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Issue 1

master of business administration
Student Association Newsletter
Issue 1 March 2013

Eastern Michigan University


by Chris Daigneault

March 2013
events include a guest speaker discussing career development on Tuesday March 12 at 5:45pm in 220, a professor social the evening th of March 19 , at Red Rock (after evening th classes), TEDx Talk March 15 , a guest th speaker discussing leadership on April 9 , and a final social/dinner for the end of the semester which will take place the week of th April 29 . The MBA-SA is growing at such a rapid pace, and were always looking for new members. All members have the ability to contribute to the association. Volunteers are placed into groups by their specific interests in order to effectively plan events. This ensures that everyone is able to contribute to the advancement of the association and enhance their MBA experience. Upcoming events for the Fall semester of 2013 and Winter semester of 2014 will include tailgates, guest speakers for personal and professional development, case competitions, networking socials and more. If you want to find out more about the MBA-SA email any of the Executive Board members. Stop by our meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. We hope to see you there!

After a couple of years out of the show, we are back, and going strong. The MBA-SA (Student Association) began its comeback during the Fall semester of 2012. With Jenny Rabot (current President) and Dr. Banerji (Faculty Advisor) starting the process of re-establishing the new student association, the new MBA-SA emerged. We now have close to 20 members (as of February 2013) and support by Dean Tidwell (School of Business). The new MBA-SA has a new executive board who are working hard to get as many new Business Graduate students involved as possible. With dues set at $10 per semester, it is a very affordable way to network, meet new people, learn more about personal and career development, and enhance your MBA experience. The MBA-SA has meetings the first and third Tuesday of each month starting at 5:45pm in room 220 in the Business School. Recent events coordinated by the MBA-SA are a trip to the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, as well as networking socials at Ypsilantis local restaurant Red Rock. Some of the upcoming

Spotlight on Terefe Ejigu

Interview with Terefe about running and pursuing his MBA at Eastern Michigan University

Find us on Facebook at EMU MBASA to get more information about upcoming events, socials and other fun items

Meeting Reminder
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:45 in room 220.

CD: What made you choose Easterns MBA program? TE: I did my undergraduate degree at Eastern Michigan University. I majored in International Affairs and minored in Business. I really enjoyed my time here and when heard that Eastern has an awesome MBA program I didnt waste my time second guessing it. Im really enjoying being an MBA student, because it is so much different from being an undergraduate, its less theory and more hands-on. CD: What do you want to do after you get your MBA? TE: I love running and the sport in general, so I want to use my MBA degree to help me work in those areas. Two successful global brands that I admire are Adidas and Nike. I would love work for either of them. Having lived in Ethiopia-New Zealand and now in the U.S., I have learned to be open to different perspectives, so Im open for any possibilities that may come my way.

CD: What has made you so successful on the track that can translate into the business world? TE: Dedication, discipline and commitment are just few things that you need to be an athlete. As a student athlete you really learn to balance life both in the class room and on the field. These same theories can easily be translated to the business world. To be a successful business man you need the skills plus if you are not committed and disciplined you will short-fall of the things you want to achieve. CD: What is your biggest goal for the future? TE: My goal is to continue to explore all the opportunities an MBA program can offer and use that to become the successful person that I want to be.

Spotlight: Terefe Ejigu

CD: What is the biggest difference between school in America and back home? TE: Growing up in Ethiopia I went to a school that didnt have most of the things that we consider to be basic necessities here in the USA or New Zealand. The cheapest things here like pen and pencil was hard to get in Ethiopia. Chris Daigneault: How did you start running? Moving to New Zealand was a blessing; I went Terefe Ejigu: I first started running in my first to one of the top high schools in the country. year of high school in Wellington New Schools here and New Zealand are very similar, Zealand. Every freshman in my high school except for most degrees it takes three years to had to take part in a three kilometer race graduate in New Zealand. which I won. After the race, the coach asked me to join the team. After guiding the Eastern Michigan Eagles to their third straight MAC Championship and being named the MVP for the Indoor Track and Field Championship, Terefe is now pursuing his MBA at Eastern Michigan.

Current Executive Board Members

President Jenny Rabot ( BSBA, Accounting Purdue University 12, MBA Eastern Michigan University 14 VP of Technology Keith Fuller ( BA, History James Madison University 06 MBA, Marketing Eastern Michigan University 13 Executive Vice President Chris Daigneault ( BSBA, Finance Bowling Green State University 09, MBA Eastern Michigan University 14 VP of Marketing and PR Chelsea Lockwood ( BA in French - Eastern Michigan University, 11 MBA, Marketing Management - Eastern Michigan University 13

VP of Events Joshua Mankowski ( MBA Running to an Tabitha Pinter ( Running to an VP of Governance MBA BA, Criminal Justice, BS, HR Michigan State University 06 BA, to an MBA Running to an MBA RunningBusiness and Economics Virginia Military Institute 07 MBA, Finance Eastern Michigan University 14 Running to an MBAMBA, Supply Chain Mgmt. Eastern Michigan University 13 Running to an MBA Running to an MBA Running to an MBA Treasurer Kosta Kontoyiannakis ( Industrial and Operations Engineering - University of Michigan '08, MBA - Eastern Michigan University '14

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