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Paneer Tikka Recipe Using Tawa

Bio: Paneer T ikka recipe is one that vegetarians f ind comf ort in at every party. Needless to say, with the growing numbers of vegetarians the world over, paneer tikka is becoming a much in demand recipe. Check out my easy to prepare paneer tikka recipe and get set to entertain guests! For the Marinade: Curd- 1/2 cup, Coriander powder- 2-3 tbsp, Chaat powder- 1 tbsp, Black salt- 1 tsp, Pepper powder- 1 tsp, Tandoori powder- 1/2 pkt (optional), Ginger Paste- 1/2 tbsp, Garlic Paste- 1/2 tbsp Ingredients for Paneer T ikka Recipe Paneer/ cottagge cheese- 250 gms Capsicum- 2 ( cubed ) Onion- 2 (Cubed) Tomato- 2 ( Hybrid variety ) Mushroom- 5-6 (optional) Salt- according to taste Red Chilli powder- 2-3 tbsp To Garnish: Pickled radish, Pickled carrot, Lemon wedges, shredded cabbage, thinly sliced onion Method Mix the curd and other marinade ingredients together to make a paste. Add the paneer cubes and sliced vegetables in this paste and spread on a platter. Ref rigerate the platter f or 2-3 hours. Af terwards, remove the plate f rom ref rigerator and keep aside. Pre-heat the oven to the highest temperature on your OT G or to 275 degrees centigrade, whichever is lesser. On a skewer rod, insert a cube of paneer, f ollowed by cube of onion, capsicum, mushroom and slice of tomato. Repeat the process on remaining skewers. Place the skewer rods in the oven and grill f or 10-15 min till the sides of the paneer and vegetables begins to burn and not char. Once done remove and place the vegetables and paneer on a plate laden with shredded cabbage and serve with mint or coriander chutney. Paneer T ikka Recipe using Tawa Dont have a microwave or OT G? Fret not, Paneer T ikka recipe is still in your reach. Look f or a grilling pan (they are easily available in the market nowadays). If you dont f ind one, use your usual griddle/f lat tawa and wet it with oil. Let the griddle heat. Use the tooth pick as a skewer and assemble the paneer and vegetables. Once hot place the prepared skewer on the griddle and f ry.

Once hot place the prepared skewer on the griddle and f ry. When done remove, sprinkle some chaat powder and garnish with onion, cabbage and carrot slices. You can even get creative with seasoning and use mayonnaise. You may also like chicken tikka recipe, f rankie recipe, gobi manchurian recipe, chilli chicken recipe { 0 comments }

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