For My Media Coursework I Have Been Asked To Create A Front Page

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Joshua Connolly

Questionnaire to evaluate the design of my magazine on the chosen target audience

a) Whats your gender?
(_) Male
(_) Female

B) Whats your age?


b) Would you class yourself as an indie rock fan ? (_) Yes (_) No

For my media coursework I have been asked to create a front page, contents page and double page
spread for my chosen music genre. Below you will find my final designs and I would appreciate it if
you spared five minutes to answer a few quick and simple questions.
So what do you think?
1) What do you think the genre of this music magazine is? And why?
2) What do you think of the colour scheme ?
3) Do you think the main image on the front page is appealing? Why?
(_) Yes?
(_) No?

4) From first appearances what would make you want to buy this magazine?

Joshua Connolly
Questionnaire to evaluate the design of my magazine on the chosen target audience
5) On a scale of 1-5 (five being the most) how appealing do you find the mast head?

6) How much would you be willing to pay for this standard of design?
(_) 0-1
(_) 1-2
(_) 2-3
(_) more? (please specify) ..
7) What do you think the magazine is missing that will improve it?
8) Is the layout of the contents page clear to understand? (i.e does it direct you where you
want to go)
(_) Yes
(_) No
9) Does this contents page/ images appeal to you as an indie rock fan?
(_) Yes
(_) No
10) What feature of the contents page to you like the most?
11) Personally what would you change about the contents page?
12) Do you feel the double page spread meet the conventions of a typical double page spread?

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