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To complete this tutorial you will need: Adobe Photoshop (we will be using CS3) A image of a tattoo you

would like to use. (can be found on google images) An image of someone displaying some form form of skin. (can also be found on google images) Now you start of by puttin both images, the tattoo and the person into photoshop, put them in one file but on separate layers.

Now click on the layer with the tattoo design and lower its opacity to 80%.

Now on the layer with the tattoo design go to where it says normal (see the image below for location) its on the layer pallet.

Now change it to linear burn, you should have something simlar to this.

Now place the tattoo where ever you like it and what ever size you like, I chose under her left breast.

To get the tattoo to match the body shapoe use the liquify tool, now you simply cut out the bits on clothing and in air and youre done. Here is mine I did a new and a faded version.

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