Primavera Project Management Workshop

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Primavera Project Management Workshop

Project Portfolio Management Primavera Project Management OBS, EPS WBS Activities Resources & Cost Top Down Estimation Tracking & Reports

What Is a Program?

A group of projects

Managed in a coordinated way

To obtain benefits not available from managing them individually

What Is a Subproject?
A manageable component of a project May be performed by a separate organization Could be a project phase Subprojects are typically referred to as projects and managed as such

What Is Program Management?

Program Management is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually

Portfolio? Projects? Programs?

A portfolio is collection of:

Projects (temporary endeavors undertaken to create a unique product, service or result) and/or Programs (a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually) and/or Other work that are grouped together to facilitate the effective management of the work to meet strategic business objectives.

Portfolio Management - PMI

Defines portfolio management as a set of activities that allow alignment with strategy

EPM Solution

EPM solution is an ideal for organizations that need strong coordination and standardization between projects and Project Managers, Centralized Resource Management or Higher Level Reporting about Project and Resource

EPM Solution

One approach is that EPM is a software tool that helps plan and implement all projects within an organization. Another view is that projects are selected, planned, controlled and implemented from a central location that rigorously assures all projects report progress to a single element. Neither of these approaches is wrong for the organization. The bigger picture, however, helps understand the full potential of an EPM. Enterprise project management, as implied by the words, is an enterprise view of all project management activities and how these activities contribute to the success of the organization. It entails linking the organizations vision, mission, goals and objectives, and strategies in a hierarchal fashion to ensure the organization commits its resources to the right projects at the right time. This definition includes those efforts in software tool use and the central control over projects, but in a holistic view.


An even more recent evolution in Enterprise Project Management is to not only plan and track the existing set of projects, but to create a portfolio (per budget size, per calendar year, per budget year, per business line, etc) of existing and future (demand) projects. This is called Project Portfolio Management.


Project Portfolio Management includes the creation of various scenarios to decide which is the most optimal portfolio (for a certain year, business, budget, etc). Once the contents of the portfolio are agreed upon, it is key to constantly scrutinize how the individual projects are evolving in terms of quality, cost and schedule.

Portfolio Relationships




Other Work



Other Work






Primavera Systems Inc.

25 years 70,000 customers Leader in Gartner Magic Quatrant for Project Management tool Customer Support Online Support Online knowledgebase Now part of Oracle

Primavera Systems Inc.

Primavera Project Planner 3.1

SureTrak Project Manager Primavera Contractor

Primavera Project Management 6

Primavera Systems Inc.

Primavera Charts Graphical Reports Pertmaster Risk Management Tool Cost Manager EVA Prosight Portfolio Analysis & Mgmt.

Primavera Systems Inc.

Primavera Evolve Resource Management Primavera Inspire Forecasting & Integrating tool with SAP Contract Manager Document Mgmt., Job Cost & Project Control Solution


Servers Appl icati on Serv er (myP rima vera)


Browser Clients

Web Server

Projects and Resources

Server & Job Servic es Times heets


Desktop Clients

P3 to P6

Single user environment


Multi user role based environment

P3 uses Btrieve Database P6 uses Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE or Oracle

Process Overview for Structuring Data

Set up OBS Set up EPS Set up Projects Set up WBS Set up Resource Hierarchy

Primavera Features
Enterprise Level Planning Resource at Enterprise level Multiuser level User preferences can be given Project Level and Global preferences Compare two reports using Claim Digger Top Down Budgeting

Primavera Features
Top Down Estimation Baseline updating Resource & Cost Analysis EVA Reports Timesheets Portfolio Analysis Project Templates Methodology Management

Major Terminology Changes from P3

PERT Activity Network Activity Form Activity Details Bar Chart Gantt Chart Activity Logs Notebooks Fragnets Methodologies Resource Profile Resource usage Profile

Resource Table Resource usage Spreadsheet Target Baseline Activity Columns Activity Tables Custom Data items User Defined Fields

What is OBS?

Organizational Breakdown Structure is a global Hierarchy that represents the managers responsible for the projects in your enterprise. The OBS usually reflects the management structure of your organization from top level personal down through the various levels constituting your business

Only one OBS root can be represented in an organization Up to 25 levels can be defined in an OBS structure Enterprise 4OBS


VP of Civil Infrastructure

VP of Communication

VP of Mining & Metals

VP of Oil, Gas & Chemical

VP of Power

VP of US Govt. Services

GM of Airport

GM of Rail

GM of Ports

GM of Highway

PM of Airport

PM of Rail

PM of Ports

PM of Highway

OBS Contd . . .

VP of Civil Infrastructure

VP of Communication

VP of Mining & Metals

VP of Oil, Gas & Chemical

VP of Power

VP of US Govt. Services

GM of Services

GM of Suppliers & Contractors

PM of Proj.1

PM of Proj.2

PM of Proj.3


Enterprise Project Structure forms the hierarchy structure of your database of your projects. Each EPS can be sub divided into multiple levels to presents the work that needs to be done in your organization. You can use the EPS to

Perform top down budgeting & resource and Cost Analysis. Manage multiple projects from the highest level of the organization to the individual that perform specific project task Implement coding standards for flexible reporting

N numbers of EPS root can be created Up to 50 levels under each EPS root can be defined

Information Technology Projects

Internal IT Projects

External IT Projects

System Upgrade

New Systems

IT Maintenance Projects



Civil Infrastructure


Mining & Metals

Oil, Gas, and Chemical

Power US Govt. Services




Highway Systems

Dubai Intl. Airport

Hongkong Intl. airport

London Intl. Airport

New Doha Intl. Airport

EPS Contd . . .

Civil Infrastructure


Mining & Metals

Oil, Gas, and Chemical


US Govt. Services


Suppliers & Contractors

Prog. Mgmt

Tech. Evaluation Safety



VP of Oil, Gas & Chemical

Oil, Gas, and Chemical

GM of Oil, Gas, & Chemical

Refine ring, Chemicals & Industrial Facilities

Natural Gas & Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)


PM of Proj.1

PM of Proj.2

PM of Proj.3

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3




Process Plants


Cross Country Pipeline

Erection Works

Plant Piping

Pump Station

What is Work Breakdown Structure?

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines the total scope of the project It is a foundation document in project management because it provides the basis for planning and managing project schedules, costs, and changes

Planning Process Group

Scope Planning
Scope Definition Develop Project Management Plan Create WBS



Activity Definition Activity Resource Estimating Cost Estimating Cost Budgeting Human Resource Planning Activity Sequencing Activity Duration Estimating

Risk Management Planning

Risk Identification Quality Planning Qualitative Risk Analysis Communications Planning

Schedule Development


Quantitative Risk Analysis

Plan Purchases and Acquisitions

Plan Contracting Risk Response Planning




The WBS is used in projects to define:

The projects work in terms of deliverables and further decomposition of these deliverables into components.


WBS has two goals:

To ensure that the project includes all the work needed. To ensure that the project includes no unnecessary work.

General Process for developing WBS

Step 1: Identify the final product(s) of the projectwhat must be delivered to achieve project success. A thorough review of high-level project scope documents (inputs such as statement of work [SOW], technical requirements documents, and so on) is recommended to ensure consistency between the WBS and the project requirements. Step 2: Define the products major deliverables, which are often predecessor deliverables necessary for the project, but that in themselves do not satisfy a business need (e.g., a design specification). Step 3: Decompose major deliverables to a level of detail appropriate for management and integrated control. These WBS elements normally tie to clear and discrete identification of stand-alone deliverable products. Step 4: Review and refine the WBS until project stakeholders agree that project planning can be successfully completed and that execution and control will successfully produce the desired outcomes.

WBS of Highway (Ph2)

Phase 2


Traffic Control


Site Work



Contract Close out

Site Preparation


Paving & Resurfacing

Electrical Utilities

Construction Facilities & Temp. Control

Site Removals

Barrier & Enclosure

OBS Assigned to WBS Elements

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