YPI Letter To Staff and Students

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Dear Staff and Students of Stretford High School Invitation to the final of the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative

(YPI) I am writing to invite you to the final of the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) which will be held in school on Tuesday 12th March at 3pm in the hall. YPI, is a programme which has helped over 52,000 students in the London and Scotland to give over 1 million to local charities, was described in The Times as something every teacher should eagerly find out about and think of introducing to their school. Year 10 students at our school have recently been taking part in YPI. In teams, they have been researching social problems in our community and creating an engaging and persuasive presentation on a local charity they believe is doing the best work to tackle an issue they are passionate about. The winning teams from each class are presenting in front of a large audience and a panel of high-profile judges to bid for the charity of their choice. Please come and support pupils at Stretford High School at 3pm to grant 3,000 to a local charity. We look forward to hearing from you. Please come and support us!

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