Princess Diana Numerology Synchrnonicity

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Princess Diana

Numerology Synchronicity Of Diana And Charles Marriage, Divorce, Children, And Her Death

By Diana Armstrong
All Rights Reserved Copyright 2009 Diana Armstrong


from my book

Decoding World Events

Through Numerology

World Manipulation By Numbers

Watch how the symmetry of numbers unfolds, to tell the story of how the world as we know it is controlled behind the shadows by those who use the science of numbers/mathematics to manipulate global events. Was that 'natural' disaster really natural? Metaphysics teacher, Diana Armstrong, will open your eyes to what has been in front of us all along. We have been taught to look, but not to 'see.' Diana has already shared some of these teachings with thousands of her radio listeners in London. Now you too can learn this science so that you can pass it along and enlighten others.

n 1913 Woodrow Wilson the 28th president of The United States of America (born the 28th December, 1856), in his book, The New Freedom wrote, Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S, in the field of commerce and manufacturing are

afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

And that was in 1913!

We Are Under a Spell


forces that control this planet use the science of Supreme

KNOWLEDGE/Numerology to exploit the population for their own greed. The Universe vibrates on a frequency that is linked directly with the numbers we use. The numbers are like pieces of concentrated thought. With these you can create the future of your choice and manipulate events. You can know possible outcomes with a very small margin of error. In fact, with this knowledge, you can control or even predict precise outcomes. Working with numbers and letters is similar to baking a cake. You know how the finished product will look, taste and smell depending on the ingredients you put in. If you think of any word as the finished product of something you had set out to make, then this is a close analogy of what a word is. Each letter is an ingredient. You can affect the outcome of what you plan to create with each ingredient you use. You can make several varieties of things with the same basic ingredients. You can think of numbers as seeds. For example, you can plant a number 6 if there is a need for community care. Through various rituals at particular times you can go a long way in controlling when the number in question will bloom and flower. The same rituals can be used in a negative way. If you want a breakdown in society, you can use the deliberately created negative aspect of the number in consideration. This is what the elite controllers do on an every day basis. A good example of the way in which you can observe the number 6 used to its detriment, is where you see situations such as anti-abortionists who appear to care for babies, but shoot doctors who perform abortions, or animal lovers who burn down laboratories. Each number was meant to vibrate harmoniously and create harmonious vibrations only. Unfortunately, those in control and working from greed and personal satisfaction only have corrupted these energies, and now this is what is manifesting in the world today. Every good and bad deed has its expressions in letters, numbers, and symbols. This is

true, because we cannot speak in abstract. We must use letters, numbers and symbols to speak, think and communicate. If you think of a world matrix from which we all draw from in order to function and have our being, then this has been from ages past, interfered with and corrupted. This has been done in order to control a world. To control a world, fear, disease, doubt, poverty, accidents and all manner of ills and limitations that we now have were introduced into the matrix, using the energy of letters, numbers and symbols. Humanity can be compared to figures stuck on canvas by an unseen enemy. Try to stay outside the canvas by keeping an open mind. Because you are on the canvas, you cannot see outside of that construct. On this canvas, you are programmed, restricted, and imprisoned. You however, dont realize this is so. You are fixed in one position and in one direction only. Thinking of acquiring material things just to impress others, keeps you successfully programmed. Dont stay this way. Become unplugged, and stay unplugged. A few minutes each day spent in quiet meditation is one of the best defences against being controlled. Through meditation you contact your inner self, which will help to awaken you and guide your conscious mind. It will re-connect you back to your own source of love and your own divine being. Meditation will help ease you off the canvas so that you can see a fuller picture. What you will see from this vantage point will horrify you. You will be shocked by how extensive and insidious this programming is. You may have already noticed how many companies there are that employ symbols like the triangle or the square in their logos, sometimes both, and also the popular use of the pentagram. All numbers represent a particular type of energy. Letters are used as anagrams to create and call up certain entities to be controlled and used by those who do this conjuring. In programming letters with specific information and utilizing the energies from numbers and letters, one can control the direction of these entities. Each letter is an individual entity, and is similar to DNA. Certain strands of DNA substance create specific attributes, character traits or mutations. Letters in our alphabet have a similar function. Using the science of Supreme Mathematics, the elite deliberately created negative words to emit negative frequencies in order to give expression to all sorts of ills. The world is in the state that it is because we are under a programmed agenda. This stage has been set even before were born. So, from the

beginning of life, we have been disadvantaged. The horror of it all is that most of us dont realize what has happened, is happening, and will continue to occur until we do something about it and now. This situation is extremely serious and cannot be stressed enough. In fact, we are programmed to shrug over these truths or any truths that even begin to hint at this programming. The extent of the programming that you have absorbed is in direct correlation with the degree to which you will be able to resist and at least give these or similar words some consideration. We have literally been programmed and hypnotized to resist truth. Every action we take from birth to death is instantly recorded in the ethers, and immediately begins to vibrate to us back and forth, like the ebb and flow of the tides of the sea. Time does not flow in just one direction. In fact, time just is, but we make it appear to have a past, present and future, and in that perception, it affects us accordingly. Events can occur naturally, or they can be hindered, and re-routed, therefore relocated and manipulated. The controlling system uses this science extensively, that is why humanity still operates on such a low level of abilities for so long. We should be able to levitate by now, in our time in history, just by thinking about it, and anything else we want, by just mere thought. Numbers, letters and symbols are tools to help us understand this, but we havent been taught how. Letters, numbers and symbols are so profound; they create the world we live in. The system of the controllers is moving us towards the conclusion of an agenda they had planned for us a long, long time ago. This book is just a very small part of how they go about achieving this.

Princess Diana

hey said the 13th pillar took her life. Diana was Born 1.7.1961 = 25. This timeline can also be viewed like this: 17. 17 - a synchronicity. Break down the year number of 1961 to 17 by adding it across. Number 13 is linked strongly with Dianas life and so too must be the reverse number of 31. Diana was born in 1961 Charles was born in -1948 13 years difference. Diana and Charles separated in 1992 Her year of birth -1961 = 31 She died at 31 years of age. Diana marries on the 29th July 1981 Separated in year 1992. 92 is the reverse of the day she was married. Day of marriage 29

Month of marriage + 7 Dead at age 36 on the 31st August, 1997

Charles born 14.11.1948. 14+11+1948 = 47 Divorced age 48, the same number as his birth year.

His second child Harry was born 15. 9. 1984. The year 84 is the reverse two digits of Charles birth year and the age when he separated from Diana. Charles was born 14.11. 1948. 1+9+4+8 = 22 Month of birth November = +11 = 33. Charles is 33 years in 1982 When William; his first child with Diana is born. 11 is referred to as the first Master Number, 22 the second, 33 the third and so on. All these related to Charles. There is some potent energy here. 22, the year number of Charles, plus 14, his day of birth added is 22+14 = 36. Harry was born in Charles 36th year, the year Charles would be 36 years, 1984. Charles and Dianas last child was born in the year that Charles would be 36 and Diana died at 36 years of age. Note that the childrens birth date is linked heavily with Charles numbers and not so much with Dianas. This is fairly unusual for all children to be so heavily linked with one parent, especially the father, and could point to some in depth manipulation. Diana separated at age 31. 3+1 = 4 Charles separated at age 44. 4+4 = 8. Her number 4, his number 8, is 4-8 the year of Charles birth! Also 4 -44, the cube is broken!! Although it appears Dianas death was planned long before she was married to Charles, her fate seemed effectively sealed with the birth of her last son and her separation from Charles. Here is an interesting titbit: William was born on the 21.6.1982 = 47 (21+6+1+9+8+2) (Or 29 as 2+1+6+1+9+8+2) Charles D.O.B is 14.11. 1948 = 47 Also, Diana weds on the 29.7.1981. Read like this now 2 (97) 1981. You can see the year number in which she was killed. Add the remaining numbers of 2+1+9+8+1 = 21. Diana had her first child in the year that she would be 21 years:

Diana born 1961 + 21 1982

Add the last 2 digits of the year 1997. 97 is 9+7= 16. 16 years after Diana married Charles, she was dead. 16 is of course the reverse of 61, the year in which she was born. 9x7 = 63, reverse of her age of 36 when she died. She married 29th of July = 29+7= 36.

All Rights Reserved Copyright 2009 Diana Armstrong

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