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Name: Karl Henriques

Date: 3/8/2013

Investigate Part 3. Design Specification

I. Design Specification a. Idea for design b. Source of materials c. Learner Profile attribute to show d. Main function(s) of product e. Specific types of materials to be used (wood, metal, paper, plastic, etc. f. Size/Shape/Dimensions g. Color(s) h. Design detail that makes the product strong/sturdy i. Design detail that makes the product safe to use j. Specific Mozambican-inspired design/theme to be shown in the product k. Target audience/intended users l. Tools/Techniques needed to create the product. m.Time/days needed to create the product n.Other design detail

Unit 3. Project Clock Face Design

My Design Specification 1. Mozambican-inspired theme or design 2. Recycled materials will be used 3. Knowledge 4. To tell me what should be doing 5. What we find in the trash 6. Circle like a kitchen clock 7. Red Black yellow and a lot more 8. looks good 9. materials wish doesnt hurt you it is not heavy 10. Mozambique colors 11. Me and other students 12. Find materials that I can use 13. 1-3 weeks 14. Click here to enter text.

II. Product Testing A. Using Google Forms, construct a survey form that you and your intended users will use to test if the product satisfies the Design Specification. (You will only use this survey during the Evaluate stage) 1. Provide the link to the survey form you created: <iframe src=" 2. Provide the link to the Summary of Responses of your survey: Click here to enter text. B. Discuss your answers to the following questions in 1 paragraph: 1. How did you use the Design Specification in your survey questions? 2. How will you distribute the survey? Who will answer your survey? How many people do you need to answer your survey? 3. How will you and your intended users test the product? How will you and your intended users check for technical errors in the design of the product? 4. How will you determine if your product successfully solved or addressed the problem/situation it was intended for? If it works or actually ends up looking amazing I would be very happy

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