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Its Not Just About the Standard! Designing for Close Reading: A Practical Example Part III

Designing for Close Reading: A Practical Example Part II

Posted by drsbrown

As promised, the intermissiona break from the standardsends and we continue with lessons designed to advance students through the levels of close reading. Part Is lesson focused on facilitating the acquisition of new information and adhered to the appropriate lesson design process. Part IIs lesson (the lesson below) focuses on deepening students understanding of the knowledge acquired in Part I.

Here are a few points to consider as you review the lesson:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The standard of focus is RI.7.3. Analyze the interactions between individuals, events and ideas in a text. The lesson is based on the apply/analyze column for the conceptual and procedural knowledge components of the standard. (See The Core Deconstructed.) The lesson is designed for extending the understanding of knowledge acquired in Part I through the process of analysis. The Critical Thinking Foundations model for close reading is employed (Level 3) The Lesson Design Framework housing the lesson organizes the elements of an effective lesson.

Next week well move to Part III and take students to the highest levels of thinkingbeyond the requirement of the standardbecause as I wrote last week, its not just about the standard. Its about cultivating mature thinking.

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