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Importance of Science and Technology in Research Scientific Research comprises a wide variety of fields ranging from the study

of different branches of science to relatively advanced fields like space exploration, human genetics, and cloning. Scientific study attempts to explore and understand the working of the physical world. It tries to analyze the occurrences in nature and gain knowledge about nature through experimentation. Advantages o By using scientific methods, we can facilitate accurate researches. o By using science, we can create our own theories, or test claims of other theories. o Researches regarding the advancement of technology revolutionized human life the developments in the communication technology have made the world a smaller place. The internet serving as an excellent communication platform has made the world flat. o Discovery of useful drugs Medicines were discovered to cure various diseases. o Invention of new treatment of diseases - Scientific researches and experiments helped a lot to invent new methods of surgery and operation. Now laser is used for the treatment of many diseases.

Disadvantages o Deadly weapons were developed through the use of scientific methods - The countries of the world are producing more for destruction than the construction. Millions of scientists are working for developing more deadly weapons. Missiles are produced in the cloth of seasonal rockets.

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