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The implication of social-culture diversity to the students

Overview: - Students are the consumer for every teacher in a classroom. They will be together in every activity held in a classroom. - Therefore, it is the teacher`s responsibility to carry out the lesson plan clearly and efficiently so that the learners can learn at their best. - Nevertheless, there will be differences among the students. This factor forces the teacher to use their skills optimally in managing the classroom. Thus, it is important for the teacher to understand the behavior and student`s culture so that every decision can be made wisely.

There are several guidance in managing the students` behavior : 1. Let the students know about rules and regulations that they must comply during the teaching and learning session. - e.g.: the students must pay attention while the teacher is teaching. - By complying this rule, the students will be able to learn comfortably without facing any difficulty such as noise.

2. Students from different cultures and races should socialize and mingle among them. - This can be done during the teaching and learning session. - All the students should have interaction together without taking into account their social class. - E.g.: rich students should mix with poor students in a discussion made during the T&L session. - Prejudice towards other cultures and races should be avoided so that every lesson planned can be carried out successfully.

3. All the students should practice only one standard language. - The students cannot talk using their own dialect because it might create a misunderstanding to the other students. - E.g.: Indian student talks to his Malay friend using Tamil. His Malay friend will not be able to understand what he is saying. - Therefore, various activities that will improvise the students` language should be carried out to ensure that all students can talk using the standard language. - e.g.: permainan perbendaharaan kata.

4. The students should also interact with their opposite gender. - e.g.: not only man can have interaction with men, but they can also have an interaction/discussion with girls. - Anyway, at the same time, they should be aware about the limitation in their interaction. - E.g.: the interaction should only focus about the activity commanded by the teacher and not going astray from the topic.

5. Teacher as a role model. - When the teacher manages the classroom with patience and love, the students will be more likely to like the teacher and place her as a role model. - E.g.: talking with manner, correcting students` mistakes patiently, and so on. - The students can also be a faster learner as they are comfortable with the way the teacher teaches and handles them.

6. Tackling students with behavioral problems. - Students with behavioral problem should be identified as soon as possible so that other students will not follow his behavior. - E.g.: students who always make noise/disturb other students. - Then, the teacher needs to identify why the students misbehaves. - E.g.: the students feel bored/don`t understand the content. - Later on, the teacher must help the students and continue the lesson by making lots of interaction with the students. - E.g.: constantly giving simple questions and precise examples that easy to be answered and understood by the students. - The students later will be aware that he is given attention by his teacher. - These students will feel that they are valued by the teacher and will continue showing their positive behavior.

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