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Nicotine Addicted

Sarah silaen 4101401012

How global it is
Brain mechanisms Clinnical aspects of nicotine addiction

Vulnerability to addiction

How global it is
Currently, about 45 million Americans smoke tobacco. 70% of smokers say they would like to quit, and every year, 40% do quit for at least 1 day
But ONLY 3% of them quit SUCCESFULLY

On average,435.000 people in the United States die prematurely from smoking related diseases each year overall, smoking causes 1 in 5 deaths

Brain mechanisms
Smoke particles carry the nicotine into the lungs rapidly absorbed into the pulmonary venous circulation then enters the arterial circulation moves quickly from the lungs to the brain

The biology of nicotine addicted

Tobacco product Environmental influences Smoking behavior

Nicotine in body

Nicotinic cholinergic receptors

Neutrotransmitter release

Reduce tolerance

Reinforcement Enhanced performance Mood modulation Lower body weight Reversal of withdrawal symptoms Self-medication

Clinical aspects
Psychoactive Effects of Nicotine
1. 2. Nicotine induces pleasure and reduces stress and anxiety Then causes the emergance of withdrawal symptons irritability,depressed mood,restlessness,an anxiety When a person who is addicted to nicotine stops smoking, the urge to resume is recurrent and persists long after withdrawal symptoms dissipate

Conditioned Behavior

Vulnerability to addiction
The risk of dependence increases when smoking begins early early exposure to nicotine increases the severity of dependence On average, women metabolize nicotine more quickly than men explain why,among smokers,it is more difficult for women to quit

So,its better to stop now!


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