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Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia

Folic acid deficiency anemia-. Form of megaloblastic (macrocytic) anemia caused by a lack of folic acid in the diet.

Diagnostics > Decreased reticulocyte count

> Folic acid level and Vitamin B12 will be decreased. > Abnormal platelet count


Signs and Symptoms Shortness of breath Progressive fatigue Palpitations Weakness Anorexia Glossitis Nausea Slight jaundice Forgetfulness Irritability Pallor

Decreased folic acid in sytem (may be due to dieatary or pregnancy)

>Macrocytic RBCs > Increased mean corpuscular volume

Inhibition of DNA synthesis in erythropoiesis Megaloblastic RBC formation. Nursing Management:

1. 2. Complications and appearance of anemic manifestations 3. Assess diet for inclusion of foods rich in folic acid ( spinach, broccoli, cabbage, yeast, liver) Encourage the patient to eat a rich source of Vitamin C at each meal to enhance absorption of folic acid Administer folic acid supplement as ordered; throughout pregnancy Monitor the patients complete blood count, platelet count and serum folate levels as ordered Assess maternal vital signs and fetal hear rate as indicated Instruct the patient in the use of prescribed folic acid supplement and need to continue supplement throughout pregnancy

Folic acid (Folvite) Folacin- 800

Health Teachings 1. Educate patients regarding proper nutrition, including eating fruits and vegetables. 2. Educate patients regarding the need to reduce alcohol ingestion. complications and appearance of anemic 3. Discuss the need to take folic acid manifestation supplementation.

4. 5. 6.

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