Brandme Lesson Eclark

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Brand Me!

7th/8th Grade

Erin Clark, Brand Me! Logo, 2012

Erin Clark October 11, 2012

Introductory Information:

Erin Clark 7th/8th Grade/20-22 students 55 minutes, 2-3 Class Periods The students will develop a personal logo that reflects something about their personality and/or life. If time/money permits, students will have the opportunity to create reusable stamps of their logos.

Stage 1: Desired Results

Enduring Understanding:
Artists will understand the basics of logos and what goes into creating a successful/good logo. Artists will reflect on their own identity and how to represent that visually. Artists will draw on their personal experiences and their world to create logos that are personally meaningful.

Essential Questions:

Where do companies get their logo ideas? What characteristics/traits are important to share in my logo? How can I visually represent those characteristics/traits?

State Standards Addressed:

Content Standard 1: Understanding and applying media, technique and process. Content Standard 4: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and culture.

Learning Objectives:

Students will examine logos of various companies and determine what makes those logos successful. Students will experiment with using symbols to visually represent personality characteristics/ traits. Students will be able to make decisions about the use of text, pictures, or a combination of the two to visually represent themselves in their logo. Students will make color decisions and will mix and create those colors using paints. Students will reveal self-knowledge through the use of symbols in their logos.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Task or Final Product:

Each student will develop logos that will be personal narratives that they feel are defining of who they are. Final logos will be on 8.5x11 inch cardstock and colored using tempera paints.

Continuum of Assessments:

Students will create a list of personality traits Students will create draft/sketches that will be shared with the teacher before proceeding to the final logo design. Stamp Makeing: Students will be required to turn in 8.5x11 hand drawn/painted version of logo before proceeding to stamp creation.


Did the students create a list of traits/characteristics to drawn on for inspiration? Did the students use their knowledge gained through discussion to explore logo possibilities? Did the students create sketches and drafts? Did students transfer final versions of logos to 8.5x11 inch cardstock? Did students use tempera paints to add color to their logo?

Stage 3: Learning Plan

pencils sketch paper rulers tracing paper tempera paint 8.5x11 inch cardstock paper other supplies as needed Stamp Making: E-Z-Cut carving tools small wood scraps

Materials and Equipment:

Vocabulary with Definitions:

logo symbols traits/characteristics representational Stamp Making: carving negative and positive space

Visual Image Resources: Students will engage in a discussion about logos. The following
logos will be used for discussion: Dunkin Donuts Millman, Kelsey (December 8, 2012). Quick Coffee (Blog 7 Make Upblog post]. Retrieved from blog-7-make-up/ Burger King Burger King Website [image]. Retrieved from Starbucks So, Who is the Siren? (n.d.). Starbucks Website [blog post]. Retrieved from siren Nike Johnson, Ben (March 22, 2010). Mythology behind Nikes Logo [blog post]. Retrieved from

Text, Media and Web Resources:

Goan, Ryan (n.d.). Company Logo: 4 Keys to Great Logo Design [blog post]. Retrieved from Johnson, Ben (March 22, 2010). Mythology behind Nikes Logo [blog post]. Retrieved from So, Who is the Siren? (n.d.). Starbucks Website [blog post]. Retrieved from

Teacher Instruction:

Students will be shown the Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Nike, and Burger King logos. The teacher will ask: Do you recognize these logos? What do you notice about the logos? What do you feel makes these logos successful/good? The teacher will discuss different approaches to creating logos. Starbucks and Nike logo: Logos can be used to tell a story. The Nike Company: This logo features the infamous swish. This swish is in reference to the Greek goddess Nike: the goddess of victory. This image is meant to evoke the image

and feeling of the feathers of Nikes wings and the feather she caries. Starbucks: When Starbucks was beginning to think about a logo design for their company they really wanted a symbol that could be both symbolic of the seafaring history of coffee and the seaport roots of Seattle. They came across an old Norse woodcut of a two tailed mermaid siren. This mermaid/siren was the inspiration for the Starbucks logo. Logos can represent what the company is about/sells. Burger King: The Burger King logo makes use of both text and imagery. The logo depicts a burger, using text as the burger patty in the middle of the two buns. This is an example of using text as part of a picture/image. Dunkin Donuts: The Dunkin Donuts logo makes use of text and imagery. However, unlike the Burger King logo the text and image in the Dunkin Donuts logo are two separate parts of the logo that could be used together or sperate. The text is the company name and the image depicts a steaming cup of coffee which Dunkin Donuts is famous for. The teacher will ask the students to think about the following things as they begin to develop their logo: Does the student want their logo to tell a story? Does the student want their logo to be representational? Does the student want their logo to include text, pictures, or a combination? The teacher will have the students begin the project by compiling a list of traits/attributes that they wish to include in their logos to tell about themselves. The teacher will instruct the students to experiment/brainstorm symbols that could represent several of these attributes/traits. Does the student want to combine several symbols? Does the student want to combine symbols and text?

Questions to Generate Discussion:

When examining logos in slide presentation: Do you recognize these logos? What do you notice about them? What do you feel makes them so successful? Class will compare the Starbucks & Nike logo with the Dunkin Donuts & Burger King logo. The class will discuss the stories behind Starbucks and Nike. The class will discuss the representational nature of the Dunkin Donuts and Burger King logos.

Learning Activity:

Students will begin by compiling a list of traits (at least 10). After compiling the list the students will experiment with different symbols and ideas that can visually represent those traits. Students will explore how to combine text and imagery. Students will then create sketches of their logos in pencil. Once a final logo design has been reached the student will, using tracing paper, transfer the logo to card stock. Students will use tempera paint to add color to their logos. Stamp Making: Time and money permitting students will create a stamp of their logo. The teacher will use a scanner to scan in the students logos to a computer. Images will be scaled down using illustration software and printed. Students will then transfer the scaled image to E-Z-Cut printing block using tracing paper. The teacher will introduce students how to use the E-Z-Cut printing blocks and carving tools. Students will be instructed to cut away the negative space of the logo so that the positive space that is printed will be the shapes of the logo. Safetly information: Tolls are sharp, students should always cut away from themselves. Students will carve out their logo to create a reusable stamp. After carving Student will attach the stamp to a piece of scrap wood. Students will create a reusable stamp that can be used to sign their work in art class and anything else they want to put their mark on!

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