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The chi-square measures test the hypothesis that the row and column variables in a crosstabulation are independ

H o : Row and column variables are independent (in example below region and division are independet) H a : Row and column variables are not independent there is a relation between

The table provide the value of the test statistics and P-value (in red in the table below) We set significance level (ussualy 0.01 or 0.05) Decision : if P-value less than significance level we reject the null hypothesis If P- value bigger than significance level we do not reject the null hypothesis.

We can go further with interpertation P-value Interpretation P 0.01 very strong evidence against H o (reject H o ) 0.01 P 0.05 0.05 < P 0.10 0.10 < P moderate evidence against H o Moderate support for H o Strong support for H o

The ordinal symmetric measures indicate the significance, strength and direction of the relationship between the row and column variables of a crosstabulation Kendalls tau test the following
H o : Kendals tau = 0 (no relation between row and column variables) H a : Kendalls tau not equal 0

The table provide the value of the test statistics and P-value (in red in the table below) We set significance level (ussualy 0.01 or 0.05) Decision : if P-value less than significance level we reject the null hypothesis If P- value bigger than significance level we do not reject the null hypothesis.

If the decision is H a then the interpretation is as follows For positive : change in vertical direction one (going to the next category) implays change in horizontal

For negative

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