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Lesson 4: What I Am and What I Can Be.

Maria Angelica Nallas Richmond Telebrico Carl Stephen Maravilla Gabriel Benedict Ortega Brian Villaseor

IV St. Thomas

Lesson 4: What I Am and What I Can Be Discussion :

Stereotype derives from the Greek words stereos" (firm, solid) and typos (impression) "Solid impression" the term originally comes from the process of printing newspapers and books when metal plates were used to create a picture. when applied to people, it creates an instant picture of a person or a group of people. it is often based on misinformation, or incorrect attitudes or opinions.

Where do stereotypes come from? We are exposed to stereotyping at a young age. We were dressed in certain colors that are associated by our gender: pink for girls and blue for boys. Other stereotypes are associated with fairytales read to us or the first toys that were given to us, like how boys get trucks and robots while girls get Barbie dolls. Stereotypes are used in television, literature, and other forms of media to project a certain character or to create a humorous situation. Stereotypes are also passed on from adults to their children through comments made about people and places.

What problems are caused by stereotyping? can lead to mistaken beliefs about oneself can lead to discrimination

Stereotyping can be considered as A Positive Image Builder Stereotyping can be of help if the information about a product, person, race, or country is positive. It benefits them in some sort of way. An Image Destroyer Stereotyping can be harmful. If the negative attributes of a product, person, race, or country have been noted by a number of people in different places, their knowledge can influence other people.

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