02-13-13 Special Board Meeting Minutes

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The West City Village Board met for a special meeting on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was opened by Pres. Charles Cockrum. Roll call of attendance: Pres. Charles Cockrum, present; Shannon Sloan, Temp. Clerk, present; Board Members present: Darren Romani, Curtis Baldwin, Linda Sullivan, Gordon Rice, Dale Watkins and Ron House. Chief of Police Scott Choisser also present. Motion by Ron House, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion to pass Resolution #312 regarding the State of Illinois Community Development Assistant Program Grant. All Board members voted yea motion carried. Discussion regarding the Residential Waste Collection and Disposal Contract. Ron has written a letter but there hasnt been any response yet tabled until next meeting. Discussion on purchasing new storm warning equipment. Tabled until next meeting. Motion by Curtis Baldwin, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion to purchase a new heating and Cooling Unit for the WCCC in an amount not to exceed $10753.40 from Carl Valanski Heating & Air. All Board Members voted yea motioned carried. Discussion on the venting of the roofs at the WCCC. Tabled until next meeting. Motion by dale Watkins, second by Linda Sullivan, I make a motion to purchase a new pump for the main lift station from Vandevanter Engineering in an amount not to exceed $7,200.00. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Ron House, I make a motion to adjourn. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Charles Cockrum, Pres. Shannon Sloan, Temp Clerk

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