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The Logic of Backward Design

Purpose: To illustrate and practice backward-design planning and thinking. Directions: Sketch out a unit idea in the three stages of backward design. Use textbook from your class as a starting point.

Unit Title:
Stage 1 Big Ideas, Goals and Objectives
If the desired end result is for learners to . . . New Deal Public Works (Alphabet Soup) -TVA -PWA Stock Market Crash Social Security Keynesian Economics Rugged Individualism Bonus Army The Dust Bowl

Stage 2 Acceptable Evidence (both formative and summative)

then you need evidence of the learners ability to . . . Students draw a cyclical flow chart showing the chronological steps that make up the activity of the Tennessee Valley Authority and each steps relationship to the next. Compare this to other Alphabet Soup organizations. Students work with a partner to draw a flow chart with pictures and captions describing the stages of the TVA in practice. Write three sentences at the bottom comparing it to one other New Deal social program. Summative: New Deal on Trial Students form judge, prosecution team, etc. Presentation of important terms and people Students will put the New Deal on Trial as a whole class simulation. Students act as judge, prosecution (2 people), defense (2 people), witnesses for each side (Hoover, FDR, Dust Bowl victim, Supreme Court judge, etc.). The rest of the class acts as jury- takes notes, discusses evidence, forms a verdict.

Stage 3 Lesson Activities and Experiences

then the learning events need to . . .

The teacher gives a presentation on the New Deal, significant programs and legislation, introduces TVA Students read section in the textbook about the TVA in practice (The New Deal Takes Shape - Jobs and Relief, Rebuilding a Nation). Teacher reviews courtroom procedure, major figures who oppose New Deal and arguments Students get into groups of four to make a Pro/Con New Deal chart (Use New Deal Opponents and Depression Era Supreme Court cases).

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