The Role and Function of Ict in 21st Century Schools

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Paul Heinrich

! There are three key areas where ICT is used in schools:

Learning Communication Management

! These are interdependent schools need a holistic vision if they are to maximise learning outcomes.

! Schools need to consider:

Learning about ICT (i.e. as a subject) Learning with ICT (i.e. using the full range of ICT tools to support learning) Assessment Reporting Parental engagement.

! Naace considers these areas of knowledge important:

Technical knowledge systems, networks, programming, data standards etc Core skills digital communication, media production and editing, control, problems solving Safety, security and the law e-safety, copyright, digital rights, data protection, environmental issues Business aspects of ICT using common business software, collaboration, web design, e-commerce Digital literacy & personal use online identities & security, social networks, creating and sharing, gaming, information seeking and validation, impact of ICT on society.

! Key areas to consider are:

Online courses and revision units Research Modelling and simulation Games Collaboration wikis, forums, video conferencing email, SMS Communication Publishing.

! 21st century learning is not confined to the classroom or dusty books. ! Children expect to be able to learn and study whenever and wherever they want (and whatever they want . . .!). ! Currently 21% of children have smartphones and the number is rising. ! 1 in 5 under-5s can use smartphone apps. ! Can schools ignore this?

! Traditional networked and internet connected desktop and laptop computers. ! Hand-held devices wifi and 3G tablets and smart phones. ! Electronic books (Kindles etc) ! And coming soon . . .
Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 Augmented reality and game-based learning Gesture based computing Learning analytics.

! A Learning platform integrates VLE and MLE functions. ! They are more than repositories for resources and lesson plans. ! A good learning platform enables learners to: Access online courses Collaborate and share Communicate with teachers Receive online feedback ! LPs will soon be able to analyse work and make suggestions as to additional study resources, areas to improve etc.

! High quality wireless networking is critical hand-held/mobile devices need good WiFi. ! Fast Internet - even more so for remotely hosted learning platforms. ! Schools will need to enable use of learners personal devices. ! High-end PCs still needed for e.g. video editing. ! Basic laptops for general purposes. ! Flexible solutions are essential to cope with change.

! The school Management Information System (MIS) is not just finance. ! Its about attendance, report writing, home-school links, support for the SENCO, exam entries, target setting and, most important of all, which is the collection and handling of data on pupil performance.

! Attainment grades (or marks) are stored electronically and are available to teachers. ! Reports are produced based on the grades, predicting future achievement. ! Targets are set for individuals, and teachers can monitor and report progress towards them. ! Data used to identify exceptional performance by individuals and groups. ! Parents can look at their childrens performance data via the web. ! Theres monitoring of the relationship between assessment and what works in the classroom, e.g. learning styles.

! BUT remember Teachers raise standards, not computers. So use data wisely and analytically.

! Projecting the right image for the school is important parents expect up to date information. ! Its about more than a basic website - the school prospectus online. ! Dont forget automated SMS. ! Online reporting supporting parental engagement

! Provides a public window into the school covering:

Core information News Pupil work and activities videos, images, animations and more Guidance and support materials for parents Links to external support and guidance Link to the school learning platform (if the website is not integral with the learning platform) Mail and feedback forms

! Busy parents expect:

Urgent information by text almost all use mobile phones. To be able to email the school and get a response within 24 hours. To complete forms for visits etc online. To make payments online. To be able to access live information on their childs attendance, attainment, behaviour.

! Schools need to take an holistic approach to ICT integration of functions is needed. ! Develop a clear vision for ICT but:
This needs to evolve to cope with new technologies and expectations Remember its a vision not a straitjacket Learning must lie at its heart. Change happens!

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