Introduction To Investment

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1.1 CONCEPTS OF INVESTMENT, SPECULATION AND GAMBLING Investment: Foregoing the present consumption in expectation of having greater consumption opportunities in the future. Speculation: Aim high gain or heavy loss,'. Higher level of risk and more uncertain expected returns. Gambling: Gambling at 'out of proportion gain or total loss.' Depend more on luck and chances.

Differences between Investment and Speculation Investment Earning a good ROR for an appropriate level of risk Speculation 1. Risk and Return Willing to take high risk in exchange for a high ROR by buying very volatile stocks. 2. Time Horizon Hold securities for a longer period Interested in seeking opportunities over a of time. At least 1 year short period of time. Few days, weeks or months. 3. Performance Interested in a company with a Interested in a less consistent consistent performance performance along with some abnormal and extremely ROR. 4. Motivation Investor is more concerned with Speculators are more concerned with dividend payments & com long rapid short term price appreciation. term growth prospect 5. Decisions and Funds to buy 5. Decisions and Funds to buy Careful & thorough fundamental Speculators will buy securities using analysis in terms of past borrowed funds and choose securities performance and future prospects. mostly based on intuition and rumors spread in the market. Normally use their own money to buy securities



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Differences between Investment and Gambling Gambling 1. Purpose A way of earning an income Is a form of entertainment 2. Time Horizon Hold securities for a longer period A gamble is over when a dice is rolled or of time. At least 1 year a card is turned. Short period of time 3. Need for Analysis An investor rely on careful analysis Depends on luck of the market to reduce the risk in investing 4. Risk and Return The return in investment will In gambling, a gambler takes on the risk commensurate with the risk that that is greater than the commensurate the investor assumes. Also have expected return. Gambling has high risk risk but on average the return is and the players return on average is positive. negative Investment



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Insurance Protection Reserve for emergency 1. PERSONAL OBJECTIVE S Childrens education

Providing a home


Providing for retirement 3. INVESTMENT CONSTRAINTS

2. FINANCIAL OBJECTIVES Portfolio diversification Safety of principal

Liquidity of portfolios

Financial Constraint

Management Constraint

Stability in income

Protection against inflation


Psychological Constraint





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DEFINITION An investment is any vehicle into which funds can be placed with the expectation of preserving or increasing value and earning a positive rate of return. An investment can be a security or a property. Individuals invest because an investment has the potential to preserve or increase value and to earn income. It is important to stress that this does not imply that an investment will in fact preserve value or earn income. Bad investments do exist. TYPES OF INVESTMENT (a) Securities and property are simply two classes of investments. Securities are investments, commonly evidenced by certificates, which represent a legal claim. For example, a bond represents a legal claim on debt, and a stock represents a proportionate ownership in the firm. An option, on the other hand, represents the legal right to either buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price within a specified time period. Property constitutes investments in either real property (land and buildings) or tangible personal property (paintings, vases, or antique cars). (b) With a direct investment, an individual acquires a direct claim on a security or property. For example, an investment in one share of IBM stock directly provides the stockholder a proportionate ownership in IBM. An indirect investment provides an indirect claim on a security or property. For example, if you bought one share of Fidelity Growth Fund (a mutual fund), you are in effect buying a portion of a portfolio of securities owned by the fund. Thus, you will have a claim on a fraction of an entire portfolio of securities. (c)An investment in debt represents funds loaned in exchange for the receipt of interest income and repayment of the loan at a given future date. The bond, a common debt instrument, pays specified interest over a specified time period, then repays the face value of the loan. An equity investment provides an investor an ongoing fractional ownership interest in a firm. The most common example is an investment in a companys common stock. Derivative securities are securities derived from debt or equity securities and structured to exhibit characteristics different from the underlying securities. Options are derivative securities that allow an investor to sell or buy another security or asset at a specific price over a given time period. For example, an investor might purchase an option to buy Company X stock for $50 within nine months. (d) Short-term investments typically mature within one year while long-term investments have longer maturities, including common stock, which has no maturity at all. However, long-term investments can be used to satisfy short-term financial goals.


Investment goals are the financial objectives you wish to achieve by investing in any of a wide range of investment vehicles. Common investment goals are as follows. (a)Enhancing current income means choosing investment vehicles that regularly pay dividends and interest that can provide all or some of the money needed to meet living expenses. This is a common goal of retired persons and sometimes an important part of a normal family budget. (b) Saving for major expenditures includes money set aside for such things as the down payment on a home, college tuition, and even an expensive vacation. The amount of money needed and the time period over which one can save will determine the amount set aside and, frequently, the investment vehicle employed. (c)The single most important reason for investing is to accumulate retirement funds. The amount that must be set aside is determined by the level of expected expenditures, expected income from social security and other sources, and the amount of interest expected to be earned on savings. (d) Sheltering income from taxes involves taking advantage of certain tax provisions that permit reduction of the income reported to the government or direct reductions in taxes. Investments in certain assets, such as real estate, may be attractive due to their tax advantages. STEPS TO INVESTMENT The seven steps in investing are as follows: 1. Meeting Investment Prerequisites: Providing for necessities of life, adequate protection against losses, and setting retirement goals. 2. Establishing Investment Goals: Investment goals are the financial objectives that one wishes to achieve by investing. Common investment goals are: Accumulating retirement funds; Enhancing current income through interest income and dividends; Savings for major expenditure like home, education etc.; Sheltering income from taxes. 3. Adopting an Investment Plan: An investment plan is a written document describing how funds will be invested. The more specific your investment goal, the easier it will be to establish an investment plan consistent with your goals. 4. Evaluating Investment Vehicles: In this step, the measures of risk and return are used to estimate the perceived worth of an investment vehicle. This process is called valuation. 5. Selecting Suitable Investments: This step involves careful selection of investment vehicles that are consistent with established goals and offer acceptable levels of return, risk, and value. 6. Constructing a Diversified Portfolio: Diversification is the concept of forming a portfolio using different investment vehicles to reduce risk and increase return. This concept is central to constructing an effective portfolio. 7. Managing the Portfolio: Portfolio management involves monitoring the portfolio and restructuring it as dictated by the actual behavior of the investments. INVESTMENT CONSTRAINTS

1. Financial Constraints: refer to whether an investor can allocate some portion of savings for investment activities. If an investor has more than enough savings to cater for present and future financial requirements, than they would have less financial constraints. 2. Psychological Constraints: refers to how well an investor can absorb the consequences of an investment decision. Emotions like greed, fear, caution and hope will be a vital part in any investment decision. If investors cannot control their emotion, they might end up wrong and costly investment decision. 3. Management Constraint: refers to the lack of expertise in managing the investment activities. Investors might not have the time or proper knowledge to analyze the investment alternatives. 1.3 INVESTMENT RISK AND RETURN Definition: In finance, risk refers to the chance that the return from an investment will differ from its expected value. The broader the range of possible values (dispersion), the greater the risk of the investment. Low-risk investments are those considered safe with respect to the return of funds invested and the receipt of a positive rate of return. High-risk investments are those which have more uncertain future values and levels of earnings. Return: the future value amount that can get from an investment activity (reward) Example: if Mr. X expect to get a return of 15% out of an investment but the actual return turns out to be 10%, then the 5% difference reflect the risk involves in that particular investment.


SYSTEMATIC RISK Due to common factor Affects return on all securities Cannot be protected against through diversification Sources: SYSTEMATIC RISK a. Purchasing Power/ Inflation Risk b. Market Risk c. Interest Rate Risk

UNSYSTEMATIC RISK Due to unique factor Affects return on one security Can be protected through diversification Sources: a. Business Risk b. Financial Risk


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Systematic risks are risks that are uncontrollable, external, cannot diversified and affect all securities in the same manner. In other words, it refers to the factors affecting the prices of all securities. Factors such as changes in economy, politics and social, business, interest rate, inflation, war and international incident account for systematic risk. It cannot diversify. It will cause prices of nearly all types of investment to move together in the same manner. For example if the economic condition of a country is getting better, the corporate profits will double or triple and stock prices will jump up in the expectations of better earnings reported by the issuing companies. In contrast, if there is an unexpected announcement that the government will nationalize all major firms, stock prices would drop sharply.

SOURCES AND HEDGING MECHANISM 1. Purchasing Power / Inflation Risk Uncertainty of the purchasing power of the expected return to be received in the future. When an investor buys stock, he/she is postponing the present use of money and foregoing the opportunity to buy goods or services as long as the investor holds the stock. If the during the holding period, the prices of goods and services rises, the investor is actually losing the purchasing power. The reduction in purchasing power in the future is due to the increase in inflation rate. Sources of inflation could be due to the rising costs of production and excess demand for goods and services. Must carefully construct their investment portfolio Short term securities Diversify into investment in real estate

How to hedge against purchasing power:

2. Market Risk Refers to the possibility of loss due to fluctuations in stock prices. The prices of a stock go up and down due to the investors reaction to both tangible and intangible events. Tangible events: political, social, economic factors Intangible events: related to the market psychology. Carefully examine Good at the timing Hold stocks for a relatively long period.

How to hedge:



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3. Interest Rate Risk Refer to the fluctuation of interest rate that will affect the future market values and the size of future income. Interest rate is closely related to the bonds market because bonds are a fixedincome security where interest rate determines the size of coupon payment. When interest rate rises, the bond market would be more attractive compare to stock market. Because: 1. Higher returns 2. Most companies are financed by borrowed fund and when interest rate increases, these companies would have to pay higher interest, thus would have lower earnings and less dividend payments for the shareholders. 3. Increases in interest rate will discourage the investors who buy stocks and margin or using borrowed funds to buy stock due to higher interest rate. So, when interest rate rises, it will pull down the stock prices due to less demand from buyers. How to hedge: 1. Choose a short-term fixed-income 2. Hold securities until maturity UNSYSTEMATIC RISK Unsystematic risks are risks that are unique to a firm or an industry. It is associated with random causes that can be eliminated through diversification. Factors such as regulatory action, mismanagement of a firm, labor difficulties, consumer preferences, loss of key account and labor strike are sources of unsystematic risk. For example, only the stock price of Tenaga Nasional will affected by the news of a major explosion in the Tenaga Nasional power plant. The price of other unrelated stocks shouldnt be affected since the factor contributing to unsystematic risk only affects one firm. Sources and Hedging Mechanism 1. Business Risk Related to the operating environment of the business. Maybe because of internal or external factors. External factors: operating conditions imposed upon the firm by circumstances beyond its control such as business cycle. Internal factors: how efficient the company conducts its business How to reduce: 1. Good management team 2. Diversification 2. Financial Risk Refers to how a firm finances its activities. Investors will look at the firms capital structure. Investors are concerned whether the company is heavily financed by fixed-payment intstruments such as debt and preferred stocks. How to reduce: How to finance


ER Return


0 Risk

Figure 1.1: The relationship between risk and return Figure 1.1 shows the relationship between risk and return. The horizontal axis (X) represents risk and the vertical axis (Y) represents the return. The line from 0 to Y1 called the expected return of risk free investment and is commonly associated with government treasury securities. The diagonal line from Y1 to ER illustrates the concept of risk and return trade-off which has a positive relationship. Risk is measures along axis X and increases from left to right, and return is measured along axis Y and increases from bottom to top. As the risk increases (going from left to right on axis Y) the return also increases (going from Y1 to up on axis Y). In short, there is a positive relationship between the amount of risk assumed and the amount of expected return. Investors preference towards risk 1. Risk averse Conservative type. They require an additional expected return to compensate for accepting an increase in risk. This type of investors will make sure that they will get a return for each dollar they put in an investment. 2. Risk taker Aggressive type. Investors who are willing to accept a large amount of risk for relatively small increase in the expected return. 3. Risk neutral

Moderate type. Investors who would be satisfied if they will get only the principal that they put in the investment.



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