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2008 – 09 SAC Senate - Meeting 9 02/11/09

I. Call to Order

II. Roll call

III. Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes

IV. Opening Issues

1. Follow-up to Impeachment (President Alexander Saxton)
2. Vacancies (President Alexander Saxton)

V. Statements by Executives
1. Fix-the Field Update (President Alexander Saxton)
2. Humanitarian Initiatives (Treasurer Sam Zivot)
3. Prom (ESD Ellie Graham)
4. Next SAC Day (ESD Ellie Graham)
5. Surveys (Secretary Carol Xiong)
6. Bookmark (Secretary Carol Xiong)
7. Official SAC email:, or (Secretary
Carol Xiong)
8. Donation of a small pringles can (Secretary Carol Xiong)
9. Webmaster Senator Bill (Secretary Carol Xiong)
10. Other Executive addresses

VI. Statements by Senators

1. PTA Senator Update (PTA Senator Rebecca Altar)
2. TDSB Supercouncil (TDSB Supercouncil Senators Charilie Fenton or Dani Tian)
3. Additional Updates

VII. Statements by Committees

VIII. Other Business

IX. Discussion and Question Period

X. Joke-of-the-Day

XI. Adjournment

1 Created by Q Carol Xiong (2008–09 SAC Secretary)

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