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Somewhere in rural Peru, South America Little Alverez was sound asleep on the bottom bunk of his twin bed when his life suddenly took an unexpected turn. He was a talented young athlete for his junior high school soccer team. Six hours earlier he had led his teammates to a first place championship at the Maldonado Soccer Finals, where hed anticipated his fathers presence; but Alverez Zsapata Sr. was conspicuously absent. Instead, little Alverezs mother Austenia was there alone to support her son in his first showcase game. The youngster had been sleeping for several hours when he woke up frantically to the sounds of wood and metal crashing apart. He instantly knew there was a problem because the little house that he shared with his parents was suddenly flooded with cold mountain air. Instinctively he got out of the bed and dropped to his knees to reach under the bottom bunk and find his baseball bat. Then he quietly tiptoed over to the door and knelt down on one knee to peep through the keyhole. He focused and could see that it was his father bumping into the walls while stumbling through the hallway. Alverez Sr. had been drinking like a fish at the local bar all evening. Little Alverez watched intently as his padre wobbled into the main bedroom of the house. Where are you?! Alverez Sr. yelled out, before momentarily becoming quiet like he forgot what he was doing.

After realizing there was no one in the bedroom, he hobbled back into the hallway and ran into his wife Austenia as she was coming out of the bathroom in her nightgown. Their eyes locked and she knew at once that there was something wrong...

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