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Regarding to the experiment objectives that are to determine the differences in temperature between a parallel flow and a counter flow and to determine the most efficient of concentric heat exchanger whether the parallel flow or counter-current flow, this experiment is based on the transfer of heat at a different temperature gradient. We used concentric heat exchanger. This instrument was combined with thermometers and flow rate meter, thus we can control and indicate the temperatures of THin, THout, THmid, TCmid, TCin, and TCout and also the water flow rate (hot and cold). The experiment divided into 2 section A and B. A, constant flow rate, temperature varies and B, constant temperature, varies flow rate. In experiment A, parallel flow is more efficient than counter flow. For parallel flow, the average efficiency is 29.31% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.096 W/m2K at 60 C and 1.12 W/m2K at 70 C. Meanwhile for counter flow the average efficiency we get is 26.67% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is none at 60 C and 0.94W/m2K at 70 C. In experiment B, counter flow is more efficient than parallel flow. For parallel flow, the average efficiency we get is 34.62% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.10 W/m2K at 2500 cm3/min and 1.53 W/m2K at 3500 cm3/min. Meanwhile for counter flow the average efficiency we get is 35.39% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.44 W/m2K at 2500 cm3/min and 1.4 W/m2K at 3500 cm3/min. The experiment was completely and successfully done.

2. Introduction

The process of heat exchanger between two fluids that are at different temperatures and separated by a solid wall occurs in many engineering application. The device used to implement this exchange is termed a heat exchanger, and specific applications may be found in space heating and air conditioning, power production, waste heat recovery, and chemical processing. Heat exchanger is typically classified according to flow arrangement and type of construction. The simplest heat exchanger is one for which the hot and cold fluids move in the same or opposite directions in a concentric tube (or double- pipe) construction. In the parallel- flow arrangement, the hot and cold fluids enter at the same end, flow in the same direction, and leave at the same end. In the counter flow arrangement, the fluids enter at opposite ends, flow in opposite directions, and leave at opposite ends.

The heats were transfer between the two fluids by convection mode which is from the hot fluid to the wall and also by conduction which is occur within the wall itself and back to the convection which is from the wall to the cold fluid. This concentric tube heat exchanger is the simplest one of heat exchanger between the other types of heat exchanger. This type mainly used for small flow rates of fluid. Another type heat exchanger is shell and tube heat exchanger. This heat exchanger has some number of shell-and-tube passes and the simplest form which involves single tube and shell passes. This type usually

installed with baffles where it increase the convection coefficient by inducing the formation of turbulence flow and a cross-flow velocity component.

3. Aims/Objectives

The objectives of this experiment:

Understand the operating principles of concentric tube heat exchanger. Determine the differences in temperature between a parallel flow and a counter flow. Determine the most efficiency of concentric heat exchanger whether the parallel flow or counter-current flow.

4. Theory

Heat exchangers with only one phase (liquid or gas) on each side can be called onephase or single-phase heat exchangers. Two-phase heat exchangers can be used to heat a liquid to boil it into a gas (vapor), sometimes called boilers, or cool a vapor to condense it into a liquid (called condensers), with the phase change usually occurring on the shell side. One of the most common, conductive-convective, heat exchanger types is the concentric tube heat exchanger. These exchangers are built of coaxial tubes placed the ones inside the others. When both the fluids enter from the same side and flow through the same direction we have the parallel flow (concurrent flow), otherwise, if the fluids enter from opposite sides and flow through the contrary direction we have the countercurrent flow. Usually the countercurrent flow is more efficient from the heat transfer point of view. This type of heat exchangers can also be built with the internal tube made with longitudinal fins which could be placed either in its internal surface or in its external one or both. This configuration is useful mainly if one of the fluids is a gas or a liquid with a very high viscosity and it's very difficult to have a good thermal convection coefficient.

To find the efficiency, ; Efficiency, =

q qmax


[mH.cp, H(TH, in - TH, out )] [Cmin (TH, in - TC, in)]


= ______% *the value for cp can be evaluated from Table A_6, Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer, Sixth Edition, John Wiley and Sons The heat transfer from the hot fluid to the cold fluid is given by the following equation: q =U A LMTD Where: U, is the overall heat transfer coefficient. A, is the internal exchange surface area between the two fluids LMTD is a log mean temperature difference, and it's given by: Tlm =

2 T,1 , 2 , ln ,1

(TH, in TC, out) - (TH, out TC, in) (TH, in TC, out) ln (TH, out TC, in)

Counter flow

Parallel flow

5. Apparatus

1. Concentric Heat Exchanger. 2. Water.

6. Procedure
A. Constant flowrate, temperature varies 1. Switch on the main switch. 2. Switch on the temperature and pump switches. 3. Set the valve for counter flow. 4. Set the hot flowrate at 2500 cm/min and cold water flowrate at 2500 cm/min. 5. Set the temperature at 60 C
6. Let the system stable until THin is 60 C and take the temperature at THout, THmid,

TCmid, TCin, TCout. 7. Repeat step 4 til 6 by varying the temperature at 70 C. 8. Repeat step 4 til 7 with co-counter flow.

A. Constant temperature, flowrate varies.

1) Set the valve for co-counter flow. 8

2) Set the temperature at 69 C. 3) Set the hot water flowrate at 2500 cm/min and cold water flowrate at 3000 cm/min.
4) Let the system stable and take the temperature at THout, THmid, TCmid, TCin, TCout.

5) Repeat step 3 and 4 by varying the hot water flowrate to 3500 cm/min. 6) Repeat step 2 til 5 with counter flow.

7. Result

A. Constant flow rate, temperature varies:

Heat Exchanger THin THout

Temperature THmid TCin TCout TCmid

Hot Flow Rate (cm3/min)

Cold Flow Rate (cm3/min)

Parallel Flow

















Counter Flow















Parallel Flow i.


Counter Fow i.


A. Constant temperature varies flow rate:

Heat Exchanger THin THout

Temperature THmid TCin TCout TCmid

Hot Flow Rate (cm3/min)

Cold Flow Rate (cm3/min)

Parallel Flow


















Counter Flow


















Parallel Flow i.


Counter Flow i.




8. Calculations
Sample calculation: Exp A. constant flow rate, temperature varies: i. parallel flow (60 C) QH= 2500 cm3/min QC= 2500 cm3/min mH= QH x = 0.0417 kg/s mC = QC x = 0.0417 kg/s

60 C ~ Cp,H = 4.187 kJ/kg.s

29 C ~ Cp,C = 4.179 kJ/kg.s

The value for cp can be evaluated from Table A_6, Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer, Sixth Edition, John Wiley and Sons.


= mH x. Cp,H = 0.175 kJ/s =mC x. Cp,C = 0.174 kJ/s * we consider this one is Cmin because the value is smaller

Efficiency, =
q qmax


[mH.cp, H(TH, in - TH, out )] [Cmin (TH, in - TC, in)]

= 0.175 kJ/s (60-51) C 100% 0.174 kJ/s (60 29) C = 29.19 %


Sample calculation: Exp B. constant temperature, flow rate varies:


parallel flow (2500cm3/min) QH= 2500 cm3/min QC= 3000 cm3/min mH = QH x = 0.0417 kg/s mC = QC x = 0.05 kg/s

69 C ~ Cp,H = 4.19 kJ/kg.s

29 C ~ Cp,C = 4.179 kJ/kg.s

The value for cp can be evaluated from Table A_6, Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer, Sixth Edition, John Wiley and Sons.


= mH x. Cp,H = 0.175 kJ/s * we consider this one is Cmin because the value is smaller =mC x. Cp,C = 0.209 kJ/s

Efficiency, =
q qmax


[mc.cp, c(TH, in - TH, out )] [Cmin (TH, in - TC, in)]

= 0.175 kJ/s (69-57) C 100% 0.209 kJ/s (69 29) C = 35.82 %


Sample calculation: Area (given) = 0.067



q___ A X Tlm

Tlm = T1 T2 / ln(T1/ T2)

Exp A. constant flow rate, temperature varies, parallel flow (60 C)

U = ___1.57 kJ.K/s____ 0.067m2 x 21.39 K = 1.096 W/m2K


A. Constant flow rate, temperature varies


q (kJ.K/s)

qmax (kJ.K/s)


Average efficiency, %


U (W/m2K)

Parallel Exp. A Counter flow flow

60 70 60

1.57 2.1 1.575

5.394 7.134 5.394

29.19 29.43 29.19 26.67 29.31

21.39 27.90 0

1.096 1.12 -







B. Constant temperature varies flow rate

Flow rate.

q (kJ.K/s)

qmax (kJ.K/s)


Average efficiency, %


U (W/m2K)

Parallel Exp. B Counter flow

2500 3500 2500

2.508 2.7945 2.717

7.0 8.36 7.0

35.82 33.42 38.81 34.62

33.93 27.22 28.23

1.10 1.53 1.44










9. Discussions

Regarding to the experiment objectives that are to determine the differences in temperature between a parallel flow and a counter flow and to determine the most efficient of concentric heat exchanger whether the parallel flow or counter-current flow, this experiment is based on the transfer of heat at a different temperature gradient. To archive the objectives of the experiment, we used concentric heat exchanger. This instrument was combined with thermometers and flow rate meter, thus we can control and indicate the temperatures of THin, THout, THmid, TCmid, TCin, and TCout and also the water flow rate (hot and cold). The flow of water through this concentric heat exchanger can be whether parallel or counter flow by adjusting the flow valves. In experiment A, we fix the flow rate but vary the temperature. The flow rate is to be 2500 cm3/min while the temperatures are at 60 C and 70 C for both parallel and counter flow. For parallel flow, the average efficiency we get is 29.31% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.096 W/m2K at 60 C and 1.12 W/m2K at 70 C. Meanwhile for counter flow the average efficiency we get is 26.67% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is none at 60 C and 0.94W/m2K at 70 C. In experiment B, we fix the temperature but vary the flow rate. The flow rate is to be 2500 cm3/min and 3500 cm3/min for hot flow rate and 3000 cm3/min for cold flowrate while the temperatures are fix at THin, 69 C and TCin, 29 C for both parallel and counter flow. For parallel flow, the average efficiency we get is 34.62% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.10 W/m2K at 2500 cm3/min and 1.53 W/m2K at 3500 cm3/min. Meanwhile for counter flow the average efficiency we get is 35.39% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.44 W/m2K at 2500 cm3/min and 1.4 W/m2K at 3500 cm3/min.


We notice that in experiment A, the parallel flow is more efficient than counter flow. The truth should be counter flow is more efficient than the parallel flow. This may because of several errors occur during the experiment progress. The common error occurs is the eye position while taking the reading from the thermometer. The eye position of eye should be parallel to the thermometer meniscus. Besides, we may be forgotten to press enter key after setting the temperature needed, this is self mistake. The flow rates which always easily change during the experiment may also cause this problem. The reading for the digital thermometer is differing than the barometric thermometers also cause the error to occur. There are no problems occur in experiment B, the result shows that the counter flow is more efficient than parallel flow. The flow rate is easily to control than controlling the temperature. The correct and perfect result may be obtained if we can minimize the errors; the counter flow is more efficient than parallel flow can be proved.


10. Conclusion
In experiment A, parallel flow is more efficient than counter flow. For parallel flow, the

average efficiency is 29.31% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.096 W/m2K at 60 C and 1.12 W/m2K at 70 C. Meanwhile for counter flow the average efficiency we get is 26.67% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is none at 60 C and 0.94W/m2K at 70 C.

In experiment B, counter flow is more efficient than parallel flow. For parallel flow, the average efficiency we get is 34.62% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.10 W/m2K at 2500 cm3/min and 1.53 W/m2K at 3500 cm3/min. Meanwhile for counter flow the average efficiency we get is 35.39% while the overall heat transfer coefficient, U is 1.44 W/m2K at 2500 cm3/min and 1.4 W/m2K at 3500 cm3/min.


11. Recommendations

The eye position should be perpendicular to the meniscus and the scale. Repeat the experiment at least 3 times to get accurate values and to make comparisons. Monitor the flow rates during experiment to make sure that the flow rate remains constant. Monitor the temperature during experiment to make sure it is constant. Avoid any leakage of the instrument, the instrument should be working properly Avoid direct contact with water because it is hot.

12. References

Perry, R.H., and D. Green, Perrys Chemical Engineering Handbook, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1984. Bennett, C. O., and J. E. Myers, Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1983.

Fundamental of Heat and Mass Tramsfer ( 6th Edition,) John wiley & sons(Asia) Pte Ltd Saunders, E. A. (1988). Heat Exchanges: Selection, Design and Construction. New York: Longman Scientific and Technical.


13. Appendices


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