Abstract Submissions Form

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Dalhousie University, 12-13 April, 2013 Abstract and Registration Form Deadline Sunday, February, 24th, 2013 Attendance

e is Free but Registration is required for Logistical Purposes

1. Type of Participation* If willing to present either as a poster or oral presentation, please indicate by numbering First choice as 1 and Second choice as 2. Group project papers are also acceptable.
Oral Presentation

Poster Presentation

Attending: Please go to #6 Other


2. Theme* If cross-cutting indicate in your abstract which one is the most applicable. If other please explain.
Responsible development Public engagement

Informed governance


3. Oral or Poster Presentation Title

Adapting the Marine Protected Area network planning process for Climate Change

4. Contact Details
Presenter (s) Name: Christine Stortini Faculty: Email:
Graduate studies c.stortini@dal.ca

School/Program: Cell / Phone #:

School for Resource and Environmental Studies (Masters of Environmental Studies) (902)292-0268

5. Course Details
Course Name: Professors Name: Course #: Email:

6. Attending the Conference

Name: Email Contact:

7. ABSTRACT (300 500 words)

Email this form with your abstract (if presenting) to the conference organizers at OceansConf@dal.ca . Deadline is Sunday, February 24thh, 2013. Successful presenters will be notified by the organizers by mid March.
Please tell us how you heard about this conference Email from MAP student Jenna Stoner

If you have any questions please contact the conference organizers at OceansConf@dal.ca Further information will be available on the conference website shortly.

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