Dua of Imam Ghazali

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Du` of Imm Ab mid al-Ghazl From ayyuhl walad al-mu Dear Beloved Son ib

[to be read after every prayer]

O Allh, I ask of You complete blessings, lasting protection from sin, comprehensive mercy, acquisition of well-bring [in this world and the next], the best provision, the happiest life, the most complete favour, the most generous blessing, the sweetest grace and the closest gentleness. Allhumma inn asaluka min an-na`mati tammah, wa min al-`i mati dawmah, wa min ar-ra mati shumlah, wa min al-`fiyati ulah, wa min al-`aishi arghadahu, wa min al-`umuri as`adahu, wa min alisni atammahu, wa min al in`mi a`ammahu, wa min al-fa a`dhabahu, wa min al-lu aqrabahu. li fi O Allh, be for us and not against us. O Allh, seal our lives with happiness and good fortune, realise our aspirations accompanied with further increase. Combine our mornings and evenings with safety and make Your compassion our return and our last resort and pour the best of Your forgiveness over our sins and favour us with the reform of our defects. Make piety our provision and grant us interpretative judgement in Your religion, and make us depend on You and have confidence only in You. Allhumma kun lan wa l takun `alayn, Allhumm-akhtim bis-sa`dati jlan, wa aqqiq biz-zaydati mlan, waqrin bil-`fti ghuduwwan wlan, waj`al il ramatika maran wa mlan, wabub sijla `afwika `al dhunbin, wa munna `alayn bi ili `uybin, waj`alit-taqw zdan, wa fi dnikajtihdan, wa `alayka tawakkulan wa `timdan. O Allh, make us firm on the path of steadfastness, and safeguard us in this world from matters that will bring shame on the Day of Judgment, and lighten for us the burden of our sins, and grant us lives of the righteous and protect us from the evil of the evil ones. Save our necks and the necks of our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters from the fire of Hell by your compassion, O Most Powerful One, Most Forgiving, Most Generous, Concealing of our faults; O You, Most Knowledgeable, Most Overwhelming, O Allh! O Allh! O Allh! By Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful, O First before the first, Last after the lasts, O Possessor of Strength, Everlasting, Compassionate to the destitute, Most Compassionate to those who are compassionate. There is no god but You, glory be to You, verily I am of the wrongdoers. And may Allh bless our Prophet Mu ammad, his family and all his Followers and Companions. All praise belongs to Allh, the Lord of the worlds. Allhumma thabbitn `al nahj-il istiqmati, wa a`idhn fid-duny min mjibtin-nadmati yawm al-qiymati, wa khaffif `ann thiqal-al auzri, warzuqn `shat-al ibrri, wakfin sharr-al ashrri, wa `tiq riqban wari qba b in wa ammahtn wa akhwtin minan-nri, biramatika y `azzu y ghaffru, y karmu y sattru, y `almu y jabbru y Allhu. Y Allhu. Y Allhu. Biramatika y aram ar-raimn wa y awwal-alawwaln, wa y khir-al-khirn, wa y dhl-quwwatil-matnu, wa y rim-al-maskn, wa y aram ar-rimn, l ilha ill anta subanaka inn kuntumina-limn, wa allaAllhu `al sayyidin muammadin wa lihi wa abihi ajma`n, wal-amdullilhi rabb-il-`lamn.

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