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Conclusion Questions

1.) The highest weight of the minerals was Galena. 2.) Finding the volume of the displaced water was easy because all you do is put a rock over it and the then subtract the volume of the rock. The rock helps so that the wood will sink when the rock is over it. 3.) The definition of density is the amount of mass in a given space. 4.) No because Mr. Shern never told us how to do it but my team and me figured it out. 5.) In class we learned that there is a special weight for gold and a special weight for pyrite (fools gold).

6.) It depends on the type of water, and when you put cargo on a ship you can only fill it up to the ship to the top of the plimsoll line based on the type of water. 7.) I learned a lot about density of minerals and how they have a system about the plimsoll line and also about how to get the density of a mineral.

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