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Tutorial Script

1.Introduce what the video is about

Hi! This video is going to teach you how to use Easy Bib. Easy Bib is a free automatic bibliography and citation maker. This video will teach you how to register a Easy Bib account and how to make a bibliography using easy bib

2.Show how to register a Easy Bib account

To register a Easy Bib account, you click Register on the Easy Bib home page. You need to type in your rst name, last name, email address and password.

3.Show how to create a project

After you registered, you need to create a new project. You type in your project name and click MLA6 or MLA7.

4.Show how to cite a website

You need to cite websites to make a bibliography. First you copy the URL from the website. After you copied the URL, you paste it on the address bar. here is the address bar. After you paste the URL , you click the green button.

5-7.Use a example, nd the information that ts in Easy Bib and Type in information
Here is a example. First, you copy the and paste the URL and paste it on the address bar. Then, Easy Bib will ask you to conrm some information. ( Black slide pop out and saying, Even though Easy Bib helped you to ll in some of the information, you need to check it because sometimes it will be wrong) We need to ll in the article title, author, website title, publisher and when it is published electronically. Lets look at the example website. As you see the article title is Leaving Hong Kong behind in Tai O, the author is Tiffany Lam, the website title is CNN Travel, the publisher is CNN and it is published in 5th of october, 2010 (two thousand and ten) (Black screen, sometimes you may not nd the specic date so you so you can scroll down to the bottom and nd this sign: . After you nd all the information, you type it in Easy Bib. As you see tEasy Bib has already helped you to ll in the article title an the website title. Its correct so you leave it. After typing all the information, and your done!!

Today, we learned how to use Easy Bib. How to create a Easy Bib account and how to cite a website using Easy Bib.

Thanks For Watching!!!

Celia Wong

Thursday, 7 March 2013 1:41:00 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

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