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Northallerton College Media Studies Shooting Schedule Sheet Number Time 14:00 Location 1 Date 08/03/2013 4


Northallerton College

Description of shots A variety of shots e.g. mid shot, close up, 2shot, over-the-shoulder shot etc. Cast Ian to play Zack, Rob to play Daniel, Jess to play Doctor, Dominique to play Nurse, & 2 extra females to play headache party goers. Costume Standard male clothing for the boys, standard female clothing for the party goers, hospital clothing for the doctor and nurse, including lab coats and traditional hospital trousers. Props Stethoscope, paper, pen, bag, coat.

Equipment (make sure it is booked for the date and time you require) Camera, tripod, microphone, green screen, white screen, lighting equipment, white-balance sheet, and storyboard. Notes One of the scenes we are planning to film is not in our original storyboard, but we have added it as it will help the narrative and establishing of the main character, as well as being a good opening shot to put titles over. There are scenes outside and indoors. Has risk assessment been carried out and uploaded to blog? YES

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