .......................... (a) ability to work hard (b) creativity (c) devotion to God (d) ability to be happy (5) The word insulated means ..................... (a) exposed (b) unexposed (c) afraid (d) influenced



Read the passage given below carefully Hussain Sagar Lake Hussain Sagar in Hyderabad is a lake famous for the thousands of migratory birds it attracts from other parts of India and abroad, in the winter months. But the seagulls, ducks and other migratory birds no longer find it hospitable. They only use it as a stopover and prefer to fly away elsewhere. The lake has seen more clay idols of deities such as Ganesh and Durga being immersed in its waters than any other lake in the vicinity. The chemicals used to paint the idols are highly toxic. They contaminate the waters, the algae and the water plants in it. These, in turn, affect the insects and birds that feed off the lake. A study of the affected birds by the Bird Watchers Society of India has revealed that the toxins were absorbed in the tissues of the birds. This caused the birds to lay weakshelled eggs. When they tried to incubate the eggs, the shells broke. The eggs would not hatch as a result. A recent Government of India report on the health of the environment feels that the rest of India seems to be heading for the same fate as Hussain Sagar. (194 words) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following statements : (1) The Hussain Sagar lake got its fame because ....................... (2) The chief concern related to Hussain Sagar lake is ....................... (3) The chief pollutant of the lake is ........................... (4) The water pollution adversely affects the birds causing ....................... (5) The antonym of `contaminate is .............................. Read the passage given below carefully. Euthanasia is deliberately bringing about a gentle and easy death making the last days of the patient as comfortable as possible. This is to ensure a calm and peaceful death, to relieve incurable suffering in terminal illness or disability. Euthanasia is voluntary, when requested by the sufferer. Here death is hastened by deliberate withdrawal of effective therapy or nourishment. The debate on Euthanasia has again become a live issue in India as the Supreme Court of India in 1994 passed a verdict that attempted suicide is not a crime. With the recent medical knowledge, the judges in their verdict were sympathetic to those who attempted suicide. They gave the verdict that attempting suicide is a mental derangement and hence not to be considered as a crime. This signifies social approval of suicide and euthanasia which is assisted suicide. This is often our dilemma. Should one prolong the act of dying in a case of inevitable death or when a life is effectively over ? One of the achievements of modern medical technology is the use of artificial life support systems like artificial feeding, dialysis, controlled respiration, pump circulation etc. In some cases it can be so dehumanising, painful, hazardous or costly that other considerations outweigh the aim to conserve life. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following statements: (1) Doctors administer euthanasia by _____________________ (2) The debate on euthanasia has restarted as ______________________ (3) One can say that euthanasia has gained social approval as ______________ (4) Two reasons that support the cause of euthanasia are _________________ (5) The word in Paragraph III that means involving risk or danger is ______ 4



SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Various factors influence the choice of an animal to share your home with, including how much time, money and space is available for the animal. This pie chart shows the preferences of people for pets. In about 80 words interpret the data about the choice of pets. 4


Eco-tourism is environmentally responsible travel to enjoy nature and cultural experiences. Your friend is going on one such tour. She is seeking your advice. Write a letter to her in about 120 words with the help of verbal clues given below . You are Nikita/Nakul. Dos Carry back all non-degradable litter to be disposed in municipal dustbins. Observe the sanctity of holy sites, and local cultures cut noise pollution


On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti you are required to give a speech on National Integration in the school assembly. Using ideas given below and your own ideas write this speech in about 150 words. You are Rahul/Rumi. passing through a period of transformation-- things happen which are not always to our liking. proud privilege to live in harmony must guard against disruptive tendencies need not merely the political unity but emotional unity fight communalism, provincialism, separatism and casteism. We need to be mighty in thought, in action, in culture and be peaceful 5


SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct word from the x8=4 given options to complete the passage meaningfully. I (a) ______________ my father tremendously as I thought he (b) __________ the embodiment of courage and strength. I treasured (c) __________ hope that I (d) ___________ be like him when I grew up. As he grew older his sense (e) __________ humour grew and also grew his control (f) __________ his temper. He loved the family and never (g) ___________ anything that would not benefit us. Under his care I (h) __________ to be a good human being. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 9. (i) (iii) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) admired has admired were a might to over have done have grown (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) was an could at across do is grown (ii) (iv) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) had admired have admire is are will in away did has grown (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) are the would of into done grew

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. x8=4 Books are a mens best friend. You can reach out at them whenever you want and shuts them and store them whenever you liked. They never criticize you or disagree at you. On the contrary they takes you to unknown lands with them and trying to amuse you. They always gives you company (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ....................... .......................


Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful 1x4=4 sentences. (a) (b) (c) (d) decided/Delhi/fly-overs/it/a number of / has been/to build/in. hundreds of/cutting down/trees/that/mean/would. it/ecological imbalance/create/certainly/an/would. to plant/several organisations/have/forward/new/trees/come 6



Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows : Wife : Our servant has run away. Is anything missing ? Yes, my gold watch. Where did you keep it?


Husband : Wife :

Husband :

The wife told her husband that (a) ___________. The husband asked the wife (b) ___________ The wife told him that (c) ___________ The husband then asked her (d) _____________ .


With the help of the given points complete the short report on Zeeland that follows by choosing the correct options from those given. Write your answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. ZEELAND ----- Province of the Netherlands Features History Area Capital ----- mostly below sea-level; protected by dykes ----- 1323 became a part of Holland ----- 1,790 sq.kms ----- Middelburg

Population ----- (1988) 356,000 Products ----- cereals, potatoes ZEELAND Zeeland is a province of the Netherlands. (a) _________ 1,790 sq. kms. The capital of Zeeland is Middleburg and (b) ___________ 3,56,000 people. The people here are mostly farmers (c) ______________. Inspite of (d)_________________ by a system of dykes. Infact, it became a part of Holland in 1323. (a) (i) having an area of (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) has an area of had an area of the population is whose population is that grow cereals and potatoes which grow cereals and potatoes

(iii) have an area of (b) (i) (iii) (c) (i) (iii) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) having population its population is of who grow cereals and potatoes

whom grow cereals and potatoes (iv)

being mostly below sea-level, has been protected it is mostly below sea-level, it is protected it be mostly below sea-level, it is protected it being mostly below sea-level, it is protected 7



SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) (A) Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the most appropriate options. Higher and higher every day, Till over the mast at noon-The Wedding-Guest here beat his breast, For he heard the loud bassoon. (a) They were in/at _______________ when the sun was over the mast at noon. (i) the Arctic region (ii) the south pole (iii) the south (iv) the equator (b) The wedding guest `beat his breast because ________________ (i) he was angry with the mariner (ii) he was sad for the mariner (iii) the wedding ceremony had begun (iv) he was scared of the supernatural (c) A bassoon is ____________________. (i) a musical instrument (ii) an alarm at the wedding (iii) the cry of the people (iv) the voice of the people OR ANTONY : Let but the commons hear this testament Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read-And they would go and kiss dead Caesars wounds And dip their napkins in his sacred blood, Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within their wills, Bequeathing it as a rich legacy Unto their issue. (a) The testament is ___________. (i) Antonys plan (ii) Caesars will (iii) a document about Rome (iv) Antonys speech (b) If common people hear the will they will ___________. (i) name Antony as Caesars successor (ii) kill Caesars conspirators. (iii) kiss dead Caesars wounds (iv) forgive Brutus 8



In his will Caesar __________________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) had left money and personal holdings to the Romans had shown that the conspirators had a plan had named Antony as his successor wanted the conspirators to be exposed 3



Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : The old man got up, raised his eyes to heaven in gratitude and stepping forward put his hands to the door. (a) (b) (c) The old man is ____________________ He raised his eyes to heaven in gratitude because. The clerk called out his name as _____________.


Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Why did the ancient Mariner shoot the albatross ? Why has the mirror been described as being `unmisted? What image is it trying to convey about the nature of the mirror ?


In The Ultimate Safari the narrator says, We were in the war too. How were the children in the war ? In the poem, The Frog And The Nightingale who was the solitary loon ? How was his behaviour different from that of others ? What error of judgement does Brutus make while delivering the speech? 6


Answer any one of the following in 100-125 words. Imagine you are the postmaster and have received a letter from Miriam. You have laid it on Alis grave as he desired. But you are filled with remorse because you can now empathise with him. Your heart is reproaching you for being unkind. As the postmaster write a page in your diary. OR It was not only the doing of the frog. The nightingale, too, to some extent was herself responsible for her downfall and death. Justify. -o0o-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 10

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the given poem carefully : The Vampire Jack Prelutsky The night is still and sombre, and in the murky gloom arisen from his slumber, the vampire leaves his tomb. His eyes are pools of fire, his skin is icy white, and blood his own desire this woe begotten night. Then through the silent city, he makes his silent way, prepared to take no pity upon his hapless prey. An open window beckons, he grins a hungry grin, and pausing not one second he swiftly climbs within. And there, beneath her covers, his victim lies in sleep, with fangs agleam, he hovers and with those fangs, bites deep The vampire drinks till sated, he fills his every pore, and then, his thirst abated, licks clean the dripping gore, With powers now replenished, his thirst no longer burns. His thirst this night is finished, so to his tomb he turns, and there awhile in silence hell rest beneath the mud until, with thoughts of violence, he wakes and utters......blood! 101/X/SA2/03/C1 2 5

On the basis of your reading of the above poem, complete the following statements by choosing the correct options from those given below : (1) The poem is set __________________ (a) at night (b) at noon (c) at early dawn (d) in the evening (2) The (a) (b) (c) (d) vampire is not human because _____________ . it has icy cold skin and red eyes its skin is cold and its eyes are red hot it lives in a tomb and its eyes are red it lives in a tomb, has icy skin and red eyes


He grins when he sees an open window because _____________ (a) there are people who are awake (b) he can see people sleeping in the room (c) it is easy for him to get in (d) he loves airy spaces The word in the poem which means `nourished is ___________ (a) abated, (b) gore (c) agleam (d) replenished The mood created by the imagery in this poem is that of __________. (a) dreaminess (b) terror (c ) disgust (d) amusement 5




Read the given passage carefully : Easter Island Easter Island, also called Rapa Nui, is an isolated speck of lands in the vast Pacific Ocean. It is over 1000 miles away from its closest island neighbours! The island got its western name because it was spotted by a Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, on Easter Sunday, April 5, 1722. The climate is mild and its volcanic origins make for very fertile soil. The surrounding sea also teems with life. A combination of all these blessings

make Easter Island a miniature paradise.

The island is famous for its numerous prehistoric stone statues. These ancient, gigantic statues, about 900 of them, are made of volcanic rock. They are called moai and date from between AD 1400 and AD 1600. The biggest moai is an enormous 72-foot-long moai called El Gigante. The moai are located single or in groups on sacred mounds or stone bases, called ahu, circling Easter Island. No one knows exactly how or why the monumental statues were made, or what they represent. The most common theory is that the statues were carved by the Polynesian inhabitants. They are thought to have been representations of deceased ancestors or perhaps important living personages. Modern Easter Island has no trees. The island once possessed a forest of palm trees, but it is thought that the native Easter Islanders completely deforested the island in the process of constructing their statues. (225 words) 101/X/SA2/03/C1 3

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following statements choosing the correct options from those given below. (1) Rapa Nui is called an `isolated speck because ............... (a) it is located in the Pacific Ocean which has no other islands (b) it is one of the many islands that lie in a cluster (c) it is a dusty island surrounded by forested islands (d) it is a tiny island and cut off from the mainland (2) The Easter Island is best known for .................... (a) its mild climate (b) its fertile soil (c) its ancient statues (d) all of these (3) The statues remain a mystery because ..................... (a) they represent important people (b) they represent the ancestors of the inhabitants (c) they represent their deities (d) no one knows what they represent (4) Because of the construction of these statues the island............... (a) has become a tourist spot (b) has become fertile (c) has lost its trees (d) is called a mini paradise (5) The word in the passage that means `inhabitant is ............... (a) native (b) numerous (c) enormous (d) personages


Read the passage given below carefully. Caring for a Pet Snake Snakes are beautiful animals, and nothing compares to their graceful, lithe movements or the feel of their smooth, dry scales. Snakes have a number of advantages over mainstream pets. Without fur, theyre great for animal enthusiasts who are allergic to animal fur of more conventional pets. Many snakes only need to be fed once or twice a month, making them an ultra low maintenance pet. They are quiet and thus a real advantage for anyone living in an apartment. Also, they dont require outdoor excursions. Contrary to conventional thinking, snakes can be socialized. They may even show subtle signs of affection. Snakes do not need much room. Any simple wooden box with a sliding glass front and a dozen small ventilation holes around the sides would do. It should be big enough for him to slither around in. A heavy glass dish two or three inches deep, half filled with water, does for drinking and bathing. A rock or branch to crawl over and a sprinkling of sand on the floor are all the furnishings you need. Feeding a pet snake is a problem. Earthworms are good food for some small snakes, frogs for some medium-sized kinds. King snakes often eat mice. Snakes shed their skin approximately every three months ; during this time, yours may need extra water to soak in. Well -fed snakes in dry cages are likely to stay healthy. Some may develop skin infection if the floor of the cage is wet. When a snake gets ill, its usually best to turn it loose. (250 words) 4


On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following statements : (1) (2) People find snakes good looking because of their ............... and ........................... Two advantages of keeping snakes as pets are ............................ (a) (b) (3) ........................................................................ ........................................................................

It is convenient to keep a snake in an apartment because ........................................ ......................................................


Snakes need extra water when ...................................


Read the passage given below carefully FULANI The Fulani people of West Africa are primarily herders and traders. Through their nomadic lifestyle, they established numerous trade routes in West Africa. The most important object in Fulani society is cattle, and there are many names, traditions, and taboos concerning cattle. The number of cows a person owns is a sign of his wealth. This has caused significant conflict in recent months between the Fulani and other ethnic groups. The reason for this is that the cows many times go into the fields and eat the grain of local farmers. With increasing number of other means of transportation being used the Fulani are at the risk of losing their identity as nomads and are being forced to settle in farms and villages. This sometimes creates other problems, because the Fulani are very proud of their unique culture and used to ruling over other people. The main difference between the Fulani and other African people is that the Fulani have a huge respect for beauty. Beauty is considered very important and one of the ways this is shown is through tattoos. A distinguishing feature of a Fulani can be their lips, which are many times a blackish color from the use of Henna or tattooing done on the mouth. Being brave and fearless is very important for the Fulani. One tradition is that when two boys reach coming of age the two hit each other with their staffs not showing any pain but instead laugh. Many have died in these ceremonies. (250 words) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following statements : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Nomadic existence has helped the Fulani people by ........................... The importance of cattle in their community is shown by their ...................... Cattle are also the main reason for clashes in the community as................... The Fulani people show their fascination with appearances by ................... The word `unique in the passage means ..........................


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Write the story based on the visual clue in about 80 words. Begin : I was reading a book when I looked up. There in the window I saw..................... 4


Look at the following poster denouncing dowry. Based on the picutre and using your own ideas write a letter, in about 120 words, to the editor of a national daily expressing your views on the evils of dowry and how this problem needs to be tackled


Sunbeam School, Varanasi is observing Awareness Week and you decide to speak on Road Rage In India. Based on the verbal input given below, and your own ideas write the speech on the need for the people to control their anger and inculcate the habit of disciplined driving. Write it in about 150 words. Road Rage - A Reason to Worry Aggressive driving and road rage is on the rise and is the top concern for many drivers today. It is reported that at least 1,500 people a year are seriously injured or killed in senseless traffic disputes. With the cities expanding rapidly and the average motorist spending more time on the road than ever before, incidents of road rage are becoming more prevalent.


SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct word f r o m the given options to complete the passage meaningfully. x8=4 The communities of ants (a) ______________ sometimes very large, numbering even (b)_________ 500 individuals: and it is a lesson (c) ___________ us that no one has ever yet seen a quarrel (d) ______________ any two ants belonging to the (e) __________ community. On the other hand it must be admitted (f) ______________ they are in hostility not only with most other insects including ants of different species, but (g) _________ with those of the same species if belonging to different communities. I have over and over again introduced ants from one nest to (h) ________ of the same species; and they were invariably attacked, seized by a leg or an antenna, and dragged out. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 9. (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) a to towards between like for also another (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) an upto at among similar that too second (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) are in for in same to instead many (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) the into into for one in and other

In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer book against the correct blank number. Ensure that the word that forms your x8=4 answer is underlined. Now-a-days Fathers Day celebrations held throughout world. But sadly enough, the day has commercialised and children celebrate the day by sending cards their fathers rather than by honouring and cherishing the bonds they share with him. In India observance seems to be direct influence of liberalisation of the economy and attitude. Moving ahead important but not at the cost of values. (a) ....................... (b)....................... (c)....................... (d)...................... (e)...................... (f)....................... (g)..................... (h).....................


Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. (1) (2) (3) (4) saw/a rabid dog/being bitten/a man/ after/in acute pain/Louis Pasteur/by then/ there/no treatment/was/for/preventing rabies the/red hot iron/burnt/with/ wound/to be/ had this/an alternative solution/ he saw/decided/and/to find/to/it




Rajni went to see some paying guest accommodation. Later she wrote to her mother about it. Read the conversation between Rajni and the landlady and complete Rajnis 1x4=4 letter to her mother. Rajni Landlady : Rajni : : Good Morning. I have come to see you about the room you advertised Oh yes, The advertisement said `shared bathroom and kitchen. How many people use the bathroom and the kitchen ? You will have to share it only one girl, Shiela , And she does not like cooking. She eats out most of the time. I enjoy cooking. But how do we pay for the gas we use in the kitchen? Thats included in the rent. Can I see the room ? Does it face the front ? Or the back ? It faces the park in the front. It is quite airy ? Can I see it ? Sure.

Landlady : Rajni Rajni Rajni : : :

Landlady : Landlacy : Landlady : Dear Mother,

I went to see a room as paying guest accomodation yesterday. It is a nice airy room and faces a park. The advertisement said that there was a `shared bathroom and a kitchen but when I asked the landlady about it she assured me (a) _____________. The girl with whom I would share the bathroom and kitchen, Shiela, (b) _____________and she ate out most of the time. I informed the landlady that I en joyed cooking. I also asked her (c)__________she told me that the money for the gas (d) ________________. I have paid a months rent in advance and will shift in next week. Your loving daughter, Rajini 12. Given below are some notes about the life and achievements of Dr. B.R Ambedkar, the chief architect of Indias Constitution. Write a brief paragraph about Dr. Ambedkar to be read out on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti by choosing the correct options from 1x4=4 those given below. Dr. B.R Ambedkar 1913 1915 : : Awarded a Baroda State Scholarship Passes M.A. Economics - Columbia University, New York - obtains Ph.D Obtains M.S.c from London School of Economics : obtains D.Sc. Founds Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha Nominated as Member of the Bombay Legislative Council Official nominee to the Three Round Table Conferences Serves in Governor - Generals Executive Council as Labour Member As Chairman of the Constituent Assemblys Drafting Committee and Law Minister in the Nehru Cabinet submits First Draft of Constitution.

1921 - 23 : 1924 1926 : :

1930 - 32 : 1940 - 42 : 1948 :


Dr. B.R Ambedkar was born at Mhow in Madhya Pradesh in 1891. Being a brilliantstudent he was awarded the Baroda State Scholarship and joined Columbia University, New York. After (a) __________MA Economics he joined the London School of Economics from where he obtained his D.Sc. Bahishkrit Hitkari Sabha (b) __________ by him in 1924, an association for the moral and material progress of the untouchables. During this period, he (c) _______________- Bombay Legislative Council and was the official nominee to the Three Round Table Conferences. From 1940-42 he served in Governor-Generals Executive Council as Labour Member. In Jawaharlal Nehurs Cabinet he functioned as Chairman of the Constituent Assemblys Drafting Committee and Law Minister in which capacity he (d) _________ of the Constitution in 1948. (a) (i) passing (ii) having passed his (iii) passed his (iv) having had passed his (b) (i) had founded (ii) founded (iii) was founded (iv) has been founded (c) (i) had been nominated as member of the (ii) has been nominated as Member of the (iii) was nominated as Member of the (iv) have nominated as Member of the (d) (i) had submitted the First Draft (ii) has submitted the First Draft (iii) have submitted the First Draft (iv) submitted the First Draft SECTION -D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the most appropriate options : (A) Day by day the nightingale Grew more sorrowful and pale Night on night her tired song Zipped and trilled and bounced along. (a) The nightingale became sorrowful and pale because _____________. (i) the animals told her she was useless (ii) she stopped earning money (iii) she lost her voice and her audience (iv) the frog scolded her (b) The result of the frogs training the nightingale was that ___________. (i) she fell ill (ii) her song lost its melody. (iii) none wanted to hear her (iv) all of these (c) The (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) phrase `tired song means that _________________________. her song reflected her tiredness the animals were tired of her song the frog was tired of her song the animals stopped coming OR 9


Antony : O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with these butchers ! Thou art the ruins of the noblest man That ever lived in the tide of times Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood! (a) Antony at this time is __________ . (i) with Calpurnia. (ii) with Brutus (iii) alone with Caesars body (iv) with the conspirators (b) Antony calls Caesars body `thou bleeding piece of earth because __________ . (i) the body has descended on earth. (ii) it is soiled with earth on it (iii) the earth is going to bleed (iv) it bore stab wounds which were bleeding. (c) Antony had been `meek and gentle with these butchers because he had __________ (i) joined the party of murderers (ii) shaken hands with the conspirators (iii) fear of the conspirators (iv) criticised Caesar (B) Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me, 1x3=3 Searching my reaches for what she really is Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon. I see her back, and reflect it faithfully. She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands. (a) Above lines are spoken by _______________. (b) The speaker refers to the candles and the moon as liars because ___________. (c) The last line tells us that the woman is _______________


Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x4=8 (a) How did the frog influence the nightingale ? (b) How does the mirror spend its time ? (c) What enticement does Cassius offer Antony ? (d) What did the sailors hang around the ancient Marinars neck and why ? (e) In the Ultimate Safari how did the grandmother help the two older children do well at school ? Answer the following in 100-125 words. The grandmother is the true hero in the story, The Ultimate Safari. Justify OR The crew in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner hung the albatross round the ancient Mariners neck. As the mariner, write a page in your diary describing how it happened. o0o 6





Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 10

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow : 1x5=5 Rising prices are causing a great concern to the Indian economists at the present moment. It is true that prices can never remain stationary. A certain amount of fluctuation is normal in the very nature of prices. In a developing economy they usually display an upward trend. But if prices keep on rising persistently, they cause great hardship to the people. They spare neither the rich nor the poor, neither the producer nor the consumer. They make economic activities uncertain and unstable, causing great unrest in the minds of the people, Inflation is a self-accelerating process. It is a phenomenon that feeds on it self and starts a very vicious cycle. Rising prices drive people to demand increased wages and salaries. Since such demands are resisted in the beginning , they resort to pressure tactics like strikes and demonstrations. But such tactics only decrease production and aggravate the situation. And if the demands are met, there is a fresh spurt in prices. All benefits coming from additional income are neutralised. Then fresh demands are raised and this cycle goes on. The fixed-income groups like salaried people, wage-earners and pensioners are the most helpless victims of inflation. As prices rise, their real income gets reduced. The additional dearness allowance which the government sanctions from time to time proves of no use to them, because their purchasing power actually goes down. Inflation makes businessmen to invest their money in non-productive assets like gold and land whose real worth is not affected by rising prices. High prices also adversely affect the exports of the country and disturb the balance of foreign trade. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. The consequences of the price rise are ____________________ . The pressure tactics used to demand increased wages and salaries are ____________________ . The most helpless victims of inflation are __________because __________ . The additional dearness allowance proves of no use because __________ . Pick out one word from the passage which means rise and fall. x10=5 The Flower That Smiles Today. - P.B. Shelley The flower that smiles today Tomorrow dies : All that we wish to stay Tempts and then flies : What is this worlds delight ? Lightning, that mocks the night , Brief even as bright.

Read the poem.


Virtue, how frail it is !Friendship, how rare !Love, how it sells poor bliss For proud despair ! But these, though soon they fall, Survive their joy, and all Which ours we call.Whilst skies are blue and bright, Whilst flowers are gay, Whilst eyes that change ere night Make glad the day ; Whilst yet the calm hours creep, Dream thou-and from thy sleep Then wake to weep. Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary. Use only one word for each blank. All things in this world are (a) __________ and have a fleeting nature. The flower that (b) __________ today dies tomorrow. The things that we wish to stay forever, stay for a while and (c) __________ away. Hence the delights of this world are transitory. Even the (d) __________ is as brief as its brightness. (e) __________ is frail, love is nothing but exchange of happiness which results in (f) __________Though these things are transitory, yet they survive their (g) __________. In the final stanza the poet advises us how to enjoy life. The ultimate end of life is to suffer and (h) __________ . Hence as long as joy and beauty exist, we should enjoy it. Happiness is like a (i) __________ which vanishes when one wakes up. Instead of (j) __________ over lost happiness, it is better to enjoy it while it survives. 3. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing 1x5=5 the answer from the given options : A gentleman once advertised for a boy to assist him in his office, and nearly fifty applied for the place. After a short time he chose one out of the whole number, and sent all the rest away. I should like to know, said a friend, on what ground you chose that boy. He had not a single recommendation with him. You are mistaken, answered the gentleman, he had a great many. He wiped his feet when he came in, and closed the door after him, showing that he was orderly and tidy. He gave up his seat instantly to that lame old man, showing that he was courteous. He lifted up the book which I had purposely laid on the floor, and placed it on the table ; while all the rest stopped over it or shoved it aside. When I talked with him I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as milk. When he wrote his name I observed that his finger - nails were clean. And he waited quietly for his turn, instead of pushing the others aside. Dont you call these letters of recommendation ? I do.



The friend objected to the choice of the gentleman because __________ . (1) (2) (3) (4) the boy did not greet him the boy did not have any recommendation with him the boy did not know anything the boy outwitted them gentleman came to know that the boy was courteous as __________ he placed the book on the table he waited for his turn quietly he gave his seat to the lame old man his clothes were neat and tidy


The (1) (2) (3) (4)


What did the other candidates do with the book ? (1) they placed it on the table (2) they started reading the book (3) they gave the book to the gentleman (4) they stepped over the book The word for a statement that somebody should be appointed for a particular job is __________ (1) advertise (2) recommendation (3) courteous (4) instantly The (1) (2) (3) (4) qualities the gentleman considered to be more valuable are to be : letters of recommendation impatient and untidy neat, courteous and patient irritated and agitated




Read the passage and answer the following questions by choosing the answers 1x5=5 from the given options. How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets. Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a marvellous adventure. But a child has his pains ; he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are; he is continually being told not to do things or being punished for what he has done wrong. His life is therefore not perfectly happy. 4


When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents ; but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities. He can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of seeing himself make steady progress in his job and of building up for himself his own position in society. Old age has been thought of as the worst age to be, but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age should come wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely. The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life, they can watch their grand children growing up around them; and perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest, leaving others to continue the fight. (a) According to the author the happiest person in this world is __________ (1) a child who wishes to be grown up (2) a man who starts earning his living (3) a person who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting time in useless regrets (4) a person who has a lot of money to spend A child is unhappy because _________ . (1) he finds pleasure in playing in the rain and snow (2) life is always presenting new things to him (3) he is continually told not to do things and sometimes punished too. (4) a lot of adventures are there in his life A young man enjoys happiness because _________ . (1) he is free from the discipline of school and parents (2) he is forced to accept responsibilities (3) he has to work if he wants to live comfortably (4) he makes steady progress in job and builds up his own position in society The (1) (2) (3) (4) The (1) (2) (3) (4) advantages of being old are that _________. they become wise and are able to advise they have satisfaction to come through the battles of life they can lie back and rest all of the above thing which an adult can do but a child cannot is ________ . to earn his livelihood to play in rain or snow to be fed and looked after to visit a seaside and enjoy the marvellous adventure. 5






SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. You along with your brother go to the post office to buy some envelopes. He asks you to go in and buy while he waits outside. As you put your hand in your pocket to take out money for the envelopes, you realize that your purse is missing and when you come out you dont find your brother waiting for you. Describe your experience in about 80 words. Imagine you are Aniket. You are an avid reader and you have a good collection of old, valuable books. Your father has been transferred to Mumbai and its not possible for you to carry all your books. Write an e-mail to the manager of Avid Readers Book shop, enquiring if he is interested in buying the books. Copy the format in your answer sheet. ( 120 words) 4


Date : To : From : Subject :

Yours (Name)


While reading the newspaper you came across the following news items : Millitants kill 10 in_________ About half a dozen gun wielding militants attacked at three places in district killing 10 people including 6 members of a family.

Three millitants shot a constable dead in ______ and lost their lives in the encounter. you are touched as the newspaper is full of such news items everyday. You want people to understand the importance of non-violence. Prepare a speech in about 150 words for the morning assembly on. Non Violence a way to world peace telling the importance of peace and the ways to achieve it. 101/X/SA2/11/A1 6

SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. 1x4=4 Complete the statements by choosing the correct options given below : (a) Tim Berners - Lee, credited with creating the web, __________ that social networking sites like Facebook are a threat to the future of internet. (a) has warned (b) had warned (c) have warned (d) warned (b) Tarundeep Rai __________ history after he became the first Indian archer to win a silver in the mens individual archery event on Wednesday. (a) creates (b) created (c) has created (d) has been created (c) New Delhi: From Jan. 2011 all telemarketers mobile numbers ________ with the same three digits 700. (a) starts (b) will start (c) will be starting (d) shall start (d) Team India _________ NewZealand by 40 runs in the first ODI at Guwahati (a) defeats (b) had defeated (c) defeated (d) has defeated Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct x8=4 blank numbers. Do not copy the whole passage. Wuthering Heights is the only novel (a) _________ Emily Bronte, one of the famous Bronte sisters - the (b) ________ two being Charlotte and Anne. Though Emily (c) ________ a poet as well, she is (d) __________ only as a novelist. Wuthering Heights first appeared in 1847 (e) _________ at once attracted the notice of (f) ________ discerning reader. Its passion and imaginative force have made (g) _________ the recipient of much (h) __________ praise. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) for by rest other is has been called taken or and all other her this enthusiasm enthusiast (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) of to another among had been was remembered considered but while every some him it enthusiastic enthusiastically 7




The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct question number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. x8=4 It is common, though misplace, belief that science was responsible for the frequent, highly destruction twentieth century wars. This century has witness two extremely disastrous global wars. Even the debris of the Foremost World War had not been cleared when the Second break out. And this war proved most devastating than the first. It was to the end of this war that America dropped atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (e) _____ _____ (f) (g) (h) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ (a) (b) (c) (d) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful 1x4=4 sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. eg. the best / nature/ mirror/perfect discipline/is/to all/of/of us

Nature is the best mirror of perfect discipline to all of us. (a) (b) (c) (d) nature/according to/every object/a /in/plan/moves can notice/the movement of the Sun/one/the moon/and/an order/the /in according/a/plan/seasons/certain/change/to do not/does/precede/precede/summer/winter/Rains/nor/spring


Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below. Why should I be merciful ? said the Jew, I do not love Antonio. Do all men want to kill the things they hate ? asked Bassanio angrily.


I will give you twice as much as Antonio owes you, if you will let him go free. Bassanio said. If you offered me six thousand times more than the amount he owes me, I should still ask for my pound of flesh, the Jew replied. The Jew wanted to know (a) ________ and that he did not love Antonio. Bassanio angrily asked him (b) _________. Bassanio offered him (c) _________ if he would let him go free. But the Jew firmly replied (d) ________ he should still ask for his pound of flesh. 101/X/SA2/11/A1 8

SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing 1x3=3 the correct options. (A) Nor dim nor red, like Gods own head, The glorious Sun uprist : Then all averred, I had killed the bird That brought the fog and mist. T was right, said they, such birds to slay, That bring the fog and mist. (a) The above stanza shows that the sailors are _________ (i) superstitious and selfish (ii) honest but selfish (iii) appreciative and enthusiastic (iv) large hearted but superstitious people (b) The criteria of the judgment of sailors is (i) their belief in God (ii) the rising of the sun in the sky (iii) their own utility and selfishness (iv) the remorse shown by the ancient mariner (c) The poetic device used in the above lines is (i) personification (ii) transferred epithet (iii) alliteration (iv) simile OR Other creatures loathed his voice, But, alas, they had no choice And the crass cacophony Blared out from the sumac tree At whose foot the frog each night Minstrelled on till morning light. (a) The poetic device used in this stanza is (i) simile (ii) metaphor (iii) alliteration (iv) personification (b) The reaction of other animals towards the frogs singing is that _________. (i) they all appreciated him and wanted him to sing till morning light (ii) they took many measures to make him stop singing (iii) they organised concerts for him (iv) they requested nightingale to come to the forest as a rival singer (c) The meaning of cacophony here is ________ . (i) a very land and unpleasant noise (ii) a male singing voice, fairly deep (iii) beautiful voice full of joy and pride (iv) a very confident and melodious voice 101/X/SA2/11/A1 9


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. __________ ; I rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, Than I will wrong such honourable men. But heres a parchment with the seal of Caesar I found it in his closet, tis his will : (a) (b) (c) Who is the speaker ? When is he making this speech ? Which quality of the speaker is revealed here ?



Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


______ and he dropped it as though it had given him an electric shock. What had given an electric shock to the postmaster and why ?` Why is the mirror important to the woman ? What do you understand about mob psychology as shown in the play, Julius Caesar ? There is nothing. No home . Why does the grandmother not want to go back home ? The frog in the poem , The frog and the Nightingale is boastful, domineering and territorial. Comment. 6


Answer the following question in 100 - 125 words : And I had done a hellish thing And it would work em woe. What is the hellish thing mentioned here ? What were the consequences of this hellish thing ? OR When the sun was going down, our grandmother and grandfather came. Why did the narrator say grandmother before grandfather ? Explain with examples throwing the light on the role played by the grandmother in the story, The Ultimate Safari.




Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 10

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below : He did not wear his scarlet coat, For blood and wine are red, And blood and wine were on his hands When they found him with the dead, The poor dead woman whom he loved, And murdered in her bed. He walked amongst the Trial Men In a suit of shabby grey; A cricket cap was on his head, And his step seemed light and gay; But I never saw a man who looked So wistfully at the day. I never saw a man who looked With such a wistful eye Upon that little tent of blue Which prisoners call the sky, And at every drifting cloud that went With sails of silver by. I walked, with other souls in pain, Within another ring, And was wondering if the man had done A great or little thing When a voice behind me whispered low, THAT FELLOWS GOT TO SWING. Dear Christ! the very prison walls Suddenly seemed to reel, And the sky above my head became Like a casque of scorching steel; And, though I was a soul in pain, My pain I could not feel. I only knew what hunted thought Quickened his step, and why He looked upon the garish day With such a wistful eye; The man had killed the thing he loved, And so he had to die. 101/X/SA2/12/A1 2 5

Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary. Use only one word for each blank. The poet talks about a man who had (a) _________ his wife whom he loved dearly. He walks among the men on trial wearing a shabby grey suit. His (b) __________ seem light and gay, but the poet has never seen a person who looks so (c) _________ at the day. He has never seen any of the prisoners looking at the sky so wistfully. The poet who himself is in (d) __________, walks with the other suffering prisoners and wonders if that particular man had (e) ____________ a big or a small crime, when a prisoner behind him whispers that man was going to be (f) _________ The poet is taken (g) __________ and although he is suffering himself he (h) ___________ his own pain at that moment and can only think about what the doomed prisoner must be (i) __________and why he looks at the garish day with such longing. The man had killed the thing he loved and now he was (j) _________ to die.


Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow :

The temperament and character of Rabindranath Tagore may best be understood if I describe the day when he told me in outline the story of his own life in relation to his literary career. He first told me about his father - how all the household became still and hushed when he was present in the house, as if anxious not to disturb his meditations. He spoke to me, also about his mother, who had died when he was quite young. As he saw her face for the last time on earth, calm and beautiful in death, it awakened in him no childish terror, nor even wonder, all seemed so peaceful and natural. It was only later, as he grew older, that he learnt Deaths inner meaning. The account he gave me of his own life in early childhood is as follows: I was very lonely-that was the chief feature of my childhood. I saw my father seldom, but his presence pervaded the whole house and was one of the deepest influences on my life. I was kept in the charge of servants of the household after my mother died, and I used to sit, day after day, in front of the window and picture to myself what was going on in the outer world. From the very first time that I can remember, I was passionately fond of Nature. I felt, even in those early days, that I was surrounded with a companionship very intense and very intimate, though I did not know how to name it. Nature was a kind of loving companion, always with me, and always revealing some fresh beauty to me.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The writer thinks that the best way to understand Tagores character is_________. It seems that Tagores father had an intimidating presence as _____________ . Tagore was not terrified at his mothers death because _____________ . It seems that Tagore led a secluded life as ___________ . His relationship with Nature was _____________ . 3



Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct answers from the given options. All sports people are under a lot of pressure to win. When they win or do well, they feel excited and extremely happy. But when things go badly, they feel depressed and anxious. This is why athletes have to be mentally strong. In the past, athletes only trained to get physically fit, but today, professional sports psychologists use scientific techniques to help athletes get mentally fit too. England rugby player Johnny Wilkinson describes some of the pressures he has felt. Wilkinson played brilliantly at the Rugby World Cup in 2003. But after that things started to go wrong, Wilkinson understood that he had a terrible fear of failure. He read lots of books to try to understand how to solve the problem. He found the answer in books on Quantum Physics. Wilkinson said : Quantum physics tells us that reality changes depending on how we look at it. This made me understand that I was making my own problems. I could solve my problems if I looked at reality differently In team sports such as football, psychologists help players in different ways. One of the psychologists jobs is to create a team spirit. This can be very difficult because teams are composed of people with different personalities. Professor Dave Collins is a sports psychologist. He says: A team is like a monster with 11 heads. When there is a team spirit, the players help one another. They all take responsibility when things go badly. They do not blame individual players for mistakes. In this way, each player feels more confident and he can concentrate better. Today, sports psychologists have an important job to do. They help athletes become mentally fit and develop a winning mentality. Having a winning mentality really can make a difference between winning and losing . 1. Athletes have to be psychologically strong because __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. they have to face extreme happiness. they need to have a lot of stamina. there are techniques to make one mentally fit. they need to retain their calm when dealing with extreme emotions.

Quantum Physics helped Wilkinson by making him realize that __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) he should change his reality. he should be making his own problems reality depends on ones viewpoint. he should solve his problems.


Creating team spirit is an uphill task because __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) there is a fixed number of people. all the players dont get along with one another its not easy to make everyone think alike. everything should happen naturally and easily. 4



Team spirit helps the players in __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) forgetting their mistakes. concentrating better and being more confident. passing responsibility when they lose. creating a balanced team.


Having a winning mentality means __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) knowing that you will win. having an idea about the result. having a positive outlook working with team spirit. 5


Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the answers from the given options. This is for the Kala Nag. said Gunga Ram, pouring the milk into the saucer. Every night I leave it outside the hole near the wall and its gone by the morning. Perhaps it is the cat, we youngsters suggested. Cat! said Gunga Ram With contempt. No cat goes near that hole. Kala Nag lives there. As long as I give him milk, he will not bite anyone in this house. You can all go about bare feet and play where you like We were not having any patronage from Gunga Ram. Youre a stupid old Brahmin, I said. Dont you know snakes dont drink milk? At least one couldnt drink a saucerful every day. The teacher told us that a snake eats only once in several days. We saw a grass snake which had just swallowed a frog. It stuck like a blob in its throat and took several days to dissolve and go down its tail. Weve got dozens of them in the lab in methylated spirit. Why, last month the teacher bought one from a snake-charmer which could run both ways. It had another head with a pair of eyes at the tail. You should have seen the fun when it was put in the jar. There wasnt an empty one in the lab. So the teacher put it in one which had a Russels viper. He caught its two ends with a pair of forceps, dropped it in the jar, and quickly put the lid on. There was an absolute storm when it was put in there. Gunga Ram shut his eyes in pious horror. You will pay for it one day. Yes, you will. 1. Gunga Ram shows a lot of __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. reverence for the snake contempt for the snake condescension for the snake haughtiness for the snake

We were not having any patronage from Gunga Ram implies that __________ (a) the children were very eager to listen to Gunga Ram. (b) (c) (d) the children couldnt do anything, but listen to Gunga Ram. the children were in awe of Gunga Ram. the children didnt want any aid or benefit from Gunga Ram. 5



The extract shows that __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) Gunga Ram was superstitious whereas the children were experimental Gunga Ram was ignorant whereas the children were unscientific. Gunga Ram was superstitious whereas the children had a scientific temper. Gunga Ram was arrogant whereas the children had a scientific temper.


There was an absolute storm when it was put in there means that _________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) there was a commotion in the jar. the weather became bad. putting the snake in the jar brought about bad luck. the snake looked at them with burning eyes.


Gunga Ram shut his eyes in pious horror because _________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) he felt that the snake must have been suffocated. he thought that this kind of cruelty went against religion. he thought that he could have been there and saved the snake. he wished that the boys would stop their nonsense. SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks)


Your school organized a science exhibition recently. Write a brief description in about 80 words of how it was planned and executed. You may mention inauguration, chief guest, participating schools, models, prizes won etc. You are Shashank/Sahita. Taking help from the hints given below and using your own ideas write a speech in about 150 words on the topic, Saving Our Earth, which is to be delivered in the school assembly .




You are Abhay/Ananya. You watched a documentary film on how important and beneficial it is to promote rural tourism in India since most of the tourists who come here never get to travel to the remote villages where a large part of our heritage lies. Write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern regarding the same. You may use your own ideas and ideas from the unit, Travel and Tourism in addition to the hints given below: Poverty alleviation Upliftment and recognition of rural artisans Improvement in infrastructure Revival of traditional crafts Heritage conservation SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)


Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives : Birth and death. The two (a) ________ phenomena that (b) ________ every day (c) ________ the two-hundred-thousand-odd people of Khalikote town. Such news, (d) _________, never travelled beyond the confines of families and neighbourhoods. But when Maguni (e) _________, the news spread (f) _________ the town, and even (g) _________,and not only that, whoever reacted, after moments of (h) _________ silence, with So the poor fellows gone! How sad! (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) inevitable trickled between anyway was dying beyond in deep (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) unusual happened both however was dead near beyond exciting (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) suitable surpassed betwixt whenever died on across nerve wrecking (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) occasional brought among although had been dying through throughout electrified


Here are some notes about the process of making a toast. Study them and complete the paragraph that follows by filling in the blanks with the most appropriate options from those given : Take a slice of bread. Insert it into one of the slots at the top of the toaster. Set the light to dark scale from 0 to 10 depending on how toasted you want the bread to be. Press the slide all the way down. When the toast is done, it will pop up automatically. A slice of bread (a) ________ and (b) ________ into one of the slots at the top of the toaster. The light to dark scale from 0 to 10 (c) ________ the bread should be. The (d) _________ down. When the toast is done, it pops up automatically.



(i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (iii)

is taken would be taken is inserted inserted is set is set is set is set depending on how depending on how depending on how dependent on how

(ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) toast toasted toasted toasted

was taken will be taken inserting insert




slide is pressed all the way slide is pressed up all the way

(ii) (iv)

slide was pressed all the way slide will be pressed all the way 4


Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example for you. tendency/children/stopping/on/have/without/to/some/go/a/talking Some children have a tendency to go on talking without stopping (a) (b) (c) (d) daughter/cant/minute/old/talking/my/five/stop/year/for/a/even silent/waste/minute/hours/her/she/by/a/waking/doesnt/of/keeping scolds/shut/her/often/mother/and /up,/her/makes/her fun/conversations/with/her/so/great/me/proceed/with


Read the following conversation between Seema and Raghu and complete the passage given below. Seema : I am going to sleep Raghu: Eat the oranges before you go to sleep. I swam across the river to bring them. Seema: Dont tell me lies. I dont like oranges. If you have brought them, you can eat them Seema announced that (a) __________ . Raghu told her to eat the oranges he had brought before she went to sleep. He further added (b) _________ across the river to bring them. Seema angrily told him (c) _________ and said that she didn;t like oranges. She also added (d) _________ he could eat them.


In the passage given below, one word has been omitted from each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet, against the correct blank number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined The first one has been done for you as an example. Preceding Omitted x8=4 Succeeding A couple / years or so after the partition of subcontinent the governments of Pakistan India (a) (b) 8
word couple word of word years

________ ________ _________ ________ ________ _________


felt that just as they exchanged (c) their hardened criminals, they also (d) exchange lunatics. In other words, (e) Muslims in lunatic asylums of (f) India should sent across to Paksitan (g) and mad Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistani asylums handed over to India. (h)

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

________ ________ _________

SECTION - D (Literature 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct options. CAESAR : How foolish do your fears seem now, Calpurnia! I am ashamed that I did yield to them. Give me my robe, for I will go. Calpurnias fears were that _________. (i) the bad weather could harm Caesar. (ii) the night watchman had told her some secrets. (iii) she knew of bad omens, which she assumed portended Caesars death. (iv) she knew Brutus was a conspirator. __________ changed Caesars mind about going to the senate. (i) Marcus Brutus (ii) Decius Brutus (iii) Antony (iv) Cassius The (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 3




idea that prompted Caesar to go to the senate was that _________ . if he didnt go he would be thought of as a coward. he didnt have a valid reason for not going. he felt Calpurnias dream meant nothing. the senators had decided to crown him. OR Far too nervous, far too tense. Far too prone to influence Well, poor bird - she should have known That your song must be your own. Thats why I sing with panache: Koo -oh-ah!! ko-ash!ko-ash! And the foghorn through the frog. Blared unrivalled through the bog



The frog comes across as a __________ in these lines. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) hypocrite fool great influence great art by murdering the nightingale . when the nightingale died due to too much exhaustion. when he pushed her to sing too loudly when he didnt have any rival in the bog. everyone should have a song one should be original one shouldnt get easily influenced. one should sing with panache. 3


The frog became unrivalled in the bog __________ . (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


Your song must be your own means : that ________ . (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


And I had done a hellish thing And it would work them woe; For all averred, I had killed the bird That made the breeze to blow. Ah wretch! said they, the bird to slay, That made the breeze to blow! (a) (b) (c) What is the hellish thing ? Does the sailors opinion change later? If yes, in what way does it change ? Why had the mariner killed the bird ?


Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Why was the postmaster tortured by doubt and remorse at the end of the story ? Why do grandmother and the narrator have different opinions about the question of going back to Mozambique ? Why have the candles and the moon been termed as liars? Why was the albatross hung around the neck of the ancient Mariner instead of a cross ? Why did the conspirators kill Julius Caesar ? 6


As grandmother, write a diary entry about your feelings when you have to decide between staying on in the Kruger Park and looking for your husband or carrying on without him to save your grandchildrens lives. OR How was the nightingale affected once she came under the influence of the frog and became his pupil ? -o0o-



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION A (Reading 20 Marks)


Read the following passage carefully : At an elevation of 29,028 feet above sea level, Mount Everest is the worlds tallest mountain. It is relatively young having been formed only 60 million years ago, and it is still growing a few millimeters every year. It is in the mountain range called the Himalayas. The summit ridge of Mount Everest separates Nepal and Tibet. Each place has a special name for this giant mountain. The Nepalese name is Sagarmatha which means goddess of the sky. The Tibetan name is Chomolungma which means Mother goddess of the universe. In English, Mount Everest is named after Sir George Everest the first person to record height and location of the mountain. A climb to the summit was attempted by George Mallory in 1922, who famously gave his reason for wanting to climb Everest as because its there. He attempted to reach the summit again in the company of Andrew Irvine in 1924, but on this trip both climbers disappeared. The first successful ascent (and decent) was accomplished by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953. Between 1921 and 2007 over 2000 people have climbed Mount Everest, some more than once. Since the first ascent in 1953, more than 600 climbers have reached the summit. However, over 200 climbers have died in attempting to climb it, most commonly from avalanches, but also from falls in crevasses, cold, or high-altitude sicknesses. Complete the following statements by selecting the most appropriate options : (a) Mount Everest changes annually by __________. (i) (iii) (b) getting a little wider (ii) shifting slightly to the north shrinking by a few millimeters

increasing its height slightly (iv)

Mount Everest is in the mountain range called the __________. (i) Andes (ii) Alps (iii) Rocky Mountains (iv) Himalayas


__________ wanted to climb Mount Everest because its there. (i) (iii) Tenzing Norgay Edmund Hillary (ii) (iv) George Mallory None of the above


The most common reason for failing to climb Mount Everest is __________. (i) (iii) avalanches high-altitude sicknesses (ii) (iv) falls in crevasses None of the above


Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest because __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) he was able to climb it first he was the first to reach its summit he wanted to name it after his success he was the first person to record the height and location of the mountain. 2



Read the following carefully and complete the statements with the help of options that follow : Dear Sir, I feel I ought to write About Toms essay- work last night. Of all the subjects you have set This seemed the most unwise yet. Describe your family ________ Tom wrote it So well, I just had to stop it Being handed in,__________ so did my wife. The details of our family life Are not such a kind, alas That I should want them read in class. We did not wish the High School staff To read for a lunch- hour laugh. We tore it out. I realise You may think what we did unwise-But give it your consideration And please accept my explanation. I trust you will not blame my son. For, after all, the work was done. (a) The father did not want the essay submitted because __________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (iii) (d) it had many mistakes the handwriting wasnt good the subject of the essay was most unwise All of the above Tom would get good marks Tom wouldnt get good marks The teachers would laugh at the essay None of the above his parents his classmates (ii) (iv) his teachers he himself

The result of submitting the essay would be that __________

The person(s) to be blamed for Tom not submitting his essay is/are

The phrase in the poem that tells us that the parent pleads with the teacher to excuse his son is __________ (i) (iii) give it your consideration pardon him now he is innocent he did not cheat (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) 3 accept my explanation both (i) and (ii) he did his homework after all All of the above


According to the father, Tom should not be blamed because __________ (i) (iii)



Read the passage carefully and complete the statements that follow : Before they can even read, almost one in every four children in nursery schools is learning a skill that even some adults have yet to master : using the Internet. Some 23% of children in the nursery level have gone online according to the education department. By kindergarten, 32% have used the internet, under adult supervision. The numbers underscore a trend in which the largest group of new users of the internet are kids from 2 to 5. At school and at home children are viewing web sites for interactive stories and animated lessons that teach letters, numbers and rhymes. Young students dont differentiate between the face-to face world and the internet world. They were born into the age of internet, they see it as a part of the continuity of the way life is today. At the pre-school age, children need some grown-up help to get online. One of their favourite computer activities is writing an e-mail to a grandparent. Its great for letter recognition say experts. Little kids dont like to wait. They love the idea that they can write to grandma and get an e-mail back half an hour later. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The most favourite activity of kids as given in the passage is __________. Writing an e-mail is so loved by children because __________. Kids start using the internet at this early age because __________. One word for the phrase, dont like to wait is __________. Two skills the children like to follow are (a) __________ (b) __________.


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : Fishing is a very peaceful and solitary hobby. You usually dont share it with anyone. You can just sit quietly and patiently for the fish to bite. It is a convenient hobby to take up, because you can do it where there is a river, lake or by the sea. Once I got a chance to fish for a trout in a lake. It was raining. I got my equipment and began to fish in the pouring rain. I had brought some bait and stale bread but I was using a spinning hook, which when pulled along, seems like a small fish. The lake was a mass of ripples as the rain fell and hit the water. The fish were probably in the muddy bottom of the lake. I was waiting for them to come out, but they had sensibly gone when the rain got harder. I was soaked to the skin with nothing to show for my days work. Fishing in the sea is different. It is no good taking lots of bread to encourage the fish to the top. A long line with a baited hook is sufficient, and perhaps one needs more patience than before, because the fish could be anywhere. It is important to keep quiet when fishing because the fish can hear you under water. So an outboard motor is useless when trying to maneuver near the spot where you think the fishes are. Sea gulls dive down to grab the occasional fish. I always consume what I catch because fishing is my hobby, not a profession. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fishing in the sea is regarded easy because __________. The author did not succeed in catching a trout in the lake as __________. The meaning of soaked to the skin is __________. Give two features of fishing as a hobby. Why did the author not sell the fish he caught ? 4


SECTION B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Develop in about 80 words the biographical sketch of Albert Einstein from the inputs provided. BIRTH :- MARCH 14th, 1879, GERMANY PROFESSION :- EARLIER TEACHER OF MATHS AND PHYSICS. LATER JOINED PATENT OFFICE. BEGAN TO TAKE INTEREST IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH HERE. SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION :- THEORY OF RELATIVITY 6. After seeing the significant achievements of Indias sports persons in the Common wealth Games and the Asian Games, your Principal asked you to give a speech in the school assembly to stimulate and inspire students to take sports and games seriously. Write your speech in about 150 words. You are Rita / Ram of XYZ School under CBSE. Write a letter in about 120 words to John/Mary of ABC School under ICSE about the successful completion of your CCE programme from class 9 to the end of class 10. SECTION C (Grammar 20 Marks) 8. Choose the most appropriate options to complete the dialogue given below : Nandini Meena Nandini Meena Nandini Meena Nandini Meena (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) : : : : : : : : Hello Meena ! Hi, What a pleasant surprise ! Its been a long time since we met. Where (a) __________ all these years? In Delhi. How about you ? What (b) __________ nowadays ? Im an artist looking for a job. The last time we met you were studying. (c) __________ the B.A. course ? In 2001. Actually Im here for an interview. Thats wonderful. When (d) __________? I have it at 5 p.m. today. (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) 5 were you have you been will be doing had you been doing When did you finish Had you finished would you come do you have to come 1x4=4 8 4


had you been are you are you doing have you been doing Are you doing How did you finish did you report do you have to report



Read the newspaper headlines and complete the sentences that follow : (a) KHEL RATNA TO ABHINAV FOR SHOOTING Abhinav __________ for the year 2002 for shooting (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) was awarded the Khel Ratna award is awarded the Khel Ratna award is being awarded the Khel Ratna award None of the above


CULPRITS CAUGHT AND PROSECUTED. The culprits __________ and prosecuted by the police yesterday. (i) (iii) are caught were caught (ii) (iv) is caught had been caught


CRIMINAL SUBMITS DOCUMENTS The criminal __________ all documents that the police has demanded. (i) (iii) had submitted has submitted (ii) (iv) have submitted submitted


CELL TOWERS SEALED Around 24 illegal cell towers __________ by MCD last Wednesday. (i) (iii) has been sealed were sealed (ii) (iv) was sealed had been sealed


The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done for you. x8=4 The city police have decided to taking stern action against drivers which attempt to overtake in the left side in city roads. All driver who violate this rule will be punish. The first offence will invited a penalty or fine. The second may incur cancelling by the driving licence. have __________has (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________


Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first has been done for you as an example. 1x4=4 a long/India has /conservation of /history of / forests.1 India has a long history of conservation of forests. (a) (b) (c) (d) the poor/ distributed / this was /among. ones birthday?/of celebrating/an ideal way/isnt this the poor/so that /would bless/they/the child/was given/to /Food growing knowledge/is a symbol / of life/ and /lighting a lamp 6



Read the dialogue given below and complete the paragraph that follows : 1x4=4 Ram : I am going to leave the palace tomorrow. Sita : I shall be coming with you. Ram : Why do you want to follow me to the jungles. Sita : I am your wife and I love you. Ram was exiled for fourteen years so he told his wife, Sita (a)__________. Sita replied (b)__________. Ram was surprised and (c) __________. Sita affirmed that (d)__________. SECTION D (Literaturs 20 Marks) Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing 1x3=3 the most appropriate options : (A) (1) We stayed there all day. I do not know what day it was. There was no school, no church any more in our village. (i) We in these lines are __________. (a) school children (b) the girl and her brothers (c) grandmother and kids (d) the villagers (ii) They were waiting for __________. (a) their grandmother (b) her grand father (c) their mother (d) their father (iii) What happened to the church and school was that __________. (a) their construction was incomplete (b) they were demolished by the bandits (c) they were never constructed (d) they were used by the bandits OR (2) Higher and higher every day Till over the mast at noon The wedding guest here beat his breast, For he heard the loud bassoon (i) The wedding guest beat his breast as he __________. (a) heard a good song (b) heard a bad song (c) felt sorry for the mariner (d) wanted to attend the wedding (ii) A bassoon is __________. (a) a musical woodwind instrument (b) a bird (c) an albatross (d) the boat (iii) The bassoon affected the wedding guest because he __________. (a) wanted to attend the wedding (b) lost interest in the mariners story (c) wanted to be free from the mariner (d) All of the above 7




Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow : It is pink with speckles. I have looked at it so long. I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers. (1) What does it in the first line refer to ? (2) Why is it part of the mirrors heart ? (3) Why does it flicker ?



2x4=8 Answer any four of the following five questions in 30 to 40 words each : (a) The nightingale had a great voice but was otherwise a senseless bird. Explain. (b) Why does the lady start crying in front of the mirror ? (c) Describe the sufferings of the mariners in the silent sea. (d) The postmaster understood Alis anxiety in the end. What brought about this change in him ? (e) Decius was successful in persuading Caesar. How did he succeed ? Answer the following in 100 - 125 words : Brutus justifies the assassination of Caesar by accusing him of being over- ambitious. How does Anthony counter that argument ? OR If you were the nightingale what would you have done to defeat the manipulative frog ? 6




Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given. 1. The word Petroleum comes from the Latin phrase petra oleum. The word petra means rock and oleum means oil . Thus petroleum means mineral oil that forms underground and is obtained from wells sunk into the ground. Petroleum and its products are of great importance to modern life. These products include gasoline (petrol), kerosene (paraffin), diesel oil, fuel oil, lubricants, bitumen and wax. No industrialist can do without them. Petrol is used in motor cars. Kerosene is used in oil lamps. Diesel oil is used in diesel engines for buses, lorries and ships. Fuel oil is burned to make steam in the boilers of steam ships and in furnaces of many kinds, such as the ones used in the manufacture of steel, glass and pottery. Lubricants are the oils and greases needed to make machinery of any kind run smoothly and easily. Bitumen is used in asphalt (a black sticky substance used for making roads). 3. Petroleum was probably formed from dead plant and animal life of the seas. The dead remains decayed on the seabed until only fatty and oily substances were left. These substances became buried under mud and as time went on, the mud was squeezed into a layer of rock while the oily substances were changed into petroleum and gas. The oil seldom remained in the rock where it was formed. Sometimes it travelled many miles through pores in the rock until it met a hard, non - porous rock which it could not get through. Here, trapped beneath a cap of non - porous rock, the oil can be found contained in the lower surface, like water in a sponge. Only drilling can prove that oil exists at a particular place. (A) Petroleum, generally, means __________. (a) (c) (B) (a) (c) (C) (a) (b) (c) (d) (D) (a) (c) (E) (a) (c) 101/X/SA2/16/B1 petra oleum petrol paraffin wax (b) (d) (b) (d) rock oil mineral oil olive oil fuel oil 5



__________ is not a petroleum product.

Asphalt means __________. a black sticky substance called bitumen a black sticky substance used for making roads a mixture of lubricants used for making roads None of these by digging (b) by using a stick by drilling smoothly oily

The existence of oil at a particular place can be proved __________ by going to that place (d) easily great (b) (d) 2

The word, ________in the passage, is opposite of hardly (In paragraph 2)


Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the 1x5=5 correct options : On the door step of the temple under the hot sun I see her every day Her hands and feet are withered like limbs of a dead tree. Her eyes tired of searching for rays of hope are sunk deep like caves in a rock. Neither they receive light nor give it. Her three yard sari has torn in thirty places Her body had observed sixty years of dirt. Her knotty matted hair is the abode of worm and lice. Here and there some black teeth stand as guards in her open mouth. The lines on her face have spread far and deep like the crows feet. Raising her shaking hands with hope in her eyes she looks at me and an electric current joins together our two hearts. Time goes back fifteen years, her face changes, her eyes twinkle ! When she smiles, her teeth dazzle ! Is that one magic ? (A) Her refers to _________. (a) (c) a lady an old woman (b) (d) 3 a saint a nun



Her eyes are compared to _________. (a) rays of hope (b) deep caves (c) caves in rock (d) dead tree Her sari is __________. (a) a three yard one (c) not ironed


(b) (d)

torn in thirty places untidy


In her, the poet sees __________. (a) a bright sparkling smile (b) (c) a miraculous smile (d)

a genuine human being the image of his dead mother


The noun form of electric is __________ (a) current (b) electrified (c) bright (d) electricity


1x5=5 Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : The drink of Asia for hundreds of years, tea is believed to have been brought to Europe by the Dutch. Today from the remotest corners of Ladakh to Buckingham Palace, tea is synonymous with cheer. It is rightly said that there will be no agreement on the perfect cup of tea. Though for tea drinkers the brew is addictive, the preferred method of preparation and taste differs from person to person and region to region. Today many varieties of tea, and tea brands are available in the market. An innovation is the tea - bag that is easy, quick and less messy than traditional ways of brewing tea. Green tea is popular in China and the Far East. In Japan, the tea ceremony is a traditional way of greeting guests and is a social occasion. Unlike the tea we are familiar with, green tea is not drunk with sugar or milk. It is an olive - coloured liquid served in porcelain cups. In Morocco, green tea is infused with freshly plucked mint. Some scientists believe that tea prevents tooth decay because it is a rich source of fluoride. Tea is also a folk remedy for stomach upsets, flu and diarrhoea. Research suggests that drinking tea reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. A welcome thought for inveterate tea drinkers ! (a) Tea originated __________. (b) We use tea bags because __________. (c) Tea is rich source of fluoride so __________. (d) The traditional way of greeting guests in Japan is __________. (e) Green tea is __________. 1x5=5 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : The main justification for capital punishment is that it deters others from committing the same crime. But statistics show that capital punishment is not a deterrent. Every state that has abolished capital punishment has actually seen a decline rather than an increase in capital crimes. And in England, where there has been a long decline in capital punishment, there has been a similar decline in capital crimes. It is a well known joke that when pickpockets were publicly hanged in England, other pickpockets plied their trade among the crowds watching the hanging. A deterrent indeed ! Surely life imprisonment would be at least an equal deterrent. On the other hand, capital punishment is an absolute hindrance to rehabilitation and to the correction of a mistake. All modern criminologists recognize that the purpose of punishment is to bring about rehabilitation, but how can you rehabilitate a dead man? 4



Furthermore it is more reasonable to treat him than to put an innocent man to death. What restitution can be there for such a horrible mistake ? A compassionate society should not legalize murder, but should carry on programmes of rehabilitation. (a) The author feels that __________ used as a deterrent. (b) In England Capital Crime __________ because __________ has been abolished. (c) When __________ others were picking pockets.. (d) Capital punishment hinders __________ . (e) Purpose of punishment is __________ of the __________. SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Use the notes in the following box to write a paragraph of about 80 words : TRIP TO GOA Wonderful place - open houses People - friendly, happy- go -lucky Landscape - picturesque, beaches Restaurants - delicious sea food Sightseeing - ferry boats, churches, temples, hotels Today is World Environment Day. You are invited to deliver a speech in the morning assembly to arouse awareness about environmental issues. In about 150 words write a speech on any four issues based on your own knowledge of the environment or information from Unit 4 of your MCB on environment. Imagine that you are going on an educational tour. Write a letter in about 120 words to a friend telling him or her about the itinerary. Choose a place (country or town) and one or two places that you are particularly looking forward to visit. Tell your friend what you are going to see and do. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. x8=4 Complete the paragraph choosing the correct options : When (a) __________ papayas (b) __________ our garden were ripe, grandmother (c)__________ sent a basket of (d) __________ to her friend, Mrs. Ghosh (e) __________ was the Principal (f) __________ the nursery school. On (g) __________ occasion, Henry (h) __________ to get into the basket. (a) (i) a (ii) the (iii) an (iv) few (b) (i) on (ii) for (iii) in (iv) upon (c) (i) ever (ii) usually (iii) never (iv) is (d) (i) them (ii) it (iii) these (iv) that (e) (i) which (ii) when (iii) that (iv) who (f) (i) of (ii) in (iii) on (iv) for (g) (i) this (ii) which (iii) it (iv) the (h) (i) managed (ii) manage (iii) want (iv) desire 5 4





Fill in the blanks with the appropriate alternatives provided below :


The teacher asked Sam why he was late. Sam replied that (a) __________. The teacher told him that (b) __________. Sam said that his mother was ill and (c) __________. The teacher consoled him by saying that she (d) __________. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 10. he would miss the school bus he could miss the school bus he had missed the school bus he was missing the school bus he should have reached the bus stop on time he could have reached the bus stop on time he must have reached the bus stop on time he reached the bus stop on time that she has been hospitalized the previous day she will be hospitalized the previous day she should be hospitalized the previous day that she had been hospitalized the previous day may get well soon will get well soon could get well soon would get well soon 1x4=4

Rewrite the jumbled groups of words in the correct order : (a) (b) (c) (d) banned/ smoking/ all public places/ has been/ in/ worshipped/ a medicine/ tulsi/ as/ and/ is/ used I/ please/ may/ have / salad/ the/ ? from/ fell/ had/ a miraculous escape/ Sandra/ a high wall/ after she


In the passage given below there is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction as given in the example against the correct blank number in your x8=4 answer sheet : Suraj go to the tap in the court yard or took a quick bath. He put off a clean shirt and shorts. Carelessly he brushed his thick curl hair, knowing he cannot bring much order to its wildness. Than he gulped down a glass with milk and hurried out of a house. Incorrect go (a) __________ (b) __________ (c) __________ (d) __________ (e) __________ (f) __________ (g) __________ (h) __________ 6 correct went __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________



Read the headlines and complete the news items . (a) (b) (c) (d) US SAYS INDIA HELPING LIBYA Libya __________ according to U.S. 37 LAKH INDIANS TO PERFORM HAJ It was informed that the number of Indians __________ risen to 37 lakhs. FROGS MARRIED OFF IN THE HOPE OF RAINS A MONTH AGO A pair of golden frogs __________ in West Bengal in the hope of rains. HIGH COURT DISMISSES PETITION A petition filed by Mr. Gupta __________ by the High Court.


SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the excerpt given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the right options : 1x3=3 How foolish do your fears seem now, Calpurnia. I am ashamed I did yield to them. Give me my robe, for I will go. (1) The fears referred to here are __________. (a) (c) (2) (a) (c) (3) (a) (c) fears of war dreams of Calpurnia Brutus Caesar Calpurnia to Rome Brutus to the Capitol OR When I woke up he still wasnt anywhere. All that day we just sat and waited. Choose the correct alternatives in the following statements : (1) I in these lines is __________. (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) (a) (b) (c) (d) 101/X/SA2/16/B1 the author of THE ULTIMATE SAFARI the grandmother the nine year old girl a man the father of the narrator the grandfather of the narrator the man who helped them the uncle 7 (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) fears of drought All of the above Decius None of the above Caesar to the Capitol None of the above

__________ is feeling ashamed.

__________ wants to go to __________.

We were waiting for __________.


They were heading for __________. (a) (b) (c) (d) their home their grandparents home the refugee camp the animal reserve 1x3=3


Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow : Lakshmi Das, were you indeed the first to come to the office this morning ? (a) (b) (c) Who is the speaker here ? Who appeared first to the speaker ? What was given by the speaker to that person who appeared first ?


Answer any four out of the following questions in about 30-40 words each : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Why does the narrator of THE ULTIMATE SAFARI have a desire to return to her home in Mozambique ? Give any two reasons that Brutus to gave the citizens to justify the assassination of Caesar. Justify the statement of the mirror, I am not cruel, only truthful. Why did Ali give up hunting ? Why did the fellow mariners hang the albatross around the mariners neck ? 6


Explain the lessons we can learn from the frogs deception of the nightingale. OR If you are the postmaster in The Letter , describe how you have come to realize the importance of a letter. -o0o-



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks ) 1. Read the poem carefully : IN THE GALLERY I watched the oil painting intently. The moon, barely visible, veiled Softly behind thick rain clouds Building silhouettes, sky lining The acrylic background; a lamp-post Casting a circle of colours; on the tarmac A beggar squatting under the lamplight; Ploughing his skinny fingers Through a bowl of rice and a small Mud-bathed dog beside him lying coiled The tone, earth brown and deep grey, The frame.. heavy and ornate, Suddenly the lights in the gallery failed Turning smooth white walls pitch black In the interim darkness Before the emergency backups lit on Echoed a scratchy piercing cry Some of shifting, scuffling then silence. Lights came back a moment later That canvassed beggar now absent Leaving the dogs mouth Frothing in the cracked clay bowl The same painting looked so different Disrupted, dark and cold. Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary, Use only one word for each blank. The poet watched the (a) _______ painting with the moon behind the (b) _______of soft thin cloud. There were dark (c)________ of figures and a lamp-post (d)________ a circle on the road. A beggar squatting under the lamplight was moving his fingers through a (e)________ of rice. A dog sat by him in a (f) ________ up position. The frame of the (g)________ was heavy and ornate and the tone was shown by the (h)________ and grey earth... Suddenly the (i) ________ went off and there was some shuffling sound. When the gallery was again illuminated the (j)_________ was nowhere to be seen. 2. 1x5=5 Read the following passage. As a family we are very result oriented. Take examinations for instance, in which the entire family takes a pivotal role. The father dons the mantle of a motivational speaker and mouths sermons to his offspring the mother takes the leaf out of Sanjeev Kapoors book and conjures up delicacies and tongue scalding coffee to keep both the palate and the grey cells tickling. All the poor chap does is sit and study. 2 x10=5


In the past, examination results were a celebration for the whole family. My grandfather loved narrating the tale of my uncles law results. In the 1940s, it was grandpa who strolled to his sons college to see the results. Finding his role number missing from the list of successful candidates all he said to uncle gruffly was, work harder this time. Uncle took the news stoically. The next day, checking his results, uncle discovered his role number in the list of first division, a category my pessimist grandfather had forgotten to check.. In 1970s it was still a parental duty and right to check the offsprings results. So off went my mother to check my school leaving examination results, leaving me at home in a state of depression. She was pleasantly surprised to learn that her daughter, who spent more time in writing fan letters to movie stars than her books, had actually stood first in school. In the late 1990s, when my eldest son appeared for his boards, I took the baton from my mother. Working in the department of education I managed to get a sneak preview of the examination result a few hours before they were officially displayed in the school. It was I who broke the news to him that he had stood first in the class. At the turn of the century, however, technology overtook us, signaling the era of online results. Ankit, my younger son, in a break from the tradition checked his results online in splendid isolation bellowed to his older brother , Hey Prakrit, I think I have beaten you by one mark. Now cell phone companies SMS the results to cell phone carrying students, leaving the family in the cold which may be appropriate in changing times. Based on your reading of the above passage complete the following statements : (a) As one family every one is ___________. (b) In the family the father takes the role of a ___________. (c) We were overtakes by __________ starting the era of online results. (d) His grandfather was a __________ and forgot to ckeek the first division list. (e) Her daughter rather than studying spent her time in _________. 3. 1x5=5 Read the passage carefully. Though the house and the grounds belonged to my grandparents, the magnificent old banyan tree was mine chiefly because my grandfather at sixty five could no longer climb it. Its spreading branches, forming a number of twisting passages, gave me immense pleasure, I could hide behind thick green leaves, and spy on the world below. My first friend was a small grey squirrel. Arching his back and sniffing into the air he seemed at first to resent my invasion of his privacy. But when he found that I didnt arm my self with a catapult or an air-gun, he became friendly, and when I started bringing him pieces of cake and biscuits he grew brave and was soon taking morsels from my hand. Before long he was delving into my pockets and helping himself to whatever he could find . He was a very young squirrel, and his friend and relatives probably thought him foolish and headstrong for trusting a human. In the spring, when the banyan tree was full of small red figs, birds of all kinds would flock onto its branches: the red bulbul, cheerful and greedy: gossipy-rosy pastors; parrots, mynas and crows squabbling with one another. During the fig season, the banyan tree was the noisiest place in the garden. Half way up the tree I had built a crude platform where I could spend the afternoons when it was not too hot. I would read there propping myself up against the bole of the tree with a cushion from the living room. Treasure Island. Huckleberry Finn and the Story of Dr Dolittle were some of the books that made up my banyan tree library. When I did not feel like reading, I would look down through the leaves at the world below. And on one particular afternoon, I had a grand-stand view of that classic of the Indian wilds, a fight between a mongoose and a cobra. And this one had no been staged for my benefit ! 3


Complete the statements given below by choosing the correct options in your answer sheet. (a) The old banyan tree was the narrators sole property because (i) its branches spread wide (ii) his grandfather at 62 could no longer climb it. (iii) the grounds belonged to his grandfather. (iv) he could spy the world below. (b) The narrator was able to make friends with _________ (i) birds that built nests in the tree (ii) all flying creatures (iii) a small grey squirrel (iv) a mongoose (c) The squirrels friends and relative thought that he was foolish and headstrong because_____________ (i) he was young (ii) he liked biscuits and cakes (iii) he had trusted a human (iv) he loved the banyan tree (d) In the spring season, the banyan tree was the noisiest place in the garden because ________________ (i) birds of all kinds would flock onto its branches (ii) birds ate figs (iii) it was a good place to build nests (iv) birds could twitter with each other. (e) The narrator had built a crude platform halfway up the tree to ________ (i) rest and talk (ii) spend the afternoon when it was hot (iii) have fun climbing the tree (iv) make friends with the creatures. 4. 1x5=5 Read the passage carefully. Zaheer, an MBA credits his teachers for whatever he has achieved. Interestingly, by teachers he does not mean his school teachers but his peers, children only a few years older than him who taught him under the Child to Child programme. To cater to the educational needs of the slum children students of various schools in the city turned peer educators under an informal education system. On the terrace of a health centre by St. Stephens Hospital children can be seen huddled around blackboards, listening intently to their teacher run a child only a few years older than them. The informal education model is a big hit as it has laid the foundation of many youths who now aspire to be artists, bankers and managers. The Child to Child programme started ten years ago with only fifteen children. The group grew to fifty and then more children joined it. Today there are 1,200 children from the Sunder Nagri area under the programme. Under this programme, children in groups of ten to fifteen are put under the care of a trained child volunteer who is generally a student of VII or VIII. The class follows the course content prescribed in schools for subjects like English, Hindi and Mathematics, but the approach is friendly and that of a caring peer. The next stage is that of a young volunteer chosen from teenagers, preferably a student who is in class X or above. They teach students of senior classes and train the child volunteers. To oversee the work of the youth volunteers, there is a resource group of youngsters, again chosen from among the students, many of whom have passed out and are pursuing higher studies. 4


Complete the statements given below by choosing the correct options : (a) _____________ aims to achieve the educational needs of the slum dwellers. (i) The Child to Child programme (ii) The Child with Children programme (iii) The child for Child studies (iv) The St. Stephens programme (b) The classes are conducted _____________ (i) in a hospital room (ii) in a terrace of a health centre run by St. Stephens hospital (iii) in Sunder Nagri area (iv) in a class room with a blackboard (c) The programme began _____________ (i) fifteen years ago with five children (ii) ten years ago with five children (iii) ten years ago with fifty children (iv) ten years ago with fifteen children (d) The child volunteer teaches the course prescribed in schools with a ________ approach of a peer. (i) friendly and caring (ii) fun filled (iii) strict and disciplined (iv) loving and caring (e) The slum children dream of becoming _____________ (i) doctors (ii) artists, bankers and managers (iii) MBAs (iv) graduates SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Enclosed in the box given below is some data on Shrimati Mohan, your Mathematics teacher. Use the information to write her biographical sketch in about 80 words. age - 40 years height/ weight/ appearance - 5 and a half feet/ 75 kgs/fat, smart, good looking education - M.A. (Mathematics) Chennai University, Chennai experience - 15 years duties - teaching Mathematics, class teacher, organizes Mathematics Olympiads. why I like/dislike her - painstaking, thorough, explains in detail, solves our problems, easily available, patient listener, cheerful, friendly approach. 8 4


You are Sohan/ Suhani. You had the opportunity to visit a film studio, where the shooting for a reality T.V. show, featuring children was in progress. The long shooting hours made you wonder whether the children were losing their precious childhood years, which should have been spent enjoying a carefree life in the lap of nature rather than satisfying the desires of over-ambitious parents and contributing to the family income. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern in about 120 words. Take ideas from the hints given below: Loss of innocence Neglect of studies Overriding parental ambition Burdened with responsibilities at a tender age. 5



As a concerned resident of Gaur Residency you are disturbed by the complete disregard some residents seem to have for the cleanliness of the surroundings. Some of the problems you have noticed are - garbage bins kept outside the flats, filthy stains on the stairs and leaking taps on different floors. As President of the Residents Welfare Association, write a speech in about 150 words to be delivered in the annual meeting of the association, requesting the residents to be more careful and to have a regard for general cleanliness and hygiene. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)


Complete the following dialogue by choosing the most appropriate options. John: Friends, I sent you many flowers on Valentines Day. Harry : (a)________ Jack : Are you sure you sent it to us? John : (b)________ Harry : You must have sent cauliflowers! John : (c)________ Jack : I kept them in the refrigerator ! Harry : (d)________ (a) (i) I sent many flowers on Valentines (ii) I had sent flowers on Valentines (iii) What do you mean? I did not receive them (iv) he sent many flowers on Valentines (b) (i) Yes, they were big white ones. (ii) No, they were big white ones. (iii) What did he mean ? (iv) That what he meant was flowers. (c) (i) What he got in return (ii) what had he got in return (iii) Will I get anything in return ? (iv) Your guess is right. (d) (i) Thanks for sending cauliflowers. (ii) Must have sent cauliflowers. (iii) Thanks you may have sent cauliflowers (iv) Should you had sent cauliflowers ?



Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate option from the 1x4=4 ones given below. We could not (a)________ for a walk that afternoon. There was such a freezing cold wind, and such heavy rain, that we all (b)________ indoors. I was very glad, (c) ________ I never liked long walks, especially (d) __________ winters. I used to hate coming home when it was almost dark, with icy-cold fingers and toes, feeling miserable because Bessie the nursemaid, was always scolding me. (a) (i) go (ii) going (iii) went (iv) goes (b) (i) stayed (ii) lived (iii) stay (iv) keep (c) (i) though (ii) although (iii) as (iv) until (d) (i) this (ii) during (iii) all (iv) at 6



Read the newspaper headlines given below and expand them appropriately. (a) (b) TWO PILGRIMS KILLED IN AMARNATH SHRINE STAMPEDE Two pilgrims to ________ in stampede near the cave. MAN ROBBED OF RUPEES 46 THOUSAND


A man claimed that he ________ of Rs 46,000 cash and valuables near Budha Park (c) DEAD FISH FLOOD SATLUJ BEAS CANAL Drinking water supply in several parts in Punjab has been stopped after ________ dead fish. (d) FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTER LEAVES FOR MOSCOW. The Foreign Affairs Minister________ on next Thursday, according to reports from the Ministry. 11. Read the instruction given below for making delicious potato rolls. POTATO ROLLS Boil 1/2 Kg potatoes. Mash the boiled potatoes. Add salt, spices, bread crumbs. Make smooth batter. Take small portions of batter and shape them into small balls. Deep fry potato balls on high flame till golden brown. Rolls ready to serve with tomato sauce. 1x4=4

Now complete the procedure correctly : The boiled potatoes (a) ________ into a smooth consistency. Salt, spices and bread crumbs (b)_________ to it. A small portion of the mashed potatoes (c)________ and shaped into round balls. These small potatoes balls are deep fried till golden brown. The potato rolls (d)_________ to be served with sauce. 12. In the following paragraph one word has been omitted from each of the lines. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is x8=4 underlined. Not a mood to waste time when University reopens, the Dayal Ram College, affiliated to Delhi University is organising orientation programme the Freshers on Monday. The session being organized two days before new session kicks. The college wants organise the orientation session because they want to start off regular classes from very first day 101/X/SA2/19/A1 7 (h) ________ (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Eg. Not in a (a) ________

SECTION - C (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the most appropriate options. Then please note it down, brother. It will be useful if a letter should come when I am not here. (a) speaks these words to _______ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Gokul Bhai to Ali Ali to the Postmaster Lakshmi Das to Ali Ali to himself 1x3=3

.......when I am not there means________ when I am gone when I go outside when I am not in the town when I am dead to greet him to send his letter to meet him to write his address OR

Ali aks the postmaster

__________he went off into the grass to be on his own. (a) he here refers to ________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 101/X/SA2/19/A1 the white man the man leading the team the narrators brother the narrators grandfather do something secret be away from others answer natures call eat something been killed returned to his village drowned gone off to sleep 8

He went into the grass to ________

He didnt return and perhaps might have ________


Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follows : And had cleared her throat to sing She was started by a croak Sorry - was that you who spoke ? She enquired when the frog Hopped towards her from the bog. (a) She here refers to ________ (b) She was sitting on _______ (c) The frog hopped towards her to _____



Answer any four of the following questions in 30 to 40 words each : (a) Which sound does Ali hear during his morning walk? (b) We knew about the Kruger park. What did the narrator know about it ? (c) (d) (e) Why is the frog referred to as heartless in Vikram Seths peom ? Why does the wedding guest call the ancient Mariner a grey-bearded loon ? What tricks does Decius employ to lure Caesar to go to the senate ?



Answer the following in 100 - 125 words : Lakshmi Das is puzzled by the queer behaviour of the postmaster and his awkward questions about Ali. As Lakshmi Das write a diary entry about what happened that particular morning highlighting your arguments to convince him why Ali could not come there. OR Imagine that the grandfather eventually arrives at the camp. Write a paragraph describing his arrival and how he reached the camp. -o0o-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : I have encroached into mens territory, laughs Nuzrat Gul. The thirty-four year old Kashmiri has broken many a tradition to become the first woman turf manager in the country, successfully nurturing the Royal Springs Golf Course in Srinagar for the past eight years. Being the only woman in a male dominated field is no big deal for her anymore. After all, Gul was tough enough to take up the job after the American turf manager fled in the wake of the Kargil war in 1999. At the Masters course in Turf Management at the University of Massachusetts in 2008, she was the lone woman in a class of sixty five. Boys would not take me seriously but one day when I gave a presentation on golf course to the class, they were awestruck, she says with pride. She returned to her job in Srinagar with a gold medal. Gul shunned all campus placements abroad. I was told that I was a fool, not taking up offers, as managing a turf is big money abroad. But I wanted to return to my homeland, she says. Her initial days were not easy as people could not digest a pretty woman, in a torn pair of jeans doing manual labour in the greens. 1. The (a) __________in Srinagar is looked after by Nuzrat Gul. She took up the job after the American turf manager fled from Kashmir due to the (b)__________ 2. Boys would not take her seriously because she was (c) __________in the University of Massachusetts. 3. The desire to return to her homeland made her (d) __________ 4. Her initial days as a turf manager were difficult as people could not accept a pretty woman, in a torn pair of jeans who did (e) __________ Read the poem given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the answers from the given options. Memories from childhood stay with us forever, Taking us where we have been and will go, Pieces of life that live on and will never Let us forget we were young long ago. Sometimes I wander back into those shadows, Quietly being who I used to be, Bringing to life all the joys and the sorrows, Days that cant die, while they still live in me. Holidays linger and happy times glisten; I can see everyone active and well. I can still hear them if only I listen, Feeling each motion and breathing each smell. Life has such treasures that times always stealing; Nothing can ever entirely stay. While you are young, you can capture each feeling; Make all the memories you can every day. (1) The poet is talking about someone who___________. (a) is very young (b) has had a hard life (c) cant remember much (d) is elderly 2 5




According to the poem, our memories___________. (a) (b) (c) (d) are lost as we age are an important part of who we are become less accurate over time are not worth recalling some memories are happy and some unhappy all memories should be happy you should forget the past we can change the past by forgetting some things ignore their friends and relatives if possible only think about the future appreciate the present to preserve it in their minds try to help others stay active and healthy as they age abab aabb abcb abba 5


The poet says that_____________. (a) (b) (c) (d)


The poet suggests that young people should_________. (a) (b) (c) (d)


The rhyme scheme of the poem is: (a) (b) (c) (d)


Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : There was a time not so long ago when kite flying was supposed to be a taboo in northern Gujarat, particularly in middle and upper class families. But what may have changed things was a voice from the sky- running commentaries on All India Radio. Old timers in districts like Mehsana, Patan, and Banaskantha say they are delighted to see kites splashed across the sky every year on Makar Sankranti, the harvest festival. For, when they were young, social views put the sport firmly out of their reach. Watch towers at the ruins of forts were the places where one usually found kites flying, and not on the terraces of the common folk, said Mansukhbhai Parmar, who lives in Mehsana district. Kite flying was seen as a waste of time and money. Most often witnessed at the end of the rainy season and Dussehra, middle and upper class people looked down upon it as a pastime of vagabonds and rustics, and kite flying on the terrace of the house was forbidden. In those days, kites used to be brought from Agra in Uttar Pradesh. All this was true until three decades ago. What is widely believed to have changed the situation is running commentaries on the sport by All India Radio. A large number of people from all walks of life would assemble near a radio set to hear the live broadcast of kite flying sessions from other parts of Gujarat during Makar Sankranti. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Kite flying was earlier supposed to be __________ In the olden times kites were found flying only on _________ Most people forbade kite flying as it was considered suitable only for_________ Kite flying has become popular in northern Gujarat due to _________ During Makar Sankranti the live broadcast of kite flying would be heard by _________ 3



Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the answers from the given options. Julies Race The dogsled race was about to begin. Julies team of dogs was lined up at the starting gate. Julie stood behind them. Other teams were lined up, too, and the dogs were excited. Julie kept her eyes on the clock. At exactly ten oclock, she and the other racers yelled, Mush! The dogs knew that meant Go! They leapt forward and the race began! Julie had trained months for this race, and she hoped she and her dogs would win. Hour after hour, day after day, Julies dogs pulled the sled in order to get in shape for the race. Now, they ran over snowy hills and down into frozen valleys. They stopped only to rest and eat. They wanted to stay ahead of the other teams. The racers had to go a thousand miles across Alaska. Alaska is one of the coldest places on Earth. The dogs thick fur coats helped keep them warm in the cold wind and weather. In many places along the route, the snow was deep. The ice could cut the dogs feet. To keep that from happening, Julie had put special booties on their feet. At first, the dogs seemed to pull the sled very slowly. They were still getting used to the race. But on the third day out, they began to pull more quickly. They worked as a team and passed many of the other racers. Once, one of the sleds runners slid into a hole and broke. Julie could have given up then, but she didnt. She fixed it and they kept going. When they finally reached the finish line, they found out that they had come in first! It was a great day for Julie and her dogs. (1) The author of Julies Race wrote the story in order to________________. (a) describe how dogs stay warm in cold weather. (b) tell about a dogsled race. (c) explain how cold it can be in winter. (d) entertain the reader with funny stories about dogs. (2) The dogsled race took place _________________________. (a) in Antarctica (b) on a track (c) in Alaska (d) in a field (3) Before the dogs began running________________________. (a) the dogs pulled the sled slowly. (b) Julies dogs lined up at the starting gate. (c) the runner on Julies sled broke. (d) Julie pulled the sled slowly. (4) To keep the dogs warm____________________. (a) Julie put special booties on their feet. (b) they slept by the fire at night. (c) their thick fur coats helped them. (d) they slept under the blanket at night. (5) The word thick means____________________. (a) thin (b) hard (c) fat (d) skinny 4


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Recently you visited your grand parents village and found the countryside very attractive. Write a brief description of the village giving all the relevant details in about 80 words. 4


Given below is an advertisement issued by the Delhi Fire Service during the Fire Service Week. Taking suggestions from this, together with your own ideas on the topic, write a letter in about 120 words to your cousin telling her how to prevent a fire and what precautions should be taken against fire in homes. Sign your name as Kavita/ Rishi Gupta.


Given below is a pie chart showing various reasons for the increasing rate of crime in the metropolitan cities. Study the chart carefully and write an article on, Youth and Crime.


SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives : x8=4 Pandas can be (a) ___________in the bamboo forests of China. There (b)______ two species of Pandas - the giant Panda and the red Panda. Though they have (c)_________ from carnivore species, both Pandas (d) ___________ vegetarians. Their diet largely (e)__________ of bamboo shoots. The giant Panda is (f)__________as the emblem of the World Wildlife Fund. Because of (g)_________ and deforestation, only 1000 Pandas are now (h) _________in the natural reserves in China. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 9. (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) found were evolve are consists regarded poaching leave (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) finding are evolving be consist poach left (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) finds is evolved am regards poaches leaving (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) find be evolves has consisted regard poached leave

consisting (4)

regarding (3)

Here are some notes on the life of the legendary singer, Lata Mangeshkar. Study the given notes and complete the paragraph that follows by filling up the blanks with the most appropriate options from the choices given below. 1x4=4 Born : 28th September, 1929, Indore. Father, Dinanath Mangeshkar, a renowned classical singer Was introduced to music at a very young age Ghulam Haider gives her a chance to sing in the film, Majboor. Song Dil Mera Toda finally gets her noticed followed by four major hits from the films, Barsaat, Andaaz, Dulari and Mahal 1949 : Aayega Aanewala from Mahal a huge hit

Lata Mangeshkar (a)____________28th September, 1929 in Indore. Her Father, Dinanath Mangeshkar (b) _________classical singer. She (c)____________ music at a very young age. Ghulam Haider gave her a chance to sing in the film, Majboor. The song, Dil Mera Toda finally (d)_______________ followed by four major hits from the films, Barsaat, Andaaz, Dulari and Mahal, In 1949 Aayega Aanewala from Mahal became a huge hit. (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) was born on is born at was a renowned are a renowned is introduced to are introduced to getting her noticed got her noticed (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) 6 is born on are born in is a renowned be a renowned was introduced to be introduced to get her noticed gets her noticed



Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows in 1x4=4 reported speech. Babita : Where do you want to go ? Pragati : I want to go to the drop point near the Zoo. Babita : In that case you will have to get down at the Lakshmi Nagar bus stop and take an auto. Pragati : How long will I take to reach there ? Babita asked Pragati (a)_______________Pragati told her that (b)_______________Babita told Pragati that (c) _______________ at the Laxmi Nagar and take an auto. Pragati asked Babita (d)________________. 1x4=4 Read the headlines given below and complete the news that follows : (a) Ganguly retained captain Saurav Ganguly____________for the two test series against South Africa according to a BCCI communique. (b) DEALER SHOT DEAD Last Saturday a dealer _____________by miscreants in broad daylight. (c) DRIVER HELD FOR IIM PROFESSORS MURDER Two persons, including a driver____________on Tuesday for the murder of assistant professor, Dr. Amrita Pancholi. (d) VICTIMS BROTHER BEATEN The brother of Ruchika, a molestation victim___________by the police when he lodged a complaint against the molester cop. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. (a) you/have/kept/where/the/books? (b) not/in/run/the/do/corridors/and make/noise/a (c) has a /rich/cultural/India/its diversity/heritage/with. (d) a /pleasant/what/sight/was /it/! SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 1x4=4




Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternatives from those given below : 1x3=3 (A) Animals for miles around Flocked towards the magic sound And the frog with great precision Counted heads and charged admission. (a) Animals came from miles around__________. (i) to listen to the frogs baritone (ii) for a meeting with other creatures (iii) to discuss the problems of the creatures of the bog (iv) to listen to the nightingales sweet songs (b) The frog counted heads with precision because he wanted to_____________. (i) know the exact number of people coming for the concert (ii) avoid most of the crowd (iii) make money by giving entry tickets to all who came to the concert (iv) see that there was proper seat arrangement for all the guests (c) The frog in these lines seems to be_____________. (i) proud (ii) meticulous (iii) boastful (iv) greedy and money-minded OR 7


Blood and destruction shall be so in use And dreadful objects so familiar That mothers shall but smile when they behold Their infants quarterd with the hands of war (a) These lines are spoken by_______________. (i) Brutus (ii) Caesar (iii) Antony (iv) Cassius (b) The phrase, in use means________________. (i) particular (ii) special (iii) rare (iv) common (c) Mothers shall smile when _____________. (i) they go mad (ii) their infants are cut to pieces (iii) Gods bless them (iv) there are celebrations (B) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : 1x3=3 Our grandmother looked at us, me, my first born brother, and my little brother on her lap. (a) Who is the speaker of these lines ? (b) In which situation were these lines spoken ? (c) What decision did grandmother take ?


Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x4=8 (a) What surprise did the bog creatures get one fine day ? (b) Why did Ali not come to the Post Office for several days ? Why was he impatient when he finally returned to the Post Office ? (c) What tribute does Antony pay to Caesar ? (d) Both the woman and the mirror have different attitudes towards life. Which do you prefer ! (e) What crime was committed by the ancient Mariner ? How did all the mariners suffer for it ? Answer the following question in 100-125 words : In the play, Julius Caesar, the citizens prove to be fickle minded. Justify the statement. OR In the form of a diary entry describe Alis feelings of helplessness and disappointment at not receiving his daughters letter. 6




Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections :

Section A :


20 Marks

Section B :


20 Marks

Section C :


20 Marks

Section D :


20 Marks

General Instructions :


All questions are compulsory.


You may attempt any section at a time.


All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks ) 1. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing 1x5=5 the most appropriate answer from the given options: The beginning-an inspiration BUTTERFLY A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further. So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened ! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were Gods way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If God allowed us to go through our lives without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. We could never fly ! (I) The man watched the butterfly for several hours because____________________ (a) the butterfly was very beautiful (b) it was struggling hard to come out of the little hole of the cocoon. (c) it was in the little hole (d) it was struggling to fly (II) The man helped the butterfly by________________ (a) holding it properly (b) snipping off the butterfly (c) using a pair of scissors to enlarge the small opening of the cocoon (d) stitching the remaining bit of the cocoon (III) The butterfly spent the rest of the life_________ (a) crawling around everywhere (b) crawling happily with shriveled wings (c) flying all around collecting nectar (d) crawling around with a swollen body and shrunk wings. (IV) God allows us to face obstacles because we________________ (a) would cripple (b) would perish (c) would be strong to take up challenges (d) would fly like the crippled butterfly (V) The message of the above passage is ___________________ (a) Be kind and helpful (b) Self help is best help (c) Allow others to face the challenges of life (d) Help others hastily. 101/X/SA2/22/A1 2


Read the following passage and complete the statements that follow by choosing 1x5=5 the most appropriate answers from the given options. By creating the proper environment, the audience can contribute greatly to the success of a concert. Even an indifferent concert can be salvaged to some extent through the observance of due decorum and a conscious attempt to build up rapport with the artiste. The nearest approach to an ideal environment is the Navarathri Mandapam in Trivandrum. The concert is held in the prayer hall abutting the sanctum, right in front of the deity. The sanetity of the place, the discipline enjoined by the environment, in particular, the strict requirement that no one who takes his place on the Mandapam, shall leave until after the concert is over, the AIR punctuality in the timings, the tasteful interior decoration, Keralesque in every detail, and the subdued lighting, create an atmosphere out of the world. Of course, the gatherings cannot reproduce this in its entirety, but there is much that could be done to provide the right setting for the musician to enable him to give of his best. (I) The audience can contribute greatly to the success of a concert by ____________ (a) (b) (c) (d) (II) maintaining the proper decorum developing rapport with the artiste sitting quietly during the concert both (a) and (b)

The concert in Trivandrum is held__________ (a) (b) (c) (d) at Navarathri Mandapam in front of the deity in the prayer hall all of the above

(III) The musicians can give their best only if________________ (a) (b) (c) (d) the audience is punctual the sanctity, discipline, punctuality and proper ambience is maintained. the audience is Keralesque if tasteful interior decoration is done

(IV) The word Salvaged in the above passage means_ (a) (c) (V) destroyed decorated (b) (d) reconstructed enjoyed

The most suitable tittle of the above passage is________________ (a) (b) (c) (d) MUSIC NAVARATHRI MANDAPAM ROLE OF AUDIENCE IN A CONCERT MUSICIAN AND CONCERT 3



Read the poem given below. WHEN I WHINE By Red Foley Today upon a bus, I saw A lovely maid with golden hair; I envied herShe seemed so gayAnd oh, I wished I were so fair. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle, She had one foot and wore a crutch, But as she passed, a smile. Oh, God, forgive me when I whine; I have two feetthe world is mine. And when I stopped to buy some sweets, The lad who served me had such charm; He seemed to radiate good cheer, His manner was so kind and warm, I said, Its nice to deal with you, Such courtesy I seldom find. He turned and said, Oh, thank you, sir! And I saw that he was blind. Oh, God, forgive me when I whine; I have two eyesthe world is mine. Then, when walking down the street. I saw a child with eyes of blue. He stood and watched the others play; It seemed he knew not what to do, I stopped a moment, then I said: Why dont you join the others, dear? He looked ahead without a word, And then I knew; He could not hear. Oh, God, forgive me when I whine, I have two earsthe world is mine.


With feet to take me where Id go, With eyes to see the sunsets glow, With ears to hear what I should know: Im blessed indeed, The world is mine; Oh, God, forgive me when I whine. Given below is the summary of the poem. Complete the summary using suitable words. Once the poet while travelling in a bus saw a lovely (a) ____________ with golden hair. He envied her beauty. But later he discovered the maid was (b)_________. He thanked (c)_________for his two feet. Again while (d)___________ some sweets, he was impressed by the (e)_________ of a lad who was blind. He thanked god for his (f)_________. While walking down the (g)_________he met a child who was standing alone. The poet suggested him to join others in their game. The boy looked without (h)__________. The poet discovered he was deaf. He thanked God for his two ears. All these incidents made the poet realise that he is (i)_____ indeed and should never (j)__________. 101/X/SA2/22/A1 4


1x5=5 Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow: The love of forests is natural in every human being because long time back the home of human race was in the forest, which covered a major portion of the earths land surface. It provided him with shelter and food and all that he needed for living. He lived in trees and could travel from tree to tree by swinging along the branches. Mothers left little babies hanging from branches while they went about their work. But as human civilization advanced, man learnt to cultivate certain species of plants and grasses for food crops and domesticated certain species of animals and birds which provided him with meat, milk and eggs. Forests were gradually converted into cultivation or pasture land. As centuries went by and man became more and more civilized, he started living in villages, towns and cities which were built on land once covered with thick forests. Thus the areas covered under forests decreased as population increased and more and more towns and cities were built. In many countries, including our own, the existence of forests has reached a critical stage and there is just not sufficient forest cover to protect the environment or to meet the ever increasing needs for forest materials. It is not often realized that the existence of forests on the earths surface is absolutely essential for the well-being of the human race and if they disappear altogether the very existence of mankind may be in danger. (I) Human beings have been close to forests since long because________. (II) Man converted forest into agricultural pasture land to _________. (III) The area under forest decreased with the passage of centuries to _________. (IV) Forests are important for mankind because_________. (V) The word in para 4 of the passage which means dangerous is __________. SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks)


Edu Sports is Indias first physical Education and Schools Sports Enterprise. This programme provides structured tools to the schools and help for overall development of the students. Many schools of Bangaluru and Raipur introduced it last year. The following graph represents the findings. Study the bar-graph given below and write your interpretation in about 80 words. WE GAVE THEM HEALTHIER & FITTER CHILDREN!



You are Rakesh/Rita, a member of ANIMAL PROTECTION FORUM of your state. You are working for the protection of animals from illegal killing and poaching. Using your own ideas and referring to the MCB unit, Environment, write a Letter in about 120 words to the Editor of the Telegraph highlighting the above mentioned issue to spread awareness amongst the public to control the problem. You are Ankit/Ankita, the Head Boy/Girl of Modern Public School, Aligarh. After your Board Exam, you will be leaving school where you spent 12 years of your life. You are supposed to deliver a farewell speech mentioning the love, affection and guidance of your teachers, friends, authorities etc. Write the speech in about 150 words. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)



Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives.


Everyone (a)__________ mistakes. To judge mistakes (b)__________ to make yet another mistake. It is(c)__________ condemning process. To benefit from (d)__________ blunder, we must look (e)__________ mistakes as not mistakes at all, but the stepping - stones to (f)__________. All students need to realize that they are the judges of (g)__________ own lives. And if they find themselves guilty they will feel like a prisoner. However, the good news is that even if they are standing (h)__________ the bars they have the key to their own freedom. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 9. (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) make is some all on liberate their on (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) makes are the more upon his behind (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) is making was a every at liberated her beside (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) made were an most into liberation him in

liberating (iii)

Given below are some notes on how to treat water. Use these notes to complete the 1x4=4 following paragraph by choosing the right options to fill the blanks. THREE STAGES IN THE TREATMENT OF WATER (I) (II) Allow impurities to settle to the bottom of reservoir; 90% of bacteria gets killed in settling period. To remove smaller solids and more bacteria filter water through sand and gravel.

(III) Add minute proportion of chlorine to kill remaining bacteria. Modern methods of treating water usually involve three stages. First impurities (a)__________ by storing the water in reservoirs. This settling period (b)__________ the bacteria. Then the smaller solid and more of the bacteria (c)__________. Finally most of the remaining bacteria are killed (d)__________ chlorine in the water. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) are allowed to settle to the bottom is allowed to settle to the bottom has been allowed to settle to the bottom was allowed to settle to the bottom 6



(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

kills 90% of killed 90% of was killing 90% of killing 90% of are filtered through sand and gravel filtered through sand and gravel have been filtered through sand and gravel are filtering through sand and gravel by adding a minute proportion of by added a minute proportion of to add a minute proportion of to adding a minute proportion of 1x4=4


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


Rearrange the following jumbled words to make meaningful sentences. (a) (b) (c) (d) to build/effective communication skills/ a strong/ are required relationship

process involves/non-verbal components/ the communication/both verbal/ and what is/The verbal component/involves/being said body language /are/ important aspects/facial expression/and/in communication


P.T. Usha, a great Indian athlete, was invited by your school to inaugurate the School Sports Club on 11 January 2011. After the inauguration, Ranjan, the editor of your school magazine interviewed her. Complete the following passage by reporting the 1x4=4 interview given below. Ranjan : Welcome Mam to our school. It is a great moment for all of us to have you here. Thank you. I am also very much excited to meet you all. When did you start taking part in sports? At the age of 12 when I joined Sports School at Cannanore. Who trained you as an athlete? Mr. O.P. Nambiar encouraged and trained me to become an athlete. Which is your greatest achievement ? My greatest achievement was to beat Judy Brown, the American athlete in the Los Angeles Olympics in 1980.

P.T.Usha : Ranjan Ranjan Ranjan : : : P.T.Usha : P.T. Usha : P.T.Usha :

Ranjan welcomed P.T.Usha and said that (a)__________ there. P.T.Usha thanked Ranjan and said (b)__________. To begin the interview, Rajan asked (c)__________ in sports. P.T. Usha replied that she started at the age of 12 when she had joined Sports School at Cannanore. Ranjan further asked (d)__________. P.T.Usha smiled and replied that Mr. O.P. Nambiar had trained and encouraged her to become an athlete. 101/X/SA2/22/A1 7


In the following paragraph, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word in your answer sheet along with the word that comes before and the one that x8=4 comes after the missing word as shown in the example. before Sunlight actually destroys certain fungi bacteria that may have settled the skin. This acts as pretty strong medicine in this way. Another way in which it acts as a medicine is causing the white blood cells become more active. They are the cells attack disease germs in our body and help us keep healthy. When sunlight strikes the skin it causes it to send substances the blood. This gives muscles new tone. SECTION D (Literature - 20 Marks) Missing after __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ex fungi -and -bacteria (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)



Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by 1x3=3 choosing the correct options: And, my dear, lay on more frills: Audiences enjoy such frills. You must make your public happier: Give them something sharper, snappier. You must aim for better billings. You still owe me sixty shillings. (1) The speakers advice to the listener is__________. (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) (a) (c) (3) (a) (c) to sing loudly to be more musical to add repetitive quick -paced notes to sing during storm better notes more money for encouragement for appreciation (b) (d) (b) (d) OR better music more training for guidance and training for promoting her in the bog

The phrase, better billings means__________.

The listener owes sixty shillings to the speaker__________.


Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up To such a sudden flood of mutiny. They that have done this deed are honourable, What private griefs they have, alas, I knew not That made them do it: (1) The phrase, private griefs refers to__________ (a) personal virtue (b) personal problems (c) professional jealousy (d) betrayal of Caesar (2) The words, stir and mutiny in the above lines suggest that__________ (a) Antony wants the Romans to rise up and revolt (b) he wants the Romans to shed tears for Caesar (c) he wants the Romans to bow before Caesars statue (d) he wants the Romans to offer the crown to him (3) The word, honourable in the above lines are__________ (a) Brutus and other conspirators (b) Caesar and Brutus (c) Antony and Brutus (d) Caesar and conspirators 13. (B) 1x3=3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. But when the war is over -you wont be allowed to stay here ? Dont you want to go home ? (a) Who is the speaker of the above lines ? (b) What is the reaction of the grandmother ? (c) What is the reason for the grandmothers reaction ? 2x4=8


Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (a) The Postmaster called Ali a pest. Do you really think so? Give reasons. (b) How did the frog exploit the nightingale ? (c) How is the mirror like a little god ? (d) Why was the albatross considered a Christian soul ? (e) How did Brutus justify Caesars murder before the Roman citizens ?


Answer the following question in 100-125 words. At the end of the lesson, The Letter, the Postmaster became a changed person. How and why ? OR Give a character sketch of Mark Antony. -o0o-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections :

Section A :


20 Marks

Section B :


20 Marks

Section C :


20 Marks

Section D :


20 Marks

General Instructions :


All questions are compulsory.


You may attempt any section at a time.


All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below. THE BUILDERS BY HENRY W. LONGFELLOW All are architects of fate. Working in these walls of Time; Some with massive deed and great, Some with ornaments of rhyme. For the structure that we raise, Time is with material filled; Our todays and yesterdays, Are the blocks with which we build. Truly shape and fashion these; Leave no yawning gaps between; Think not, because no man sees, Such things will remain unseen. Build today, then, strong and sure, With a firm and ample base; And ascending and secure Shall tomorrow find its place. Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary. Use only one word for each blank. The poet says that men are (a)_____________of their fortune. They work within the boundaries of (b)__________which men fill up with their (c)__________ of varied range and types. Infact the building (d)_____________for the fate are todays and (e)__________which shape up the fortune leaving no (f)________. Further the poet emphasises that one should keep working without thinking of who (g)_________. By doing so we can build today as strong, (h)________ and firm base which will provide (i)________, ascent to the (j)______________ and that is a golden fortune. 2 1x5=5 Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the answers from the given options. Our scriptures, sages and seers have told us that the goal of life is happiness. But real happiness or bliss cannot be found in the outside world. It is to be experienced within us, and unless a person has it, he will not feel satisfied, no matter how much material comfort or wealth he may enjoy. He will always desire more. But once he starts experiencing the inner ecstasy, irrespective of what he has or does not have, he will feel totally satisfied. A parable is told of a man who, living in a small house found the stay of his mother-in-law irksome; Circumstances at home not being congenial, he sought the advice of a saint who, to his surprise, told him to keep his chicken inside the house. Later, he asked his geese, goats and cows, too, in succession, to be huddled inside. The man wondered at this because his problems swelled. The saint then directed him to drive the animals away. Carrying out his instructions, the man suddenly felt there was more space in the house and peace too. Conditions remained the same but it was the mind that produced the change. 2 x10=5



The man in the parable was not happy because__________ . (a) he had a small house. (b) he had many geese, cows and goats. (c) his mother-in-law was staying with him. (d) his children were quarrelsome. (II) The man sought the advice of the saint to ___________________ (a) make the atmosphere satisfying. (b) to get rid of his mother-in-law. (c) to send the children to the saint. (d) get a bigger house to accommodate all. (III) The saint advised the man to__________. (a) keep the chickens inside the house. (b) keep his geese, goats and cows inside the house. (c) drive the animals away after a period of time. (d) all of the above. (IV) The expression, his problems swelled in paragraph (2) of the above passage means________ (a) his problems lessened. (b) his problems increased. (c) his problems remained same. (d) none of the above. (V) The (a) (b) (c) (d) ultimate goal of life, as per the passage is ________. to be happy. to feel happy from wihin us. to enjoy material comfort. to feel satisfied.


1x5=5 Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow. Many people in Europe think that they are very civilised and the people of Asia are quite barbarous. Is this because the people of Europe put on more clothes than the people of Asia and Africa? But clothes depend on the climate. In a cold climate men put on more clothes than in a hot climate. Or is it because the man with a gun is stronger than the man without a weapon and is therefore more civilised than him ? Whether he is more civilised or not, the man who is weak dare not tell him that he is not or else he might get shot ! You know that only a few years ago there was a great war. Most of the countries of the world were in it, and everyone of them was trying to kill as many people on the other side as possible. The English men were trying their best to kill the Germans and the Germans were killing Englishmen. Millions of people were killed in this war and many thousands were maimed for life. You must have seen many of these warwounded people in France and elsewhere. Do you think it was a very civilised or sensible thing for people to kill each other like this? It is just like two savages fighting in the jungles. And if the savages are called barbarous, how much more barbarous are the countries that behave in that way ? So, it is not easy to understand what civilisation means. Fine buildings, fine pictures and books and everything that is beautiful are certainly signs of civilisation. But an even better sign is a fine man who is unselfish and works with others for the good of all. 3



According to the author, the difference between the Europeans on the one hand and the Asians and Africans on the other is __________. (II) The outcome of the war referred to in paragraph (2) was __________. (III) According to the author civilisation means __________. (IV) The better signs of civilisation are __________. (V) The word in paragraph 2 which means wounded is __________. 4. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the correct answers from the given options :Internationalism, Dr. Radhakrishnan insisted, gave more scope to global amity and spirituality. The 20th century will go down in history as the century of war and peace. World wars were fought and later men tried to establish World peace. War is pale fear, says Homer. It is a disgrace, it is detestable. Civil war is more hateful than the war between nations. Peace is the harmonising of men in their differences. This is the meaning of international understanding or human reconciliation. He paid a high tribute to the United Nations Organization. The main task of the UNO is to save humanity from the scourge of war. Radhakrishnan was terrified to see the piling up of armaments and nuclear weapons. He emphatically said a nation state has to be subordinated to the larger concept of world community. Nationalism is not the highest concept. It is in the mind, it is the will of the universe; it is the purpose of god. I have no doubt that the world shall become one, said a confident Radhakrishnan. (I) According to Dr. Radhakrishnan, Internationalism leads to _________ (a) globalisation (b) war and peace (c) spirituality (d) global friendship and spirituality. (II) Peace is ________ (a) war fought and won. (b) peaceful existence of people in a country. (c) harmonising the men in their differences. (d) a concord. (III) The main function of UNO is___________ (a) to save humanity from the scourge of war. (b) to pile up armaments and nuclear weapons of all the nations. (c) to monitor the stock of armaments. (d) to help the poor nations. (IV) War is Pale Fear, says_______ (a) Aristotle (b) Homer (c) Dr. Radhakrishnan (d) Hegel (V) The word in the passage which means suffering is _______________ (a) despicable (b) tranquility (c) scourge (d) amity. 4 5


SECTION -B (Writing - 20 Marks)


Write a bio -sketch of Dhyan Chand in about 80 words with the help of the notes provided below.

Born :-

Allahabad, 29th 1905. Joined army in 1921, started playing hockey. Member of Indian Hockey Team for Amsterdam Olympics in 1928. scored 11 out of 28 goals scored by the Indian Team. captain of the Olympic Hockey Team in Berlin Olympics in 1936. scored 101 goals at Olympic Games. scored 300 goals in other International matches.

Sports & Career : -

Honours & Awards :- Honoured with the Olive Crown at the Berlin Olympics. -- known as Hockey Wizard. Died : -- 3rd December, 1979.


You are Lee Pang of Darjeeling. During the Christmas holidays, you happen to visit several places in south India. You were very much impressed by their culture, traditions, manners, food, clothing etc. You found that there is a lot of difference between the culture, traditions etc of South India and your traditions, culture etc. This shows India is a land of Unity in Diversity. You decide to send an e-mail to your pen friend, George of Berlin describing the Incredible India. Write the e-mail in about 120 words using your own ideas and the ideas from the unit, Travel & Tourism of your MCB. You are Suraj/Saroj, secretary of Mother Teresa Club of your school. This club provides social service to the people of your locality. Your Principal had sent a group of 20 students of this club to one of the orphanages of your city to create an awareness of healthy living and also to carry out some programmes for the orphans. After the completion of this assignment, you have to give a report to the Principal mentioning how you spent the day with them and what all activities were carried out during the programme. Write the report in about 150 words.



SECTION -C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. Complete the passage given below by choosing the correct answers from the given x8=4 options :In many modern countries, it (a)__________ sometimes (b)__________ fashionable to think that by free education for all, (c)__________ rich or poor, clever or stupid, one can (d)__________ problems of the society and (e)__________ a perfect nation. We can (f)__________ that free education for all is not (g)__________. We find that in such a case there are a far (h)__________ number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them to fill. (a) (i) was (ii) is (iii) has (iv) were (b) (i) thought (ii) feel (iii) think (iv) considered (c) (i) for (ii) whether (iii) or (iv) some (d) (i) create (ii) solve (iii) evolve (iv) solution (e) (i) become (ii) making (iii) create (iv) forge (f) (i) prove (ii) showed (iii) commit (iv) talk (g) (i) needed (ii) enough (iii) sufficient (iv) required (h) (i) larger (ii) large (iii) largest (iv) larging Complete the following passage by using the information given below and also by 1x4=4 choosing the correct options from the list given Bishnois - always- nature worshippers1730 A.D. - Maharaja Abhay Singhs men -fell Khejri trees - Amrita Devi -- hug a tree --protested --insisted -- to cut her head first -- men obliged -- Amrita -- a legend. Bishnois have (a)_________ . In 1730 A.D. Maharaja Abhay Singhs (b)________ fell Khejri trees. Amrita Devi, a true Bishnoi, (c)_________ and expressed her protest. She insisted that if they wanted to cut the tree (d)_______________.The unrelenting men of the Maharaja obliged her and the woman became a legend. (a) (i) always been regarded as nature worshippers. (ii) always being regarded as nature worshippers. (iii) always knew nature worshippers. (iv) always known nature worshippers. (i) men coming to (ii) men started (iii) men began to (iv) men came to (i) hug a tree (ii) hugging a tree (iii) hugged a tree (iv) hugs a tree (i) they may cut her head first. (ii) they would have to cut her head first. (iii) they can cut her head first. (iv) they shall cut her head first. 6







The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correct word as given in the example against the correct blank x8=4 number in your answer sheet. Incorrect Parents and children in the primary or the secondary schools is looking out for part-time jobs who they can manage to do when children be away at school. Manage canteens of their own childs school will gave them a very good opportunity. When children are to leave they will also have an break as the canteen will not worked when the school is closed. eg. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) and _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Correct of _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


Complete the following news reports accompanying the following headlines by filling 1x4=4 in the blanks.


SAINA WINS LAST GOLD FOR INDIA IN CWG. Saina __________ in Badminton for India in common Wealth Games 2010, New Delhi.


2 SUSPECTED TERRORISTS ARRESTED Two suspected terrorists __________ near Calcutta airport, a senior police official said, reports UNI.


DONT STUDY TOO MUCH, SAYS PSYCHOLOGIST A German Psychologist __________ too much.


LUDHIANA GIRL SELECTED TO IAF Ludhiana Girl, Raveena Sandhu __________ to be a pilot in the Indian Air Force. 1x4=4


Rearrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences. (a) (b) (c) (d) is a tribute/childrens Day/to/ childhood/celebration. are the worlds/its best hope/ most valuable resources/children/and/for the future. have their/own ways/ different countries/ of celebrating/childrens Day camping trips/ In China,/ such as /schools hold/activities/ 7


SECTION -D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the correct options. 1x3=3 I am important to her. She comes and goes. Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness. In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman Rises toward her day after day like a terrible fish. (a) The mirror is significant for the woman because it __________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) reflects the image truthfully, flatters her. angers her. has been her constant companion to check her appearance. moving quickly in the water like a fish. being fond of fish. getting trapped in the sea of time, like a fish. being beautiful like a fish. Repetition Imagery Simile Metaphor OR CAESAR: I must prevent thee, Cimber. These couchings and these lowly courtesies Might fire the blood of ordinary men And turn pre - ordinance and first decree Into the law of children. (a) The speaker disliked___________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 101/X/SA2/22/B1 acts of cowardice complimenting act of defiance and opposition bowing and bending to impress. kind and compassionate authoritative strict, arrogant and law abiding fickle -minded. 8

The woman is called a terrible fish for __________

The poetic device used in the last line of the above passage is __________

The above lines speak of the speaker as being_____________


Cimber behaved in such a way as he________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) wished to lay a trap for caesar. was afraid of Caesar. loved his brother a lot. wished to plead for his brother.


1x3=3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :To get there we had to go through the Kruger Park. We knew about the Kruger Park. (a) (b) (c) What is Kruger Park ? How did the narrator know about the Kruger Park ? Why did the narrator have to go through Kruger Park ? 2x4=8


Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Why was Ali a familiar figure at the post office ? What lesson do you learn from the poem, The Frog and the Nightingale ? Explain: I am not cruel, only truthful. Why did the crew hang the albatross around the Mariners neck ?

How did Antony prove before the Roman citizens that Caesar was not ambitious ? 6


Answer the following question in 100 - 125 words : Write a character sketch of Brutus. OR Imagine you are the narrator in the story, The Ultimate Safari. You are now a grown up girl and hold a job. When you look back you realise that your grandmother is an epitome of sacrifice and strength. The woman behind your success is your grandmother. Write a diary entry highlighting her role and importance in your life. -o0o-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below : BLOSSOMS Fair pledges of a fruitful tree, Why do ye fall so fast ? Your date is not so past, But you may stay yet here awhile To blush and gently smile, And go at last. What, were ye born to be An hour or halfs delight And so to bid good night ? T was pity nature brought ye forth Merely to show your worth And lose you quite. But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though neer so brave; And after they have shown their pride Like you, awhile, they glide Into the grave. Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary. Use only one word for each blank. 1x5=5

Today when I was strolling in the evening, I saw beautiful (a) __________ of a fruitful

tree, which were (b) __________ very fast. This led me on to think about (c) __________ short stay in the world. These flowers seemed to be very (d)__________ but (e) __________ . They displayed their beauty by (f) __________ and smiling gently. I was shocked at the (g)__________ of their life. The fate of the blossoms led me to think of the (h) __________ of human life, and similar (i) __________ of all the (j)__________ things of life. 2



Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing 1x5=5 answers from the given options. I have heard nearly as much nonsense about zoos as I have about God and religion. Well meaning but misinformed people think animals in the wild are happy because they are free. These people usually have a large, handsome predator, a lion or a cheetah in their minds. They imagine this wild animal roaming about the savannah on digestive walks after eating a prey that accepted its lot piously, or going for callisthenic runs to stay slim after over indulging. They imagine this animal overseeing its offspring proudly and tenderly, the whole family watching the setting of the sun from the limbs of trees with sighs of pleasure. The life of the wild animal is simple, noble and meaningful, they imagine. Then it is captured by wicked men and thrown into tiny jails. Its happiness is dashed. It yearns mightily for freedom and does all it can to escape. Being denied its freedom for too long, the animal becomes a shadow of itself. Animals in the wild lead lives of compulsion and necessity within an unforgiving social hierarchy in an environment where the supply of fear is high and the supply of food low and where territory must constantly be defended and parasites forever endured. (a) According to many people animals in the wild are happy because__________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (e) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) they get plenty to eat there is no restriction they are free their children are with them elephants hippopotamus giraffe lions other animals their offsprings others of their species none of the above good people sporting people wicked people happy people dealt with difficult situations dealt with happy situations bore patiently none of the above. 3

Such people have large animals like__________in mind.

According to these people, animals enjoy in the wild with _______.

The wild animals are captured by __________.

The word, endured here means _________.



Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow : Gandhiji was of a ripe age, but he was still full of vitality and his capacity for work was prodigious. The end came suddenly at the hands of an assassin. India was shocked and the world grieved, and to those of us who were more intimately connected with him the shock and sorrow were hard to bear. And yet, perhaps, it was a fitting close to a magnificent career and in his death, as in his life, he served the cause to which he had devoted himself. None of us would have liked to see him gradually fade in body and mind with increasing years. And so he died, as he had lived, a bright star of hope and achievement, the Father of the Nation which had been shaped and trained by him for half a century. To those who had the high privilege of being associated with him in some of his innumerable activities, he will ever remain the embodiment of youthful energy. We shall not think of him as an old man, but rather as one who represented, with the vitality of spring, the birth of a new India. To a younger generation who did not come in personal contact with him, he is a tradition, and numerous stories are woven round his name and activities. He was great in his life, he is greater since he passed away. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Gandhijis capacity for work was great despite his __________. Gandhiji was never considered an old man because __________. The shock and sorrow were hard to bear to those who _______. He lived and died as ___________. The word from the passage which means the same as great is _______.



Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answers from given options. Modern food has become our enemy. We have become so taken in by taste and presentation that we eat food for its entertainment value, not for its nutritional benefit. Even as health awareness is increasing the variety of junk and nutrition deprived food is also increasing. Each restaurant boasts of a new cuisine, which is a mixture of refined flour, oil and sugar. Pasta, noodles, white rice, white bread and maida based products like pizzas, burgers, naan, and rumali roti are the main options in Italian, Chinese, Indian or Mexican cuisines. The vegetarian dishes are either over cooked or have a lot of corn starch and fat. The non-vegetarian dishes are either white- sauce based or made in rich gravies. People are trying to lose weight by eating less in the day, so that they can accomodate such foods in the night. They skip breakfast and lunch so that they can satisfy their taste buds in the night with a family dinner. Perfect health, however, cannot be achieved by a process of deprivation and elimination. The idea is to nourish the body. You might achieve some weight loss but you will also lose out on your health. Therefore, whilst embarking upon any weight loss programme, remember that health is so much more than just weight loss, at the same time achieving an ideal body weight in a healthy way does provide a basis for achieving perfect health. (1) The writer calls modern food our enemy because _______. (a) (b) (c) (d) food is eaten for taste not nutrition it causes diseases old people do not like it. it is full of chemicals. 4




People compensate for eating less during the day by ________. (a) (b) (c) (d) eating at restaurants everyday eating fruits and milk eating junk food at night by exercising before eating it is made from sugar, oil and refined flour which are bad for health. it is not made hygienically it does not have any nutrition it makes one fat eat junk food eat nourishing food eat fatty food eat tasty food expensive and stylish food name of a medicine junk food detested billiard table


According to the writer, restaurant food is not good for health because_______. (a) (b) (c) (d)


While losing weight one must not forget to _______. (a) (b) (c) (d)


The meaning of the word cuisine is (a) (b) (c) (d)

SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Given below is a profile of Mrs. Smitha Lamba, your English teacher. Write a short bio-sketch of Mrs. Smitha Lamba Age Height Education Duties Other qualities 6. : : : : : 35 years 165 cm 68 kg a little fat, pleasant looking M.A (Eng) Delhi University, B.Ed. Punjab University Organising extra curricular activities, editor of school magazine, class - co-ordinator of class X Kind, helpful, good guide, well-informed,polite, soft spoken 8 4

You are Kriti/Ketan studying in M.G. Public School, Phagwara. The road leading to your school is very congested and full of pot holes. Students and parents are often caught in traffic jams. Inspite of several representations, the government has not done anything to improve the condition of the road. Write a letter in about 120 words to the Editor of The Times of India, drawing the attention of concerned authorities towards this problem. 5



While reading a magazine, Raman came across the following excerpt : The first UN Conference on Environment was held 38 years back in 1972 in Stockholm, Sweden. In the next quarter of a century our planet has undergone dramatic changes in, pollution, population and the pressures that humanity puts on its natural resources. This has disturbed the ecological balance. It is high time to take some concrete steps to check the deteriorating situation. He decided to give a speech in the morning assembly on How to check environmental pollution. Draft the speech in about 150 words on the basis of your own ideas, ideas from the excerpt together with those in the unit on environment. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)


Complete the following passage by choosing the correct answers from the options x8=4 given below. Last evening I reached home late. After taking dinner, I (a) __________ to bed as I had (b) __________ an early morning flight to Mumbai. I had slept only for an hour or so when I heard someone (c) __________ at the door. It is not my habit (d) __________ someone (e) __________ for me at the door for long. So, I got up at once, (f) __________ the door and I was surprised (g) __________ my friend, Mukta, (h) __________ a basket of flowers in her hand. She wanted to greet me on my birthday. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) retiring caught it knock to have kept waiting opened saw carried (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) retire to catch knocked kept waited to open seen carry (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) retired catching had kept wait opening to see to carry (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) retirement catches had knocked to keep is wait had opened sees carrying 1x4=4

knocking (iv)


Complete the following dialogue by choosing the correct options : Sonia Divya Sonia Divya Sonia Divya Sonia Divya : : : : : : : : Hello, Divya! Please tell me (a) ___________this club. For that you have to fill in a form and deposit some money Please tell me in detail (b) ___________. You have to attach an NOC from your parents. (c) ________. Deposit the application form, NOC and membership fee with the cashier , and you will be issued membership card. By the way (d) __________? It is only five hundred rupees initially. 6



(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

how will one be a member of how can one be a member of how one will be a member of how one can be a member of what is needed extra what else is needed what more is needing what is needed else What I shall have to do then ? What shall I have to do then ? What may I have to do then ? What shall I be doing then ? how much money has to be deposited how more money has to be deposited what money has to be deposited which amount of money has to be deposited


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been 1x4=4 done as an example for you. surveys/ shown/ the/ that/ bills/ medical/ of / vegetarians/ lower/ considerably/non-vegetarians/ the/ have/ are/ than those of Surveys have shown that medical bills of vegetarians are considerably lower than those of the non-vegetarians. (a) (b) (c) (d) protection / vegetarianism /from/ diseases/ coronary/ offers it/ helps/of/management/the/ diseases/the/ gastro-intestinal/ is/it/for/suitable/insulin/non-insulin/dependent/dependent / and /diabetics use/as/a/part/major/their/of/Nephrologists/it/diet. 1x4=4


Read the following headlines and complete the news reports that follow : (a) Heavy Rains Lash Orissa The heavy rain which _______ threw normal life out of gear in most parts of the state. (b) (c) (d) M.B.A Classes to begin in October. The centre incharge has informed __________in October. Theatre Personality Bags Title. The Kalanidhi title __________ and scholar, M.K. Swamy. 20 people killed As Buses Collide About _________on the highway leading to Bengaluru.



Read the comic strip given below and complete the passage that follows :


Mr. Jiggs told his intimate friend Lucky that (a) ________and how he liked it. Mr. Lucky replied (b) ________. Then he inquired from Lucky (c) ________. Lucky replied that (d) _________. SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the correct options : 1x3=3 (A) And youre Mozart in disguise come to earth before my eyes well , I charge a modest fee, Oh! But it wont hurt, youll see. (i) The nightingale calls the frog Mozart in disguise as ____________. (a) (b) (c) (d) (ii) (a) (b) (c) (d) (iii) (a) (b) (c) (d) she is unduly impressed by him she is a great fan of Mozart the frog looks like Mozart Mozart had disguised himself as a frog his enthusiasm to train the nightingale his greed and cunning his love for music his training abilities shock joy excitement disappointment OR 101/X/SA2/27/A1 8

The frogs proposal brings out __________.

Nightingales Oh brings out her _________.

O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with these butchrs ! (i) The above lines are spoken by ____________. (a) Brutus (b) Cassius (c) Mark Antony (d) Second Citizen Bleeding piece of earth stands for __________ (a) the battlefield from where Caesar returned victorious (b) the spot where Caesar was assassinated (c) the place where Caesars body was taken for burial (d) the dead body of Caesars The speaker is meek with the butchers because _________ (a) of his timidity (b) of his diplomatic approach (c) he is afraid of being killed by them (d) he is ill-armed 1x3=3




Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

But when the war is over, you wont be allowed to stay here. Dont you want to go home! (a) (b) (c) 14. Who speaks these lines to whom ? Which war is referred to here ? Here refers to __________ 2x4=8

Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The mirror says, I am not cruel, only truthful Elaborate. Why was the postmaster keen to deliver the letter to Ali himself ?

What consequences did the mariners have to face as a result of killing the albatross ? How does Antony prove to the crowd that Caesar was not ambitious ? How did the narrators grandmother prepare for the journey to the refugee camp ? 6


Answer the following question in 100-125 words: Imagine yourself as the narrator of The Ultimate Safari. Write a page of diary about the horrible experience of passing through Kruger Park. OR What were the blessings which the mariners experienced when the albatross arrived on the ship ? -o0o-



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 10

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below. Where is my boy tonightThe boy of my tenderest care, The boy that was once my joy and light, The child of my love and prayer? My heart overflows, for I love him he knows, Oh, where is my boy, where is he tonight ? Once he was pure as morning dew, As he knelt at his mothers knee; No face was so bright, no heart more true, And none was so sweet as he. My heart overflows, for I love him he knows Oh, where is my boy, where is he tonight ? Oh, Could I see you now, my boy, As fair as in older time, When prattle and smile made home a joy, And life was a merry chime! My heart overflows, for I love him he knows Oh, where is my boy, where is he tonight? Below you can see a part of the poets diary where he summarises his memories of his boy. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary. Use only one word for each blank. My boy has always received (a)__________ care from me. For me, he was a result of my (b)__________ and (c)__________. I remember the time before he was corrupted by the world and was as (d) ____________ as morning dew. He was the (e)__________ face that I remember and no (f)__________ could have been more true. When he was (g)__________, his (h)__________ filled my home with joy. Life was much like a joyous (i)__________. I am overwhelmed by emotions because I know that he is aware of my (j)__________. I just wish I know where he is tonight.
101/X/SA2/27/B1 2



Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the answers from the given options. On Sprouts 1x5=5 (1) Sprouts relatively contain the largest amount of nutrients per unit of any food known to man. Sprouts produce a fountain of power for chemical changes. Enzymes are produced, starch gets converted into glucose. Protein is transformed into amino acids and vitamin value increases. In fact a new explosion of life force takes place. According to Dr. Bailey of the University of Minnerata, U.S.A the vitamin C value of wheat increases 600 percent in the early sprouting period. Dr. C.R. Show of the University of Taxas Cancer Centre found that cancer was inhibited upto 90% when healthy bacteria were exposed to a cancer causing substance in the presence of a juice made from wheat sprouts. (2) Enzymes which initiate and control almost every chemical reaction in our bodies, are greatly activated in the sprouting process. Enzymes spark the entire digestive system to synthesize the nutrients in our food into blood. They are the key to longevity. (3) Sprouts are enjoyed more when they are fresh. Mix sprouts with other foods and dressing, according to your taste and enjoy eating them. But eat them you must, everyday! you will soon realise that making sprouts a part of your diet has a dramatic effect on your health. With this live food, all the cells of your body will become active and agile. (4) The nourishment which develops as the sprouts grow is very stable and can be frozen or dried for future. Sprouted potato or tomato seeds are likely to be poisonous. Alfalfa and moongbean Sprouts are excellent soft food. They are almost predigested and can be easily assimilated even by the children and the elderly. They contain every known vitamin in perfect balance, necessary for the human body. (1) Sprouts are useful because they __________. (a) contain largest amount of nutrients (b) produce a fountain of power for chemical changes (c) produce enzymes, convert starch into glucose (d) all of the above. (2) The vitamin C value of __________ increases 600 percent in the early sprouting process. (a) nutrients (b) wheat (c) glucose (d) enzymes (3) __________ seeds are likely to be poisonous when sprouted. (a) Alfalfa (b) Moongbean (c) Potato and tomato (d) none of the above



`They are the key to longevity. Here `They refers to __________. (a) (b) (c) (d) nutrients vitamins sprouts enzymes


A word from the passage which means, to combine a large range of something is __________. (a) (b) (c) (d) contain inhibited synthesize assimilate


Read the following passage carefully and complete the statements that follow : 1x5=5 (1) The swiss take pride in their lush landscapes. From mid - May to September every year, tourists head for the short lived but dramatic annual display of wild flowers in the Alpine meadows of Switzerland. There they also find peace. The silence is broken only by the occasional tinkling of cowbells. Strictly speaking, the term Alpine Meadows refers only to some regions in the mountain ranges. These regions are above the natural tree line and just below the snow line. The tree line is the altitude beyond which trees cannot grow. This is because of severe weather conditions. The area is covered in snow for almost the entire year. As a result, beyond this altitude, there are only dwarf shrubs and grasslands. Battling heavy snowfall, frost and low oxygen and carbon-dioxide concentrations gives the plants in this region special characteristics. Many have medicinal properties. They are more nutritious for wild and domestic animals than lowland plants because they grow slower and hence have a higher fibre content. They also put on a floral display to attract pollinators and complete a cycle of life. The mix of highly nutritious grasses and legumes in the Alpine regions has attracted graziers to trek up every summer with their cattle for centuries. Swiss agriculture is oriented towards livestock production. This provides more than two thirds of the countrys agrarian income . Therefore, Alpine meadows are a very important product of Swiss farming and provide the raw material for two famous Swiss exports, cheese and chocolates. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Switzerland is popular amongst the tourists for __________. Occasional tinkling of bells only __________. The Alpine regions attract cattle for grazing because of __________. Switzerlands two-thirds agrarian income depends on __________. The word from paragraph one which means happening irregularly and infrequently is __________.






Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by 1x5=5 choosing the answers from the given options : (1) According to the International standards Organisation (ISO) biodegradable plastic is the one in which degradation results from the action of microorganisms. Of course, the speed at which plastic degrades depends on factors such as the polymer type, the concentration of active components in the polymer as well as atmospheric conditions. (2) Normally biodegradable plastic is produced from natural substances such as starch and cellulose. These days biodegradable materials such as bamboo, fibre, cereal shells, chitosin, gums and polymer blends are being studied to engineer biodegradable plastic varieties that are both inexpensive and convenient to use. (3) A biodegradable plastic using starchy material derived from tapioca and other tubers can degrade in just six months. However, research studies have shown that biodegradable plastic trash bags containing 6% corn starch and 94% synthetic polymer decomposed within five years. (4) The large-scale introduction of biodegradable plastic will have its own limitations. First it would be more expensive than the conventional plastic. Second, it would not be as much water resistant as conventional plastic and chances of its meltdown after exposure to rainwater are quite pronounced. (1) Biodegradable plastics degrade mainly due to (a) atmospheric conditions (b) polymer types (c) active components (d) microorganisms (2) Different materials are being studied to find out biodegradable plastics that __________. (a) can be extracted from bacteria (b) can degrade faster than synthetic plastics (c) can melt down after exposure to rainwater (d) are inexpensive and convenient to use (3) These days bamboo and fibre are being studied to make plastic which is __________. (a) green and durable (b) beautiful and light weight (c) inexpensive and convenient (d) water resistant and soft (4) The word pronounced in paragraph 4 can be replaced by __________. (a) indefinite (b) strong (c) weak (d) unnoticed (5) In the last paragraph the author __________. (a) makes a case against biodegradable plastics (b) lists difficulties in the large scale use of biodegradable plastics. (c) argues that conventional plastics should be replaced by biodegradable plastics. (d) compares the merits of conventional plastics and biodegradable plastics.


SECTION - B ( Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Given below is some information about Maple, star detective of Newyork. Use the information to write a brief bio-sketch of Maple in about 80 words. MAPLES BIO - DATA Breed - German Shepherd-mixed Age - 3 years, 7 months Gender - Male Colour and built - Black, lean but strong Height and weight - 76cm, 34 kg Area of expertise - Raw sewage detection ( sniffs out illegal sewage and laundary connections) Trainer - Scott Reynolds work experience - worked on city and country projects in New York 6. You are Razia / Razak of Civil Lines Moradabad U.P. Write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a newspaper, expressing your concern about increase in the number of road accidents, rash driving and over crowded public transport. Also give suitable suggestions to solve the problems. What goes inside the mind of terrorists and why they commit such heinous crimes which lead to the deaths of so many innocents, no one knows. The recent bomb blasts at various metros of the country have left everyone shocked. You are Sania/ Sonik. Write an article in about 150 words on Terrorism A threat to Humanity by taking help from the points given below. Terrorism has taken deep roots Terrorists attack anywhere, any time Have a vast network Use latest technology Combating this evil is everybodys duty should be vigilant Security forces to upgrade technology


Solutions :


SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers from the options given below. In todays competitive world, winning (a)__________ a top priority. There (b)__________ cut - throat competition in every walk of our life. But remember competition (c) __________ anxiety and (d)__________ people nervous. The more nervous they are, the more they (e)__________ prone to failure. Therefore ones effort ought to be to compete with ones ownself rather than with others i.e. to keep on (f)__________ in all fields of endeavour. This is the only way to (g)__________ yourself and others and (h)__________ a peaceful and healthy life. x8=4 (a) (i) is (ii) has (iii) was (iv) will (b) (i) have been (ii) had (iii) is (iv) was (c) (i) causing (ii) causes (iii) has caused (iv) will cause (d) (i) made (ii) making (iii) has made (iv) makes (e) (i) will be (ii) will (iii) are (iv) were (f) (i) improve (ii) improving (iii) improved (iv) will improve (g) (i) helping (ii) will help (iii) help (iv) helped (h) (i) led (ii) lead (iii) leading (iv) had led
1x4=4 Complete the following dialogue by choosing the correct options. Mohit : Which is your favourite subject ? Poorvi : My favourite subject is mathematics. Mohit : (a) __________ this question ? Poorvi : You see (b) __________ on students favourite subject. Mohit : But why ? Poorvi : Actually, our English teacher (c)__________ as a part of project. Mohit : You got an English project to make a survey ? Thats very interesting. Poorvi : Yes, indeed (d)__________ in the survey ? Mohit : Who ? Me ? Well, what will I get by becoming your partner ? Poorvi : Marks, besides a bar of chocolate Mohit : Thats a deal ? Poorvi : Deal ! (a) (i) Why have you been asking me (ii) Why had you asked me (iii) Why are you asking me (iv) Why have you to ask me (b) (i) I had done a survey (ii) I had to do a survey (iii) I can do a survey (iv) I am doing a survey (c) (i) did not ask us to carry out a survey (ii) had been asked to carry out a survey (iii) will ask us to out a survey (iv) has asked us to carry out a survey




(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

dont I need a partner will you become my partner will you need a partner will you be becoming my partner


Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The 1x4=4 first one has been done as an example. using/sharpened tool/drawing/or/pictures/the /of making/is /a pointed Drawing is the making of pictures using a pointed or sharpened tool. (a) have/making/humans/been/times/pre-historic/the drawings/since (b) earliest/were/the/pointed/drawing tools/sticks/stones/or (c) Today/variety/have/wide/we/a/of /colours/pencils/and/pens (d) an/is/drawing/activity/artistic The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect words and corrections in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Ensure that the words that form your answers are x8=4 underlined. The news on felling of trees e.g. on of on a large scale comes as the shock (a) _____ _____ because people all around has become (b) _____ _____ conscious in preserving ecological balance. (c) _____ _____ The forest department kept a strict vigil (d) _____ _____ in the activities of people (e) _____ _____ which indulge in unlawful (f) _____ _____ felling of trees. People might be educated regarding (g) _____ _____ a dangerous consequences of (h) _____ _____ indiscriminated cutting of trees. Complete the following news reports accompanying the following headlines 1x4=4 by filling in the blanks. (a) Helicopters dispatched to survey possible damage The news agency reported that __________. (b) Elephants gore to death two tribals Two tribals __________ by elephants in Orissa. (c) Chinese P.M. and Indian P.M. sign several treaties During the recent visit of the P.M. of China __________ by the P.M.s of the two countries. (d) Black Hole spotted near earth According to Australian scientists in Canberra a black hole __________ in space very close to the earth.




SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by 1x3=3 choosing the correct options : (A) Water, water everywhere And all the boards did shrink Water, water everywhere Nor any drop to drink. (i) The repetition of the word water in the above lines conveys that __________. (a) the ship was in water (b) the water was saline (c) the ship was sinking in the water (d) there was a large volume of water (ii) The boards shrink due to __________. (a) extreme cold (b) saline water (c ) intense heat (d) the killing of the albatross (iii) The irony in the above lines is that __________. (a) there is water everywhere yet sailors cant swim ashore (b) there is water eveywhere yet sailors cant drink it (c) there are slimy creatures all around (d) the sea had started rotting OR They were the colour of the grass and we didnt see them at first but the man did. (i) Who are they in the above extract ? Why couldnt they be seen? (a) elephants ; because they hid themselves behind trees. (b) elephants ; because they lay absolutely still. (c) lions ; because they camouflaged themselves in grass. (d) lions ; because they were at a great distance. (ii) The man was the first one to see as __________. (a) his eyesight was very sharp (b) he was more vigilant and alert than others (c) he was leading the group (d) he was interested in photography (iii) Next the man __________. (a) led them a long distance away (b) asked them to turn back (c) ran away in panic (d) shooed away the animals



Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : I am cruel, only truthfulThe eye of a little god, four-cornered Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall (i) (ii) Why does the mirror say, I am not cruel ? Why has the mirror been called a four - cornered god ?


(iii) How does the mirror spend its time ? 14. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) How did the frog become the unrivalled king of the bog once again ? What evidence do you find, in the story, The letter, of the postmasters haughty temperament ? The people of Rome exhibited mob mentality when Brutus and Antony addressed them. Justify. What does the mirror reveal which upsets the woman ? Why does the wedding guest listen to the ancient Mariner like a three year child ?
6 2x4=8


Answer the following in 100 - 125 words. Imagine that Ali writes his diary page daily after reaching home from the post office about his feelings. Write the page of his last visit to the post office. OR Whose speech do you feel was more effective Brutus or Antonys ? Why ? -o0o-



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION A Reading 20 Marks 1. Read the poem given below carefully : OWLS They stare at you, These ugly phantoms of the night, And do not seem to care If you stare back at them All day they perch half asleep, In lonely ruins, dark church towers, Not liking the sun. Dozing and dreaming with stupid face, Of scurrying mice, fat beetles; baby birds, Swallowed greedily in cruel gulp. At twilight they come out Like floating paper glide along lanes, Noiselessly dipping over hedges Or fanning their ghostly way Around the houses, down the avenues Ears and eyes set for the kill Then gorged with fresh meat, They sag back home, The moons eye watching them, Hooting in the wind, Waiting for the next raw victim. I do not like owls, I shiver when I hear them Screeching at the bottom of the garden, Invading the darkness, Glad I am not a mouse, Small birds or beetle. On the basis of your reading of the above poem complete the following sentences: (a) The poet describes the owls as __________ (b) During the day the owls remain asleep in __________ as they dont like the sun. (c) In their sleep, they dream of (i) __________ (ii) __________ (iii) __________ (d) After satisfying their hunger with raw flesh , they __________ (e) The poet shivers when he hears the owls screeching because __________ (f) The poet is happy that __________ (g) Screeching in the poem means __________ (h) Phantoms in the poem means __________ 101/X/SA2/29/A1 2
1 2



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : 1x5=5 Ideas rule the world. You shape your fate and decide your destiny by your thoughts. You have to think high to rise. You have to believe and be sure of yourself to win a prize. Lifes battles do not always go to the stronger or faster man; but sooner or later the man who wins is the man, who thinks he can. Success starts with your thoughts. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. And your mind is nothing more than a bundle of thought. Since you have the power to shape your thoughts you automatically have the power to fashion your fate and decide your destiny. Thus your thoughts are the most potent, powerful and prime source of your success. For your thoughts to blossom into success, they should be combined with definiteness of purpose, perseverance and a burning, pulsating strong desire to translate them into action. Believe that you will succeed and believe it firmly. You will then do whatever is necessary to bring success about. Faith in yourself, confidence that you can and will succeed, is the key to your success in any venture. If you keep your mind riveted on your goal and focus your thoughts on the great and splendid things you wish to have you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfilment of your desires. Thoughts are supreme. Preserve a right mental attitude of courage, frankness and good cheer. Think of success in your work and you will then do automatically and unconsciously, the things necessary to bring success about. If your desire is weak and efforts are erratic your achievements will also be slight and fleeting. But if you go after your goal with the single - mindedness of a bulldog after a cat, nothing and nobody under the sun can stop you. Your goal should also be defined, clear- cut and specific and should be linked to a fixed time frame so that your definite energies and efforts can be focused and forcefully directed towards its attainment. Choose the most appropriate options out of the following : (i) Life is a great challenge and a fierce battle one __________ wins out the battles of life. (a) who is stronger and faster than others (b) who browbeats others (c) who perseveres (d) who thinks deeply and constructively (ii) __________ are more important to succeed in life. (a) Powerful and effective thoughts (b) Powerful thoughts directed at the goal to be achieved (c) Blessings of God and self -confidence (d) Sound philosophy of life and spirituality (iii) The surest key to success is ones belief in __________ . (a) faith and confidence (b) hard work and belief in destiny (c) perseverance and strong character (d) co-operation and guidance of the wise. (iv) The writer wishes that people should __________ . (a) develop healthy attitude towards life. (b) have positive thoughts and shun negative ones. (c) develop good thoughts and ideas and right mental make-up (d) have lofty aims and hard work. (v) The correct meaning of the word, fleeting is __________ . (a) running on skates (b) passing quickly (c) squinting (d) beating hard.



Read the passage given below carefully and complete the sentences that follow : 1x5=5 Getting a good night sleep can help you cope with stress more effectively. But not getting enough sleep can cause more stress. Women are prone to sleep disturbances. Their sleep problems frequently interfere with their daily activities. Experts believe that sleep, especially deep sleep, enables our nervous system to function well. Without it, we lose our ability to concentrate, remember or analyse. Some experts speculate that during deep sleep, cells manufacture more proteins, which are essential for cell growth and repair of damage from things like stress and ultraviolet rays. Scientists believe activity in the area of the brain that controls emotions and social interactions lessens during sleep and that deep sleep may help people be emotionally and socially adept when awake. Sleep may also help our brain to store a newly learned activity in its memory bank. In a study in Canada, students deprived of sleep after learning a complex logic game showed a 30 percent learning deficit when tested a week later compared with students not deprived of sleep. (1) (2) (3) While good sleep helps to (a)__________ , lack of it can (b)__________ , Deep sleep makes the nervous system (c) __________ , and without it (d) __________ . A Canadian research on students sleep has provide that (e) __________ .


Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : Environmental News.


Look at any waste garbage dump. In addition to vegetable scrapes, paper and broken glass you will notice a considerable amount of plastic material such as shampoo bottles, bags, worn-out slippers and the like. Vegetable scrapes and paper are biodegradable, but glass and plastic continue to accumulate and harm the environment. Plastic is often mistaken for food by birds, animals and fish, leading to their death. It also chokes sewer pipes and becomes a trap for living beings in ponds rivers and oceans. Investigations have been going on for a long time to produce an environment- friendly plastic in the sense that it decays and becomes a part of the soil like rotting vegetable scrapes do. The scientists of Imperial Chemical Industries at London have been able to develop just such a plastic called Biopol. It is manufactured by microbes. Bottles film and fibers can be made out of it. Fungi and bacteria can eat it and break it down in to carbon dioxide and water. This new plastic can also be used to make capsules for slow release in the body of some type of medicines, and of pesticides in fields. Read the questions given below and write the options you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Plastic can kill animals if they __________ . Materials which disintegrate and decay are __________ . Plastic chokes __________ and becomes __________ in rivers and oceans. The main advantage of Biopol over other type of plastic is that it __________ . Biopole was invented by __________. 4


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. You recently visited a newly constructed mega mall in your city. Write a description of the same using the hints given below in about 80 words. 6. Huge mall, as many as four floors Top of the line fashion outlets Big brands in shoes and mens wear. Food courts and multiplexes Big parking lot available. 8 4

You are Swati, living at 10, Nana Sahib Road, Kanpur. You happened to see your neighbours ten year old housemaid ill treated by the house owner. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 120 words about the prevalence of child labour in spite of strict rules laid down by the government. Take ideas from the hints given below : Made to work for longer hours Ill treated, paid very less. Law breakers to be punished.


You recently visited an orphanage and got to meet children whose parents had died in natural calamities like droughts, floods and earthquakes. Their condition made you feel miserable. After coming back home you decided to write your feelings in the form of diary entry in about 150 words. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)


Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives.


Due to terrorist threat tight vigil is being kept at the airport. Tighter security measures are taken. The security agencies are (a) __________ the baggage thoroughly. U.S. bound passengers (b) __________ to report much in advance so that extra checks (c) __________ out. This will (d) __________ the security agencies feel that situation is normal. (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) being checked will be checking asked has been asked could be carried should be carried ensured makes ensures (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) checking were checking have been asked had been asked would be carried can be carried ensure ensuring 5



Complete the following statements by choosing the right options from those given 1x4=4 below. (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) Ludhiana Girl, Raveena Sandhu __________ to be a pilot in Indian Air Force. Gurnoor Kaur added another major medal to her kitty as she __________ single sculls event. The police __________ 11 Bangladeshi citizens for not possessing legitimate immigration documents. At least 24 people __________ on Tuesday when a Russian helicopter leased by UN crashed in Siera Leone . (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) is selected had be selected has won could win held had held were killed are killed (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) was selected has been selected won had won has held were held have been killed had been killed


The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. x8=4 Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. It have been ten days since Pakistan President tell the media in Pakistan that he wanting to open up the Line of Control to Kashmiris in either side. The Indian Foreign Office has yet to receive a formal proposal from Pakistan, senior Government sources have revealing. Yet Pakistan PM says on Thursday that discussions has started on the issue. Pakistan Foreign Minister saying that his country would make the proposal soon. (e) __________ (f) __________ (g) __________ (h) __________ (a) __________ (b) __________ (c) __________ (d) __________


Read a conversation between Reinu and her husband, Somu. And complete the 1 x4=4 paragraph that follows : Reinu: Our servant has a tendency to steal things. Somu: Is any thing missing ? Reinu: Yes, he has stolen one of the blankets. Somu: Which one ? Reinu: The one we took from Hotel Palm Beach. Reinu told her husband that (a) __________ a tendency to steal things. Somu asked her (b) __________. She told him that (c) __________ . When Somu asked her which one it was, she replied that (d) __________ from Hotel Palm Beach.



Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first 1x4=4 one has been done as an example for you : E.g. retailer/Ice -cream/to tell/The Swad/has a story The Swad ice -cream retailer has a story to tell. (a) (b) (c) (d) is a/ice-cream/that/tough business/selling/he feels there are/too many/ice creams/of/nowadays/brands there were/varieties/just two or three/different/a decade ago/ some people/a new brand/come back/again and again/for SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)



Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the correct options. 1x3=3 Dumbstruck sat the gaping frog, And the admiring bog Stared towards the sumac, rapt, And when she had ended, clapped (a) She in the above lines refers to the __________ . (i) (iii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) duck nightingale (ii) (iv) heron cuckoo

The frog was dumb struck because __________ . he had never heard such a melodious voice he had never seen such a beautiful bird. a huge crowd had gathered to listen to his voice. he was being awarded for his beautiful voice. the frog had told them to do so. the whole bog was in the habit of clapping she sang really very well she was really very beautiful and smart OR

The whole bog clapped because __________ .

When beggars die, there are no comets seen, The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. (a) These lines have been written by __________. (i) (iii) (b) (i) (iii) (c) (i) (iii) 101/X/SA2/29/A1 Charles Dickens William Shakespeare ordinary people beggars at the railway station the palace the kings subjects 7 (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) Vikram Seth. Nadine Gordimer beggars on the streets. none of the above ordinary people even the gods

Beggars here means __________.

The death of princes attracts the attention of __________.


Tortured by doubt and remorse, he sat down in the glow of the charcoal sigri to 1x3=3 wait. (a) (b) (c) Who is tortured by doubt and remorse ? Why is he tortured by doubt and remorse ? What is he waiting for ?


Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Why did the narrators grandmother decide to leave her village and go to South Africa ? What made the postmaster realize the sufferings of Ali ? Who calls the mirror cruel and why ? Why did the sailors give the ancient Mariner evil looks ? How did the frog exploit the nightingale ?


Imagine you are the narrator (The Ultimate Safari ) and a grown up girl now. When you look back, you realise that your grandmother made a lot of sacrifices for you. Today you have become a successful person. Write a letter to her in 100 - 125 words for her love and support. Also tell her that whatever you are today, it is just because of her. OR Brutus made a big mistake by allowing Antony to speak at the funeral of Caesar . Explain. -oOo-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 9

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below carefully : Dear one, this creation is a celebration of your presence. I see you in the leaves, in the petals, in the stems and in the thorn, in the unseen root. Its all you and you and you nothing but you. In the bark or the thorn or the roots or the mud, Your face is reflected, smiling and dancing and laughing and singing. Its all you. Its all you. Its all you. In tears of joy, in tears of sorrow alike you play, you dance, you sing or you celebrate. Its all you. Its all you. Its all you. For each glorifies the other Everything in this creation glorifies everything else. Clapping your own hands together, you rejoice in my presence Its all you. Its all you. Its all you. On the basis of your reading of the above poem complete the following sentences. Use one word in each blank. The poet finds God in all His (a)__________ a like. He is present in (b)__________ , in (c)__________ in (d)__________ and (e) __________ . His face is (f) __________ in different (g) __________ . Each one is (h) __________ the other. Clapping his own hands he (i) __________ in his presence, because its all (j) __________ . 2. Read the following passage carefully and complete the statements that follow : Experts agree that the new Indian woman is displaying a very new attitude. But she is not alone in this. According to clinical psychologist Monica Kumar, society on the whole is getting impatient and angry. Women tend to get singled out for an aggressive attitude simply because they are in a minority, she explains. Its also a settling down phase for the new society. Weve always been a patriarchal society. But now that women are getting into powerful positions on all fronts, they are trying to make their presence felt. For a section that has been dominated for centuries, its not going to be easy to make their point, so they make it loud and clear. Clinical psychologist, Dr. S K Sharma of Ethos Clinic agrees that women today are getting more aggressive and in his words, rightly so. This is an evolution, a healthy one, leading to a balance of power in society, he says . Since women today are fighting for a better life, they have to become aggressive. This is natures law of survival. But while the experts dont seem to feel that assertive women are a problem , women who stand up and make themselves heard do confront quite a few problems. Delhiite Arundhati Seigell, who works with a leading corporate house , says she has noticed how society reacts to the woman who wants to make a point. People want women to be responsive, enthusiastic and spirited, but get cynical when she tries to take an independent stance, she says. We like to say we are a liberal society, but urban India still expects women not to be as assertive or aggressive as men. 2 5 5


Complete the statements given below and write the options you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet. (1) The new Indian women are displaying __________ (a) a very unique habit (b) a different nature (c) new attitude (d) ignorant attitude (2) Society is getting __________ (a) friendly and helpful (b) impatient and angry (c) patient and cool (d) dry and selfish (3) Women tend to get singled out for an aggressive attitude because __________ (a) they are in a majority (b) they are in a minority (c) they are uneducated. (d) the male feel women are the weaker sex. (4) Patriarchal society in the para means __________ (a) having females fewer than males (b) male dominated society (c) dominated by parents (d) having more say of the female (5) Urban India still expects women not to be __________ (a) shy and soft-spoken (b) responsive and enthusiastic (c) active and spirited (d) assertive and aggressive 3. Read the following passage carefully and complete the sentences that follow : EAT LIGHT AND RIGHT Big meals can make you sleepy. What is the reason ? Depending on your diet, 50% to 80% of the energy produced by digested food is consumed by the act of digestion itself. The more energy that the digestion takes , the less energy the food provides to the rest of your body. Having less energy in the body makes the body sleepy. It takes more energy to digest cooked and processed food and much less to digest fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. Try to eat more of the latter. They are easier on your digestive system and you gain more energy from them. The World Health Organization recommends a daily intake of at least 500 grams of fresh fruit and 500 grams of raw vegetables. If you know your diet isnt giving you the nutrients you need to stay sharp, talk to your doctor about taking vitamins and mineral supplements. These can help to fill in the gaps and keep you going. (a) Big meals make us sleepy because __________ (b) The more energy is required to digest food the less __________ (c) Much less energy required to digest __________ (d) Every day we should eat __________ (e) Talk to your doctor about _________ 3 5



Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the answer from the given options. When you do not treat yourself the way you want others to treat you, you can never change the way things are. Your actions are your powerful thoughts, so if you do not treat yourself with love and respect., you are emitting a signal that is saying you are not important enough. That signal would continue to be broadcast and you will experience more people not treating you well. The people are just the effect. Your thoughts are the cause. You must begin to treat yourself with love and respect, and emit that signal. Then the law of action would move that entire Universe and your life will be full of people who love and respect you. Many people make sacrifices so that they may be called good people. They deny themselves so many things just because there are not enough of those things for everybody. It only establishes the fact that there is a lack of things. It does not lead to feelings of happiness and contentment. It actually leads to resentment. There is enough for everybody and it is ones own responsibility to summon ones own desire. (1) Things never change for you when __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) you do not treat yourself with love and affection you do not treat yourself the way you want others to treat you do not make you feel important all of the above options

The signal ( word used first time in the paragraph) will continue to be broadcast and __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) you will be very happy. people will treat you well. you will feel important. you will find people not treating you well. your thoughts have brought those things to you. your thoughts are not responsible your condition. to some extent you are responsible for your condition. irrespective of your thoughts everything happens. you will forget the whole word. people will love and respect you. people will start hating you. your life will become slow. people will like him he has complete freedom he is a very sacrificing person he is a very generous one 4


The line in the passage, Your thoughts are the cause means __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d)


Treat yourself with love and respect ; then _________ . (a) (b) (c) (d)


When a person sacrifices himself he thinks that __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d)


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. You have recently visited a hill station along with your friends. Write a brief description of your visit to that hill-station in about 80 words. 4


Everyday we come across many cases of reckless driving. Over speeding has taken many lives. Write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India, Mumbai on the topic, Only safety saves (word limit -120)


Your batch was the first to appear in the new examination system (CCE) for classes IX and X. Taking help from the points given below write an article expressing your opinion and experience in about 150 words. Grades eliminate competition. Board exams are history CCE has made learning very interesting . No board exam, no stress. Exams are essential to review learning and progress. Boards are essential to review learning and progress.

SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)


Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives :


Can you literally increase your energy (a) __________ rearranging the furniture (b) __________ your office ? Believe it (c) __________ not, practitioners (d) __________ feng shui think so. Feng shui, a 3,000-year old, Chinese discipline (e) __________ harmonious interior design, has had a statewide revival (f) __________ recent years and is transforming (g) __________ surroundings of business executives (h) __________ the country. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) in for as of on in this from (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) by of or such for on the across (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) 5 from in in such about for such as (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) or on so the all at one for



Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct options. Meera Sonu Meera Sonu Meera Sonu Meera Sonu (a) (b) (c) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) - When did you come to this place ? - (a) ____________________ - Where were you all these days ? - (b) ____________________ - (c) ____________________ - I would stay here for a month or so. - (d) ____________________ - I intend to come , but I am too busy right. I have come a week ago. I would come a week ago. I have been in Singapore I had been in Singapore (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) I am come a week ago I came a week ago I was in Singapore I would be in Singapore

For how long have you been staying here ? For how long would you stay here ? For how long were you staying here ? For how long have you stayed here ? Are you coming to meet your friends ? Do you come to meet your friends ? When you are coming to meet your friends ? Did you come to meet your friends ? 4


Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentences. (a) (b) (c) (d) very important / facial expressions/to us /are someone/easier/can see/you/it is/to understand/ to tell apart/are easy/happy/and sad faces there/we can mould/of other ways/dozens/our faces/are


Read the following conversation and complete the paragraph. Attendant : Principal : Attendant : A person wants to see you sir . Did you ask him his name ? Sorry I did not. I shall go and ask him.

The attendant respectfully told the Principal (a) __________ The Principal wanted to know (b)__________ The attendant (c) __________ and (d) __________ .



Complete the following news reports accompanying the following headlines by filling the blanks. (a) CONSUME VEGETABLES FROM CABBAGE FAMILY : REDUCE RISK OF LUNG CANCER If vegetables from the cabbage family like broccoli (i) __________ the risk of lung cancer (ii) __________ . (b) ROOT OUT CORRUPTION IN J&K-PLEDGES THE CHIEF MINISTER The Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, (i) __________ that corruption in the state (ii) __________ . SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)



Read the excerpt given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the correct options. Neither stones nor prayers nor sticks. Insults or complaints or bricks stilled the frogs determination to display his heart elation. (a) To quieten the frog the creatures ___________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) threw stones at him requested him to stop singing insulted him all of the above was thick skinned. was determined for the good of others bothered about his insults too much is not at all stubborn. he used to fight with them he would abuse them he used to sing in a very unpleasant voice he would throw stones at them OR ANTONY: Now let it work. Mischief, though art afoot. Take thou what course thou wilt ! (a) Antony speaks these words ___________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) to Brutus to Cassius to Caesar to himself 7

The frog ___________

The creatures wanted to quieten the frog because ___________



The people have decided ___________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) to give crown to Brutus to honour Antony to burn the houses of the traitors to honour the conspirators avenge the deceitful murder of his friend, Caesar prove his strength create disturbance have just fun. 3


Antony does so because he wants to ___________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


The postmaster did not receive his own letter all that day. He was worried all night and getting up at three, went to sit in the office. (a) (b) (c) Whose letter was the postmaster expecting ? Why did the postmaster go to the post office at three ? What did one night spent in anxiety, teach the postmaster ?


Answer any four of the following questions in about 30 - 40 words : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What had Calpurnia seen in her dreams ? What does the line, Water, Water everywhere signify ? Why did the narrator want to go back to her village ? Why does the nightingale call the frog a Mozart ? Why had the post office become a place of pilgrimage for Ali ?



The postmaster imagines himself to be Ali and writes a letter to Miriam expressing his happiness on receiving the letter. OR Whose speech do you find more effective, Brutus or Antonys ? Why ? -o0o-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

Section - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the following passage carefully : 1x5=5 An escalating epidemic of overweight and obesity is affecting many countries in the world; more than 300 million people are overweight or obese. Obesity could be reason specific. In India, the Marwaris tend to be overweight because of their high calorie diet and lack of physical activities. In the United States, obesity is more prevalent in lower economic groups. Obesity is now well recognized as a disease in its own right. Though obesity commonly means very overweight, it is defined as an excess amount of body weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water. Obesity specifically refers to an excess amount of body fat. Some people, such as body builders or other athletes with a lot of muscle, can be overweight without being obese. A certain amount of body fat is needed for stored energy, heat insulation, shock absorption and other functions. Generally, women have more body fat than men. Usually men with more than 25% body fat and women with more than 30% body fat are regarded as obese. Complete the statements given below with the options you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet. (i) All over the world more than ---- people are obese (a) (c) (ii) (a) (c) (iii) (a) (c) (iv) (a) (c) (v) (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. 3 million 300 million of its ancestors of its genetic make up a lot of water in the body excess proteins they have excess muscle they have excess fat the house the body the body which is used for doing work machines (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) 30 million 3.5 million doesnt do any exercise of its high calorie diet and lack of exercise excess muscle excess fat in the body they have excess bone weight they have excess body mass

The Marwari community in India is overweight because _______

Obesity specifically means ________

Body builders are overweight because ___________

Stored energy means the energy stored in ________

Read the following passage carefully :

1x5=5 Nelson Mandela is one of the freedom fighters of the last two decades who at heart is just like all of us an ordinary person. Yet, he used his experiences, his sensitivity to fight for all that he believed in. Mandela was the foster son of a Tembu African chief and he grew up in a two culture world - that of his traditional African family and the culture of the white man who was ruling his country. 2


He was trained to be a lawyer and could have lived a comfortable life. But he saw his people around him suffering. The poor who already lived in miserable circumstances were also constantly harassed. There was no dignity in being a black man, there was always some kind of injustice. Although, he lived a comfortable life, Mandela could not close his eyes to the suffering and injustice around him. He felt everything, an act of injustice or violence was meted out to someone which caused him pain, it was done to him too. An incident that took place with his friend Paul, who took a stand in front of a white magistrate made Mandela take a decision and that was to fight for freedom and dignity which was the right of every human being. Complete the statements given below with the options you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet. (i) Nelson Mandela used his experience and his _______ to fight for all what he believed in. (a) culture (b) sensitivity (c) knowledge (d) tradition (ii) Mandela was the product of two cultures namely ________ (a) Tribal and civilized (b) African and Asian (c) White and African (d) American and Asian (iii) He had his education in ________ (a) Medicine (b) Law (c) Engineering (d) Literature (iv) He decided to take up the cause of freedom because ________ (a) he was appalled by the condition of the common man (b) he was a lawyer by profession (c) he wanted to be a politician (d) his father was a freedom fighter (v) The meaning of the phrase meted out is __________ (a) dispensed or alloted justice (b) to be treated in a certain way (c) to be beaten (d) to be imprisoned 3. Read the following poem carefully. THE FALLEN LEAVES Why should I be the first to fall Of all the leaves on this old tree ? Though sadly soon I know that all Will lose their hold and follow me. While my birth-brothers bravely blow, Why should I be first to go ? Why should I be the last to cling Of all the leaves on this bleak bough ? Ive fluttered since the fire of Spring And I am worn and withered now. I would escape the Winter gale And sleep soft-silvered by a snail. When swoop the legions of the snow To pitch their tents in roaring weather We fallen leaves will lie below And rot rejoicingly together; And from our rich and dark decay Will laugh our brothers of the May. Robert Service. 101/X/SA2/32/A1 3 1x5=5

Below is the summary of the poem . Complete it by writing the missing word/ phrase against the correct blank number in your answer sheet.

In the first stanza a fallen leaf laments its fate because it is the first to fall while all its (i) _________ In the second stanza another leaf still (ii) ________ of the same tree expresses its grief because it has still not fallen down. It has been fluttering since spring and feels quite (iii) ___________ now. It is dying to fall off so that it can go to sleep. It is looking forward to the approaching winter which will cover both (iv) ___________. Then all the fallen leaves will rejoice together as they rot. Finally from this soil will arise (v)_________ 1x5=5


Read the following passage carefully. The practice of acupuncture is based on the understanding that a vital energy flows along channels or meridians throughout our bodies. When this energy becomes blocked or does not flow freely, it causes disharmony or disease. In order to correct this disharmony, the vital force must be stimulated so that it moves freely again. A set of very fine needles is used to stimulate peculiar points located on the body, in order to influence the energy areas of the body. The acupuncturist uses an understanding of the flow of energy and the actions of the various acupuncture points to treat diseases and disharmonies in the body. Quite significantly, acupuncture is not usually painful. Acupuncture needles are tiny and are quickly inserted through the skin, where the nerves that transmit pain are located. The sensation of the insertion is like a quick pinch.

Acupuncture has been the issue of active scientific research only since the beginning of late 20th century and so its application remains disputed among Western medical researchers. Many organisations, for example, the World Health Organisation (WHO), the National Institute of Health (NIH), etc. have coordinated studies on the efficacy of acupuncture. In general, there is an agreement that acupuncture is safe when administered by well-trained practitioners using sterile needles and that further research is appropriate.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following sentences: (i) Acupuncture is based on the concept that _______ (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Blocking of energy leads to ________ The needles used for acupuncture are _______ Research in the field of acupuncture has started only in ________ The word, efficacy means ___________ 4


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Given below are figures which show the increasing crime rate especially in metropolitan cities. Using this information and your own ideas, give an interpretation of the data analysing the reasons for this rise and the steps to be taken to curb this menace. (word limit - 100 words) 4


You are Rahul/Roneeta. You happened to see the following news item in newspaper about the popularity of Indian handicrafts abroad. But you are unhappy about the lack of recognition given to the artisans by the government. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the difficulties they face and the steps to be taken to solve their problems. Using the information given below and your own ideas, write the letter in about 120 words. INDIAN HANDICRAFTS SOUGHT AFTER New Delhi : Indian Handicrafts are in great demand in the U S, Europe and the Gulf countries. The artisans feel that their products are not given the required publicity. Further the products are bought from them at very low prices by the middlemen and sold later at high prices abroad. They hope that the government agencies would do something in this regard.


You are Rahul/Roneeta. You happened to see the following lines in a newspaper. You decide to write an article titled,Save the Planet Earth for the school magazine. Using ideas from the unit on Environment and your own ideas, write the article in about 150 words. We all mourn and groan about the loss of the quality of life through the destruction of our ecology, and yet each one of us, in our comfortable way, contributes to that destruction. It is time now to awaken in each one the respect and attention our beloved mother deserves, says Ed Asner an environmental supporter.


SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options from those given below : 1x4=4 All of us have some aim in our life. A life without aim is like a ship without a rudder. Such a man cannot use his energies in the right (i) ______. He leads a (ii) ___________ life. One wants to be a doctor, the other an (iii) _______. I want to join the medical profession to serve (iv) __________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) 9. direct directed purpose purposeful Industry industrialisation human humanitarian (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) direction directs proposal purposeless industrialise industrialist humanity humans 1x4=4

Choose the most appropriate option to complete the dialogue given below. Namita: Sweety: Namita: Sweety: Namita: Sweety: Namita: Sweety: Namita: Sweety: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) Hello Sweety ! Hi, what a pleasant surprise ! Its been a long time since we met. Where (i) _______all these years? In Delhi ! How about you? What (ii) ________nowadays ? Im a fashion designer looking for a job. (iii) ___________ business management? In 2009, Actually Im here for an interview with a multinational. Thats a wonderful piece of news! When (iv) _______ ? I have to report at 5 pm today. The office is near Shastri Road. Can you drop me there ? Of course ! had you are you are you doing have you be doing Are you doing How did you complete did you report do you have to report (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) were you have you been will you be doing had you been doing When did you complete Have you completed would you come do you have to come


Rearrange the following words/phrases in meaningful sentences : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) our environment/causing/to/we are/an/irrepairable damage our citizens/choking/and/our cities/air pollution/ is entire state/global warming/due to/is/a chilling possibility/ the flooding of are/leaving/we/nothing/next generations/for/the 6




Read the conversation given below between a mother and son and then complete 1x4=4 the paragraph that follows : Mother : You seem so tired. Take some rest. Rajeev : I cant even think of relaxing. I have lots of homework to do. Mother : You should not be under so much of stress. Rajeev : You need not worry about me. Mother said to Rajeev that (i) _________ and asked him to take some rest. Rajeev replied that (ii) _________as he had lots of homework to do. The mother advised (iii) __________. Rajeev told his mother (iv) ____________. Look at the notes given below which contain information on how to prepare Apple and Grape Punch. Read the information and complete the passage that follows. Do not add any new information. Write the answers against correct blank numbers in 1x4=4 your answer sheet. Mix : 1 litre apple juice : 1/2 litre grape juice : 2 teaspoons lemon juice Dice : 1 small pear 1 medium size apple Add : Pinch of cinnaman powder, chill and serve At first the juices of the apple, grapes and lemons (i) _________together in a punch bowl and refrigerated. Next the fruits (ii)__________and added to the chilled fruit juice. After that a pinch of cinnaman is (iii) _________ and (iv) __________ tall glasses. SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)







Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by 1x3=3 choosing the most appropriate options. Though next morning it was raining He began her vocal training But I cant sing in this weather. Come, my dear - well sing together. I in the above lines is _________. (a) the nightingale (b) the frog (c) a monkey (d) a squirrel The next morning it was ________. (a) a pleasant weather (b) very hot (c) raining (d) very windy The word, dear in the above lines refers to the ________. (a) frog (b) nightingale (c) poet (d) animals in the jungle OR 7


Thy brother by decree is banished If thou dost bend and pray and fawn for him, I spurn thee like a cur out of my way. Know, Caesar doth not wrong, nor without cause Will he be satisfied. (i) The above lines have been spoken by ____________. (a) (c) (ii) (a) (c) (iii) (a) (c) (B) Antony Caesar Cassiuss Antonys a truthful person a fair person (b) (d) (b) (d) Brutus Cassius Brutuss None of the above (b) (d) an honest person All of the above 1x3=3

__________ brother had been banished.

The speaker is known for being ________.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness. In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman Rises toward her day after day like a terrible fish (i) (ii) (iii) How has the woman changed over the years ? Why does the poet refer to the fish and why is it called terrible? Identify the figure of speech used in the last line.


Answer any four out of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Justify the title, The Ultimate Safari Why does the crew hang the albatross around the Mariners neck ? How does Antony prove to the mob that Caesar was not ambitious ? Why were Alis eyes filled with tears of helplessness ? What had exhausted his patience and not his faith ? How was the nightingale a foolish bird ?



Answer the following question in 100 - 125 words : (a) You are a nurse at the refugee camp. You are moved by the pitiable condition of the refugees. Write your feelings in the form of a diary entry. (b) Imagine you are Lakshmi Das. Today you met Ali who was feeling very helpless and gave you five golden guineas which was his savings of the whole life. Write diary entry expressing your feelings about the meeting. -o0o-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the following poem carefully. 1x5=5 The Paper Boats Day by day I float my paper boats one by one down the running stream In big black letters. I write my name on them and the name of the village where I live I hope that someone in some strange land will find them and know who I am. I load my little boats with Shiuli flowers from our garden, and hope that these blooms of the dawn will be carried safely to land in the night. I launch my paper boats and look up into the sky and see the little clouds setting their white bulging sails. I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boats! When night comes I bury my face in my arms and dream that my paper boats float on and on under the midnight stars. The fairies of sleep are sailing in them, and the laden is their baskets full of dreams. RABINDRANATH TAGORE Complete the statements given below by picking the most appropriate options. (a) Everyday the poet __________________. (i) played in the sand (ii) rowed the boat in the river (iii) floated paperboats in the stream (iv) built sand castles (b) The poet wrote his and his villages name on the boats as _______________. (i) he wanted strangers to know who he was (ii) people would write him letters (iii) he would become famous (iv) he too would know their names (c) At night in the dreams, the poet saw that_______________. (i) the paper boats had lost their way (ii) he had big ships (iii) the paper boats were floating under the stars (iv) the boats had capsized (d) Blooms of the dawn mean __________________. (i) blooming in the morning (ii) flower in the twilight (iii) flowers that bloom in the morning (iv) budding (e) The poem expresses a feeling of ________________. (i) worry (ii) fear (iii) happiness (iv) anxiety 2



Read the passage carefully and complete the statements by picking the right options: 1x5=5 Eggberts feet were the bane of his life. There was so much of them, and they would get entangled when he walked. Then there was the danger that he would tread on his own toes and fall down and make an exhibition of himself, as he had done on the first day. So he kept a very close watch on his feet for any signs of insubordination. He would sometimes stand for as long as ten minutes with bent head, gravely staring at his toes as they wriggled gently in the grass, spread out like the arms of a starfish. Eggberts whole desire, obviously was to be disassociated from these outsize feet. He felt irritated by them. Without them, he was sure, he could gambol about the lawn with the airy grace of a dried thistle - head. Occasionally, having watched his feet for sometime, he would decide that he had lulled them into a false sense of security. Then, when they least expected it, he would launch his body forward in an effort to speed across the lawn and leave these hateful extremities behind. But although he tried this trick many times, it never succeeded. The feet were always too quick for him, and as soon as he moved they would deliberately and maliciously twist themselves into a knot, and Eggbert would fall headfirst into the daisies. (a) Eggberts feet were a bane to his life because __________________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (e) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) he looked too tall they were long and got entangled when he walked they were too ugly they made him walk too fast he might trip on his own toes and be laughed at he would never fly he would always walk they were too ugly have to be dragged deliberately and maliciously twist help to move faster never be an obstacle be proud put up an exhibition be laughed at show off disassociated from these outsize feet gravely staring at his feet without them leave these extremeties behind 3

He lived in fear because ____________________________.

When he felt he could move quickly his feet would ________________.

The phrase, make an exhibition of himself means to __________________.

The expression which expresses his wish to be rid of his feet is _______________.



Read the passage carefully. 1x5=5 The industrial growth in the country has brought with it many maladies. They are more acute where Zinc smelters and fertilizer factories are located. The effluent being discharged by various such plants, pollutes the water if it is put in a nearby river. The whole river and the wells in the area connected with its ground water on both the banks get polluted as the effluents slowly seep into the soil. The human beings living in the area and consuming that water find it not suitable for drinking. Burning sensation, stomach pain, feeling of nausea, deposition of whitish layer and skin getting harder become common. Thus these are the gifts from the industries. Animals too refuse to drink such water. Despite the installation of plants for treatment of water, there is little possibility of improvement. Slowly the problem of drinking water aggravates and the whole area seems unfit for human habitation. On the basis of your reading complete the following statements: (a) The industrial growth has gifted us ______________ also. (b) Rivers, wells and the ground water are polluted by ____________ (c) People who drink their water suffer from __________________ (d) If the problem of drinking water is not solved, the writer fears the whole area__________________ (e) The word from the passage that means the same as `problem is ____________. Read the passage carefully and complete the statements that follow. 1x5=5 It is almost impossible to escape from advertisements. Hoardings stare down at us from the sides of the roads; crude neon signs wink above shops; jingles and slogans assault our ears. In magazines, pictures of washing machines and custard powders take up more room than the letter press. All these are twentieth century developments which have grown side by side with the spread of education and technical advances in radio and TV. Advertising assaults not only our eyes and ears but also our pockets. Its critics point out that in this country 1.6 percent of the national income is spent on advertising and this advertising actually raises the cost of products. When a housewife buys a pound of flour, 5 percent of what she pays goes to some advertiser or others, even if she has not bothered to ask the shopkeeper for a particular brand. If she buys a named brand of aspirin, upto 29 percent of what she pays may represent the cost of advertising the name. These amounts seem a great deal to pay for the questionable benefits of advertising, but there are a few things to be said in its favour - some things cost less. Newspapers, magazines, commercial radio and television - all carry advertisements. The money they receive from the advertisers help them to lower the cost of production. In this way we get information and entertainment at lower prices than would otherwise have to be charged. Therefore, what we lose on the swings we gain on the round-abouts. Apart from this very important consideration, advertising to some extent ensures that a product will maintain its quality. It also gives rise to competition among manufacturers, which gives the customers a wider choice. Competition may even succeed, in some cases, in reversing the influence of advertising and causing a reduction in price. (a) Two examples which show that the author has negative views towards advertisements are ____________. (b) The author feels advertisements favour customers also through _________. (c) The magazines and newspapers also recover a part of their cost by __________. (d) The customers gain due to competition among manufacturers because ________. (e) The phrase in the passage that means, `what we lose on one account we gain on another is ________________. 4



SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Complete the following dialogue, in a suitable way. Rita : Raj, why didnt you come to school for the basketball match? Raj : I met with an accident. Rita : Hope you (a)_____________ Raj : I hurt (b)_________________ Rita : Were you driving very fast? Raj : Trying to avoid a dog I (c)______________ Rita : How long will you be in bed? Raj : The doctor says (d)_____________ Rita : O.K Get well soon 1x4=4


This summer we experienced one of the hottest summers with the mercury soaring high to record the highest temperature ever. Use ideas from the input given as well as from the unit, `Environment Write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a newspaper expressing your opinions and the reasons for the rising temperature. Also mention some preventive measures that should be taken to save the Earth. You are Rajesh/Roma. Hints : Global warming - excess carbondioxide and other gases-trapped heat - ecological imbalance - not enough trees -absorb gases - more trees be planted. Using the given clues write an interesting story in about 150 words. dark night - quiet jungle - sounds of footsteps - followed footprints trail - reached lonely house - hidden behind trees - entered - shocked to see ----SECTION C (Grammar - 20 Marks)



x8=4 Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives. If the modern man wants tips (a) _________ good child care, he could (b) _____________ at a couple of frogs in Papua new guinea, (c) _________ remarkable behaviour of two species, (d) ________ which males (e) _______ only bear sole responsibility for looking (f) _______ their offspring but (g) _________ take the entire family for piggy-back rides (h) ______ the forest, came to light recently. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) regarding (i) take (i) a (i) out (i) not (i) up (i) and (i) over (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) regard observe The in no under come when 5 (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) regards look an of know across also upon (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) regarded up some an note after through through



Complete the following statements by choosing the correct options: (a) Many people like __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) bed in reading reading in bed in bed reading many reading poor eyesight to lead poor eyesight leads to leads eyesight to poor leads to poor eyesight The eyes T.V affects Watching T.V at a close Close T.V watching at close watching Eyes our are Eyes is our Eyes are our Eye are our


Reading in bed __________.

__________ range affects the eyes.

__________ gateways to the world


One word is omitted in each line, write the missing word along with the preceeding and succeeding words. The first is done as an example. x8=4 Preceeding word came (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 6 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Missing word into ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Succeeding word existence ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Money came existence to answer the need mankind This need no tarise in the early part of evolution. Money and even trade unnecessary. Wealth then was possession beasts. Soon man to settle down to cultivate land. They began to specialize growing something. So they to get rid their extra beasts 101/X/SA2/32/B1


Below is a set of instructions for preparing mashed vegetable with cheese. Complete the paragraph which describes how the dish is prepared. The first one has been done as an example. 1x4=4 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Take potatoes, grated carrots, little milk, grated cheese and salt to taste Boil and mash potatoes and carrots Add and mix milk and butter. Add grated cheese and salt. Serve the dish

First potatoes, grated carrots, milk, grated cheese and salt (a) are taken. Next potatoes and (b) ____________. Milk and butter (c) _________. After that grated (d) _________. The dish is ready (e)____________. 12. Read the following conversation and complete the exercise that follows Renu : Sheela : Renu : Sheela : How was the school fete? I didnt enjoy it much.It had no stalls of spicy food items. Raghu told me that there were a lot of games. Yes, hes right but there were not many prizes for the winners. 1x4=4

Renu asked Sheela (a) _____________ Sheela told her that (b)______________ as it did not have stalls of spicy food. Renu had been informed (c) _______________. Sheela agreed that he was right but (d) _____________.

SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the extact given below and complete the statements that follow by 1x3=3 choosing the correct options : O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with these butchers! Thou art the ruins of the noblest man That ever lived in the tide of times Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood! (1) __________ speaks these words and to __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) (a) (b) (c) (d) Marcus Brutus to Cassius Calpurnia to Julius Caesar Antony to Calpurnia Antony to Caesars body the conspirators and the Roman people Cassius, Casca etc the public Brutus and the other conspirators

The butchers in the second line are __________ .



Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood! means that __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) blessed are the people who killed Caesar cursed are Antonys friend

no one matched Caesars nobility cursed are those that killed caesar OR `They were the colour of the grass and we didnt see them at first but the man did (1) `They in the above extract are _____________ (a) deer (b) lions (c) elephants (d) wild bears (2) The man was the first to see them as he was ____________. (a) used to be friendly (b) the group leader (c) more alert and vigilant than others (d) over confident (3) `We in the extract are _______________________ (a) the animals (b) the tourists (c) the refugees (d) the bandits 13. (B) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : The ship was cheered, the harbour cleared Merrily did we drop Below the kirk, below the hill Below the lighthouse top. (1) Who does `we refer to ? (2) The journey began on a ________________. (3) Which poetic device is used in the above lines ? 1x3=3


2x4=8 Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each: (a) What reasons did Mark Antony give the Romans to show that Caesar was not ambitious and was wrongly killed ? (b) In the story, `The Ultimate Safari the grandmother and the young narrator both had different views on returning to Mozambique, their own country. Why ? (c) In the poem, `Mirror the woman is compared to a fish. Explain how she is like a fish. (d) When the postmaster saw a letter for Ali, he understood Alis pain and anxiety. What brought about this understanding ? (e) The frog calls the nightingale `stupid Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer. Answer the following question in 100-125 words You are Lakshmi Das, the postman, to whom Ali gave five guineas. Make a note in your diary expressing your concern and feelings for Ali OR Imagine you are the ancient Mariner. You are guilty of killing the albatross which was a friendly bird and had brought good luck to the sailors. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings. -o0o6



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the following poem. Barter Life has loveliness to sell, All beautiful and splendid things, Blue waves whitened on a cliff, Soaring fire, that sways and sings And childrens faces looking up Holding wonder like a cup. Life has loveliness to sell, Music like a curve of gold, Scent of pine trees in the rain, Eyes that love you, arms that hold, And for your spirits still delight, Holy thoughts that star the night. Spend all you have for loveliness, Buy it and never count the cost, For one white singing hour of peace Count many a year of strife well lost, And for a breadth of ecstasy Give all you have been, or could be. Sara Teasdale. Complete the following statements on the basis of your reading of the above poem. (a) The lovely things that life has to sell are _________ (b) The poetess has compared holy thoughts to _________ (c) An hour of peace is better than many a year of strife because __________ (d) The poetess advises us to _________ (e) The childrens faces are compared to __________ 2. Read the following passage carefully. Defining Courage Courage is not only the basis of all virtue; it is its expression too. Faith, hope, charity and all the rest dont become virtues until someone has taken courage to exercise them. There are roughly two types of courage. The first, an emotional state which urges a man to risk injury or death, is physical courage. The second, is more reasoning attitude which enables him to take coolly his career, happiness,his whole future, or his judgement of what he thinks either right or worthwhile, is moral courage. I have known many men who had marked physical courage, but lacked moral courage. Some of them were in high places, but they failed to be great in themselves because they lacked moral courage. On the other hand, I have seen men who undoubtedly possessed moral courage but were very cautious about taking physical risks. But I have never met a man with moral courage who couldnt, when it was really necessary, face a situation boldly. 2 5 5


Complete each of the following statements by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below: (a) All virtues become meaningful with the help of _________ (i) (iii) (b) (i) (iii) (c) (i) (iii) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (e) (i) (iii) 3. faith courage emotions uncertainty mental balance emotional stability can defy his enemies can overcome all difficulties can be very pragmatic can face a situation boldly in danger noticeable (ii) (iv) easy to point paid attention 5 (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) charity hope deliberation defiance capacity for reasoning will to fight

Physical courage is an expression of ________

People with physical courage often lack _______

A man with moral courage _________

The word, marked in the second para means ________

Read the following passage carefully. In every country people imagine that they are the best and the cleverest and others are not so good as they are. The English man thinks that he and his country are the best; the Frenchman is very proud of France and everything French. The Germans and Italians think no less of their countries and many Indians imagine that India is in many ways the greatest country in the world. This is wrong. Everybody wants to think well of himself and his country. But really there is no person who has not got some good and some bad qualities. In the same way, there is no country which is not partly good and partly bad. We must take the good wherever we find it and try to remove the bad wherever it may be. We are, of course, most concerned with our own country, India. Unhappily, it is in a bad shape today. Most of our people are poor and unhappy. They have no joy in their lives. We have to find out how we can make them happier. We have to see what is good in our ways and customs and try to keep it, and whatever is bad has to be thrown away. If we find anything good in other countries, we should certainly take it. (Jawaharlal Nehru) After reading the above passage, complete the statements that follow : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) People think that their country is ________ Many Indians imagine that _________ However, we must __________ India is in a bad way today because _________ (i) (i) ill __________ (ii) (ii) worst. __________ 3 Opposites for the above words in the passage are



Read the following passage carefully. Polio - The Dreaded Disease Today perhaps your only association with the word, polio is the Sabin Oral Vaccine that protects children from the disease. Fifty-five years ago, this was not so. The dreaded disease, which mainly affects the brain and the spinal cord, causes stiffening and weakening of the muscles, crippling and paralysis - which is why I am in a wheelchair today. If somebody had predicted, when I was born, that this would happen to me, no one would have believed it. I was the seventh child in a family of four pairs of brothers and sisters, with a huge 23 year gap between the first and the last. I was told that, unlike the others, I was so fair and brown-haired that I looked more like a foreigner than a Dawoodi Bohra. I was also considered to be the healthiest of the brood Complete each of the following statements by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below. (a) The narrator is suffering from ________ (i) polio (ii) paralysis (iii) heart disease (iv) nervous weakness (b) The narrator was the seventh child in a family that had __________ (i) four children (ii) eight children (iii) sixteen children (iv) twentythree children (c) During his childhood, the narrator was __________ (i) a weakling (ii) tall and slim (iii) very healthy (iv) short and stout (d) I looked more like a foreigner than a Dawoodi Bohra, says the narrator. This was because he was __________ (i) tall and smart (ii) a foreign child (iii) a very healthy boy (iv) fair and brown haired (e) The word brood in the last sentence of the passage refers to ________ (i) polio Victims (ii) Indian Children (iii) foreign children (iv) children in the family


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) Given below are some notes about the American President, Abraham Lincoln. Write a short biosketch of Abraham Lincoln with the help of these notes in about 80 words. 1809 Born in the Big South Fork of Nolin Creek, Kentucky, U.S.A. 1828 Had a chance to see slavery in operation for the first time. Vows to hit slavery hard. 1834 Elected to the Legislature 1838 Elected again 1860 Republican party nominate him as a candidate for the presidencyelected as president 1865 Succeeded in getting passed the thirteenth amendment to the constitution which ended slavery forever 14th April 1865 - Assassinated. 4


Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance stating appropriate reasons for the same. Sign yourself as Arpit/Arpita, St. Johns school, Hostel Rd., Pune. Write the letter in about 120 words. You are Subodh, a student of Alpine School, Hamirpur. Your school is celebrating Save Electricity Week. You have been requested to deliver a speech on saving electricity. Write a speech stressing the importance of saving electricity and making some practical suggestions for the students. Write your speech in about 150 words.



SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) Choose the best word / phrase from the options to complete the following passage : x8=4 Tokyo was rocked by its (a) ___________ (big, bigger, biggest, very big) earthquake in more than a year today, but escaped (b)_________ (from, by, with, for) little damage because it (c) _________ is, was, has , have) centred far beneath the floor of the Pacific Ocean. The quake (d) _______ (who, whom, whose, which) struck shortly before noon with a magnitude of 6.6, (e)__________ (make, made, send, sent) large buildings sway back and forth. The intense (f) ___________ (shake, shaker, shaking, shook) for almost one minute caught many people (g) _________ (in, on, of, off) guard in Tokyo and other cities (h) ____________ (to, towards, for, forward) the east. Complete the following statments by choosing the correct options from those given. 1x4=4 (a) Petrol and diesel prices __________ to be raised by about Rs. 1.25 per litre in view of seven dollar per barrel surge in crude oil prices. (i) will likely (ii) will get (iii) are likely (iv) are bound (b) The weapon used in the murder of Satyendra Dubey, Project Officer in NHAI, and his briefcase ____________ recovered by the CBI in Bihars Gaya district on Monday. (i) was (ii) were (iii) have (iv) had (c) A polytechnic university in China _______a robot that can conduct surgeries. (i) have developed (ii) has developed (iii) is developing (iv) will be developing (d) Indias medal tally went up when ace shooter Jaspal Rana ___________ in the centrefire pistol. (i) wins the gold medal (ii) won the gold medal (iii) has won the gold medal (iv) winning the gold medal The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect and the correct word in your answer sheet against the correct blank x8=4 number. The first one has been done as an example. alone only All living creatures not alone human (e.g) beings but plants and animals also wants (a) ____ _____ freedom. They want to live the free life. (b) ____ _____ But the animals in the zoos is captured (c) _____ _____ and put into cage for our (d) _____ _____ entertainment. Animals and birds who (e) _____ _____ are captured, are train in the circuses (f) _____ _____ If they can talk, they would make (g) _____ _____ us feel guilt and regretful of our actions. (h) _____ _____ 5





In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the words, that come before and after it in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example. The koel generally considered e.g. Koel is generally x8=4 the musical among the Indian birds. Many Indian poets have sung its praises ancient times. In the spring season, all through day and night, one hear the koel sing. At the approach winter, the bird becomes silent and then it migrates warmer parts. the koel is strange bird, as it never builds its own (a) ________ (b) ________ (c) ________ (d) ________ (e) ________ (f) ________ (g) ________

nest. The mother bird lays her eggs a crows nest. (h) ________ 12. Read the given conversation and complete the report. Do not add any new information. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole sentences. Raghav : Ravi : Raghav : Ravi : Ravi, Varun and I are going to watch the cricket match tomorrow. Would you like to join us ? I would love to but I have to take my fathers permission first. You must let me know by this evening because I have to arrange for the passes. I will do so. 4

Raghav informed Ravi that Varun and he were going to watch the cricket match the next day. He asked Ravi (a) _______. Ravi replied (b) _______ permission first. Raghav told him to let him know by that evening as (c) ________ for the passes. Ravi said (d) _________ so. SECTION D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the following extract carefully and complete the statements that follow by choosing the most appropriate options from those given below. Dumbstruck sat the gaping frog, And the whole admiring bog Started towards the sumac rapt, And, when she had ended, clapped. (a) She in the above lines refers to the _________ (i) (iii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 101/X/SA2/33/A1 duck nightingale (ii) (iv) heron cuckoo 3

The frog was dumbstruck because _________ he had never heard such a melodious voice. he had never seen such a beautiful bird. a huge crowd had gathered to listen to his voice. he was being awarded for his beautiful voice. 6


The whole bog clapped because _________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the frog had told them to do so. the whole bog was in the habit of clapping. she sang really very beautifully. she was really very beautiful and smart. OR O, pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with these butchers !


The expression thou bleeding piece of earth refers to ________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the earth red with the blood of soldiers. Caesars dead body. the piece of land acquired by the enemies. the piece of land where Caesar was killed. he fears his own death. he fears that the butchers might destroy the whole of Rome. he wants to avenge Caesars death. he fears the butchers might kill the kith and kin of Caesar.


The speaker is meek and gentle with these butchers because _______ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


That I am meek and gentle with these butchers ! The poetic device used in this line is ________ (i) (iii) irony simile (ii) (iv) paradox metaphor 3


Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. The clinic gives us special powder to make into porridge for him and perhaps one day, hell be all right. (a) (b) (c) Who is the person being talked about here ? What has happened to him ? What does this extract tell you about the narrator ?


Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The grief of separation is inescapable. Who realised this and how ? Who are the liars in the poem, Mirror ? Why are they called so ? Who gives the ancient Mariner evil looks and why ? In what circumstances did the nightingale die ?


What was wrong with the head of the narrators little brother in The Ultimate Safari ? Why ? 7



Answer the following in 100-125 words: You are Coachman Ali. Make a diary entry expressing your feelings after you have given five gold guineas to Lakshmi Das. OR Imagine you are Mark Antony. With your skilful oratory you are able to instigate the mob to take revenge on Caesars murderers. As Mark Antony write a diary entry about the days events and your satisfaction that you ultimately were able to take revenge on the assassins of Caesar. o 0 o


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the following poem carefully : Dream Pedlary If there were dreams to sell, what would you buy ? Some cost a passing bell. Some a light sigh. That shakes from Lifes fresh crown Only a rose- leaf down If there were dreams to sell, Merry and sad to tell, And the crier rang the bell, What would you buy? A cottage lone and still With bowers high, Shadowy my woes to still, Until I die. Such pearl from Lifes fresh crown Fain would I shake me down were dreams to have at will, This would best heal my ill, This would I buy. On the basis of your understanding of the poem complete the statements given below : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The two types of dreams the pedlar wants to sell are ______. The poets dream is __________. He would like to live in the cottage for ________. The price the poet wants to pay for his cherished dream is _________. The phrase my woes to still means __________. 2 5



Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the correct options : In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disuse, high costs and politics, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty mile canal zone instead of travelling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one tenth of what it would cost an average ship to go round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year. The French initiated the project but sold their rights to the United States. The Latter will control it until the end of the twentieth century when Panama takes over its duties (a) The length of the Panama Canal is ____________ (i) 39 miles (ii) 50 miles (iii) 8 miles (iv) 7000 miles (b) The oceans joined by the Panama Canal are __________ (i) The Indian and the Atlantic (ii) The Indian and the Pacific (iii) The Pacific and the Atlantic (iv) None of the above (c) The year the authorities began the construction of the Panama Canal was ______ (i) 1959 (ii) 1920 (iii) 1881 (iv) 1939 (d) It take ________to complete the trip through the canal (i) 10 hours (ii) 8 hours (ii) 5 hours (iv) 6 hours (e) controls the Panama Canal at present (i) France (ii) The U.S.A (iii) Panama (iv) Italy Read the following passage carefully. When we read the life-stories of great men and women, we wonder at what they did for mankind. They did not get up one fine morning and found themselves famous. Life to them meant a hard struggle. They had some noble mission before them. Finding pain and ignorance around them, they devoted their lives to removing these ills of mankind. They did not care for personal comfort and prosperity. In fact, they faced dangers and hardships in search of new ideas and new lands. That is why they are remembered as the benefactors of mankind. But for them, we should not have marched on the road to progress and perfection. Complete the following statements . (a) Great men and women found themselves famous after _________. (b) Life to great men and women meant __________. (c) For humanity the great persons __________. (d) The great persons face dangers and hardships _________. (e) The benefactors of humanity are ____________. 3




Read the given passage carefully. Eating with knife and Fork. Knife and fork are the essential cutlery items on a dining table these days. Have you ever thought over the question : When did people start eating with a knife and a fork? Well into the 17th century, knives and spoons were the only utensils most diners in Europe ever used - and ever needed - as food was either dry or soupy, so could be cut and eaten. Large two - pronged forks were used in the kitchen for preparation purposes only, though refined diners in Greece and Italy had for some time used a smaller version at the table. The modern curved, four pronged fork was invented in Germany in the 18th century. Around this time, the dinner knife evolved a rounded end__ its spearing function then obsolete. It was only in the 19th century that forks became prevalent in the United States, where they were often called split spoons. The late adoption of the fork goes some way to explaining our modern habit of cutting food, then transferring the fork to the other hand and using it as a spoon - like scoop. (An excerpt from How it All started.) Complete the statements given below with the options you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet. (a) Until the 17th century, spoon was commonly used __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (e) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) to cut dry food to split food to eat soupy food to transfer food the dinner knife evolved a rounded end the two-pronged forks proved unsuitable the spoon could not help in spearing the spoon became obsolete these looked ugly on the dining table these helped in preparation of dishes these were quite unwieldly these were quite disproportionate holding and cutting food spearing and cutting food spearing and scooping food cutting and scooping food out of order out of date out of gear out of focus 4

The modern curved, four-pronged fork was invented when __________.

Large two-pronged forks were confined to the kitchen because __________.

The fork is nowadays used for __________.

The word obsolete means __________.


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Study the following pie-chart carefully which lists the various sectors responsible for gas emissions and their share in creating global warming. Using this information write a passage in about 80 words on Global Warming. 4


Write a letter in about 120 words to the Manager of Mawana Sugar Mill seeking permission to visit the Mill. Give the number of students and the date on which you propose to visit. Sign yourself as Amit/Amrita. General Secretary. St. Mary Convent, Hyderabad. You have been awarded a prize for doing social service under Each One, Teach One project. You are participating in a debate on the topic, The Role of Students in Removing Illiteracy is very important. Draft your speech in favour of the motion in about 150 words. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)



Choose the best word from the options given below to complete the following passage. x8=4 London : The death of a three-year-old girl (a) __________ (with, for from,by) heart failure brought on by (b)__________ (the, her, his, their) excessive, weight was (c) __________ (highlight, highlighting, highlighter, highlighted) in a damning report (d)__________ (in, on, at, for) Thursday by a British Parliamentary Committee (e) __________ (examine, examiner, examining, examined) a feared obesity epidemic. One expert quoted (f) __________ (in,by,at,on) the report by the House of Commons Health Committee (g) __________ (tell,tells, telling, told) of four children who required ventilatory assistance at home (h) __________ (by, with, for, from) a respiratory condition because of their obesity. 5



Complete the dialogue given below by choosing the correct options from those that follow : 1x4=4 Old man : Doctor, I cant sit straight Doctor Old man Doctor Old man Doctor Old man Doctor (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) : : : : : : : Let me see. (a) __________ O yes, I had a fine sleep last night. But I am feeling weak in the joints. (b) __________ No, but I feel, dizzy while sitting up or reclining on pillow again. Let me see. Will you (c) __________ Doctor, please dont give me injection so early in the morning Rest assured. I am not going to do so. Ill (d) __________

you sleep well last night Did you sleep well last night ? How well you sleep last night ? You well sleep last night. aching as well are the joints as well are the joints aching the joints are aching as well Are the joints aching as well ? please up roll sleeve your shirt please your shirt sleeve roll up roll up your shirt sleeve, please ? up roll please your shirt sleeve your only measure blood pressure only measure your blood pressure measure only blood your pressure measure only blood pressure your


In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the words that come before and after in your answer sheet against x8=4 the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example.

Science making rapid strides these days

Hundreds of new products appearing in the market daily. These products made mans life quite comfortable. Polythene is such product which found a wide application in modern use with the average family using three polythene bags day. Polythene bags are largely being used packing and storing and are being most widely used carry bags. Environmentalists have pointed the health hazards of indiscriminate use of polythene bags. 101/X/SA2/33/B1 6

e.g. Science is making (a) __________ (b) ________ (c) ________ (d) ________ (e) ________ (f)________ (g) __________ (h) __________


The following passage is intended for a tourist brochure, but it has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect and the correct word in your x8=4 answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Vatican City The worlds small independent country is also a palace or a city. It is the Vatican, which occupy 44 hectares in the Italian capital of Rome. It is the headquarters of a Roman Catholic Church and the home of the Pope. At it heart is the St. Peters Basilica, the worlds larger Christian Church. Inside the Vatican palace is the living quarters for the Pope, the offices, a library,museums and chapels. It has been an independent country from e.g small .. smallest (a) __________ (b) __________ (c) __________ (d) __________ (e) __________ (f) __________ (g) __________ (h) __________

1929. About one thousand people live in the Vatican City. 12. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet against the correct numbers. eg. are harmless/to people/most bats Most bats are harmless to people. (a) bats/ one of/ misunderstood creatures/the worlds most /are / (b) about/are/in the world/1000 kinds/ there/ of bats (c) every country/ they/ almost/in/are found (d) that can fly/they are/the only mammals 4

SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the following extract carefully and complete the statements that follow by choosing the most appropriate options from those given below: Then please note it down, brother. It will be useful if a letter should come when I am not here. For how should the villager who had spent three quarters of his life hunting know that Miriams name was not worth a pice to anyone but her father? (a) Ali is calling __________ as a brother (i) the clerk (ii) the postman (iii) the postmaster (iv) the superintendent (b) He is asking brother to note down _______ (i) his address (ii) his name (iii) Miriams address (iv) Miriams name 101/X/SA2/33/B1 7 3


The reaction of brother when Ali says the above said words is that ________. (i) he lost his temper and told Ali to get away from there (ii) he smiled at Ali and told him to wait (iii) he noted down the name gladly (iv) he was very glad to hear that

Faces and darkness separate us over and over. Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me, Searching my reaches for what she really is. (a) Us in the second line refers to the mirror and (i) the poet (ii) God (iii) the wall (iv) the woman (b) Which poetic device is used in line 2 ? (i) metaphor (ii) alliteration (iii) paradox (iv) irony (c) In the depths of the pool the woman is searching for _______. (i) her lost ring (ii) a terrible fish (iii) her lost beauty and youth (iv) some pearls (B) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : But heres a parchment with the seal of Caesar; I found it in his closet, its his will; Let but the commons hear this testament. (a) Who speaks these words, and with whose permission ? (b) Why does the speaker read out Caesars will ? (c) What is the reaction of the listeners ? 3



Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : 2x4=8 (a) Why did the grandmother decide to leave the village ? (b) Why did the frog feel a joy both sweet and bitter ? (c) What was the sailors attitude towards the killing of the albatross ? (d) How do the heavens predict the death of Caesar the night before his assassination ? (e) How did Ali react to his name being called? Imagine that the mother arrives at the camp. She narrates her sad and heart rending experiences during her absence and how she has reached there. Invent these experiences and write them down as the mother would narrate them. (100125 words) OR Comment in 100125 words on the first five stanzas of the poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. 6




Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the passage given below carefully and complete the statements that follow by choosing the best options : 1x5=5 A big reason for the drop in stomach cancer over the last century is refrigeration, which has greatly reduced the need for pickling foods to preserve them. Nitrates are often used in pickling for flavour and to prevent bacterial growth. However, nitrates are converted to cancer - causing nitrosamines during digestion. Vitamins A and C, beta carotene and other antioxidants can inhibit the cancer - causing potential of nitrosamines. Eating ample fresh vegetables and fruits may counteract any risk from pickled foods. Smoking was once essential for preserving meat and fish. But hundreds of components have so far been identified in smoke including alcohols, acids, phenols and several other toxic and possibly even cancer-causing substances. The chemicals inhibit the growth of bacteria and slow the breakdown of fat. But cured meats are high in nitrates,which combine with amino acids during cooking and digestion to form cancer - causing nitrosamines. The risk of cancer from nitrates is small, especially compared to the risk of coronary disease from getting too much saturated fat - plentiful in smoked meat. If you enjoy smoked or salted meats, make sure you eat them only occasionally and in moderate amounts. (1) The advent of ___________ brought about a change in preservation of food (a) nitrates (b) refrigeration (c) vitamin A (d) vitamin C (2) It is better not to consume smoked meat as it contains a lot of ______ . (a) vitamins (b) cancer causing substances (c) saturated fat (d) amino acids (3) Inhibit means _________ . (a) prevent (b) involve (c) start (d) slow down (4) Eating _________ can protect us from the risk of pickled food. (a) good food (b) fresh vegetables (c) vitamin tablets (d) boiled vegetables (5) The art of preserving fish and meat was by ________ . (a) adding nitrates (b) growing bacteria (c) smoking it (d) breaking it 2. Read the passage given below carefully and complete the statements that follow it 1x5=5 by choosing the correct options : For several centuries, two towns near the Olympic site, Elis and Pisa fought for the prestige and power of controlling the games. In the fourth centruy BC, the dispute broke into open warfare, and there was a battle during the pentathlon. But winning meant everything to the ancient Greeks and they only understood success. There were no awards for second and third place in the ancient Olympics. First place was only the first place. The longest race in the early games was only about five kilometers. The race we call the marathon wasnt created until some 2500 years later. It was part of the programme of the first modern Olympics held in Athens in 1896 and commemorated that ancient run. The first Olympic marathons, from Athens in 1896 to Antwerp in 1920 were run at varying lengths, ranging from 39,996 to 42,750 metres. It wasnt until the 1924 games in Paris that it was decided to adopt the standard distance of 42,195 metres used at the London Games in 1908, the exact distance from the start at Windsor Castle to the White City Stadium. 2







The towns of Elis and Pisa even resorted to war for ________ . (a) the medal (b) winning pentathlaon (c) conducting the games (d) warfare Greeks only understood success means ________ . (a) they wanted the third place (b) Greeks were never winners (c) they always wanted to win (d) they wanted the second place __________ was the longest race in the early games. (a) The five kilometer race (b) The marathon (c) 39,996 meters (d) 42,195 meters The standard distance for marathon was decided at ________ . (a) London (b) White city stadium (c) Paris (d) Windsor castle Commemorate means ___________ . (a) to comment on (b) to celebrate in the memory of one (c) in the memory of a beloved (d) conduct well


Read the passage given below carefully and complete the statement that follow : 1x5=5 In school, I found mathematics and chemistry boring and confusing. But getting mediocre grades in English upset me because I was interested in the subject. My failure to excel in English gave impetus to my fathers argument that my true talents may someday be realized as a tailor. As a school boy, journalism absorbed most of my free time, and as my academic standing fell below the level required to earn college entrance consideration, my father became more insistent that I spend time in his workshop. He wanted me to learn to cut and secure a pair of trouser cuffs and to make button-holes. At the very least, tailoring was something I could fall back on. I knew from watching my father work that tailoring was tedious, time-consuming, and demanding. Stitch by stitch he made each suit, feeling the needle in his fingers as he penetrated a piece of wool or silk. If he deviated from his definition of perfection, he would pull it apart and do it again. My mother was a businesswoman, an entrepreneur whose customers were her best friends. She held private conversations with them, earning their confidence and trust in a way that sooner or later inclined them towards buying most of the dresses she recommended. The shop was a kind of talk show that flowed around the engaging manner of my mother. Later, when I started interviewing people, I learned never to interrupt when people had difficulty in explaining themselves as at such moments, they are often very revealing. Their pauses and sudden shifts in subject matter were likely indicators of what embarrassed them. As I settled into the life of a writer, I realized that I learned more from them than from anybody else. 3


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

The authors father was insistent that the author worked in his workroom because __________. The characteristic trait of the authors father was that he was a _______. The authors mother was a good businesswoman because she was able to gain __________. The negative aspects related to the authors fathers profession were that it was (a)__________ (b) _________. The author was upset about getting low marks in English because he was __________.


Read the passage given below carefully and complete the statements that 1x5=5 follow : When I learned that my 71 year old mother was playing scrabble, I knew that I had to do something. Whos playing ? I asked when I saw a half finished game on the table. My right hand versus the left. Well, I want to keep my mind sharp. She said. We packed our old PC, complete with scrabble and word -processing - programs, and delivered it to my parents home. Gradually, all she had to talk about was her computer. After a few months of scrabble, I decided it was time to introduce her to word processing. The first step was to buy a printer for Christmas. Despite my mothers excellent keyboard skills, word processing proved to be a challenge. Thanks to the computer, my father has finally overcome his phone allergy. For, as long as I can remember, anytime I called, it was my father who answered. Then, a couple of months ago, I heard Dads gruff voice when I called. Shes always on the computer. After a lifetime of being her child, I was finally the one with knowledge to share with mom. But even now, I realize she continues to teach me. Im learning that no matter how old you are, a willing spirit is capable of anything. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) To keep her mind sharp the mother resorted to _________. To help her mother the author sent her ________. The authors father overcame his phone allergy _________. The author finally learnt from her mother _________. The author presented her mother ___________ for Christmas. SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks)


Your parents were away. As your brother fell sick, you had to take the responsibility of looking after him. Describe the process of how you checked his temperature using a clinical thermometer. Write in about 80 words. wash in running water shake till mercury is below normal place under tongue check temperature after one minute India has attained a reasonably good position in the recent Asian Games. As Manager of the Indian contingent, write a letter in about 120 words to your friend on the good results that the Indian sportspersons have shown. 4




The new Exams Reforms Committee set up by the Higher Education Council has recommended weightage to both internal assessment and co-curricular activities. Write an article in about 150 words for the newsletter of your school on your views on the new examination system.

SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. Choose the most appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the following passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank x8=4 numbers. My aunt lived in a sprawling house (a)_________faced the beach. A wall at the front (b)_________ the house was made entirely of glass. It was always a pleasure (c)_________ wake up to the sound of (d)_________ waves in the morning and hear it just before (e)_________to bed. The sea breeze (f)_________ wind everyday of the year (g)_________ during summer months. However, my aunts house was also susceptible to hurricanes (h)_________ the rainy season. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) for of for those going bought every to (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) that in in them sleeping bring even since (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) 5 who for to the go brought always for (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) when through when all sleep brings really during



Complete the statements given below by choosing the correct options : (a) Internet major Yahoo __________ to cut 650 jobs or about 5% of its total work force. (i) (iii) (b) was planning has planning (ii) (iv) is planning planned


The W.C parker scholarships at the University of Kentucky _____ to Indian students. (i) (iii) opened have been opened (ii) (iv) was now open is now open


Like other branches of physical sciences, analytical chemistry ________ tremendously. (i) (iii) was developed have developed were killed have killed (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) are developed has developed was killed has been killed


30 peole _________when the van they were travelling in fell into a lake. (i) (iii)


The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank x8=4 number. The first one has been done for you incorrect Susan saw a poster for a new dance course outside the community club. Her costumes worn by the models attracting her. They were clad on long frilly gowns and white high heels. The course fee was well without her budget. Susan can not wait to sign up for the course. She could not believed her luck. Two week later the classes started. The other students was surprised to see such a young girl in the class (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) for ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ correct of ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for 1x4=4 you. for many\for a\had been\weeks\Mark\marathon\training\ Mark had been training for a marathon for many weeks. (a) (b) (c) (d) the intense\both\indoors\training\and outdoors\took place\ he used\was indoors\the treadmill\when he\ exercise\rigorous\outdoor\was\the\more for miles\his ankles\he\with weights\ran\strapped to 6



Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below. 1x4=4 Mr. Dutta : Yesterday, I fell into a gutter when I was out on a morning walk Mr. Sharma : Oh! Was there anyone with you ? Mr. Dutta : I was all alone. But a few youngsters who were passing by helped me out Mr. Sharma : Thank God! It is always better to have a companion. Mr. Dutta told his friend that (a) ________ had been out on a morning walk. Mr. Sharma wanted to know (b) ________. Mr. Dutta replied that though he had been all alone (c) __________out. Mr. Sharma advised him that (d) ________ . SECTION D (Literature - 20 Marks)



Read the following extract and complete the statements that follow by choosing from the given alternatives : 1x3=3 Till the birds and beasts grew tired At a voice so uninspired And the ticket office gross Crashed, and she grew more morose. (a) The word she referred to here is ______ (i) the frog (ii) the nightingale (iii) solitary loon (iv) the birds (b) The voice was uninspired because __________ (i) the birds and beasts were tired (ii) the frog could not inspire her (iii) she grew morose (iv) of continuous training (c) The phrase ticket office gross crashed means ____________ (i) all tickets were sold out (ii) there was no audience (iii) ticket office fell down (iv) the sumac tree crashed down OR I do beseech ye, if you bear me hard Now whilst your purpled hands do reek and smoke fulfill your pleasure (a) The speaker in these lines is __________. (i) Mark Antony (ii) Julius Caesar (iii) Marcus Brutus (iv) Publius Climber (b) Their hands were purpled because ________. (i) they had killed the conspirators (ii) their hands were painted (iii) they had killed Caesar (iv) their hands were burnt (c) The word pleasure here refers to the pleasure of _________. (i) (iii) ascending the throne killing Mark Antony 7 (ii) (iv) killing Julius Caesar living a comfortable life



Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down Twas sad as sad could be And we did speak only to break The silence of the sea! (a) Name the poem and the poet (b) Who are the we referred to here ? (c) Why were they sad?



Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each : (a) Why was the grandmother unwilling to go back home? (b) What are the qualities that the mirror boasts of ? (c) What request did Ali make to Lakshmi Das? Why ? (d) Why was the guest late for the wedding? (e) How did Caesars will reveal his love for the Romans? Answer any one of the following in 100-125 words : How did the conspirators bring Caesar to the senate and execute his assassination ? OR How did the frog become again The unrivalled king of Bingle Bog ?






Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the following passage, complete the statements by choosing the correct option. The fire which broke out in a Colaba guest house recently shows that elementary precautions against fire hazards are not being taken in the city. Rooms are built on mezzanine floors without providing either windows or ventilations. Often, there is no separate exit in these structures which are added on to buildings situated in narrow lanes in highly congested areas. Fortunately, the fire at Colaba broke out in the afternoon when most of the guests were out. Otherwise, the poisonous fumes from the synthetic material within would have suffocated and killed scores of people. The fire could have spread to the entire building which is full of wooden beams and stair cases. Such scandalous fire traps invariably endanger the lives of the fire-fighting staff as well. What is worse, even newly constructed buildings in Mumbai ignore fire-safety norms. Clearly, the municipal staff is not doing its duty. Ironically, the building which caught fire in Colaba, houses an architects office. Had it gone up in flames, the tragedy would have been doubly compounded because society looks up to these professionals for guidance and norms. Unfortunately, with the Municipal Corporation also proving increasingly incapable of protecting citizens interests, it is now upto the people to come together and oppose illegal constructions in their areas. (1) The recent fire in a Colaba Guest house highlights the fact that ................... (a) elementary measures against fire hazards are being taken (b) elementary protection against fire hazards are being ignored (c) elementary measures against fire hazards are not being taken (d) elementary precautions against fire hazards are being taken in the city The fire could not prove as destructive as it could have been because ___________ (a) the fire broke out in the afternoon and most of the guests were out (b) the fire did not spread to the entire building and staircases (c) the fire broke out in the afternoon and the wooden beams and staircase did not catch fire (d) the fire broke out in the afternoon, but did not reach the architects office. The author says, clearly, the municipal staff is not doing its duty because _____________ (a) they are constantly on leave (b) the staff is negligent and not particular about safety measures (c) they do not have enough fire fighters (d) they are endangering the lives of the fire-fighters Society looks upto these professionals for guidance and norms. The word, `these refers to the __________ (a) fire fighters (b) municipal corporation (c) residents (d) architects The word closest to the meaning of `scandalous is __________ (a) embarrassment (b) unashamed (c) making scandals (d) disgraceful 2 5







Read the poem given below : Heredity is very strange . Its quite a peculiar creature Attaching itself to you Determining the look of every feature, The colour of your eyes, How long youll keep your hair Or if you must reach for your glasses Which never seem to be there Will your body be built like a champion Or will you suffer from defeat It decides everything about you From your head down to your feet . Im sure someone has said You look just like your father And five minutes later You look just like your mother. Maybe youve even been told You look like neither one . You see, it all depends Which side of the family they are from . But ask me and I will say Im just like good ole dad. I seem to have inherited all The good things and the bad. Below is a summary of the poem. Fill in each blank space with a single word or a phrase. Heredity is a very strange thing. (a) __________ attaches itself to you and decides on all your (b) ___________. The poet in a lighter __________ (c) makes fun of the people, who believe in heredity. He is quite (d) __________ that he has inherited all (e) ______________ characteristics of his parents.


Read the following passage and complete the statements that follow. It happens to us all, however hard we may try to delay the process. We grow old. Cosmetic surgery may remove the wrinkles; skin which has sagged may be tightened by means of a facelift and hair dressers may dye grey hair a more youthful colour, but we cannot remain young forever. However, what is important is the quality of life. Some people are lucky to be taken care of at home whereas others may have to move to residential homes. The worst part of ageing is that often the mind becomes less alert. As people grow older they experience short term memory. Later some may suffer from dementia, often in the form of Alzheimers disease. All people are by no means in this category. Many senior citizens are in possession of all their faculties and see retirement as a time of freedom. Not only that if they have a generous retirement pension they are likely to be quite well off with money to be spent on holidays and other luxuries. Because of this both business and government have a new respect for what is known as grey power. It is unfortunate that many people regard old people as weaklings who have one foot in the grave. Someone should remind them that they too would be old one day. 3


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 4.

Cosmetic surgery cannot stop the process....................... The word, faculties refers to ........................ People generally consider retired life as a time of freedom because .................... The worst part of ageing is that ones .......................... Government and business people respect old people because .................... 5

Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing the correct options. Buddhists have survived in India only as a comparatively small sect, but Buddhism in the east today has over one hundred and fifty million adherents. It is the chief religion of Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Malasia and counts for many devotees in China and Japan. Asoka made this possible. Previously Gautamas teachings had not spread beyond the Indian peninsula, or indeed far beyond the valley of the Ganges. Henceforth though Buddhism was to wane in the land of its birth, its message was to spread throughout the eastern world by missionaries who would tell not only of its spiritual value, but of the success which had attended Asokas application of it to practical, everyday affairs and the ruling of an empire. The precepts and commands that Asoka had prescribed on rocks and edicts were vital to establishing Buddhism as one of the worlds chief faiths. (1) Asoka is responsible for _________________________. (a) the wane of Buddhism in India (b) establishing Buddhism as a world religion (c) large scale conversation to Buddhism (d) imposing Buddhism on his people by force (2) Asokas reign was marked by ______________. (a) violence (b) autocratic force (c) chaotic uncertanity (d) an adherence to Buddhist beliefs (3) The word, `wane here means _____________ (a) decline (b) wax (c) spread (d) destroy (4) Buddhism became worlds chief faith through Asokas ____________ (a) conquests of the world (b) travels through the world. (c) books and art (d) edicts and precepts on rocks (5) The synonym for the word, vital is : (a) supportive (b) essential (c) insignificant (d) additional. SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks)


On the basis of the information given below. Write a short bio sketch of Mahatma Gandhi in about 80 words. Birth : 2-10-1869 Residence : Rajkot - Gujarat Father : Mohandas Mother : Putlibai Education : India and England introduced civil disobedience movement got India freedom assassinated : 30-1-1948 4



The following is a newspaper report. With the information from the report and your own ideas write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a national daily expressing your views on the issue of mindless violence spreading in the society today. 20 people - including 6 security personnel and 7 guerrillas were killed and 18 injured in Naxalite and Militant violence in various parts of the country.


You are to speak on Environmental Pollution in the school assembly. Write your speech in about 150- words, using your own ideas together with the ideas from the unit `Environment. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)


Complete the passage given below by choosing the most appropriate words from the options that follow :


Pujas apricot tree (a) ___________ gave them (b) ____________ basketful of fruit (c) ___________ year. This summer, however, it (d) ___________ barely a handful (e) __________ apricots, lacking juice (f) __________ flavour. (g) _________ tree looked ready (h) _________ die, its leaves dried up in despair. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 9. (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) usual a all produce with and The for (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) usually the one produced of or A to (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) also an the grow on without My on (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) too some every grown in with Our of 1x4=4

Complete the following paragraph by choosing the correct options : If you want to raise a puppy do some research before (a) ___________. Talk to people (b)_____________ and to a vet. (c)______________can be a wonderful experience, but (d) _____________ a lot of effort. (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) you adopt one you might adopt one who would own who like to own Owning a dog Own a dog it never took it also takes (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) 5 you adopted one you will adopt one who could own who own dogs Owned a dog May own a dog it also is taking it can take



The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example. x8=4 One day in the cinema hall Bisnu see the older man who had been with him upon the bus. He greeted her like a long lost friend. At firstly the old man did not recognize a boy, but when Bisnu, asked him if he have recovered of his illness the old man remembered and says So you are still in Mussourie. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) see _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ saw ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________


Use the information in the headlines to complete the news items given below. Write your answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do 1x4=4 not copy the whole sentences. (a) SAINA NEHWAL CLOSE TO NO 1 _______________ the Malaysian open Saina Nehwal will soon be number one woman badminton player in the world. (b) MCD DEMOLISHES ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION A four storey building built without a sanctioned plan______________ MCD authorities. (c) (d) COLD WAVE KILLS ONE IN NOIDA One old woman _____________ in NOIDA on Sunday night. S.A. WIN THE FIRST TEST The first test match held at Durban ______________by the South African cricket team.


Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. for/caused/accidents/by craze/are/motor/for speed Motor accidents are caused by craze for speed (a) (b) (c) (d) they are/of rich/mostly/the children/ parents/caused by safe/rich parents/with/their future/is/their only/for them/in life/speed/thrill/is the pavements /kills/their/on the/people/speed 6



SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks) 13. (A) Read the extract given below and complete the statements with the options 1x3=3 that follow: Dearest frog - the nightingale Breathed: this is a fairy taleAnd youre Mozart in disguise Come to earth before my eyes (1) The nightingale is impressed with the frog because _____________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) he gives a reasoned criticism of her song he calls her music excellent he listens to her music with concentration he has a taste for music a great musician the great musician Mozart a composer a great singer her being able to sing the jungle and its animals the praising of her music by the frog the beauty of the jungle OR For all averred, I had killed the bird That made the breeze to blow. (1) The speaker of the above lines is __________ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 101/X/SA2/36/B1 the ancient Mariner the wedding guest the other sailor the poet he had beaten the kin he had killed the albatross he had accused the sailors none of the above bad weather good weather the storm none of the above 7

The nightingale compares the frog to __________

The nightingale calls ..... as a fairy tale

The act that the speaker had committed was that__________

The bird had been responsible for ______________


Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow : Come to the common pulpits, and cry out Liberty, freedom and enfranchisement ! (a) (b) (c) (i)___________ is the speaker and he is speaking to (ii)___________. These words were spoken when ________________. The people of Rome had got their freedom from _____________.



Answer any four out of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Draw a comparison between Ali and the postmaster as fathers. Why does the mirror call the woman a terrible fish? How did the frog cash on the talent of the nightingale ? What situation did the mariners face in the land of snow and ice? How did Decius persuade Caesar to come to the senate?



Answer the following in 100 - 125 words : In the story, The Ultimate Safari what do you think may have happened to the children if their grandmother was not with them. OR Caesar had done a lot of good things for the people of Rome. Yet he got nothing but death. Do you think his end was justified ? Explain. -oOo-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below and complete the summary, by filling in the appropriate word. Supply one word for each blank. The birth of a girl child, what should it bring? A life, joyful and happy; But what does it bring? A sad life of sorrow and misery. What is the future for her? In this dark world, occupied by the distinguished man. A life by day or by night. Woman, you have woken up and found your true place, In todays world of maze. Now, here she is shining bright Gingerly but surely ascending the throne of radiating light. Woman, behold your future empire, Ruled by your dynamic will Your fame will engulf this earth like a raging fire And you woman will flow steadily and still. The birth of a girl child should make ones (a)__________ happy. But, why do people feel sad and (b)__________ ? To her, the world seems to be dark, because it is occupied by the distinguished man. However, she manages to find a (c)__________ for herself, in todays world of maze. The woman is sure to (d)__________ the throne of glory. Her fame can be compared to a (e)__________ fire. 2. Read the passage given below and complete the statements which follow : Happiness has been defined as, the enjoyment or pleasurable satisfaction attendant upon well-being or welfare of some kind or other. It is regarded by many as the state of satisfaction, which is experienced in the pursuit, but more obviously in the attainment, of that which is regarded as desirable or good. A man who becomes a money-making machine, regards money as the highest goal. He claims that money is the secret of happiness. But, does mere money make a man happy? What about the dyspeptic; insomniac unhappy millionaires? They cannot buy appetite, sleep or happiness with any amount of money. It is happiness that we all seek in one form or the other. Mans misconception of happiness has taken him astray. It is his avarice for money that stands as an obstacle in the way. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Happiness is the satisfaction experienced with the attainment of (a)__________ A man who has become a money-making machine (b)__________ Money cannot buy the millionaires (c)__________ Man is led astray by his (d)__________ The obstacle in his way to progress is (e)__________ 2 5 5



Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answers from the given options. The Value of Games in Education The aim of education is to enable the human personality to grow to its full stature. Man has a body, a mind and a spirit. Accordingly education aims at the physical, the intellectual, the spiritual and moral development of man. Games are a means of keeping the body healthy and fit. Physical fitness and freedom from all kinds of ailments is the desire and ambition of every human being. Those who play games maintain good health, whether it be hockey, football, tennis or Kabaddi. Games provide physical exercise and keep the body healthy and strong. Games make the body muscular too. They also provide recreation. Education teaches people the need and value of recreational activities. The essence of recreation is that it refreshes the body, mind and soul. (1) Education aims to__________ (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) (a) (b) (c) (d) (3) (a) (b) (c) (d) (4) (a) (b) (c) (d) (5) (a) (b) (c) (d) enable man to fight odds. make man a better person. help a personality, grow to its full stature. develop mans potential. from all ailments. from his fellow-beings from the bitterness of life. from everything that he dislikes. to look good. to feel energetic. to be in action all the time. to be strong, healthy and muscular. Games keep one away from routine work. Games provide an excellent recreation. Games nurture the soul. Games mould the character too. a genuine person proud and arrogant attractive complete and full-fledged. 3

Man wishes to get freedom__________

Games help man__________

Besides building the body, __________

Games make a man__________



Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answers from the given options : Shifting to Madras at the age of Seven, we lived with my grandfather on the strangely named Abraham Mudali Street, Mylapore. He had a black Hillman car. Hed drop me at Saint Thomas High School, my aunt at Queen Marys College and go to his office in Chepauk. At S.T. High School, I became a favourite with our Headmaster, V.A Ramachandra Iyer, who asked me if I had studied in a Convent School. This English teacher was famous for giving marks with fractions tagged to the total. I developed confidence by participating in AIRs childrens programmes. What joy to go in a group to the studio, then at Marshals Road and be treated to an idli, upma breakfast. Later, in Presidency College, what a thrill to see my name on the board of Papworth Prize Winners given for extempore speeches. Sadly, the board is missing now. As a leg spinner, I was in the School Cricket team. Tennis was perceived as a rich mans game. We boys talked, thought, dreamt, watched and played cricket. Discussing girls was not a taboo, but cricket excluded them from our minds. I prepared and circulated Indian Cricket, a hand-written magazine. Parents were strict, life was simple, clothes Spartan, luxuries unknown, we cycled or took the bus. The plain Rita vanilla ice-cream, for one anna was affordable, not the badam ice-cream for four annas. But mouth-watering sweets and snacks for every festival were made at home. Believe it or not, bread with home - made ghee, with a dab of jam-was fancy food. (1) For the narrator the AIRs childrans programme__________. (a) was the most interesting. (b) developed his confidence. (c) earned him name and fame. (d) was a popular quiz programme. (2) the Papworth prizes were awarded for__________. (a) elocution (b) debate (c) off-hand speeches (d) quiz (3) The passage says that__________. (a) life those days, was easy. (b) life in Madras was simple and affordable. (c) the life style of the people in Madras, was entirely different. (d) life lacked spice or variety. (4) The narrator and his friends did not discuss girls because__________. (a) they did not like girls. (b) discussing girls was a taboo. (c) cricket excluded girls from their minds. (d) they were shy. (5) The passage speaks about the narrators__________. (a) feeling of guilt (b) anguish (c) reverse (d) feeling of nostalgia 4


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. You are Prem/Prerna. Write an e-mail to your friend in about 80 words, expressing your love for books and also encourage him to get into the habit of reading. World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year. Taking ideas from the given points and the unit on Environment along with your own ideas, write a speech in about 150 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on How the environment can be made pollution- free. 7. Switch off the vehicles ignition at signals Maintain your vehicle properly. Use public transport, rather than personal vehicles. Use car pool. Do not litter around public places. Segregate garbage into bio-degradable and non bio - degradable. Throw the garbage into the bins only. Restrict the use of plastic bags. Use electronic goods longer. Help grow trees in the neighbourhood. 8 4


You have been reading headlines in the newspapers, on shortage of electricity. As Prakash of 24//8, Roshan Buildings, Vaidhyuth nagar, Tarapore, Write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of the local daily, expressing your grievance about the erratic supply of electricity and mentioning the inconvenience faced by the residents. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)


Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct x8=4 blank numbers. Do not copy the whole passage. Most libraries have (a)__________ online catalogue of holdings available (b) ___________them. An online catalogue is a list of (c)___________ materials available in the library, and this list (d) _______be accessed through the computer. One can (e)_________use of the online catalogue to locate books (f)_________other materials. The (g) _________________ common way of locating a book (h) _________by authors name, title and subject. (a) (i) a (ii) the (iii) an (iv) any (b) (i) with (ii) on (iii) for (iv) at (c) (i) many (ii) all (iii) the (iv) most (d) (i) could (ii) must (iii) might (iv) can (e) (i) have (ii) make (iii) take (iv) get (f) (i) or (ii) and (iii) even (iv) all (g) (i) only (ii) many (iii) most (iv) one (h) (i) are (ii) was (iii) 5 is (iv) were



Given below are the notes on the installation of a water purifier. Read the notes and complete the passage by filling in the gaps, choosing the answers from the 1x4=4 given options. NOTES Unscrew the lid on the body. Remove the inner protective seal and replace it with the filter pad. Fit the blue adaptor onto the body. Screw back the lid. Peel off the lower seal before use. Hold the tap and push the Aqua Blue up the tap until attached securely.

First of all, the lid on the body is unscrewed the inner protective seal (a) __________ with the filter pad. After that, the blue adaptor (b) __________ onto the body and the lid is screwed back. Then, the lower seal (c) _________. Finally, (d)____________Aqua Blue is attached securely to the tap. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 10. was removed and replaced. is removed and replaced. has been removed and replaced. would be removed and replaced. will be fitted was fitted is fitted has been fitted will be peeled off was peeled off is peeled off would be peeled off holding the tap up. was holding the tap. held the tap up would hold the tap.

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank x8=4 number. Remember to underline the word, you have supplied. The road of success is not a bed of roses. It has full of thornas, pitfalls and puddles. Only these who wade bravely in the hazards and hurdles with grit or determination can enjoy a fruit of success. That was how, Gandhiji becomes a leader par excellence, and that make Churchill the greatest war-time leader. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)



Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful 1x4=4 sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. two/yesterday/by/to the/ a/ East German/hot-air/escaped/West/families/ balloon/early. Two East German families escaped to the west, early yesterday by a hot-air balloon. (a) and/adults/four/the/carried/balloon/children/four (b) came/after/flight/down/a 30 - minute/it (c) hid/women/the/barn/children/in/and/a (d) where/tried/balloon/the/soldiers/had landed/to/find/the/out 1x4=4 Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows : Arun : Could you tell me the procedure to open an SB account? Bank Manager : Fill in this form. It contains details regarding your name, age, address etc. Then, somebody who is already an account holder will have to introduce you. Arun : My Headmaster has an account here. He will be here shortly. Arun asked the Bank Manager (a)__________ the procedure to open an SB account. The manager instructed Arun (b)__________ form which (c)__________ his name, age, address etc. He also told Arun that somebody (d)__________ to introduce him SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)




Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow by 1x3=3 choosing the most appropriate options : The very deep did rot; O Christ! That ever this should be! Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs Upon the slimy sea. (a) The speaker is filled with __________ (i) anxiety (ii) contempt (iii) grief (iv) wrath (b) The deep refers to _____________ (i) the bed of the sea (ii) the sea creatures and the vegetation (iii) the ocean (iv) the still waters of the sea. (c) The speaker is _____________ (i) the wedding guest (ii) the ominous bird (iii) the sailors (iv) the ancient Mariner OR 7


For her ears were now addicted To applause quite unrestricted And to sing into the night All alone gave no delight. (a) The (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Her (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) passage tells about____________ the frog the toad Mozart the nightingale ears were addicted to ___________ the crass cacophony the baritone the appraisals of the creatures the frogs tirade singer enjoyed singing_________ all day long for the frog for the creatures in the bog in the moonlit night. 1x3=3




Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow : Moreover, he hath left you all his walks His private arbours and new-planted orchards, On this side Tiber he hath left them you, And to your heirs forever, common pleasures, To walk abroad, and recreate yourselves. (a) (b) (c) Who is the generous man mentioned in the passage ? Who are the heirs of the mans property ? What have they received by his will ?


Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x4=8 (a) Why has the mirror been described as being unmisted ? What is the poet trying to convey about the nature of the mirror ? (b) Why is it said that the nightingale was brainless ? (c) What is Kruger Park ? (d) What treatment was meted out to Ali, at the post-office ? (e) How does the bird relate to the mariners ? Answer the following question in 100-125 words : How does Antony prove to the mob that Caesar was not ambitious ? OR As the grandmother in the story, The Ultimate Safari, write an account of your plans for the childrens future. -o0o6



Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks) 1. Read the poem given below and complete the summary by filling in the appropriate words. Supply only one word for each blank. WOMAN You bring peace to earth You bring reconciliation Woman You are magnificent You are mother At the inn there was no room You were between life and death You went to the stable You brought forth your seed You are woman You have been despised You have been hated You know what it is to fear To worry, to hunger and thirst Woman And still you know what it is to be triumphant Cry out for joy For your seed has multiplied Shout out with great joy For you have grown strong Woman You will bring everything to pass. A woman is magnificent because she brings (a) __________ and reconciliation. Above all, she is (b) __________. She gives (c) __________ and as her seed multiples, she becomes strong and (d) __________. A woman will bring everything to (e) __________. 2. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : Culture is the measuring rod of civilization. The difference between an uncivilized barbarous country and a civilized nation lies in their culture. When a set of people live for a long period of time in a particular, geographical area respecting certain philosophical values and virtues of life, there emanates a fragrance which is called their culture. The quality of such culture depends upon the type of values followed. In the beginning, the values respected by the people were ordered by external exigencies of life. Thus, in the first age of civilization, geographical and climatic conditions and the environment influenced people and determined their values of life. Once such values are determined and a culture takes shape, the external environment will have little influence over the culture thus established. (1) People who follow philosophical values and virtues of life (a) __________ (2) The quality of such culture depends (b) __________ (3) Culture is the (c) __________ (4) Geographical and climatic conditions influenced the people (d) __________ (5) Once culture takes shape, the external environment will have (e) __________ 2 5 5



Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answers from the given options. Very early one morning in the Andamans we were woken up by the persistent yowling of two tomcats fighting. Bleary-eyed, I walked out on to the balcony and looked down the forested slope. A few moments later, to my amazement, I realized that it was a greater racket-tailed drongo mimicking both sides of the catty argument. Shaking my head in disbelief, I listened to the birds full repertoire, which then moved on to the piercing call of a white bellied sea eagle before going on to the sweet chirps of a tailor bird interspersed with a discordant truck horn. What was the point of this extraordinary mimicry ? Greater racket-tailed drongos hunt in feeding parties made of several species of birds. Sri Lankan Ornithologists theorised that drongos may mimick different species to invite them to form such a group. But, we dont know for sure if this is coincidence or deliberate use of mimicry. While other birds are engrossed in mimicry, drongos act as sentinels watching for the predators. Should one sneak in, they sometimes mimick the alarm calls of various birds, to incite a mob attack. (1) The author shook her head in disbelief on seeing __________ . (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) (a) (b) (c) (d) (3) (a) (b) (c) (d) (4) (a) (b) (c) (d) (5) (a) (b) (c) (d) the tomcats fight the greater racket-tailed drongos mimicking both sides of the catty argu;ment. the birds attack eact other. the animals moving down the forested slope. to make birds aware of their presence. to drive them away. to invite them to form feeding parties. to alert them of danger. several species of birds . one particular kind of birds. birds that mimick. birds that feed on nectar. look after their fledglings. take care of their own young ones. act as sentinels watching for the predators. keep guard over their nests. the predatory birds. greater racket-tailed drongos expertise in mimicry. the feathered friends. the two tomcats. 3

Drongos mimic different species __________

Greater racket- tailed drongos hunt in feeding parties made of __________

While other birds are engrossed in foraging, drongos __________

The passage speaks about __________



Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answer from the given options. FATE AND FREE-WILL While many thinkers believed in the absolute power of the forces of nature which were thought to control the destiny of man entirely, the sophists of ancient Greece held that Man is the measure of all Things, that he is not wholly a slave of the Fates, but can shape his own destiny among his fellows. Plato insisted upon freedom as the necessary basis for good life. He would have men free to follow their passions, free also to control them and build a higher life by overcoming evil. Aristotle believed that virtue as well as evil lies in our power. The stoics on the other hand, held that everything in the universe has its beginning and source in the will of God. Yet, they gave man a degree of freedom to obey or disobey the moral law. Man may give himself up to his passions and become their slave or he may conquer them and become free. The idea of the souls freedom was also entertained by some of the early Christian thinkers. (1) Many thinkers believed that the forces of nature __________. (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) (a) (b) (c) (d) (3) (a) (b) (c) (d) (4) (a) (b) (c) (d) (5) (a) (b) (c) (d) control the destiny of man. are destructive. are unpredictable. are not helpful to man. philosophers of India sophists of ancient Greece. Christian priests. sages of ancient India. mans freedom from every evil. freedom of speech and action. mans freedom to follow his passions mans liberty to fight against nature. mans control over nature. mans power to conquer his enemies. mans freedom to do what he likes. the idea of the souls freedom. give himself up to his passions. fight against the moral law. follow as well as control his passions to build a higher life. accept nature with all its force. 4

Man is not a slave of fates, but can shape his own destiny, opined the_________.

Plato insisted on______________

The early Christian thinkers entertained __________.

Man must learn to____________


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. You go to the library everyday. The library attendant Ms. Budh Rani is very helpful to you. Write a biographical sketch of hers in about 80 words, using the hints given below : Budh Rani Age 48 Height 5 feet 2 inches Well- built Short hair Wears salwar kameez or Sari Speaks English confidently. Write a letter in about 120 words to the Chairman of the Municipal Corporation, complaining about the poor sanitary conditions and the mosquito menace in your locality, using the hints given below . You are Anil/Anita. indifference of the workers carelessness of the residents garbage strewn all over. sewage blocked breeding mosquitoes in stagnant water illnesses caused due to negligence. You are puzzled to see the inventions of science being misused. As Anmol of class X, write an article in about 150 words, throwing light on the fact that Science can work wonders when rightly used. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks) 8. Choose the most appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the following passage: Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the passage. x8=4 Some people think that the aim of education a) __________ merely to give knowledge. These people want students to read books (b) __________ do nothing else (c) __________ add to their knowledge. Others believe that knowledge (d) __________ is not enough; only that (e) __________ enables a man to earn his living (f) __________ be called education. Such people think that bread is (g) __________ important than anything else. Still others believe that education should aim solely (h) __________ making good citizens and good patriots. (a) (i) is (ii) was (iii) will be (iv) would be (b) (i) not (ii) but (iii) or (iv) and (c) (i) in (ii) of (iii) to (iv) on (d) (i) only (ii) merely (iii) alone (iv) too (e) (i) what (ii) which (iii) will (iv) when (f) (i) can (ii) might (iii) would (iv) could (g) (i) not (ii) more (iii) most (iv) often (h) (i) in (ii) at (iii) on (iv) for 5 4





Given below are some notes on How Paper is Made. On the basis of these notes, complete the process/description that follows by writing suitable words in each blank, choosing the answers from the given options : NOTES Paper made from woodcut treesstrip off barkarrive at paper mill for processingtree trunksthin stripsadd waterground to heavy, sticky pulpclean dirt, impuritieschemically-remove brownish colourpass through rollersflatten dry and refineproduce finished paper. Paper is made from wood. The newly cut trees are stripped off their bark etc, so that by the time they arrive at the paper mill, they (a)_______________. The tree trunks (b)_____________, mixed with water and ground to a heavy, sticky pulp. This wood pulp (c) ____________ and other impurities, and is also chemically treated to remove the original brownish colour of the wood. The cleaned, bleached pulp is next (d)_______________ which flatten it. These sheets are finally dried and refined, so that paper is produced. (a) (i) could be ready for processing (ii) are ready for processing (iii) must be ready for processing (iv) would be ready for processing (b) (i) are cut into thin strips (ii) may be cut into thin strips (iii) should be cut into thin strips (iv) shall be cut into thin strips (c) (i) is cleaned of dust (ii) is cleared of dirt (iii) was cleaned from dirt (iv) would be cleaned of dirt (d) (i) pressed by rollers (ii) passed by rollers (iii) poured into rollers (iv) passed through rollers


In the following passage one word is omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the words that come before and after. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. x8=4 As young child, Mary Me Leod Bethune eg As a young worked her fathers farm (a) __________ under hot South Carolina sun. (b) __________ As she worked thought, (c) __________ Im going to read! Im going to read! Learning to read be something ------(d) __________ that children today take granted. (e) __________ But in the late 1800s, few (f) __________ African Americans in South (g) __________ were educated. Only few learned (h) __________ how to read or count. 6



Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange then to form meaningful sentences. Write the correct answers in your answer sheet. 1x4=4 turtle/cottage/the dunes/saw/tracks/beside/the/in the/people. The people in the cottage beside the dunes saw turtle tracks. (a) a nest/that a turtle/ meant/had made/from the sea/tracks (b) eggs/had/a batch/of/the/nest/one hundred. (c) of/have/shells/six species/sea turtles/bony (d) numbers/arrive/always/huge/they/in 1x4=4 Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below : Host : Do you like to read books or listen to music in your free time ? Celebrity : I prefer to sing. Host : Who is your favourite singer ? Celebrity : I enjoy the songs of Hariharan. Host : Can you sing a few lines for the viewers ? During a star show on television, the host asked the celebrity (a) ____________ to read books or listen to music. The celebrity answered that she (b)___________.The host wished to know who her favourite singer was, to which the guest replied (c)__________the songs of Hariharan. The host asked her, (d)______________a few lines for the viewers. SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)




Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most 1x3=3 appropriate options. Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me, Searching my reaches for what she really is. Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon. I see her back, and reflect it faithfully, She rewards one with tears and an agitation of hands. (a) The speaker is ___________. (i) the old woman (ii) the speckled wall (iii) the mirror (iv) the lake. (b) The woman searches ___________. (i) the depth of the lake (ii) beneath the pond (iii) the surface of the lake (iv) the deep waters. (c) The poet compares the speaker to a lake because__________ (i) like the speaker, the lake reflects images. (ii) the lake is shallow (iii) there is enough water in the lake. (iv) the lake is similar to the speaker.

101/X/SA2/37/B1 7

This dream is all misinterpreted; it was a vision fair and fortunate. (a) The speaker refers to ______________ (i) Caesars dream (ii) Calpurnias dream (iii) the vision seen by the watchman (iv) the dream of Mark Antony. (b) The misinterpretation, as referred to by the speaker is _____________. (i) Caesars murder. (ii) the death of Caesars wife. (iii) the riot caused by the Roman mob. (iv) the assassination of Marcus Brutus. (c) The speaker interpreted the dream to be one of ___________ (i) ruin (ii) prosperity (iii) corruption (iv) treachery. (B) Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow : Now the nightingale, inspired, Flushed with confidence and fired With both art and adoration. Sang and was a huge sensation. (a) Why was the nightingale excited ? (b) What does the word Flushed imply ? (c) How did the nightingale become a huge sensation ? 1x3=3


Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Explain the reference to the terrible fish in the poem, Mirror. Why has the author titled the story, The Ultimate Safari ? What are the qualities that make the frog a negative character ? What was the hellish thing that the Mariner did? Explain the consequences of his thoughtless act. How did the coachman excel as a Shikari ?



Answer the following question in about 100 - 125 words : Imagine you are Mirian, the coachmans daughter. Write a diary page, expressing your grief on your fathers demise and sharing your feelings of nostalgia. OR Explain Calpurnias dream and her interpretations of it. -oOo-


Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 10

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A (Reading - 20 Marks ) 1. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing 1x5=5 the most appropriate options : Acid rain is any form of precipitation - rain, snow, sleet , fog - which contains high levels of acid. Precisely, it is precipitation with dilute solutions of two strong acids sulphuric and nitric. Of these acids, 70 per cent are derived from sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, 30 per cent from various nitric oxides and other compounds. Both sulphur and nitrogen are formed by burning of fuels particularly coal and oil. In acid rain, which contains sulphuric acid, the first ingredient is the sulphur dioxide gas emitted by power stations cars and lorries. Sulphur trioxide combines with rain water to form sulphuric acid. When two water molecules and the single molecule of sulphur trioxide combine a short lived ring compound is formed. This reaction is faster in a large droplet of rain water which results in the formation of acid rain. If the rain is very pure its pH should be 7, but theoretically it is slightly lower than 7 i.e., it is mildly acidic. The most acidic rainfall recorded in the U.S. to date is 1.4 in West Virginia which is not much above the acidity of battery which has a pH of 1. In our country the lowest natural rain pH of 3.5 was recorded in Chembur in Mumbai and Indraprasth in Delhi. Acid rain will cause direct damage to architectural structures by corroding famous monuments. Most fish species die when the pH is less than 5. The aerosol of acid rain can cause respiratory disorders in man. Read the questions given below and write the options you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet. (i) The acid rain contains ________. (a) (b) (c) (d) (ii) (a) (b) (c) (d) (iii) (a) (b) (c) (d) (iv) (a) (b) (c) (d) sulphuric acid. sulphuric acid and other acids. sulphuric acid and nitric acids. sulphuric acid and sulphur di oxide only. less than 7. 7. 3.4 to 4 more than 7. Kanpur Mumbai Delhi both (b) and (c) rotting contaminating crumbling destroying 2

The ideal pH value of pure rain is ________

In India lowest rain pH was recorded in ________

The word corroding in the above context means ________



The aerosols of acid rain can cause (a) (b) (c) (d) lung infections kidney failure heart attack loss of vision 1x5=5 Tom Sawyer Eludes Tom Sawyer


Read the passage :

Tom! No answer. Tom! No. answer. Whats gone with that boy, I wonder ? You, Tom! The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them, about the room; then she put them up and looked out under them. She seldom or never looked through them for so small a thing as a boy; they were her sate pair, the pride of her heart, and were built for style, not service - she could have seen through a pair of stove lids just as well, She looked perplexed for a moment, and then said, not fiercely, but still loud enough for the furniture to hear: Well, I lay if I get hold of you, Ill ____ She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and punching under the bed with the broom, and so she needed breath to punctuate the punches with. She resurrected nothing but the cat. I never did see the beat of that boy! She went to the open door and stood in it, and looked out among the tomato vines and jimpson weeds that constituted the garden. No Tom. So she lifted up her voice at an angle calculated for distance, and shouted: You-u-u, Tom! There was a slight noise behind her, and she turned just in time to seize a small boy by the slack of his round-about and arrest his flight. There! I might a thought of that closet. What have you been doing in there ? Nothing. Nothing! look at your hands, and look at your mouth. What is that truck? I dont know, Aunt. Well, I know. Its jam, thats that it is . Forty times I ve said if you didnt let that jam alone Id skin you. Hand me that switch. The switch hovered in the air - the peril was desperate My! Look behind you, Aunt! 101/X/SA2/38/A1 3

The old lady whirled round, and snatched her skirts out of danger. The lad fled, on the instant, scrambled up the high board fence, and disappeared over it. His Aunt Polly stood surprised a moment, and then broke into a gentle laugh. Hang the boy, cant I never learn anything? Aint he played me tricks enough like that for me to be looking out for him by this time? But my goodness, he never plays them alike two days, and how is a body to know whats coming? Ill just be obliged to make him work tomorrow to punish him. Its mighty hard to make him work Saturdays, when all the boys is having a holiday, but he hates work more than he hates anything else, and I,ve got to do some of my duty by him. Complete the statement given below with the help of options you consider most appropriate in your answer sheet. (i) Aunt Polly was breathless because ________. (a) (b) (c) (d) (ii) she was searching for Tom. she was bending down and punching the bed. she was looking up and down through her glasses. she saw a cat.

Tom asked Aunt Polly to turn around because ________. (a) (b) (c) (d) there was somebody behind her. he wanted to frighten her. he wanted to run away. there was an insect behind her.


It was difficult to predict Tom ________. (a) (b) (c) (d) because he never repeated his tricks. because he was generally very quiet. because Aunt Polly disliked him. because he loved to play.


It was difficult to get Tom to work on a Saturday because ________ (a) (b) (c) (d) he did not like to study his friends would be enjoying a holiday. he did not go to school. Aunt Polly punished him on all Saturdays.


Aunt Polly wore her spectacles ________. (a) (b) (c) (d) to look through them. because they were her pride and were stylish. because she had to search for Tom because she was long sighted. 4



Read the poem carefully and complete the summary that follows : At The Traffic Lights


By Indra Hathiramani In the long crocodile of restless cars Waiting for the haughty signal to change, Busy with my winding train of thoughts, I am jolted by banging on my window pane I see a grubby nose pressed on my gleaming glass A crooked, cheeky grin and merry eyes, Pleading with grimy paw outstretched, For some pennies to buy some rice. My thoughts interrupted, my window pane soiled, By this brat from some filthy slum! I lock my conscience indoors and snarl, Why dont you work, you little scum? Some days later at the same traffic lights, Waiting again for Her Highness to change, Busy again with my medley of thoughts, I am jolted by banging on my window pane. The same grubby nose, the same crooked grin. The same merry eyes and grimy fist. Holding a newspaper triumphantly aloft; I must be sadist - I cannot resist..... I bark, dont bother me, you pest! But, Mam ..... you said .... to work.... Shame floods my being, conscience bursts outdoors! Too late, lights change, the drivers to berserk! Amidst impatient honking, I have to move! In my rearview mirror I shamefacedly see My grubby little friend, newspapers limply clutched Gazing sadly and forlornly after me....... 101/X/SA2/38/A1 5

The poet is in her car, waiting for the 1 to change, 2 in her thoughts. She was jolted from her thoughts by a loud banging at the car window. She saw a small boy 3 for money. The poet grew angry at the small boy 4 her thoughts and dirtying her car. Without a thought about the small boys feelings and locking her 5 inside she snarled at the boy and asked him why he did not want to work. A few days later she was once again 6 from her thoughts while waiting at the same traffic light. To her 7 . amazement, the same boy appeared at the window holding a newspaper with The poet sounding like a sadist barked at the boy and called him a 8 for disturbing her. Very 9 the boy replied that he was only following her advice. The poet, now ashamed of herself unlocked her conscience and realised her 10 . By then the lights changed and she had to move amidst traffic. Through the rearview mirror she watched the small boy holding on to the newspaper looking sad and forlorn. 4. 1x5=5 Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : People in every society, at every time in history, have been concerned with making a good impression. The French men and women of Louis XIV s days were no exception. The numerous books of etiquette published during Louis reign testify to the interest many French people took in acquiring the right social manner. Here are just a few of the do s and donts an upwardly mobile French man or woman was advised to observe in polite society. A woman in mixed company should not pull her skirts up to her knees to warm her legs at the fire, and a man should not be seen in public with any part of his clothing unbuttoned that the tailor meant to be buttoned. A man should not fidget with his hat, gloves, or stick. He must not yawn, spit, take snuff, or offer his hostess the loan of his handkerchief. In telling your host a story, dont underline your point by hitting him in the stomach. Never sit down to a meal with your hat on. Furthermore, at dinner you should never wear your sword and your cloak. Dont tear your meat with your hands like a peasant. Cut it with your knife. Dont eat so much so fast that get yourself the hiccups. Dont make noise while you are eating. And remember that to lick your fingers is the height of impoliteness. During dinner, you should never tell your fellow guests how much you dislike suchand-such a dish. And, finally, at the end of dinner, remember never to stuff your pockets with sweets, fruits, and other leftovers to take home with you. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) The books of etiquette contain _______. These books were published during ________. It is necessary to follow etiquette because ________. A women was not expected to ________ in mixed company. Two rules of etiquette that one needs to follow at the dinner table are (a) ____ (b) ________. 6


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) 5. Develop a biographical sketch in about 80 words of the person mentioned below. You may use the inputs given. Name Country Birth Education Profession Achievements : : : : : : Indira Gandhi, daughter of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, married Feroze Gandhi 1942 India Allahabad 19th Nov 1917 At Oxford Politics Minister of Information & Broadcasting 1964 Prime Minister of India 1966 Re-elected in 1972 Born leader. Governed India for around 15 years. Became Prime Minister at a critical juncture. Competent, patriot, sincere hardworking. Participated in the freedom struggle. Killed by her own bodyguards. 8 4

Special qualities :


Send an e-mail in about 120 words to your friend describing how Indians celebrate Deepavali. Your friend who is an American living in the USA is very interested in the Indian Culture. Rapid growth of technology has resulted in the widespread use of computers. They have successfully replaced man power. In the newly dawned computer era, Should Teachers be Replaced by Computers is the burning issue. Prepare a debate against the motion in about 150 words. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)



Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives :


One rainy day I watched a neighbour _(i)_ to push her toddler in a pram with one hand and control her Doberman with the other. The dog didnt want to get its feet wet and was refusing to walk. I was about to put on my jacket and offer ___(ii)__ help when the trio disappeared _(iii)_ some hedges. When they ___(iv)__ , she _(v)_ to have _(vi)_ out her problem. The toddler, attached to the dogs leash, was _(vii)_ running _(viii)_ mud puddles, and dog was in the pram. (i) (a) (b) (c) (d) (ii) (a) (b) (c) (d) struggling to struggle being struggle was struggling lot the some few 7


(a) (b) (c) (d) (iv) (a) (b) (c) (d) (v) (a) (b) (c) (d) (vi) (a) (b) (c) (d) (vii) (a) (b) (c) (d) (viii) (a) (b) (c) (d) 9.


on above to behind appeared came reappeared entered was seemed looked seem sorted decided solved resolved generally hardly fiercely joyously into through at away

1x4=4 Complete the following statements by choosing the most appropriate options. (i) Two renovated premises of State Bank of India _____ recently. (a) have been opened (b) opened (c) was opened (d) opening (ii) Power supply ________ from 10 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on Saturday next for maintenance work. (a) will be shut down (b) has been shut down (c) will shut down (d) was shut (iii) The Central Crime Branch of the city police on Thursday ________ on the charge of cheating a telecom firm of Rs. 2.5 lakhs. (a) has arrested a woman (b) arrested a woman (c) have arrested a woman (d) will arrest (iv) A total of 102 persons________ at a free eye camp organized by Hindu Mission Hospital on 15th August. (a) was screened (b) have been screened (c) were screened (d) screened 8



Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done 1x4=4 as an example for you. drink?/ or/ what do seals/ marine mammals/ any other What do seals or any other marine mammals drink ? (i) not actually drink/ do/ marine mammals/ water (ii) their water/ that they eat/ they/ from the fish/ get all (iii) they/ very/ dehydrated/ become/ quickly (iv) bottle/ they/ must be fed/ when in captivity/ from a Complete Nandini Niharika Nandini the following dialogue between Nandini and Niharia. 1x4=4 : Hello Niharika. : What a pleasant surprise! : Its been a long time since we met. Where (a) __________ all these years. Niharika : In Delhi. What (b) __________ nowadays ? Nandini : I am a fashion designer looking for a job. How about you ? Have (c) __________ Business Management ? Niharika : Yes, I completed it in 2008. I am here (d) __________interview. Nandini : That is wonderful. All the best. Niharika : Thank you.



Read the conversation and complete the passage : 1x4=4 I asked Amit, I m very discouraged. I dont think Ill ever speak English well. Amit said, Your English is getting better every day. In another year, youll be speaking English with the greatest of ease. I complained that I (a) __________ very discouraged. I said that I did not think that I (b) __________English well. Amit told me that my English (c) __________ better every day. He assured me that in another year, I (d) __________English with the greatest of ease. SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)



Read the extract given below and complete the statements that follow : God save thee, ancient Mariner ! From the fiends, that plague thee thus! Why lookst thou so? - With my cross-bow I shot the ALBATROSS. (i) The two speakers are ________. (a) the wedding guest and his friend. (b) the ancient mariner and another sailor (c) the wedding guest and the ancient mariner. (d) two friends (ii) The word plague in the above context would mean________. (a) disease (b) troubled (c) joy (d) surprised 9



mariner killed the albatross with ________ a bow and arrow with a pistol with a gun with a spear OR Though subdued and sleep-deprived In the night her throat revived, And the sumac tree was Bowed with a breathless titled crowd. (i) The nightingale was deprived of sleep because __________. (a) she was unwell. (b) she had rigorous practice the previous night. (c) she was with her friends the previous night. (d) it was raining. (ii) The sumac tree was bowed because ________. (a) of heavy wind. (b) nightingale was perched on the branch. (c) the tree was old. (d) many creatures were perched on the branches. (iii) The titled crowd means________. (a) important people (b) animal audience (c) important creatures of the bog (d) the frog and the nightingale (B) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me, Searching my reaches for what she really is. Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon. (i) Why does the mirror compare itself to a lake ? (ii) What does the woman search for in the depth of the pool ? (iii) What is the literary device used in the first line ? 1x3=3


The (a) (b) (c) (d)


Answer any four of the following in about 30 - 40 words each: 2x4=8 (i) Why didnt Ali enjoy hunting anymore ? (ii) Why is the old woman compared to a terrible fish in the poem, Mirror ? (iii) What did the watch report to Calpurnia ? (iv) Why did the grandmother decide to continue with her journey without the grandfather ? (v) Why does the mariner refer to the albatross as the Christian Soul ? Answer the following in, 100 - 125 words. What role does the mob play in the play, Julius Caesar ? And, how does it affect the future course of events ? OR The narrator (after she grows up) does not think on the same lines as her grandmother. Comment. -o0o-




Class - X

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 80 Total No. of Pages : 8

The Question Paper is divided into four sections : Section A : Section B : Section C : Section D : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks

General Instructions : 1. 2. 3. All questions are compulsory. You may attempt any section at a time. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION - A ( Reading - 20 Marks) 1. 1x5=5 Read the passage carefully. Tribals, gypsies and aboriginals (generally grouped as Adivasis or the original inhabitants) are a vanishing lot. They walk and talk differently, do not conform to our ways of life, occupy territory that we need badly for our needs and development - the cards are all against them. Yet, they have some special talents and ways that we can take cues and learn to use to advantage, if only we treat them well and attempt to understand them. The Nari kuravas are expert foresters and forages, the Bhils are experts in what we call as sustainable way of life; they make a hundred useful things from leaves, roots, shoots and barks, and materials from small game animals. Some tribes are expert metallurgists while some others find medical use in many a herb and shrub. These discoveries, crafts and skills that they have learnt over generations of living as one with nature - skills and innovations that modern man can admire and learn from. For eight months of the year, the Moken live off the sea, depending upon an amazing number of organisms therein. They use nets, traps, spears and harpoons, and spend a lot of time diving and staying under water. No snorkel, no sea goggles, no air cylinders, or flippers for them - thy make do as is, or at best use primitive gear. During the monsoon season they move ashore and live in temporary thatched huts, trading with the local people. Complete the statements given below by choosing the most appropriate options: (i) The Adivasis have learnt the art of living as (a) they have felt the need for it. (b) they live in harmony with nature. (c) they have been taught in their schools (d) they are civilized (ii) The Bhils are experts in ___________. (a) hunting and catching wild animals (b) gathering wild fruits and vegetables (c) making a hundred useful things from plants (d) farming and horticulture (iii) If they are treated well and people try to understand them better _____________. (a) we can learn a lot from them (b) one can learn to be contented (c) they would become civilized (d) the adivasis would become educated (iv) `The aboriginals are a vanishing lot would mean____________. (a) they are shifting all the time (b) they are fast disappearing (c) are leaving the country (d) are available all the time (v) They can be called competent and skilled because _______________. (a) they make the best use of resources available. (b) they can read and write. (c) they are receiving education, (d) they have pursued some business or the other. 2



Read the poem given below : Check The Night was creeping on the ground! She crept, and did not make a sound Until she reached the tree; And then She covered it, and stole again Along the grass beside the wall! I heard the rustling of her shawl As she threw blackness everywhere Along the sky, the ground, the air, And in the room where I was hid! But, no matter what she did To everything that was without She could not put my candle out! So I stared at the Night! And she Started back solemnly at me!

1x5=5 James Stephens

Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate options : (i) The night is indirectly compared to ____________. (a) leaves (b) candle (c) air (d) sky (ii) One quality of witchery the night possesses is that ____________. (a) she threw blackness everywhere. (b) she slept on the ground. (c) she made a sound. (d) she was calm and quiet. (iii) The poet stared at the night because ____________. (a) she was scary (b) she was black (c) she disturbed her sleep (d) she could not put her candle out. (iv) The night did not make a sound because ____________. (a) she wanted to sneak into the poets room. (b) she was scared of people around. (c) she wanted to hide under the bed (d) it is a natural phenomena. (v) A synonym for the word, check is ____________. (a) examine (b) expel (c) retard (d) curb 101/X/SA2/38/B1 3


Read the passage carefully and complete the statements that follow : 1x5=5 Chat online, tickets online, banking online, books online, mail online, dating online, travel online, jobs online, shopping online, gaming online, socializing online, cinema online- everything in this world seems to be going online. Dont be surprised; people may marry, pray or even eat or drink online in the not-too-distant future. It may sound absurd, but remember who could have imagined a hundred years ago that we could locate our homes from a satellite in outer space and see them on a computer monitor. Yes, amazing things have happened with the launch of the internet. No need to stand in long queues in the hot summer to book railway or bus tickets. We can now do banking online at the click of a button. Books from the whole world are up for grabs online, that too for free. Postal mail has really become a thing of the past. Now we have faster, accurate and simpler email. Online video tutorials have made education easy and accessible to everyone. Sitting in the comfort of our home, we can attend the lecture of a professor in Harvard. We can video chat with our friends anywhere in the world. In simpler words, distances do not matter in this internet world. Listing these benefits, one may reach the conclusion that the internet has changed our lives for the better. But wait a minute, anything in excess can lead to problems; even an intake of large doses of sugar can give rise to diabetes. Look at the internet generation. Most youngsters spend hours on the so-called social networking sites, be it Orkut, Facebook or Twitter, without realizing how much it can affect their mental and physical growth. People have got so addicted to their virtual life that they forget there is more to life than just sitting in front of a plastic box. (a) Two activities which a student can do online are (i)__________ (ii)__________. (b) In future people may even (i)__________ and (ii)__________ on line. (c) Postal mail has already been replaced by __________. (d) Spending hours on social networking can affect the youngsters __________. (e) The word in the passage which means `to start an organised activity is __________. 1x5=5 Read the passage and answer the questions that follow : When we think of the French Revolution, an image that usually comes to mind is a square filled with working-class people who cheer as the blade of the guillotine does away with another French noble. Most of us do not realize that the guillotine was adopted in France because it was thought to be a symbol of equality. The instrument for executing people had already appeared by the Middle Ages. It had been used in China, Italy, Germany, and Scotland. In France before the revolution,however, condemned nobles were beheaded by the sword, and common people were sentenced to be hanged. Dr. Guillotin, who introduced the guillotine in France, did not approve of these methods. He thought people sentenced to die should be treated equally. He believed all criminals, regardless of social class, should be executed in the same way. Dr. Guillotin recommended that they be beheaded by mechanical means. The doctor claimed that the new beheading device was quick and painless. The mechanism falls like thunder, he explained. The head flies off; blood spurts; and the man (or woman) is no more. Unfortunately, the machine that was designed to make public death quick, clean, and painless performed so well that death did not appear to be horrible at all. In fact, the instrument was so quick, so clean, and so painless that many Parisians were quite entertained by it. This new means of execution was used on thousands of people from all walks of life during the French Revolution. And the citizens of Paris rarely gave a second thought to the device so efficiently did away with both noble and commoner alike. 4



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

French Revolution brings to mind _______________ The Guillotine was adopted in France _______________ Dr. Guillotin introduced the guillotine because he _______________. The mechanism of guillotine is compared to _______________ Death did not appear dreadful because it made death _______________.


SECTION - B (Writing - 20 Marks) You have travelled a lot since childhood but one particular place has remained firmly etched in your mind. It could be a hill station, a place of pilgrimage, even your native village. Describe the place in about 80 words. The local administration has organized a function for school students to arouse awareness about environmental issues on World Environment Day. As a representative of the school prepare a speech in about 150 words on the topic Rain Water Harvesting. The birth of a girl child is still considered a curse. Express your agitation and anger in the form of a diary entry in about 120 words. SECTION - C (Grammar - 20 Marks)




Complete the given passage by choosing the correct options from the given alternatives x8=4 Choices (i) by public opinion are very (ii) in families that are on the higher (iii) of the social ladder. You may enjoy cooking and even (iv) as a chef. (v) than anything else, But if you are born into a family where prestige matter (vi) your dream. Status and prestige will (vii) there is little chance of your (viii) urges and force you to become something other than what you really want to be. (i) (a) driven (b) base (c) said (d) got (ii) (a) recognised (b) prominent (c) ideal (d) large (iii) (a) status (b) basis (c) opinion (d) rungs (iv) (a) excel (b) develop (c) become (d) be (v) (a) less (b) most (c) lesser (d) more (vi) (a) realizing (b) realize (c) understanding (d) comprehending (vii) (a) ride (b) override (c) initiate (d) command (viii) (a) outermost (b) innermost (c) good (d) least 5



You have attended a Chefs Show organized at Maurya Sheraton. Your teacher would like you to tell the class the recipe that interested you the most. You wrote the recipe but forgot to fill in the passive verbs. Now, complete this recipe by choosing the appropriate passive verb from the options given below. x8=4 Good morning, everyone. I had an interesting time at the Chefs Show at Maurya Sheraton last evening. There were many interesting recipes. The live demonstrations added to the appeal. I shall now tell you how the Green Apple Salad (i) ____________. I do not remember the chefs name, but I do remember the recipe. Two green apples and one raw mango (ii) _________. Then they (iii)________ in a salad bowl. Some salt and pepper (iv) _________ on the mixture. To this mixture finely chopped coriander leaves (v)_______________. Finally a dash of lemon juice (vi) _________ to give that special tangy taste. The mixture (vii) ____________ then refrigerated. I must conclude by adding that a more delicious and healthy salad than this cannot be (viii)__________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) (vii) (a) (c) (viii) (a) (c) was made made are grated are to be grated were mixed are mixed sprinkled was sprinkled had been added was added was added is put is had been find fond (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) (b) (d) were made will make were grated grate was mixed will be mixed sprinkling are sprinkled were added could be added were put sprinkled was is to be founded found


The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet and underline the word that x8=4 you have supplied. Cramp is a sudden, painful, involuntary contraction with a muscle. It generally affect the legs and hands. It can occur due to various reason such as metabolic abnormality, severe cold, lack in blood flow and mineral deficiency. All these create pain or other types of sensory impulse that are transmitted from the muscle to the spinal chord, thus cause reflex muscle contraction. Thus, a positive feedback mechanism occur so that a small amount of initial irritation lead to more and more contraction until a full blown muscle cramp ensues. (a) _____ _____ (b) _____ _____ (c) _____ _____ (d) _____ _____ (e) _____ _____ (f) _____ _____ (g) _____ _____ (h) _____ _____



Read the newspaper headlines and complete the reports. (i) MAN TIED UP, ROBBED Two unidentified men _____________ of his mobile phone. (ii) FOOD INFLATION STEPS TO 13.75% Food inflation _______________ the week ending 14th December. (iii) JCB ENTERS SHOE BUSINESS JCB India on Thursday ___________ its entry into the footwear segment by launching a range of safety and lifestyle shoes. (iv) BABY SURVIVES TSUNAMI, FOUND IN CLUMP OF TREES An 18 months old baby _____________ alive in a clump of trees days after the devastating tsunami that killed 34 people.


Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The 1x4=4 first one has been done as an example. contains/iron/ferrous ions/apple/in the form/of Apple contains iron in the form of ferrous ions. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) ferric ions/these/easily oxidize/ferrous ions/into is/brown/this ion/in the ferric state/in colour are exposed/when/the apple/to the air/is cut/the ferrous ions turn/air/and ferric ions/oxidizes them/the surface/brown SECTION - D (Literature - 20 Marks)


Read the extract and complete the statements that follow : (A) But I am constant as the northern star, Of whose true-fixd and resting quality There was no fellow in the firmament. (i) The speaker of these lines is ______________. (a) Julius Caesar (b) Cassius (c) Octavius Caesar (d) Brutus (ii) The northern star is also known as _______________. (a) Venus (b) Pole star (c) Mercury (d) Jupiter (iii) Literary device used in the above lines is _______________. (a) simile (b) metaphor (c) personification (d) alliteration OR 7



My credit now stands on such slippery ground, That one of two bad ways you must conceit me, Either a coward or a flatterer. (i) Antony addresses __________. (a) Caesar (b) Caesars supporters (c) conspirators (d) mob (ii) The word `credit in the above context means __________. (a) reputation (b) disrepute (c) loan (d) identity (iii) The speaker refers to `slippery ground because __________. (a) the ground was slippery. (b) blood was flowing under his feet. (c) his reputation was at stake. (d) he may not win over the confidence of the listeners. (B) 1x3=3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : Tears came out of my eyes and nose on to my hands but our grandmother took no notice. (a) Tears came out of the narrators eyes and nose because __________ (b) Grandmother took no notice of the tears because __________ (c) `Our refers to __________ 2x4=8


Answer any four of the following questions in about 30-40 words each : (i) Why has the post office been described as a place of pilgrimage ? (ii) How did the frog exploit the bird? (iii) Why does the woman reward the mirror with tears ? (iv) What reasons does Brutus give for murdering Caesar ? (v) What kind of a welcome did the albatross receive? Why ?


You are Miriam and you come to know about your fathers anxiety. You decide to write a letter to him expressing your love and affection. Write the letter in about 100-125 words. OR The nightingale was foolish and could be exploited. Explain in 100-125 words. -o0o-


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