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Connecting with Past Learnings

Economics and History

Slavery in Ancient Rome

ECONOMICS FOCUS Slaves contributed greatly to Romes economic prosperity
through the production of goods and services. However, gains obtained in such manner can prove to be costly to society.

As you read, compare slavery in Rome to what you know about slavery in the United States. Slaves provided much of the labor in ancient Rome. In the city itself, many slaves were part of the civil service. They were ordered to undertake jobs such as maintaining the aqueducts. The emperors household was maintained by slaves. Many private households utilized slave labor, as well. Rome acquired slaves from conquered territories, kidnappings, and the enslavement of abandoned infants. Estimates of the size of the slave population vary widely. This is because slaves were not counted in census taking as citizens. One estimate states that slaves were 1/3 of the total population. Another puts the ratio of slaves to citizens at 1:1. Yet another estimate claims that slaves outnumbered citizens by a ratio of 5 to 3.
Rome: Citizen and Slave Populations
Year Roman Citizens Slave Population (1/3 estimate) Slave Population (5:3 estimate)

115 BC 70 BC 27 BC 13 AD 47 AD

394,336 900,000 4,063,000 4,937,000 6,944,000

131,445 300,000 1,354,333 1,645,667 2,314,667

657,227 1,500,000 6,771,667 8,228,333 11,573,333

Use the data in the table to answer the following questions.

1. What do each of the three estimates indicate the slave population to be in 70 BC?

Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.


The Fall of Rome






Slavery in Ancient Rome, continued

Economics and History

2. What do each of the three estimates indicate the slave population to be in 27 BC?

3. What do each of the three estimates indicate the slave population to be in 47 AD?

4. Critical Thinking: Application Some scholars believe that the size of Romes slave

population, along with related problems such as slave revolts, was one of the factors that led to the fall of the empire. Why do you suppose this might be so?

Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.


The Fall of Rome

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